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Personal Development and Leadership Camp Report The We Are Activity Reflecting upon the personal development and

leadership camp which was held last Saturday in Metropolitan Park, Ive managed to gain a lot of knowledge and experiences from the participation. There were many activities being arranged in order for me and other participants to learn. The first and the main activity held are called the We Are activity. It is an activity where each and every group will need to create their own group name, group cheer as well as the group rules. This We Are activity is an activity where each and every individual in the group will get to know each other. At the same time it is also the time to build up the team work. Creating the group name, group cheer and group rules will need each and every members of the group to participate. Discussions will be carried out and many ideas will be splurged by different individual. This is where I get to learn how different people will have different opinions and the most important is the respect for others. When there are many ideas, there will be problems of deciding whose ideas or opinions to choose. Therefore, we need to learn to brainstorm and respect the best decision chosen even if it is not from ourselves. Based on this activity, I get to learn more about how people think from different perspective and point of view. In order to have a good result of a group name, group cheer and group rules, we need to work in a team of different people, culture and thinking. I get to learn that we cannot be selfish and need to hear from everyone. As a result, we can come to a conclusion of creating an interesting group name, group cheer and also group rule. The Looker, Runner and Builder Activity Next, another activity which helps me to learn a great deal is the Looker, Runner and Builder activity. It is an activity which requires the team member to convey messages from one individual to the other. This activity starts with 7 members in a team where one of the team members will be a looker who will need to look and observe the model given by the facilitator. Then, another 4 individual of the team will be the runner who will convey what was being

observed by the looker to each and every team member who stand 100 meters away consecutively. It is then followed by the last 2 team members of the team who are the builders. These to individual will build up the model according to the information being transmitted to them by the last four team members. Listening, observing and the effective way of communication are very important in leading as well as personal development. As a leader, Ive learned that we need to be good listeners and observers where a clear view of a situation, plan or problem be really understand. A good leader cannot lead in a good way when he or she does not have a clear view of the situation and this will lead to many problems. For example, during the looker, runner and builder activity, a looker will need to really observe and analyses the model in details. Each and every part of the model will need to observe without fail. Next, after observing, he or she will need to convey a clear view of the model to the runner. This is where a good communication skill will be needed as well. As a leader who try to convey a message but not in a clear way, this will mislead the whole process. The runner who did not have a clear view and good understanding of the model will convey a mislead information to the next person and this will continue until the last person. Therefore, the final result of the process will be a failure where the mission of a project will not be achieved. Conclusion In summary, this personal development and leadership camp had led me to learn a great deal of lessons. As a leader, I learned that I will always need to observe and listen well to each and every situation or plan. It is then followed by good communication skills. Lack of good communication will lead to numerous misunderstanding and also failure of a project.

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