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Make questions using the given verbs.

Who drank (drink) my coffee?

Sorry, I did!I thought it was mine.

Who _________________________(go) with?

This is a good book.

What time ________________________________(usually/get) home? He's often late after 10pm.

How many people ____________________________(invite) to your party?

I went with my sister.

Who _____________________(write) it?

I've invited forty but I don't think they'll all come.


Right. Let's go. Who _____________________(know) the way to Peter's house?

Who ________________________(go) to Monica's party tonight?

I hear Steven and Claire are getting married.

What time ________________________(leave) the party last night?

I do.

All of us.

Really? Who _____________________(tell) you?

About eleven. I was really tired.

Complete the sentences by adding question tags.

Ursula's from Switzerland,

isn't she?

Irene was here last year, __________________?

Conrad and Francisca aren't married, _____________________?

They've been here for two months, ______________________?

Yvonne doesn't like her job, ________________________?

They didn't know each other before, _______________________?

Marcus can speak three languages, _______________________?

Juliet hasn't been to England before, _______________________?

Isabel's an actress, ________________________?

You don't know her, ________________________?


She's Brazilian, _________________________?

Make sentences with the same meanings. Use the words given.

I don't have a job at the moment.


I'm unemployed at the moment.


I'm trying to get a job in advertising.

looking for


My father doesn't work any more.



I'm the boss of my own company.



I'm at college. I'm going to be a teacher.



In my job I have to travel a lot.



I'm a journalist and I do work for lots of different publications.



I work for an advertising company.



She stopped work when she had her first child.


Present Perfect and Past Simple. Read the letter and choose the correct verb form.
Dear Susanna,
Everything's going well here. I'm really enjoying myself. I (started / have started)
college six weeks ago. It's OK and the people are nice. I (made / 've made) lots of
friends and my English (improved / has improved) a bit, I think! When I first
(arrived / have arrived) I couldn't understand anything but it's a lot easier now.
I (stayed / 've stayed) with some of my relatives in Wales for a week at Christmas.
It (was / has been) great but their accents were hard to understand!
I (travelled / 've travelled) around England quite a lot. The school usually organises
trips to different places at the weekends. Last Saturday I (went / have gone) to
Oxford for the day. (Did you go / Have you gone) there last year?
This weekend I'm going to a musical! I (didn't go / haven't been) to one before so
I'm looking forward to it. I hope you're enjoying your new job, and that you
(met / 've met) lots of nice people there.
Love, Daniela

Complete the sentences. Include the words given and an adverb from the box.




Don't forget to turn off the computer.

A: Do you like Thai food?

A: Can I have my book back?



It's OK. I've already done it. (do)

B: I don't know. I ____________________________________.


B: Could I keep it another day? I ________________________________________. (not finish)


A: Does she know how to use this computer software?

B: Yes, she ______________________________________________.

A: __________________________________________? (ride / motorbike)

B: Yes, lots of times. My brother's got one.


A: We __________________________________________. (miss / bus)

B: On no! Now we'll have to wait half an hour for the next one.

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