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Justice League by Jack Kelly

We see the Batcave. Then The Daily Planet. Then Keystone University, Atlantis, a nd Oa. We finally stop on Themyscira. Wonder Woman is in combat with other Amazons, training. She disarms one, blocks an attack, and parries another. She wipes sweat from her brow, and breathes heav ily. Smiling, she and the other Amazons put away their swords, and walk out the training room. They say their farewells, and go to separate parts of the island. Diana walks past the gates of Tartarus. She looks at them, remembering the brut al fight against the god of war. Suddenly, they burst open. Demons fly out, and walking out of the darkness, slow and menacing, is Ares. Ares: Hello Diana. It's been awhile, hasn't it?


Flash zooms through the streets of Keystone, smiling cockily. He passes a bank, with police cars in front of it. Barry comes to a stop, and zo oms into the bank. Inside, men and women wearing dark, tight, black armor and ba dges raised their guns. Cops burst into the bank, and aimed at Flash. Flash: Yeah... this isn't the first time I've fallen into a trap like this. GOTHAM The dead of night. Moonlight shines on a rooftop. A dark figure is standing ther e. Batman. He puts his hand to his cowl. Batman: Alfred, I've tracked the last of Falcone's men. His empire dies tonight. He stared at the warehouse, and looked up to see a bright green light in the sky . Hal Jordan flies down, and lands next to Batman. Hal: Batman? I thought that you were a myth. Although, I did think that aliens we ren't real... whatever. Batman: This is my turf. Hal: Yeah, about that. You see, this whole planet is my turf. Batman: I said that this is my turf. Now get out of here before you alert Falcone's men. Hal: Look, I can help you. You just have to- Batman: No! Now leave! Hal: Hey, just let me- Batman threw a punch at Hal, hitting his jaw. He landed two blows to Hal's side, a nd kicked him in the stomach. Hal stumbled back, wiping blood from his mouth. Hal: You know how to throw a punch, I'll give you that. He created a giant, green fist, and swung at Batman. He rolled under the constru ct, and uppercut Hal. He was knocked to the floor. Batman lunged at him, fist ra ised. Hal created a shield. Bruce's fist slammed into it. The construct almost ins tantly broke, and Hal was knocked down, blood leaking from his nose. Hal: How did you do that? Batman looked down at Hal, angry, and almost disappointed. Then, he heard a trig ger pull back. Men clad in dark, black armor stood on surrounding rooftops, aimi ng at Hal and Batman. THEMYSCIRA Wonder Woman rushes towards Ares, arms raised. She lands one blow to his side, and is backhanded. She lands at the feet of an A mazon, who's shape morphs. Soon, she isa giant hunk of clay. Basil Karlo. Clayface . Diana rolls out of the way of his fist. She scrambled to her feet, and looked to the sky. A bright, yellow glow was getting closer to the island. Thaal Sinest ro landed beside Clayface. He sent a bolt of yellow energy towards diana. She de flected it with her bracelets, and ran. Suddenly, a portal opened in front of he

