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WHEAT FOR MAN Wheat is the staff of life.

The degree of health we enjoy depends upon the quality of food we consume. Whole wheat bread contains the entire B complex spectrum: pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, cholin, inositol, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. It also contains important minerals such as iron, cobalt, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum. All of these are essential vitamins and minerals which are important for the maintenance of vital organs and for a healthy nervous system. Deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals will result in sleep disorders, nervousness, the inability to handle stress and a weakened immune system. BASIC WHOLE WHEAT BREAD
(Yields three 2 lb loaves; or four 1 & lb loaves; or six 1 lb round loaves made in 46 oz juice cans)

2 packages of dry yeast 2 cups of lukewarm water

(Warm water helps the bread to rise better because it stimulates the action of the yeast. If the water is too hot, it will kill the yeast, so the bread cannot rise.)

4 cups milk (fresh, diluted, canned, or powdered or soy variety) cup oil or melted shortening
(Use polyunsaturated oil such as canola olive, or sunflower. This type provides omega 3 fatty acids so vital for healthy organs and nervous tissue).

1 cup sugar, honey or molasses 2 tablespoons iodized salt cup flax seed (freshly ground)
[Flax has the following health benefits: 1) Contains a high concentration of omega three essential fatty acids. 2) Maintains regularity and protects colon with the high fiber content. 3) Maintains good breast health with the high levels of lignans. 4) Promotes healthy skin because it traps moisture in the lower layers of the epidermis.]

11-12 cups of unsifted freshly ground whole wheat flour

(When adding wheat flour, stop at 9 cupsto add the white flour, then proceed to add the rest of the wheat slowly until the right texture it may or may not take the full 12 cups. See instructions below. Store any unused wheat flour in the freezer since wheat flour turns rancid very quickly.)

2 cups of unbleached white flour

(This adds gluten to the dough and makes it more elastic.)

DIRECTIONS With shortening, grease the inside of an extra large mixing bowl. Set aside. Fill a mug with one cup of lukewarm water and add the two packages of dry yeast. Stir to dissolve the yeast in the warm water, then set aside. In a blender combine milk, oil, honey and salt. Blend well, then pour into the Boshe mixer assembled with bread mixing blade. Put the one remaining cup of warm water into the dirty blender and stir it around, also pour this into the mixer. (This will ensure you have all the ingredients from the blender). Turn on highest speed and carefully add flax seed and then 4 cups of whole wheat flour (slowly add one cup at a time). Over--

DIRECTIONS FOR BASIC WHOLE WHEAT BREAD continued. Add the yeast/water mixture. Be sure to scrape mug carefully to ensure all of the yeast is added to the bread mixture. (You must not add the yeast until at least four cups of flour have been added to
the mixture because the oil may surround the yeast and inhibit action).

Continue adding 5 more cups of whole wheat flour slowly one cup at a time with mixer on high speed. Add 2 cups of white flour, then continue adding cups of wheat flour until just the right consistency. The end product dough should be more moist than ordinary bread dough. It is hard to describe when sufficient flour has been added. The dough is slightly sticky but not so much that it leaves a residue on your finger when you touch it. When the bread dough is this consistency, mix it for 10 more minutes. Using a rubber spatula, scrape bread dough into the greased extra large mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with wax paper or saran wrap sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. You have the option of refrigerating the kneaded dough for 3 to 24 hours or just leaving it to raise at room temperature to double its size. Grease bread tins with shortening to prepare them for baking. When the dough has risen to double in size, knead the dough to compress the air. Using a pastry cloth sprinkled with white flour keeps the dough from sticking. Knead for 10 -15 minutes. (Kneading is very important. All air
pockets must be removed so bread wont have holes.)

Divide the dough into loaf portions. Knead each portion for 2-3 minutes more, then carefully place into greased loaf tin. Repeat this for remaining portions. Bread dough in bread tins should rise at room temperature for approximately 45 minutes or until dough reaches top of the bread rounded tin. Do not over-raise or bread will be crumbily and holy. Place into pre-heated 350 degree Fahrenheit oven. Bread will bake for 45 60 minutes depending on the size of loaf and oven type. Remove bread from oven when golden brown. Remove from tin onto baking rack to cool. Store in plastic bags when completely cool.

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