Shards of A Happy Ending (Week 34)

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Shards A fragment, especially of broken earthenware.

Monday, December 31st 10:45 AM C.J. walks up behind to an eating Eli as hes sitting at a table in a Starbucks. C.J. places his right arm around Elis shoulders. Eli is slightly startled by C.J.s warm greeting. In mid-chew, C.J. says to Eli, MORNING! Hows your stay going? Eli says, Well. Well. Thank you for asking. C.J. says, I apologize again for the inconvenience with the fire at my mothers house. I promise I will pay for all of your stuff that was lost in the fire. Eli says, Oh no, C.J., you have done enough by paying for all of our luxury rooms. Thank you. That is enough for me. C.J. says, No, really, I am going to pay you back in whatever way I can. I promise. Eli says, Dont worry about it. Those things are just stuff. They can always be replaced. As long as no lives were lost I am thankful. You know something, take a seat, C.J. Lets talk.

C.J. says, Sure. While hes walking around to the opposite side of the table to sit down. C.J. sits across from Eli as Eli seriously stares C.J. into his eyes. Eli says, Between you and I, was this explosion the doing of Gallco. C.J. smiles while saying, Come on, man! What is with you and Gallco? Look, Eli, everybody is alive; so were good. Eli says, No. Youre not good. Youre wearing a mask, C.J. I can see it all over your face. Youre into something deep with Gallco, arent you? I can help you to get out of that mess but you need to talk to me. C.J. chuckles then says, I am alright. I dont actually know Gallco. I just heard of his name in L.A. night clubs once or twice. Eli says, Youre lying! You called your mothers deacon, Gallco. Wait! Was that your doing in Harlem a few weeks ago between Gallco and Trevors crews?! C.J. smiles while seriously staring Eli into his eyes. C.J. says, The less you know the better your life will turn out, Eli. Just leave it alone, please. C.J. stands from the table and then says, Enjoy your breakfast. I hope to see you at the party tonight at the Linc in South Philly. Eli nervously looks up at C.J. while saying, Yeah. I guess. C.J. smiles while saying, Solid. Catch you later. C.J. grabs his cup of coffee off of the pickup counter and exits Starbucks.

11:50 PM Frank is speeding on the highway in the darkness of the night while hes holding his cellular phone to his left ear. He looks very frantic and out of place while hes waiting on the person on the other end of the line to answer the phone. Frank tone is frantic while hes saying, Maria! Maria?! Hello?! Hello?! I know I am not supposed to be callin but someone is after you and our daughter. NO! I am not drunk or bein crazy again! This is serious! Gallco is sendin someone after you only to get to me.

I swear on my mother, Maria! Trust me! Do you still got that gun I gave you a few years back?! Maria! Maria! This is serious! Do not hang up! I am on my way to Boston now. I am almost there. No! Dont call the cops! They will only make things worst. You really need to trust me. PleasePlease. Thank you. Just go get the gun and keep all the light on. A SUV truck hits Franks car from the passenger side of his car. The swift and brutal collision repels Franks car off of the highway road into the snowy wilderness. Franks car tumbles down the small hill into the dark, snowy wilderness only to land on the roof. Frank is bucketed into his seat belt while hes unconscious bleeding from his forehead above his right eye. Headlights shine into Franks car from the SUV. Slow and quiet footsteps accompanied by a whistling melody approaches Franks car while Maria is screaming on the opposite end of the phone, Frank! Frank! What was that?! Are you okay?! Frank! Answer me, dammit! FRANK! Tuesday, January 1st 2013 12:00 AM HAPPY NEW YEARS! Everybody is screaming in an upscale party at the Lincoln Financial Field in South Philadelphia. C.J. and Zoey are locked in a deep, passion kiss while confetti, glitter, and balloons fall from the sky. Champagne corks are popping into the air around the two lovebirds. C.J. looks Zoey into her eyes while saying, I cant believe you actually came. Zoey smiles wile saying, I wouldnt miss bringin in the New Year with you for the world. I miss you, babe. I love you. C.J. smiles while saying, I love you too, Zoey.