r, and Mirror Master stepped out. She punched him in the jaw, grabbed his arm, a nd launched him back into the portal. She ran towards the shore. On the beach, M etallo surfaced. He grabbed Diana's shoulders. She kicked him, and punched the rob ot in the jaw. When Metallo went down, Ocean Master, wearing his classic mask, s urfaced. He slammed the butt of his trident into Diana's stomach. He slashed her a rm with one point, and punched her. Diana grabbed Orm's trident, pulling it away f rom him. He punched her, taking back the trident, as Mirror Master appeared behi nd her. Metallo got up, and was joined by Clayface. Sinestro flew towards the cr owd, as Ares approached. He laughed. Ares: Oh don't be surprised Diana. Don't tell me you didn't see this coming. He laughed, and raised his hand. Diana raised her arms. And then, Aquaman jumped out of the water, stabbing Ares in the chest. He pulled out his trident as Ares disappeared. He slashed Metallo, and Diana kicked him, sending the robot into t he water. Sinestro fired a bolt of energy at Arthur, when Wonder Woman ran in fr ont of him, sending the bolt back at the alien. She kicked Mirror Master, and Aq uaman hit him with the butt of his trident. Clayface charged at the Atlantian, w ho sidestepped him. Clayface ran into the water, and started to dissipate. Then, Aquaman ran at Orm, hitting him in the jaw. Orm fell to the ground, and Arthur grabbed his half-brother's shoulders. Arthur: How are you on land? Orm: This helmet. Ares gave it to me. Showed me true power. I trust that my plan is working? Tell me boy, how many creatures have attacked the city? Arthur: You're coming with me. Ares reappeared, red eyes more fiery than usual. Ares: That, boy, is where you are wrong. Suddenly, helicopters flew over the island. Wonder Woman and Aquaman looked up a s men and women in dark, tight armor dropped down. They were carrying assault ri fles. Ares, Orm, and the other villains all disappeared, leaving Arthur and Dian a with their hands up, and heads down. METROPOLIS A helicopter flies over the city, carrying all of the heroes. Batman: So, you're the other ones. Diana: What do mean: other ones? Flash: Um, I think he meant, other heroes. Hal: Yeah, besides this kid. Who invited him anyway? And where's the Big Blue Boy S cout? Arthur: First, I'm a king, I outrank you all. Second, they probably couldn't capture Superman. Flash: Please, I've dealt with these guys before. They're from the government, and we all know how the Man of Tomorrow is. Either Supes had a change of heart, or the y didn't try to get him. Batman: Either that, or he's already there. let's not forget that they have a supply of his kryptonite.

Hal: Of what? Never mind. Shouldn't we just try to escape? Diana: Of course not, we should wait and see what they want. Arthur: But what about Orm? What about that Ares guy? What about the other ones? Batman: Other ones? What do you mean other ones? Arthur: Other... bad guys. There was this... clay thing, someone who could telepo rt, an alien, and a robot. Batman: Clayface. Flash: Mirror Master. Hal: Sinestro. And the robot that Superman fought last month. Batman: Were they all together? Diana: All of them. It was bad. I would be dead if he didn't show up. Arthur: Call me Arthur. And what should we call all of you? Flash: Barry Allen. Hal: Hal Jordan. Diana: Princess Diana. Batman: You can call me... you can call me Batman. Flash: Party pooper. Pilot: We're approaching the base. Prepare for landing. UNDERGROUND The heroes are led through hallways. Soon, they enter a large room. The agents step out, as the doors close. Lights b last on. A bulky, black woman is standing in the room. Except for her, another a gent, and the heroes, the room is empty. The woman is Amanda Waller. The other a gent is James Jesse. Flash: Hey Jes, been awhile, hasn't it? James: Shut up! Waller: James, at least try to respect them. I mean, they've done... so much. Batman: You don't like us, do you? Waller: What do you think? Last night, we were attacked, by villains that you all have faced. Arthur: You know about Orm? Waller: We know about everything. We have bases stationed in Atantis, Wayne Manor , all of it. Hal: Wayne Manor? Who did you say you were again?

