On Natural History of Religion

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Philosophy of Religion Bibliography

Augustine, Confessions Anselm, Proslogion and replies by Gaunilo and Anselm Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Questions 1-13, (Q1-3, 12-13) Anthony Kenny, The Five Ways; David Burrell, Aquinas Luther, Preface to the edition of his Latin Writings, Freedom of a Christian, Two Types of Righteousness, selections from Lectures on Galatians Calvin, Institutes, ed.John McNeill, tr. Battles (Westminster) (Bk I: 1-7, 15; II: 1-4, 6, 1214; III 1-2) Carr, Realists and Nominalists Descartes, Meditations Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise James Preus, Spinoza and the Irrelevance of Biblical Authority Hobbes, Leviathan Locke, Essay Book IV, sections 18-19, The Reasonableness of Christianity Pierre Bayle, Dictionary (selections on skepticism and tolerance) Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections, selections, Nature of True Virtue Hume, Of Miracles (Ch. X in Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding); Dialogues on Natural History of Religion Rousseau, Confessions of a Savoyard Vicar, in mile Mendelssohn, Jerusalem Lessing, The Education of the Human Race Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (selections), Critique of Practical Reason, Critique of Judgment (selections) Schleiermacher, Speeches on Religion, Introduction to The Christian Faith

2 Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, selections (Preface, Introduction, Consciousness-SelfConsciousness, Religion, Absolute Knowing) Alexandre Kojeve, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Jean Hyppolite, Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology, Logic and Existence Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity Marx, Theses on Feuerbach; Introduction to the Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right; The Jewish Question Schelling, On Human Freedom, The Grounding of Positive Philosophy Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling; Philosophical Fragments; The Sickness Unto Death Nietzsche, The Gay Science V; The Genealogy of Morals; The Anti-Christ; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Will to Power, selections Freud, Obsessive Actions and Religious Practices Civilization and its Discontents; The Future of an Illusion; The Interpretation of Dreams, Totem and Taboo, Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Paul Ricoeur, The Symbolism of Evil Hans Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method William James, Varieties of Religious Experience Walter Rauschenbusch, The Social Gospel John Dewey, The Quest for Certainty, A Common Faith Barth, Epistle to the Romans, Prefaces, Chapters 1-6; Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum Rudolf Bultmann, Existence and Faith, Jesus Christ and Mythology Tillich, (The Protestant Era, Introduction, Chapters 3, 6, 11, 14); Two types of philosophy of religion (in Religion and Culture); Systematic Theology, Volume I, Introduction. Bultmann, New Testament and mythology (in Kerygma and Myth, ed. Bartsch) Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society

3 Thomas Altizer, The Gospel of Christian Atheism Flew et al., Theology and Falsification (in The Philosophy of Religion (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), edited by Basil Mitchell) D. Z. Phillips, Religious Beliefs and Language Games (in The Philosophy of Religion (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), edited by Basil Mitchell) J. Wisdom, Gods, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy 1944:191. Wittgenstein, Lectures on Religious Belief P. Winch Understanding a primitive society (in Rationality, edited by Bryan R. Wilson) MacIntyre, Is understanding religion compatible with believing? and The idea of a social science (in Rationality, edited by Bryan R. Wilson) J. L. Mackie, Evil and Omnipotence (in The Philosophy of Religion (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), edited by Basil Mitchell) Plantinga, The Free Will Defense (in The Philosophy of Religion (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), edited by Basil Mitchell) Plantinga, Reason and Belief in God (in Faith and Rationality) (The ethics of belief: a recent history, in Andrew Chignell and Andrew Dole, ed., God and the Ethics of Belief) Heidegger, Poetry, Language, Thought, Essays on Technology, The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking Carl Schmitt, Political Theology, The Concept of the Political Franz Rosenzweig, The Star of Redemption Amos Funkenstein, Theology and the Scientific Imagination Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing Paul Ricoeur, The Freud and Philosophy Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato, eds., The Structuralist Controversy

4 Foucault, The Order of Things Bataille, Visions of Excess De Certeau, The Mystic Fable Luce Irigaray, Speculum, of The Other Woman Derrida, Differance Acts of Religion Writing and Difference The Gift of Death

Secondary books for overview of the period: Frank Manuel, The Eighteenth Century Confronts the Gods Henry Allison, Lessing and the Enlightenment Karl Barth, Protestant Thought in the 19th Century Paul Tillich, Protestant Thought M.H. Abrams, Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature Josef Chytry, The Aesthetic State Herbert Marcuse, Reason and Revolution Mark Taylor, Deconstruction in Context Allan Megill, Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida and Foucault Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy, The Literary Absolute Friedrich Copleston, History of Philosophy

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