The two goes back to passionately kissing one another while the bright lights shine and glitter falls from the sky. 1:16 PM Sonia and Jay are lying naked in the bed together covered by white sheets in their hotel room. Sonia is lying on Jays chiseled chest with a big smile on her face while shes looking up at Jay. Jay looks down at her with a smile on his face. Sonia says, Good morning, Mr. Wong. Jay says, Great mornin, beautiful! I am happy to wake up next to you. Sonia says, Oh really? How are you feelin? Jay says, Great! Actually awesome. This is the first New Years that I wasnt drunk and passed out in the middle of strippers. Sonia nervously chuckles then says, Good to know. Jay says, But I prefer to be here with ya, So. I feel a sense of peace right now. Sonia says, That is great. I am proud of you and your strength not to drink even though everybody was drinkin around you. Youre very strong, Jay. Jay says, As long of I have you by my side I am the man of steel, So. Sonia says, Awwwwww. Jay smiles while saying, That was pretty smooth wasnt it? Sonia says, Okay, youre screwin up the moment. Just kiss me now, fool. Jay and Sonia passionately kiss one another while cuddling in their bed. Thursday, January 3rd 9:10 AM Mercy is standing while Rose, C.J., Robert, Jay, and Chris are sitting in seats in the lobby of the hotel theyre staying in. C.J. looks upset while Mercy is saying, The ratings on the show are declining. The highest ratings were the first episode and that was a bomb for a debut show. The Amazing Poof Show is on the chopping block, people. C.J. says, Any ideas? We need to do something to get us out of the red. I am honestly out of ideas, guys. Chris says, Maybe re-shoot some of the scenes?

Robert says, The edit job would be a bitch and plus we would have to do that week to week; cant do. Rose says, How about mad promo? C.J. says, Were on every magazine, newspaper, talk show, and the list goes on. I cover that in the beginning. Mercy says, Plus there us a thing called promo cost. We cant just throw more promos into the mix. Were too close to Superbowl season. Jay says, How about we do flash live performances? Just like flash dance mobs, ya know? Robert says, Thats actually a great idea. C.J.? C.J. says, Something to think about. I kind of like it. Jay says, Damn, kinda? That kinda hurts. C.J. says, Sorry, dude, I am under some stress. Nothing personal. Jay says, Its cool. Rose says, Should we all just walk away now and just count this as a lost on our career resume? This seems like it is gonna get worse before it gets better. Everybody calmly stares at Rose with blank expressions on their faces. Chris smirks while saying, Hm. Maybe shes right, Cee. C.J. stands from his seat wearing a stern expression on his face as his eyebrows are slightly frowned. He says, Well give up when Hollywood kicks us out and off of TV. Until then were going to soldier on as if were number one. Do you all hear me? Everybody calmly nods their heads. C.J. walks away while saying, Were done. Enjoy the rest of your day,

7:05 PM C.J. and Zoey are happily cuddling on the couch watching television in their hotel room. C.J.s cellular phone rings. C.J. looks down at his cellular phone only to be surprised by Robyn, who is calling him. C.J. looks to Zoey and says, I have to take this real quick, babe.

Zoey says, Okay. Cool beans. C.J. leaves the hotel room and walks to the elevator area on his floor to answer his call. C.J. is says, Hello? *Snap* Robyn says, Hi. C.J. says, Sup? Robyn says, Are you okay? I heard what happened with your moms place. Deacon Eddie told me. C.J. smirks while saying, Hm, of course he did. I am good. So, what do you want? Robyn says, Oh. OkayNothing. I was worryC.J., I am sorry. I miss you so much! I know I was being selfish when we last saw each other. I know you were stressed about your brother. I am sorry. Please forgive me. C.J. smirks and then says, Word? Thats how you feel? Robyn says, Yes! Ill do anything to make it up to you! Please! Forgive me! Ill do anything and whatever! I miss you, babe. C.J. says, Word? Robyn says, Yes anything! C.J. says, You know what you can do for me? Robyn says, Yes? C.J. says, Go fuck yourself, please. C.J. ends the call with Robyn while wearing a victorious smile on his face. C.J. walks back into his hotel room while Zoey is saying, Everything okay? C.J. says, Sublime. Life is sublime, baby cakes. C.J. closes the door behind him. Sunday, January 6th 9:21 AM A middle aged, muscular built, black hair, and brown eyes Arab man and a young, adorable, slender, short, black hair and hazel eyes Asian woman named Agent Winter and

