The Sun Malaysia Cover (5 February 2009)

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No. 4691 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

February 5, 2009

» Ong and Chua pals again pg4 » Breast cancer: Rising fear factor pg12-13
Dogged by pg20


Jan 25: Umno’s Bota assemblyman
Nasarudin Hashim joins PKR.

Jan 28: PKR assemblymen and

state executive councillors Mohd Os-
man Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and
Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) go

Feb 1: DAP’s Jelapang assemblyman

and State Assembly Deputy Speaker
Support Hee Yit Foong “disappears”.
for BN ...
Najib with (from Monday: State Assembly Speaker
left) Nasarudin, V. Sivakumar informs Perak Election
Mohd Osman, Hee Commission that Changkat Jering and

Perak govt falls

and Jamaluddin Behrang are vacant and submits Os-
at his office man and Jamaluddin’s resignation let-
in Putrajaya ters. Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Moham-
yesterday after mad Nizar Jamaluddin has a 30-minute
announcing that audience with Sultan Azlan Shah.
the BN had the
mandate to form Tuesday: Election Commission rules
the next Perak that Osman and Jamaluddin remain
state government. as elected representatives because of
doubts over their resignation letters.

Morning: Hee quits DAP to become an

P Minister Datuk Seri Najib

Abdul Razak
announced that Barisan

Nasional now has the mandate to

take over the Perak government
also met me to say that he wants to Sivakumar that they are no longer blame the BN.
Afternoon: PKR’s new representative
Nasarudin now goes missing.

4pm: Nizar heads to Istana Kinta to have

an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah.
from Pakatan Rakyat (PR), with rejoin Umno,” Najib said. members of the respective parties. “Everything is the will of God,
the return of Bota assemblyman All four assemblymen were with Asked why BN was willing to we are thankful for this. We did not 4.30pm: Jamaluddin, Osman and Hee
Datuk Nasarudin Hashim to Umno Najib at the press conference. be associated with Jamaluddin and start this, but somebody wanted are seen in Deputy Prime Minister and
and the support of three former PR Nasarudin had defected to PKR Osman who have been tainted by to form the government on Sept Perak Barisan Nasional (BN) chief Datuk
assemblymen who quit their on Jan 25, causing a furore in corruption charges, Najib replied: 16,” he said, alluding to Anwar’s Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s office in Putra-
parties to become independents. Perak Umno that ended with Najib “We have no problem, that is a much-hyped boast to take over the jaya.
Speaking at a short press taking over as state Umno liaison separate issue.” federal government.
conference at his office, he said: and BN chief from former mentri He said Perak law stated that On a statement by mentri besar 5.10pm: Najib announces that the BN
“BN Perak has the majority besar Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli. a mentri besar who had lost the Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar has the support of the four former PR
assemblymen in the state when This means the BN and PR confidence of the majority had to Jamaluddin that Nasarudin’s wife assemblymen – three “BN-friendly”
three assemblymen, Jamaluddin both have 28 seats. Asked how this relinquish his position together had claimed that her husband had Independents and Nasarudin rejoin-
Mohd Radzi (Behrang), Kapt Mohd would work out as both have an with his executive council mem- been “kidnapped”, both Najib and ing Umno. Najib says he will seek an
Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jer- equal number of seats in the 59- bers. “We will be meeting the Nasarudin denied the claim. audience with Sultan Azlan as soon as
ing) and Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) seat assembly, he said: “The three Sultan to inform him that BN now Nasarudin said: “With con- possible.
informed me that they have each independents have pledged their has the majority.” sciousness and a sense of respon-
sent letters to Sultan of Perak Sul- support for the BN; so we have 31 Asked what would happen if the sibility, I have rejoined Umno and 5.45pm: Nizar leaves the palace after
tan Azlan Shah to inform him they seats against 28.” Sultan dissolved the assembly to BN as of today. This is after listen- audience with Sultan Azlan to request
have left their respective parties.” Najib denied that the three as- allow fresh elections as requested ing to views and advice from po- that the state assembly be dissolved.
Jamaluddin and Osman won semblymen were bought over. by the PR government yesterday, litical friends and individuals who
their seats on Parti Keadilan Rakyat “The trio (Jamaluddin, Hee Najib said: “That is entirely the want to see stability and a strong Note: With the changes in the political
(PKR) tickets while Hee won Jela- and Osman) have also given me prerogative of the Sultan.” government in Perak. The present alliances of the four assemblymen, both
pang as a DAP candidate and made the mandate to nominate the new Speaking of the PR, he said: tumultuous political climate in BN and PR have 28 assemblymen each,
history as the first woman deputy mentri besar,” he said. “They probably did not expect the state has resulted in a weak with three pro-BN Independents in the
state legislative speaker. All four assemblymen (includ- this, but they wanted to form the government. I have also taken into 59-seat State Assembly.
“Today (Tuesday) Bota assem- ing Nasarudin) have informed government without following the account and respect the voters of
blyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim the state assembly Speaker V. due democratic process – so don’t Bota and democratic principles.”

Sultan has two options – BN govt or fresh elections

by Humayun Kabir The latest episode of the 11-day- alleged that her husband had been have no doubt that the decision will conveyed his request for the consent. old political drama in the Silver State “kidnapped” from his home and taken be fair to all ... to the people and to the He said that since the Sultan had not
started at 3pm yesterday when to Kuala Lumpur on the pretext of political parties.” made any decisions, “I will continue to
IPOH: The solution to Perak’s political Nizar announced to a packed press meeting the Perak Raja Muda. Nizar, who sought the Sultan’s run the state’s administration together
impasse now lies with Sultan Azlan conference at his office that three PR Nizar blamed Umno for playing consent after announcing the dissolu- with other PR assemblymen.”
Shah who has two options: assemblymen – Behrang’s Jamaludin “dirty politics” to destabilise the 11- tion of the state assembly early in the “I will be working as usual,” he
» Allow the Barisan Nasional, which Mohd Radzi and Changkat Jering’s month-old PR government. day, said the Sultan did not convey said, adding that it was better to hold
has majority support (31 assemblymen Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (of PKR) and Last night, speaking to reporters any decision whether he would grant a snap election to resolve the political
vs 28 for the Pakatan Rakyat) in the Jelapang’s Hee Yit Foong (DAP) – had after attending PAS’s emergency meet- consent, Bernama reports. impasse once and for all.
59-seat Legislative Assembly, to form resigned from their respective parties ing at the party headquarters and after “He said he needed time to look Should the Sultan decide not to
a new government; or and were now independents. an audience with the Sultan of Perak, into the matter. I will abide and accept grant consent, he said, the PR govern-
» Grant Mentri Besar Datuk Sri There was an added intrigue Sultan Azlan Shah, earlier in the day, whatever the decision,” he said. ment could still function as a caretaker
Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin’s request when during the press conference Nizar said he was confident the Ruler He said the audience went well and government.
to dissolve the state assembly and get Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarud- would make a fair and just decision that he had briefed the Sultan on the
a fresh mandate from voters. din Hashim’s wife rang up Nizar and to resolve the state’s political crisis. “I latest political development and also » More stories on pages 2 and 4

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