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The Bilderberg group, we have a lot written and said in the Serbian analytics, in a previous period.

This time, we are, in a nutshell, to address some of the fundamental goals that guided their actions in this group, and perhaps the most powerful of individuals ("shadow") today. Bilderberg members do not want to, of course, that "ordinary" people to know what their plans are for the future of the world, because it would certainly cause a global uproar and unimagined danger to the demolition of the existing "global order of things." Bilderberg not want something like that even in his wildest dreams. The main goal of this group could be reduced to one simple sentence: the creation of a single world government with a unified global market, which oversees military uniform global financial and regulated by the World Bank using global currency. The following listing shows the means by which all bilderberg intend to realize this vision of a unified (enslaved) the world: Unique international identity Recovery of the international bodies that the "inside" destroy national identities, bilderberg intend to establish a set of universal values. In the future it will not be allowed to promote other values. Centralized people Individual means and methods, and in particular the collective mind control bilderberg intend to force all mankind to obey their orders. Their plan is accurately described in the book of ideologues darkest American geopolitics Zbigniew Brzezinski Tehnotron Age (Technotronic Era). Brzezinski has an impressive resume. He received his PhD in 1953. at Harvard University and is regarded as one of the creators of the Trilateral Commission. Not only was he a member of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board during the tenure of Ronald Reagan and co-chairman of the Committee on National Security of George Bush senior, but he was a close associate of Henry Kissinger. Brzezinski, among other things, provides that, under the new world order, the middle class will disappear and it will be only two classes: class ruler (the planet wheel) and the class of servants (slaves). Zero Development Society In the post-industrial period would be necessary to prime the development of society would be eradicated harbingers of prosperity. When there is prosperity, there is progress. Prosperity and progress impossible repression, and it is necessary if you want to divide society into masters and servants. Origin will also mark the end of industry and nuclear energy production. The other U.S. industries will be relocated in poor countries like Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Nicaragua, where there is cheap labor. One of the most important goals of the organization NAFTA will then be realized. Depopulation of large cities Based on testing performed by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, one of the branches of the Bilderberg Group - Club of Rome - made the genocidal plans of the U.S. and the rest of the world. The elimination of four billion people by 2050. The Bilderberzi plan to wars, causing shortages and hunger, as well as producing a variety of deadly diseases by 2050. reduce the world's population by four billion souls. These are the people that David

Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger called "useless glutton." However, the disease is random and unpredictable and many of the "chosen" (despite vaccination) can become infected and die. "Of the remaining two billion people, 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, because they are the people who for centuries were pressurized and who are accustomed to obey authority," says John Coleman. Dr. John Coleman, a retired MI6 agent, discovers that the Committee of 300, Bilderberger "older brother," he said of Cyrus Vance, "a document that would be made recommendations on the most efficient way to carry out such a genocide." According Kolmanovom research, which is one of the most respected researchers of the phenomenon of the new world order, the document is titled Global 2000 Report and "have accepted it and approved on behalf of the U.S. government, President Carter and Edward masks, the then Secretary of State." According to the Global 2000 Report, the population of America is to be in 2050. The decrease of one hundred million. Constant state of uncertainty The actual artificial crises (economic, psychological, etc..) That will keep people under the constant pressure of - physical, mental and emotional - it is possible to keep them in a constant state of uncertainty. They'll be too tired and exhausted to make decisions about their fates. The ultimate goal is so much confused and demoralized people, "that is, faced with too many choices, surrendered to general apathy." Do not you just live with such a state of mind today? Centralized control of education One of the reasons why the European Union, the American Union and the future Asian Union wish to have greater control over education as a whole is to provide a unique world that globalists "sterilized" the true history of the world. Their efforts today to produce tangible and, of course, by the fate of us all, the disastrous results. Today's youth know very little about the history of the nation to which he belongs, personal freedoms and rights, and the true meaning of freedom. From the perspective of the globalists, it makes it easier to fight the unprincipled opponents. Centralized control of internal and external policies Today the United States affect the external and internal affairs of sovereign countries around the world. At this point bilderberzi control and current President Barack Obama, as recently as control policies of George Bush. The role of the United Nations Bilderberg over existing plan to the United Nations, then on its foundations or perhaps debris, gradually form a unified government and impose a tax "world population". NATO expansion How are the UN intervened in an increasingly global trouble spots, such as in Afghanistan or Iraq, so will NATO more, but silently, become the only "valid" global army of the United Nations. Unique state social "welfare" Bilederberg provide a unified state of social "welfare" in which the obedient slaves will be rewarded and nekonformisiti biologically extinct.

After NATO, on stage come something very danger. Good Luck (Sources used - Daniel Estulin, "The True Story of the Bilderberg Club," John Coleman, "The hierarchy of conspirators: Committee of 300," William F. Jasper "Global Tyranny - Step by Step")

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