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Group 3

Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification

Version 1.1 April 28, 2009

Copyright 2009 by <client name>, and <team name>

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

About This Document

Purpose of this Document The Systems Requirements Specification (SRS) is designed to express the behavioral, performance, and development requirements of this product and serves as the fundamental requirements document for the development of the product. The Systems Requirements Specification includes a description of every input into the system, every output from the system and all functions performed by the system in response to input or in support of an output. The SRS meets IEEE830 standards and is the exclusive requirements document to be used in development; all design and testing choices must be compatible with this document. Ohio State CSE 772 Banks in possession of foreclosed property Last saved: This printing: <nn> pages <path> SRS_Outline.doc CSE772, Information Systems Capstone, SP09 Tyler Scheerens, Steve Wohlwend, Copyright Notice Permission to make digital or hard copies of all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permission to republish from Tyler Scheerens <>. May 9, 2009 December 30, 2012

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Product Requirements Document Revision History

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Revision History
Date 4/23/2009 4/28/2009 5/09/2009 Revision 1.0 1.1 1.2 Description Initial Project Description Sections: 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.2 Sections: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2 Sections: 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4 Author Tyler Scheerens Tyler Scheerens Steve Wohlwend


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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1 1.1. PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................................1 1.2. SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................................1 1.3. REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................1 1.4. STANDARDS.............................................................................................................................................1 1.5. DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................................................................1 2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................1 2.1. PROJECT ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................1 2.1.1. Project Scope.....................................................................................................................................1 2.1.2. Background........................................................................................................................................1 2.1.3. System Purpose.................................................................................................................................1 2.1.4. System Mission ................................................................................................................................2 2.1.5. System Functions / Responsibilities .................................................................................................2 2.2. FUNCTIONAL OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................2 2.3. SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS ...............................................................................................................................2 2.3.1. User Interface Constraints ................................................................................................................2 2.3.2. Hardware Constraints........................................................................................................................2 2.3.3. Software Constraints..........................................................................................................................3 2.3.4. Communications Constraints.............................................................................................................3 2.3.5. Data Management Constraints..........................................................................................................3 2.3.6. Operational Constraints.....................................................................................................................3 2.3.7. Site Adaptation Constraints...............................................................................................................3 2.3.8. Design Standards Compliance...........................................................................................................3 2.4. OTHER CONSTRAINTS..................................................................................................................................3 3. SYSTEM EVENTS AND DATA FLOWS.................................................................................................4 3.1. EVENT TABLE............................................................................................................................................4 3.2. CONTEXT DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................................................4 3.3. PRODUCT FUNCTIONS - SYSTEM ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................6 3.4. USER CHARACTERISTICS..............................................................................................................................6 4. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................1 4.1. USE CASE DIAGRAM - ORGANIZED BY SUBSYSTEM..............................................................................................1 4.2. USE CASES..............................................................................................................................................2 4.2.1. Use Case Scenario <#>.....................................................................................................................2
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Product Requirements Document Revision History

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

4.2.2. Use Case <#> Prototype....................................................................................................................3 4.2.3. Use Case <#> Object Interaction Diagram .......................................................................................3 5. VALIDATED OBJECT MODEL...............................................................................................................4 5.1. CLASS DIAGRAM........................................................................................................................................4 5.2. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................................................................5


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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The Project IQ Social Networking Component provides the functionality of a message board, user comment system, and a means of uploading appraisals.



The Social Networking component integrates the open source Yet Another Forum message board code. It also involves modification to the Property IQ master page to integrate a user login system. It includes a nested page for each property that lists forum threads about that particular property. It finally includes an appraisal hosting and uploading system.



This is a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in this document. 1. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World , Satzinger, Burd, Jackson, 3rd edition. 2. The Object Oriented Approach Concepts, System Development and Modeling with UML, Satzinger, Orvik, 2nd edition.



This is a complete list of all standards used in this document. 1. IEEE 830-1993 The content and qualities of a good Systems Requirements Specification (SRS) are described and several sample SRS outlines are presented. This recommended practice is aimed at specifying requirements of software to be developed but also can be applied to assist in the selection of in-house and commercial software products.


