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Addis Ababa University College of Commerce Department of Marketing Management (MA-Marketing Management) Module/Course: Brand Management Code: MAMM

512 ECTS: 3.5 Instructor: Dr. Rakshit Negi E-mail: Course Description: The course will focus on providing students with the skills and knowledge required to develop and execute a successful brand strategy by understanding how to build, measure, and manage brand equity. What are brands, how are they created and managed, and how they add value to consumers and business firms are important aspects of understanding brand management. Students will learn how to leverage the marketing-mix to build a strong brand platform with a strong customer focus, analytical orientation and interactive approach. Textbook: Kevin Keller (2003), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Prentice-Hall: New Jersey. Suggested websites (worth reviewing):

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Explain the importance of branding as a marketing tool Recommend appropriate basic brand elements for a chosen product for a given target market Propose basic strategies that marketers might use to sustain and build brand equity Evaluate methods used to measure brand equity Critically analyze the effectiveness of brand management in an organizational context. Evaluation:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Article review and/or take-home assignments (Individual): 20% Class Quiz/Participation: 5% Project on Brand Audit/Research-based Assignment & Presentation (Group): 25% Final exam: 50%

Project Details:
The idea behind the brand audit is to conduct an in-depth examination of one of the major brands of your choice. As this is a team assignment, each team must focus on a different brand (Local, International or Global). The goal of the brand audit is to assess its sources of brand equity and suggest ways to improve

and leverage that brand equity. Your brand selection and rationale (explanation) for selection must be clear to you, and shall be discussed in class before the project starts. For the purpose, create a page long document with the name of the brand, team members, and rationale for selecting the brand.

Course outline: Unit I: Overview of Brand Management 1.1 History and definition of branding 1.2 The concept of brand equity 1.3 Strategic brand management process Unit II: Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values 2.1 Customer based brand equity 2.2 Identifying brand positioning and values 2.3 Establishing brand positioning 2.4 Positioning guidelines Unit III: Planning and Implementing Brand Management Programs 3.1 Choosing brand elements to build brand equity 3.2 Designing marketing programs to build brand equity 3.3 Integrating marketing communication to build brand equity 3.4 Integrating secondary brand associations Unit IV: Measuring Brand Equity 4.1 Developing a brand equity measurement and management system 4.2 Measuring sources of Brand equity 4.3 Measuring outcomes of Brand equity Unit V: Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity 5.1 Designing and implementing branding strategies 5.2 Introducing and naming new products and brand extensions 5.3 Brand architectures and hierarchy Unit VI: Managing Brands Overtime 6.1 Reinforcing and revitalizing brands 6.3 Adjustments to the brand portfolio Articles for Review: Ghodeswar, B.M. (2008), Building brand identity in competitive markets: a conceptual model, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17/1: 4-12. 2. Tong, X. and Hawley, T.M. (2009), Measuring customer-based brand equity: empirical evidence from the sportswear market in China, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18/4: 262-271. 3. Kirby, A.E. and Kent, A.M. (2010), Architecture as brand: store design and brand identity, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19/6: 432-439.

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