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"Spiritus Sanctus" <spiritus@mindspring.

com> Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:11:32 -0400 27 degrees Virgo

The Angels of Air Creatures Also known as The Angels of 'Sumuram'

Beloved, we are the angels who protect and guide all animals of the air. From the smallest fly up to the grand eagle, we know the secrets of all flying animals. If you let us teach you, the most amazing connection is made in consciousness between you and any creature of the air. You can summon the hawk to land happily on your shoulder. The most powerful and dangerous birds of prey will safely and gently play with children and little creatures under your influence. In many mythologies, a mystic appears with a bird of prey perched upon his/her shoulder. These myths and archetypes are similar across cultural and generational boundaries. This similarity is due to the fact that universal truths are embedded in myths and archetypes. People who study and become one with divine virtues have miraculous powers of all kinds. They often commune with angels of all the beings in physical incarnation. It is natural that they love and control the air creatures. Their mystical studies have taught them to patiently attune to the guidance that we give. As children, when your parents read aloud the spiritual tales of wondrous yore, in which magical and miraculous happenings were commonplace, do you remember sleepily wondering how the magic was done? This simple question, gently offered to the omnipresent Consciousness of the Divine, has set in motion a chain of events that has led to you reading this message before you now. If you give any credence to the scriptures that exist in your world that point to the spiritual life, then you must give credence to our words. We are angels and we exist to work with mankind to establish the kingdom of heaven. It is our great joy to work with you as you discover your kinship with the creatures of the air. These animals are capable of the greatest love, and they have many things to teach you. We are the angels of Sumuram. S-U-M-U-R-A-M * S. This step is initiation into all-penetrating power, ALL-POWER. ALL-POWER IS QUANTITIVE in form in comparison to the divine virtue of omnipotence, letter K, which is qualitative in form. This all-power is to be understood substantially, whereas omnipotence is to be regarded as the highest divine virtue . With all-power you get into contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, i.e., with the original divine fire which works as a substantial power in everything that has been created by Divine Providence. Oneness with all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of desire and will and brings about a state of clairvoyance in its purest form. Complete control over consciousness results from this. The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth, and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it. * U. The letter U in the cosmic language represents the faculty of comprehending the creative act and its relationship to karma. This virtue evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration and makes possible the understanding of ones own karma and its modification. It also makes possible the transfer of consciousness to any state imaginable and this results in states of highest trance. This letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus and then in the legs and feet. This letter enlivens the pancreas. The musical note is B, and it is the element of Akasha, which has the sensation of God-penetrating-all in meditation. * M.This letter is the sound of the original water principle, which is the Emotional Feminine aspect of Divine Awareness. This is the principle of fluidity. In the intellect the original water principle is manifested as life, feeling and sensation, and by mastering this, a child of God is given the mental faculty of becoming perfect master of feelings, sensations and life spirit. This faculty also enables the penetration into the life, feelings, and sensations of any person or creature with ones own consciousness and to study and master them. The color of this virtue is blue-green, the musical note is D, the sensation is coolness or chill, and the abdomen is created by it.

* U.With this virtue, a child of God gains the faculty of creating a high state of trance. * R.. The sound of the letter R is the divine virtue of becoming the master and guardian of freedom and independence. In this state there is the feeling of freedom of any pressing burden of the laws, for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a state of maturity by which this feeling of independence has been transformed into an absolute state of security and unimpeachability. This comes from the realization of the harmony and perfection of all divine laws and the identification and love of them so intensely that they have actually become merged with oneself. In this case you are the personification and representation of the divine laws and they will serve you, and your sense of freedom will derive from them rather than in spite of them. This is a very high state of consciousness, but it is the state that every human being is destined to accomplish. It is for this reason that your teachers have told you that the truth is written within your heart. * A. The highest wisdom and enlightenment. This sound [a soft a like a sigh-ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom and the purity of all ideas. This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by meditating on this virtue. On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom. The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it. * M.Mastery of the divine virtue of feeling and emotion gives mastery over manifestation in the physical realm. Thus the laws of gravitation can be controlled. * MIRACLES

2nd day of the 28 day moon cycle

The Moon Angels of Biorhythms Also known as The Moon Angels of Emtircheyud
Beloved, We are responsible for controlling the feelings that govern the manifestation of all biorhythms in the physical world. We are the teachers of biorhythm and periodicity and their use for healing and mystical purposes. We help the children of God to understand that the nine months of a womans pregnancy is related to the mystical meaning of the number nine, which is graphically symbolized by three equilateral triangles interlacing

one another. Nine, the highest number, is the number of feelings and of the moon. We are the controllers of cycles of menstruation, polarity, and periodicity. Now that Divine Providence has ordained the healing of the emotional awareness of the children of God so that heaven can manifest on earth, we are especially active in bringing forth the understanding of these natural feeling cycles and their corresponding physical manifestations in body functions. The prophets foretold that when the Divine Masculine Force of Will, the electric power, was perfectly united with the Divine Feminine Force of Feeling, the magnetic power, that bliss would return to earth. With enlightenment concerning the importance and cyclic nature of feelings, the day to day traditions and lifestyle of cultures make use of the power of feelings that create biorhythms and periodicity. Living in conscious alignment with these feeling states creates security, rejuvenation, and creativity, which allows the human body to take on a state of immortality, ecstasy, and bliss. Because feelings, the Divine Feminine Force, has been held in such fear and superstition, it is only now that the children of God have found a way to accept and understand them. It is only as feelings are embraced with unconditional all encompassing love and acceptance that the practice of suppressing, controlling, denying, medicating, and destructively acting out is being replaced. We are teaching the children of God to allow feelings to flow naturally and safely into a healed and ecstatic state. That is why it was spoken, And the last enemy to be overcome is death. Meditate on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name, and call on our help. E-M-T-I-R-Ch-E-Y-U-D E.We unite ordinary with cosmic consciousness. M.As masters of feelings and vitality, we specialize in emotional vicissitudes and rhythm. T.We have mastered all the elements and can awaken remarkable inventive ability and expand memory capacity. I.We can trigger any memory and teach practices with breath and how to bring what is dead back to life. R.We awaken ingenuity and we facilitate quick learning ability. Ch.We understand and control the rhythms of life on earth, especially the water element and the flow of feelings and will. E.We confer intuition, which is learning to flow with the universal transfer of consciousness. Y.We reveal the true origin of the rhythm of life and teach the law of evolution from the onset of creation to its perfection, which is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. U.We teach how to trace and understand the original source of everything that exists through all of its form, which means that we teach the original source of everything on the four levels of will, intellect, feeling and form. D.We know all mysteries of creation. The music of the letters of our name are the notes of D, D, F, G, C, F sharp, D, C sharp, B, and C. * ECSTASY

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