Batman: I think you can guess. Now what do you want with us? Waller: We want you to fight this threat. Arthur: What about Superman? Waller: We tried to take him in. He refused. We need you to capture him before go ing after the other villains. Diana: Other villains? Waller: There are the real villains. Then there are the ones you fought. She walked away, leaving them to think about what she had said. 3 Hours Later Bruce, Diana, Hal, and Arthur sit at a table. Except for Diana, their costumes a re off. Bruce wears a suit. Hal has a T-shirt and jeans on, and Arthur wears a sweatshir t and sweatpants. Barry comes in, wearing a white collared shirt, and black dres s pants. He puts glasses of water in front of everyone, and sits down. Hal: So, Arthur, how did you lose the hand? Arthur: They called him Nanaue. He was part shark, part human. I was fighting him , bit off my hand. I stabbed him in the throat. Diana: That's nice. Bruce: Look, I need to get back to Gotham. Alfred, Selina, they need me. Barry: Selina? Looks like someone's got a girlfriend. Bruce: Are you really that immature? We are fighting Superman, and the villains t hat we have all faced before, and all you can focus on is a woman that I know? Barry: I was trying to lighten the mood. Bruce: Well you failed. Barry: Sorry I tried! Bruce: You should be! Diana: Both of you, shut up! If we can't even have a drink together, how can we pos sibly fight together? We will die! Barry: We should get rid of him! he doesn't even have powers! Bruce: Because running fast is amazing. Hal: Better than talking to fish. Arthur: I don't talk to fish. And if anyone gets close to that ring, you're dead. Diana: I cannot believe you! How immature are you? Our lives are at stake, and yo u are bickering like little girls!

Barry: I can't believe that I actually harbored a crush on you! The other heroes all stare at Barry. Barry: Hey, she's hot. Diana slaps Barry, who rubs his cheek. Bruce: Look, Diana's right. We should focus on the mission. We need to know as much about these villains as we possibly can. Arthur? Arthur: Orm is dangerous. He killed my mother, father, friend, and guards. He has all of my powers, but is highly trained. Flash: Mirror Master's a wimp, but he has the power of surprise. Plus, he has a pre tty quick draw. Hal: Sinestro feeds off of fear. Since you say that you are fear, Bats, you might want to stay away from him. He also has more training than me. Bruce: Clayface can change shape, size, voice, virtually anything about himself. He's like Hal, but a lot more resistant. Diana: Ares is the most dangerous opponent any of you have faced. He can teleport , is a master combatant, almost killed me, and is a god. Anyone who challenges h im is doomed. Well, any mortal. Like all of you, I suppose. Bruce: We aren't just `any mortal'. When are we going after Superman anyways? Hal: We go after Superman tomorrow night. That's what Waller told me. Of course, sh e isn't exactly trustworthy. Arthur: You didn't even know about her until today. Hal: You say that like you did. Besides, remember what she said? She obviously me ant that we were the real villains. Barry: Guys, listen to me. I've dealt with these people before. Jessie really doesn't like heroes. I'm guessing that Waller doesn't either. What happens when we're done? I s she just gonna let us go? Of course not! They're psychopaths! They want us dead! Diana: We won't die Barry. None of us are going to let that happen. And if we do di e, at least we'll die fighting. Hal: Really? I'd like to die in my sleep, like my Grandpa. Not screaming, like the people in his car. Anyone? Nobody laughed, or even smiled. Arthur: That sounds like something Tom would say. That Night Batman moved through hallways. He ducked into a room, avoiding a guard detecting him. He threw a batarang. It l anded on the floor next to the guard. He looked down, and back up, seeing Batman's fist before blacking out. Bruce continued down the halls, and pulled out a lock pick. He put it into a keyhole, and opened the door. Entering, he climbed up a l

adder, avoiding another guard. He opened a filing cabinet, and pulled out six fo lders. And what exactly are you doing? Bruce turned around, and saw Amanda Waller. Batman: You've been keeping records on the heroes? Waller: And you haven't? It's business. Batman: Why? Why don't you like heroes? Waller: They cause as much damage as the villains. And did you ever see a destruc tive robot before Superman showed up? A giant glob of clay before you arrived in Gotham? Batman: But we stop them. Waller: You wouldn t have to if it weren't for your carelessness. Batman: Look Waller, I don't like you, I don't trust you, and I don't- Waller: Harsh words towards someone you barely know. Besides, I don't care what you think of me, as long as you get the job done. Batman: What happens after we get the job done? We hear a huge explosion. Waller looks like she had almost expected it. Waller: Get Wonder Woman, you two are going after Superman. The others will prote ct the base. She shows barely any emotion while saying this. Batman grimaces, and runs out of the room. Waller turns around, and walks across the platform.

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