GUI Graphical User Interface WSID Workstation Identification Number DB - Database

This section contains a list of definitions for organizational specific words that are not universal.


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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

2. Overall Description
2.1. Project Abstract
Project IQ Social Networking Component Steve Wohlwend, Tyler Scheerens, Erdem Myalcin, Kim 9 May 2009

Project Name: Authors: Date:


Project Scope

Property IQ will be a real estate property and foreclose tool giving users access to statistical data, maps and pictures of all real estate properties in an area, tools to help model past and future values of the property, and a social networking aspect that allows users to communicate with each on a dedicated forum, or post information on specific listed properties. This document deals with the social networking component.



A recent credit crisis in the United States has led to a significant increase in the number of distressed and foreclosed homes. The system being developed will provide a multipurpose tool for handling a variety of tasks associated with these properties. One component of the mashup will show static information on all properties in an area. Things like recent selling price, number of bedrooms, and other commonly available information. A second component will gather all GIS data and pictures associated with a home, including providing a tool to locate other properties sold in the area. The third component will provide trends data on the future price of the home based on information gathered by the statistical data group and an in house developed formula. The fourth group will provide a social networking aspect to the website, enabling users to post on real esate-related message boards, or comment and attach information on specific properties.


System Purpose
Who Mortgage brokers, real estate agents, prospective home buyers Where The system will be web-based and accessible to all users. What Scope: o The system will be responsible for providing up to date information on all properties in an area and allow users to communicate on general topics or specific properties. o The system will not allow users to buy and sell properties on the site. Why A credit crisis in the United States has led to a high number
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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

distressed and foreclosed properties.


System Mission
foreclosure mashup that will of a user discussion board, a topics dedicated to specific about that property can be

Build a social networking component for a real estate and allow user interaction with the real estate system in the form property listing service, and the ability for users to post properties where information like pictures and appraisals posted.


System Functions / Responsibilities

1. Discussion board available to mashup users to discuss relevant real estate and foreclosure topics. 2. Listing resource where users can list or begin discussions about specific properties. This aspect will also list information available from other components of the mashup that are relevant to the specific property (hard data, maps, and price models). 3. The ability to attach appraisal information to a specific property. That appraisal information will be shared with the trends component of the mashup to make better price projections on a given property. 4. Develop a simple and efficient search feature to find topics and information on specific properties. 5. Develop and manage a user registration and login system for the web site.


Functional Objectives
1. The system shall provide a user message board, allowing users to post real estate related discussion topics on the site. 2. The system shall provide the ability for users to post topics on specific properties, allowing users to request information on said property, post images and other related data, and discuss the property with other users. 3. The system shall provide the ability for users to register and login before they are allowed to interact with the social networking aspect of the web site. 4. The system shall provide hosting for and the ability to upload appraisal documents for appropriate users.


System Constraints 2.3.1. User Interface Constraints

Using this system is fairly simple and intuitive. A user familiar with basic browser navigation skills should be able to understand all functionality provided by the system.


Hardware Constraints

The system should work on most home desktop and laptop computers.
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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component


Software Constraints

The system is designed to run on Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7.


Communications Constraints

System must have access to the included database. Other components of the Property IQ system may require access to certain data and web services; refer to those components' documentation for details.

2.3.5. 2.3.6.

Data Management Constraints Operational Constraints

System shall be able to interface with other components according to their specifications.

The system is limited by its operating server in terms of the maximum number of users it can support at a given time.


Site Adaptation Constraints

The component will be adapted to the overarching system at the conclusion of the system creation.

2.3.8. 2.4.

Design Standards Compliance

The system shall be implemented in ASP.