Wednesday are calmly walking through Philadelphia International Airport talking. Agent Winter says, Are you sure the cameras wont pick us up? Wednesday says, Have we been arrested yet in any airports? Agent Winter says, There was that time in Iran. Wednesday says, That was different. There encryption codes were in Arabic. It took me a second to crack it. Agent Winter says, Oh, but you can crack an Alien language. Wednesday says, I had to go through a class in Alien linguistics with the C.I.A. Cut me some slack here, Winter. Agent Winter and C.J. shoulder check one another. C.J. looks Winter into his eyes while saying, I am so sorry, sir! I really should watch where I am going. Agent winter says, It is okay, son. Agent Winter and Wednesday walk pass C.J. and his group. Wednesday excitedly says, That was the Amazing Poof! That really was him! Agent Winter says, Who? Wednesday sighs while rolling her eyes, saying, I will show you an episode once were on the plane, Winter. C.J. is approaching to their gate with Chris, Mercy, Eli, Julie, and their children, Robert, Sharon, and their children, Jay, Sonia, Rose, Ms. Vasquez, Zoey, and Ms. Brenda. The group has reached their gate. Everybody is hugging Ms. Brenda, Zoey says, It was so nice to meet you, Ms. Brenda. Ms. Brenda says, It was nice to meet you too, baby. Youre welcomed back any time. I will have a house to bring you too next time. C.J. says, Dont worry, mom, I will have you a new home in a week. Ms. Brenda says, I am not worry, baby. God has givin me an extended family and another day on this Earth, so I am fine. Eli says, It was great, Ms. Brenda. You can call me any time. I enjoyed talking with you. Jay says, Yeah, Ms. Bee, youre too dope.

Rose giggles while saying, Youre cooler than your son. C.J. says, HEY! Ms. Vasquez says, I will e-mail ya my recipe. Chris says, Thank you for havin us, Ms. Bee. Sonia says, I cant believe you guys are this fun. Sharon says, It was a pleasure, Ms. Brenda. Julie says, Thank you so much! Kids what do you say to Ms. Brenda? Children say, Thank you! Mercy says, It was a pleasure, Ms. Johnson but we need to catch this flight. C.J. says, Before we go lets take a group pic, pleeeeeease, Mercy?! Mercy rolls her eyes and then says, Okaaay. Give me the camera. C.J. says, Youre in the picture too, Mercy. Mercy slightly smiles as she joins the group for the picture. C.J. asks a bypassing stranger, Hey, can you take this picture of us? Stranger says, Sure. C.J. hands an Asian man his camera. The group huddles around Ms. Brenda and the stranger says, Ready? C.J. says, Yup! Stranger says, Cheeeeeese!

12:05 PM Chris and Mercy are sitting next to one another on the plane. Mercy is wearing an agitated facial expression while Chris is talking to her, saying, One date. Just give me one date and you will love me. Mercy says, Love you? Thats an overstatement. How did we end up sitting next to one another anyway? Chris says, I am not that much of a bad guy. Whatever you heard wasnt all the way true. Mercy says, Do you hear yourself? Youre a walking contradiction. Another thing, I do not play where I work. Chris says, This can be between us if that makes you feel better.

Mercy says, Like the interns or the producer of the show? You know secrets like that? Chris says, How do youI mean, I dont know what youre talkin about. Mercy says, And youre a liar, interesting. I am done talking with you. Chris says, Mercy, listenIs your real name Mercy? Mercy sighs and then says, I am going to the bathroom. Please dont talk to me when I come back. You make my skin crawl and face itch. Chris says, What?! Is that possible? Mercy leaves her seat as Jay turns around to Chris and laughs at him. Jay says, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Chris says, I am gonna get her. I am gonna get her. Mark my words, son. Chris places his ear buds into his ears as he reclines his seat back and closes his eyes. Chris says, Yup! She is good as mines.

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