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; the Midtown Greenway is the most heavily traveled bicycle trail in the state; Whereas; the Midtown Greenway is a vital piece of transportation infrastructure that serves a wide range of bicyclists as well as whole host of other non-motorized users; Whereas; at peak times, Greenway traffic exceeds the motorized traffic on many of the streets the Greenway crosses at-grade; Whereas; the existing at-grade crossings, whether they have traffic control devices or not, are confusing to both Greenway users and motorists alike; Whereas; there has been a bicyclist fatality at a similar trail at-grade crossing in St. Louis Park; Whereas; where the Greenway crosses 4 lane roadways, there exists a double threat motorists who dont stop like others at the crossing, endangering bicyclists attempting to cross. Therefore be it resolved that the Midtown Greenway Board of Directors recommends the following changes to traffic controls at at-grade Greenway street crossings: Greenway trail traffic always has the right of way and does not have to stop at crossings (unless there is a stop light), motorists must stop at crossings. At less busy minor cross streets (5th, 29th, and 30th Avenues) stop signs for traffic on the street with additional signs saying Trail Cross Traffic Does Not Stop At the busier of the minor cross streets (James, Irving, Humboldt, and 27th Avenues) a stop sign with the additional sign plus a flashing red light. All road crossings of the Greenway shall be two lanes, one in each direction. This will eliminate all double threats. To eliminate the double threat and accommodate industry at the 28th Street crossing, the western side of the island created by funneling the roadway to two lanes shall have a surface that allows for trucks to easily stop on it for short periods of times, avoiding curbs or high barricades, but clearly funneling down the roadway. At the busy Minnehaha Avenue, 26th Avenue, and East 28th Street crossings, the recommended traffic control device is [choose one?]:

o Flashing red for cars, activated by motion sensors, with mirrors or other devices so cyclists will know what traffic controls motorists are responding to. o Flashing red all the time for motorists with sign that motorists must stop. o Regular stop light with red, green, yellow for trail traffic as well as motorized cross traffic.

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