Other Constraints


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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

3. System Events and Data Flows

3.1. Event Table

Note that unmodified message board actions are omitted and oversimplified. for detail about those operations. Event User Login Trigger Username and Password PDF file Source User Activity Profile table lookup File placed on website Response Cookie provided to user Link placed in appraisals tab

Destination User data displayed on front page New appraisal file listed and available for download Topic data displayed Post data displayed

Appraisal Upload


Topic Creation

Post data


New topic created in database New post added to topic in database

Topic data added to forum page Post data added to topic page

Forum Post

Post data



Context Diagram
Login information Profile data User profile table


Property IQ Master page Profile data

Login information

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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Appraisal PDF User

Link to hosted file

Appraisal table

Property IQ Appraisal page Hosted file information

PDF file

Topic data User

Topic information

Message board database

Property IQ Forum topic page

Topic information

Topic page

Post data User

Post information

Message board database

Property IQ Forum page Post page

Post information


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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction


Product Functions - System Activities

This subsection of the SRS provides a summary of the major processes that the software will perform, which includes the system tasks and features from the Product Requirements document and Project Charter. 2.2.1 2.2.2 Message Board The system provides a message board for users to post real estate discussions. Topic Posts Tied to Properties Topics may be linked to a particular property, causing that propertys Discussion tab to list it among its relevant topics. 2.2.3 Registration and Login The small login menu has been relocated to the website master page. Users may log in from the front page rather than going to the forum first. 2.2.4 Appraisal Upload Properties have a tab that displays posted appraisals of that property. Owners may upload additional appraisals.


User Characteristics
Managers who wish to perform system administration functions as well as serve as property holders. Property holders who wish to claim properties, post appraisals on them, serve as contacts for property purchases, and serve as consumers. Consumers who wish to browse property listings and post questions and answers on the forum topics.

Property IQ users consist of the following:

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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

4. Specific Requirements
This section of the SRS contains all the system requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design a system that satisfies those requirements. Testers can use this section to test that the system satisfies those requirements and technical writers can create the necessary support documentation for operations and maintenance. Note: Use Cases are in priority order.


Use Case Diagram - organized by subsystem

<verb obj>


<system name subsystem name>


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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction


Use Cases

Use Cases are requirements from the Client translated into unambiguous language. A Use Case may have multiple inputs or outputs as part of the same functional flow. A Use Case without any input or output is not valid. The detailed requirements of a Use Case tend to be extensive. For this reason, it is recommended that careful consideration be given to organizing the requirements in a manner optimal for understanding. Subcases are identical to use cases except where noted. This section provides descriptions of all the use cases devised for this system. Each use case description provides the following information:


Use Case Scenario <#> <Use Case Name>

Purpose Actor Input Data Output Data Invariants

A brief description of what the user is trying to accomplish. A person or external system outside the scope of the system that triggers step one of the Detailed Description. A list of all external data needed for the use case to be performed. A list of all data produced by the use case execution. A condition which is maintained throughout the use case. This section is used to highlight assumptions made for the sake of the use case. Conditions which must hold for the use case to be applicable. It is assumed that these conditions are true prior to the beginning of the use case, and will not be true when the use case completes. Conditions which are guaranteed to hold after completion of the use case. A single, error-free path, which may contain subflows, calculations, logical structures, etc. All exception and error cases, including where/how they were triggered <<includes>> and <<extends>> cases and where they were referenced The rationale for this case, also explains exceptions and errors Any other relevant information not included in the above sections.


Post-conditions Basic Flow: Alternative Flow(s): Extension Points: Business Rules: Notes

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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component


Use Case <#> Prototype

[Complete set of simple discovery prototypes showing all user interaction for basic and alternate flows.]


Use Case <#> Object Interaction Diagram

[Sequence or Collaboration diagram showing all participating classes and messages that trigger response for basic and alternate flows.] < repeat for all Use Cases>


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CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component

Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

5. Validated Object Model

The Validated Object Model is a visual representation of the idealized problem domain. The consistency between the Sequence Diagrams and the Object model validates the requirements.


Class Diagram
The Class diagram shows the structural scope-of control- entities and relationships in the problem domain of the Object Model.

<class name> <attributes> <methods>

<class name> <attributes> <methods>

<class name> <attributes> <methods>

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Systems Requirements Specification Introduction

CSE 772 Project IQ Social Networking Component


Class Specifications
Class Specifications are the prose detail necessary to elaborate the definitions of each class attribute and algorithm of each class operation. <repeat for each class> Class Parent Description Attributes <attribute name> <description> <class name> <if any> <in prose>

Methods <method name> <description and any parameters>


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