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Used to compare two sequential data sets, two partitioned data sets or
two PDSEs at the logical record level to verify a backup copy. Fixed,
Variable, or undefined records from blocked or unblocked data sets or
members can also be compared. However, you should not use IEBCOMPR
to compare load modules.


Can be used to:

Make a copy of a partitioned data set or PDSE.

Merge partitioned data sets (except when unloading).

Create a sequential form of a PDS or PDSE for a back up or transport.

Reload one or more members from a PDSU into a partitioned data set or

Select specific members of a PDS or PDSE to be copied, loaded, or


Replace members of a partitioned data set or PDSE.

Rename selected members of a partitioned data set or PDSE when


Exclude members from a data set to be copied, unloaded, or loaded

Compress a partitioned data set in place.

Upgrade a load module for faster loading by MVS program fetch.

Copy and reblock load modules.

Convert load modules in a PDS to program objects in a PDSE .

Convert a partitioned data set to a PDSE or a PDSE to a partitioned data


Copy to or from a PDSE data set, a member and its aliases together as a


IEBDG is a data set utility used to provide a pattern of test data to be used
as a programming debugging aid. This pattern of data can then be
analyzed quickly for predictable results.


To create a data set containing a selection of jobs or job steps. These jobs
or job steps can be entered into the job stream at a later time for


Can be used to:

Create a backup copy of a PS, a member of a PDS or PDSE or an HFS file.

Produce a PDS or PDSE, or a member of a PDS or PDSE, from a PS or


Expand a PDS by creating members and merging them into the existing
data set.

Produce an edited sequential or partitioned data set or PDSE.

Manipulate data sets containing double-byte character set data.

Print sequential data sets, members of PDS or PDSEs or HFS files.

Reblock or change the logical record length of a data set.

Copy user labels on sequential output data sets.

Supply editing facilities and exits for your routines.


Modify, print, or link modules for use with the IBM 3800 Printing
Subsystem and IBM 4248 printer modules and stores them in a library.

Can be used to:

Copy an ISAM data set directly from one DASD volume to another.

Create a backup copy of an ISAM by copying it into a PS on a DASD


Create an ISAM data set from an PS.

Print an ISAM data set.


Can be used to print or punch:

A sequential or partitioned data set, or PDSE, in its entirety

Selected members from a partitioned data set or PDSE

Selected records from a sequential or partitioned data set, or PDSE

The directory of a partitioned data set or PDSE

An edited version of a sequential or partitioned data set or PDSE

A data set containing DBCS.


Dummy program. Does Nothing.


Can be used to:

Incorporate source language modifications into PS or PDS, or PDSEs

Create and update data set libraries

Modify existing sequential data sets or members of PDS or PDSEs

Change the organization of a data set from PS to PDS or PDSE, or the


Equivalent to Device Support Facility (ICKDSF). Not available now.


Used to place standard volume label sets onto any number of magnetic
tapes mounted on one or more tape units


A system utility used to list entries in the directory of one or more

partitioned data sets or PDSEs, or entries in an indexed or non-indexed
volume table of contents. Any number of listings can be requested in a
single execution of the program


Can be used to move or copy:

A sequential, partitioned or BDAM data set residing on one to five


A group of non-VSAM data sets cataloged in an ICF catalog.

A volume of data sets.

BDAM data sets with variable-spanned records.


Can be used to:

Scratch (delete) a data set or a member of a partitioned data set.

Rename a data set or a member of a partitioned data set.

Maintain data set passwords.


Select, format, and write information about tape errors from the

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