Weekly Planning Form: Autumn-"Pumpkins"

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Weekly Planning Form

Week of: October 22nd 2012 Teacher: Ms.Bonvetti Blocks Building block towers with peers Making car tracks with peers _Cause and Affect with knocking blocks over Art Pumpkin prints with orange paint Free painting at easel Mixing colors: Red and Yellow to make Orange pumpkins Sand and Water Cutting/ and snipping practice in the water table Theme: Autumn- Pumpkins

Dramatic Play/Housekeeping Kitchen props/ making meals +Adding pumpkin patch to the center Review where items go all week Library Exploring books with peers or individually Teaching reading books the students choose informally Music and Movement Music and Me Unit 2 On the Go Lessons 3 & 4 Outdoors Digging in the sand Playing pretend with typical peers Walking on stilts with teacher assistance Having a catch with peers or teachers Working on gross motor skills

Manipulative Lacing leafs Puzzles Peg boards + Number mats for counting bears Discovery/Science Acorns in sensory table Leaf Big vs. Little Activity in sensory table (with assistance) Learning about pumpkins Cooking

Computers Smart board Activities during circle time or before lunch Feelings Lesson on Smart Board

Family/Community Involvement ++Promoting parents go on Box tops for education !

Weekly Planning Form

Planning for Groups- October 22th 2012 Monday Morning song, Group Time (songs, stories, games, counting friends, calendar, introducing discussion, etc.) letter Hh -Music and Me - Story Time Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin

Theme: Autumn- Pumpkins

Tuesday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Hh -Pronouns and Verb work Five Little Pumpkins Pete the Cat I love my White Shoes Chick Chicka Boom Boom Wednesday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Hh -Counting bears Thursday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter Hh Big Vs. Little pumpkin activity Friday Morning song, counting friends, calendar, letter HhSmart board counting activity baseballs The Day the Goose Got Loose

Small-Group Activities

Pumpkin Stamping Work on colors

Leaf lacing (fine motor) Sorting Bears on sorting mats

Counting on counting mats (acorn book) working on 1-to-1 Leaf sort

Sorting Bears on the sorting mats Patterns -I have a good friend game on carpet

Pumpkin Face matching Color matching

Special Activities
(Field trips, special events, ect.)

O.T. (Morning) Nursery Rhymes Itsy Bitsy Spider

Speech 9:00-9:30 -Feelings Lesson on Smart Board Art- Mixing Red and Yellow to make Pumkins!

OBJECTIVES Fine MotorI can begin to control small muscles in hands during art projects and writing activities I can begin to coordinate eye-hand movement Cognitive DevelopmentI can begin to observe objects and events with curiosity I can begin to show persistence in approaching tasks Logical ObjectivesI can begin to compare and measures objects I can begin to recognize patterns and can repeat them I can begin to use one-to-one correspondence I can begin to use numbers and counting Representation and Symbolic ThinkingI can begin to take on pretend roles and situations I can begin to make believe with objects Listening and SpeakingI can begin to express self-using words and expanded sentences I can begin to understand and follow oral directions I can begin to answer questions

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