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Influenza Pandemic

What is Influenza? Influenza is a very infectious viral illness. It is i much more serious th a common cold h i than ld and can leave you ill for 10 days or longer. Symptoms of the flu include: a high fever, p headache, muscle aches and pains, fatigue, cough, sore throat, and a runny nose. Anyone can get the flu, it kills 100 Nzs a year. year Being fit active and healthy does not fit, protect you from getting this virus. It is a vaccine preventable disease!

What is pandemic flu p There are many types of influenza virus, some of which commonly i f t bi d pigs f hi h l infect birds, i and humans.

Why are health authorities concerned about pandemic influenza? The World Health Organization is worried that avian, swine and human influenza , viruses might mix. The new virus could spread rapidly around the world infecting world, many people, causing an influenza pandemic pandemic. It is certain an influenza pandemic will p happen one day and could occur at any time.

Is there a vaccine? There are no commercial supplies of pp vaccine against the new strain of pandemic influenza virus virus. The Ministry of Health is working to make sure N New Z l d gets access as quickly Zealand t i kl as possible to a vaccine once it is developed and available but this could be up to 27 weeks after the pandemic first occurs.

Vaccination with the current influenza p vaccine could be protective. That is why regular flu vaccination campaigns are strongly advised. advised

What could happen in an influenza pandemic? A pandemic could mean so many people are sick (up to 50%) that it will affect ( p ) workplaces, schools, hospitals and many other services. services Normal health and other services may not be available f several weeks. You may for be asked to care for yourself and others at y home.

What is Aotea Pathology Doing? APL has developed an extensive Influenza j Pandemic Plan in conjunction with medical advisors and infectious disease specialists. specialists The plan covers the safety of staff and the f continuation of core business during a p pandemic.

Plan Summary MoH Alerts WhiteWhiteYellowYellowRedRedGreenGreen-

Plan and prepare Standby Manage and control Recovery

APL Red Alert Plan Who will be in c a ge du g the p a o charge during e plan? Influenza Manager Rachel Davison Medical Advisors Mark Jones Peter Bethwaite

APL Red Alert Plan ed e t a Covers: Protecting staff and visitors from getting sick Health d Safety Ed H lth and S f t Education ti Communication with sta Co u cat o t staff Personal hygiene Shortages of supplies

APL Red Alert Plan Ventilation Restriction of work place entry Social distancing Workplace cleaning Core Business

Personal Protection Equipment PPE Front Line packs

Masks Disposable thermometers Information pack Alcohol Hand Cleaner

Masks for all staff Panadol Vaccinations

Activation APL Plan: Red Alert One

On notification of MoH Red Alert We will notify all staff of the Red Alert One status and the next stages in our plan Staff will be re-advised on hygiene etiquette and resafety issues. All collection and testing services will continue as normal HoDs to ensure enough reagents and consumables in stock for all tests. Stock to be reassessed daily daily. Patients with flu symptoms will be provided with and required to wear surgical masks

Activation APL Plan: Red Alert Two

This will occur when there are national cases of pandemic flu We will notify all staff of the Red Alert Two Notify GPs that our service level is being evaluated daily and that a reduced service may be implemented. implemented Front line staff (Phlebotomists, Couriers and Receptionists) to wear masks p ) Notices placed outside rooms stating that people with flu symptoms will not be able enter. House calls must be referred back to GP to see if essential reStaff will be re-advised on hygiene etiquette and safety issues. Testing, courier, and collection will continue but with probable lesser numbers

Activation APL Plan: Red Alert Three This will occur when there are Wellington cases of pandemic flu and schools are going to be closed. We will notify all staff of the Red Alert Three status by phone email and/or text phone, message.

