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27 degrees Cancer

Angels of the Miracles of the Spheres Also known as

The Angels of 'Zagol' Beloved, we are the angels who are in charge of miracles as they relate to the planets that share the solar system with Earth. Our particular influence is felt whenever you spend time in contemplation of the spiritual essence of the interplanetary spheres and at the same time desire help from them. This is similar to obtaining help from the spiritual essence of a plant, or a beautiful ocean, or from the spiritual essence of a forest, or a great teacher. In each of these cases, there is a specific group of angels who make possible the transferance of consciousness, information and help. When help is desired from the interplanetary spheres , we are the angels who fascilitate the seeker to experience miraculous changes. 'Z-A-G-O-L Z.we train the abilities to translaate abstract ideas into easily understandable terms and to send and receive messages through the air with great endurance and resiliency. A.We access all artistic talents, eloquence, selected mystical abillities, rituals, and ceremonies. We enhance mental functioning to the degree of being able to tap into other spheres and domains beyond the earth. G.We confer peace in the spirit, true divine blessings, and help seekers discern the working of grace in all spheres and planes. O.We help the children of God attain discerning judgment and the realization to grasp the purpose of any intervention by Divine Providence for the sake of Justice. L.We teach how to spiritualize the emotions in order to perfectly attune to, and become one with, any and all divine virtues.' Just as different people have different gifts of the spirit, different planets also have different spiritual qualities and gifts. "As above, so below" Each of the planets is a manifestation on the physical plane of different divine attributes of will, intellect, and feeling. As mankind has pondered the planets over the centuries, we have inspired philosophies concerning the different planets and their divine attributes. Roman and Greek mythology, native American, Oriental, and other cultures are full of teachings concerning the divine identities of the planets and the powers and qualities that they possess. We teach the children of God how to enjoy and obtain wisdom and healing from the interplanetary spheres through meditation and evocation. It is our joy to list a few of the divine attributes of the planets: Mercury represents receptive Wisdom manifesting in the intellect and form on the levels of Theta and Beta brainwaves. Venus represents receptive Divine Love manifesting in intellect and form on the level of Theta and Beta brainwaves. Mars represents Creative Love manifesting in Will and Feeling on the Delta and Alpha brainwave level. Jupiter represents Creative Wisdom manifesting in Will and Feeling on the Delta and Alpha brainwave level. Saturn represents receptive Divine Will manifesting in intellect and form on the Theta and Beta brainwave level.

Uranus represents the overall totality of The Will of God on the level of Delta brainwaves. Neptune represents the overall totality of the Wisdom of God on the level of Delta brainwaves. Pluto represents the overall totality of the Love of God on the level of Delta brainwaves. The Sun represents the Male aspect of The Divine Self. The Moon represents the Female aspect of the Divine Self. Call on us when your thoughts ponder the meaning of the celestial lights, and you desire our help in your quest to become more filled with Love, and with Wisdom , and with God's Will. We are the angels of sphere miracles. Call on us. * MIRACLES The 27th day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle The Angels of Minerals Also known as The Angels of 'Emzhabe' Beloved, Every form in physical creation was ATTRACTED into place through the magnetism of feeling. Every form in creation has an analogous feeling. We teach the children of God the divine emotions and the minerals that they manifest. Each mineral was created and is sustained by powerful magnetic feelings held in place by Divine Consciousness. By understanding this, and attuning to the emotional energy of each mineral, great healing and enlightenment can be enjoyed. At this time of the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, the children of God are being inspired intuitively to seek out and wear minerals for the purpose of healing and enlightenment. "In the end times, even the rocks will cry out." As minerals are understood and used according to their emotional-magnetic influence, their use as adornments, in homes and temples, and in healing elixers become a source of great joy and union with Divine Consciousness. 'E-M-Z-H-A-B-E E.The letter in the ancient language represents the divine virtue of omnipresence. This virtue was used to create the spinal chord of every child of God. . In the emotions, this virtue gives control over the feelings of oneself and others, and the ability to understand the language of all beings, including plants and minerals. We teach how to understand the languages and communication of all levels of beings on earth. The letter E has the musical note of D, is of the dark violet color, and is meditated on with the feeling of God-penetrating-all. M. This letter represents the magnetic power of emotions. It also represents control over the element of water, and therefore over rain and all manifestations of water. We reveal the mysteries of the growth process and how feelings attract manifestation into form. The letter M has the musical note of D, the color of blue-green, and has the sensation of coolness, like water. The abdomen of every child of God was created with this virtue. Z.. The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence.

When meditating on this in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise. The ability to put all abstract ideas into words develops. This virtue introduces tremendous endurance and resiliance into material world forms. The divine virtue of the letter Z has the musical note of G, is a light yellow color, is of the air element and has the sensation of ease, and is practiced in the heart. The heart of every child of God was created with this virtue. H. This letter represents the power of the word. When meditating on this virtue in the feeling realm, the faculty of influencing ech fate at will is gained. All tantra and mantra practices are understood. We teach the power of the word to invoke certain divine virtues and accordingly, influence growth and manifestation of the virtues of Divine Consciousness. This virtue has the musical note of A, the color of silver-violet, is of the water element and has the sensation of coolness, and is practiced in the right arm. The right arm of every child of God was created with this virtue. A.. This letter represents wisdom and enlightenment, and the original purity of all ideas. In the feeling realm, eloquence, musical gift, poetic talent, and mystical faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience, levitation are attained. Also control over the spirits of the air is attained, and therefore over weather. We tap into the wisdom of divine mind in order to teach the mysteries of life and growth in minerals. This virtue has the musical note of G, the color of light blue, is the air principle and is meditated on with a sense of ease, and is felt in the lungs. B. The letter B represents the divine virtue of polarity. Cognition of polarity; yin and yang, sun and moon, male and female, will and feeling, and how each complements the other, leads to profound wisdom. By meditating on this virtue, the different polarities of emotions represented by minerals can be understood. This virtue has the musical note of A, the color of light violet, is of the earth element and therefore meditated on with a sense of gravity. It is felt in the right eye. E. We help you bring cosmic into ordinary consciousness and confer upon you high intuition and the faculty of transfer of consciousness into any being or kingdom, including the mineral kingdom.' We are inspiring all of the children of God to look about them with new eyes, at all of the minerals of earth. The emotional energy held in each mineral is a treasure house of attunement with Divine Consciousness. * ECSTASY Names, phrases, or sections, in italics or single quotation marks are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN 3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany. These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac. For serious study of the ancient language and easy reference, you can purchase these books online at: Previous angel messages and instructions on the ancient language, and the TIBETAN EXERCISE OF PARADOX, can be found at:

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