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That's right everything from Creating the liveUSB (if needed) to Installing the custom kernel (thanks

to Adam at for this!). Following this guide step by step to get EEEbuntu working as it
should part from a few niggly bits I will address later. So.....lets get started!

I will explain everything in detail for the sake of new Linux users...... if you want a less basic guide
please visit the EEEbuntu forums ......

Here's the Plan

1. Make a liveUSB
2. Boot your EEE PC and ensure the BIOS settings are correct.
3. Install EEEbuntu
4. Apply Adams custom kernel to fix numerous issues
5. Enjoy!

New creating this will be terminal based but don't worry step by step instructions give PLUS screen

Step 1: Creating the live USB.

As mentioned before, to create the USB I recommend using the pre made scripts direct from
EEEbuntu. Here are the download links

For the Standard EEEbuntu file: Click Here or Click Here

For the Net book remix EEEbuntu: Click Here or Click Here
The script:sudo apt-get install gparted: Click Here

While these are downloading we can get our USB stick ready for the install. To do this we will
require a couple of tools; firstly
Gparted; simple drive format tool
(also useful for finding out boot
point-useful later).

So to install Gparted simply type

into terminal

sudo apt-get install gparted

Say Yes if prompted.

And to load gparted just type

sudo gparted
The gparted program is nice and easy so first
select your USB device from the drop down list in the top corner.

Also take a note of the name of this; in my case it was /dev/sdc1 and this will be needed later....

Now what we want to do is format this disk so right click on the partition and select delete. It will
grey out. Next right click on it once again again and select Format to > then select ext2- Reason for
this is because a lot of people have reported the Bat 'Trap error'. This avoids it

Also don't forget to right click on the intended partition,

select Manage Flags and ensure that the Boot option is
Once done simply click Apply at the top to make this
permanent. DONE.

By now our ISO and script should be well on their way

to being downloaded so lets assume they are and carry

Go back to terminal and navigate to your download

directory ( I found it easier and less hassle to move the two files to the home directory) and issue the

issue the command: sudo ./ ./[ISO FILE].iso [/dev/sdc1] -

This last part needs to be your mount

point you wrote down from gparted!!

Also the [ISO file] needs to be the EXACT name of the particular ISO it is you downloaded. And
there we go!!! The live USB is done!
Step 2: Set-up the BIOS

Now that our USB is ready lets install EEEbuntu.

First we have to change a couple of BIOS sections so when your EEE turns on and you see the
ASUS logo hit F2(make sure you have the USB inserted at this point!)
. You should now get the BIOS screen.

In here You need to move to the Boot tab and select Hard Disk Drives. Ensure your USB stick is the
1st device In the list then click [esc]. Next, go to the Boot Device Property screen and you should
now see that the USB is an option in place of the Hard Disk. So once again move the USB to the 1st
Boot device.

To save these changes we need to hit [esc] again then move right one tab and you will see a save and
exit option. Select this and select yes. We are Done with the bios!
Step 3: Installing EEEbuntu

Here I found selecting 'Install Ubuntu' to be the best option but if you want to see how EEEbuntu
looks on your eee first then go ahead and run the live CD.

Now from here, EEEbuntu installs in the same way you expect the usual Ubuntu set-up to install.
But for those who don't have Ubuntu on another computer we will do it step by step.
First we are greeted by the language selection screen, Then the world clock screen, and finally
keyboard layout selection.
Now this is were personal choice comes into play..... Every model of the EEE has different hard
drives. I have the 1000 and it has a 8gig SSD and 32gig SDHC. So with this in mind I chose to
format BOTH with ext3 (some people want to format with ext2 as it increases lifetime of SSD- ask
about pro's and cons in the forums) and mounted my home partition on the 32gig drive. I also put a
2gig swap file on it.....but this isn't needed and down to personal choice
BE ADVISED: If you want to be able to use the hibernate command you will need a swap file
greater than 512mb.
You have selected your boot options, and entered your personal details, simply let the installation run
its course.
Once its done you've got EEEbuntu on your EEE!!!!! But if you are using the 900+
(900,901,904,1000,1000h,1000hd) you will need to install the custom kernel at to get the
wireless, network card, etc. If this is the case follow step 3.

Step 4: Installing the custom Kernel

Now by this part you either have a fully functioning EEE or you don't. If its the latter then we need
to now install the following custom kernel; thanks to Adam at
Firstly we need to download the two .deb packs needed to create this. So here are the links:
Download 1
Download 2
you will need to download these to a USB stick off a computer with internet access. And transfer
these to your eee.
If you receive this error. Don't worry its easily fixed. The reason for this is because your Ubuntu
installation will automatically believe a CD drive is present.
So we must configure it to load from the USB stick.

Run the following command in terminal

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

and then delete the following line:

/dev/sdc1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0

Once you save this change; re-insert the USB stick. DONE!

Now we need to simply navigate to the folder that your saved your 2 downloaded .deb packages
from before (I advice copying these to your home directory as it will match what I will be using).
Were not going to install them as .deb files as this wont work. Instead we have to install these via
Now this is a VERY important point.... the 2 .deb packages MUST be installed at the same time.

This is so it configures the kernel correctly. Failure to do this may force you to reinstall EEEbuntu.

Run the following command in Terminal

sudo dpkg ­i linux­image*.deb linux­ubuntu­modules*.deb 

NOTE: you will need to add the relevant file version numbers where the stars are above so don't
just copy paste it!

Once ran you should get something like this.

So now reboot your eee and when you see the GRUB boot loader option hit [esc]

Ensure you select the new Kernel labelled 2.6.24-21-eeepc and all done!

Final Hurdle is to ensure we don't get a kernel update for the original ubuntu which breaks this so we
will set-up the new repositories on first boot. This will also mean if any updates are added then you'll
get them automatically.

Just resist the urge to jump on-line and start your browsing on the eee for 5 more minutes and we
will get the repositories all set up. Open terminal and type (or copy)


sudo mv ­v array.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
This will add the repository to your list, Next type


sudo apt­key add array­apt­key.asc

This adds the public key so you can access this. Finally type

sudo apt­get update

sudo apt­get install linux­eeepc linux­headers­eeepc

This gets all the available updates for you kernel.

Now this last command is optional but I hight advise to do so. This will stop any updates forcing the
kernel to revert to the standard ubuntu kernel. Highly advisable so you don't lose functionality when
you need it most.

sudo apt­get remove linux­generic linux­image­generic linux­
headers­generic linux­restricted­modules­generic 
And now were DONE!!! There are a couple of other
known issues on certain models like hibernate now
working or Fn + F2 can cause crashes, etc.
Resolutions to these are readily available on our
forums. Simply, visit, sign up, and post you issue. We
are happy to help.

So after a bit of messing round; and changing some settings you can get you eee looking like this!!

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