Influenza Manager in conjunction with Medical Advisors will make the decision to go to Red Alert Three
All GP Surgeries will be notified of the Red Alert Three status and what our procedures and services will be. This will be done by automatic fax from Lab Solutions by the Influenza Manager All staff will be notified of the Red Alert Three Phones will be changed to night services and answerable anywhere in the lab Staff will be directed to assist where required inside the lab (manning the phones, cleaning etc)

Collection Services Manager/deputy to oversee closure of rooms The CMC rooms will be closed to patients to k keep l b staff isolated f lab t ff i l t d from th public. the bli We will operate patient services from Newtown Lower Hutt and Porirua only. All other rooms will be closed. Phlebotomists will be advised to either return to the lab or to go home and await further g instructions re roster obligations Keep Influenza Manager up to date with staff numbers and wellbeing.

Collection Services Manager/ Courier Coordinator to oversee reduction and/or changes to courier services Keep Influenza Manager up to date with staff numbers and wellbeing. Couriers will immediately collect samples from rooms that are closing and return them to the lab lab. A limited collection service will continue for those practices that are still operating ( major surgeries need to be contacted regarding their p p proposed open/closure p p policy during this stage y g g of the pandemic)

Lab Testing g
HoDs/deputies will ensure testing already in pipeline completed. i li l t d Keep Influenza Manager up to date with staff numbers and wellbeing. Testing will then revert to the core testing listed g g below Non essential departments will complete testing already in progress and then assist elsewhere as directed directed. Ensure enough reagents and consumables to perform essential testing as listed below below.

Test to be performed during Red Alert Three

Biochem Electrolytes El l Neonatal bilirubin Creatinine Glucose Troponin T , p , g Calcium, Phosphate, Magnesium Amylase HCG Haem CBC INR (warfarin monitoring) (warfarin D Dimer ESR (temporal arteritis only) Note: Requests for tests outside of this list must be discussed with the Medical Advisor (Dr P Bethwaite, or Dr Mark Jones).

Managing staff who become ill at work Suspect Influenza S t I fl Masks, Panadol, Tamiflu , , Contact Next of Kin Arrange transport home Wait in Sick Bay Cleaning of work station Contact tracing Daily check on staff members well being

What we need from you y

We need an accurate staff list with details that we can use in a pandemic such as: Your Name, Address and phone numbers (land and cell) Next of Kin names and contact numbers x 2 What departments you are able to help in other than where you are employed th h l d If you have dependent children If you have swipe card access to the building

What we need from you It is of paramount importance that if you y are sick you let us know It is important that you also inform us if you are staying home to look after the sick or to care for children It is also very important that you inform us if you are not coming in for any other reason

Leave Entitlements
It is impossible to predict exactly what shape the pandemic might take and therefore what staffing requirements might be be. Our plan has been developed on worse case scenario and we hope that it will not reach this status and therefore not greatly affect staff wellbeing and the h f l ff ff llb i d h business continuity of Aotea Pathology Ltd. However decisions will be made on a daily basis in consultation with HoDs with regard to staffing levels. Where necessary staff maybe advised they are not required at work in which case the company will follow the recommendations of good employment practice in giving staff 14 days notice. After the 14 day period staff maybe required to use leave entitlements entitlements. This is still dependent on ongoing discussions with District Health Boards and MoH and Government with regard to funding during a pandemic crisis.

Working with Others We will be working in close cooperation with Capital Coast Health, Hutt Valley p , y Health during a pandemic crisis. Our Molecular Biology department (staff and equipment) will be assisting in the f f diagnosis of pandemic influenza virus at the CCDHB lab

Preparing for an influenza pandemic at home It is important for staff to be prepared at home. We have prepared a take home pandemic information guide for staff for their families and friends based on the MoH guidelines More information can be found on the MoH web site

Uncertainty of Everything To the best of our ability we have tried to cover every eventuality and planned for worst case scenario We know that some decisions will have to be made on the spur of the moment and cannot be pre planned. Our O main aim i th h lth and safety of i i is the health d f t f our staff and to endeavour to keep the lab running even on a very small scale during a crisis.

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