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EMOTIONAL STYLE QUESTIONNAIRE Read each statement, and indicate whether you think this is true or false for

you in a negotiation situation. Force yourself to answer each one as generally true or false (i.e., do not respond with I dont know). 1. In a negotiation situation, it is best to keep a cool head. 2. I believe that in negotiations you can catch more flies with honey. 3. It is important to me that I maintain control in a negotiation situation. 4. Establishing a positive sense of rapport with the other party is key to effective negotiation. 5. I am good at displaying emotions in negotiation to get what I want. 6. Emotions are the downfall of effective negotiation. 7. I definitely believe that the squeaky wheel gets the grease in many negotiation situations. 8. If you are nice in negotiations, you can get more than if you are cold or neutral. 9. In negotiation, you have to fight fire with fire. 10. I honestly think better when I am in a good mood. 11. I would never want to let the other party know how I really felt in a negotiation. 12. I believe that in negotiations, you can catch more flies with a flyswatter.

13. I have used emotion to manipulate others in negotiations. 14. I believe that good moods are definitely contagious. 15. It is very important to make a very positive first impression when negotiating. 16. The downfall of many negotiators is that they lose personal control in a negotiation. 17. It is best to keep a poker face in negotiation situations. 18. It is very important to get the other person to respect you when negotiating. 19. I definitely want to leave the negotiation with the other party feeling good. 20. If the other party gets emotional, you can use this to your advantage in a negotiation. 21. I believe that it is important to get on the same wavelength as the other party. 22. It is important to demonstrate resolve in a negotiation. 23. If I sensed that I was not under control, I would call a temporary halt to the negotiation. 24. I would not hesitate to make a threat in a negotiation situation if I felt the other party would believe it.

Scoring Yourself Computing your PF score: Look at items #1, #3, #6, #11, #16, #17, #20, #23. Give yourself 1 point for every true answer and subtract 1 point for every false answer. Then add your scores. This is your PF score (poker face). Computing your FF score: Look at items #2, #4, #8, #10, #14, #15, #19, #21. Give yourself 1 point for every true answer and subtract 1 point for every false answer. Then add your scores. This is your FF score (Friendly Foe). Computing your II score: Look at items #5, #7, #9, #12, #13, #18, #22, #24. Give yourself 1 point for every true answer and subtract 1 point for every false answer. Then add your scores. This is your II score (Irate and Irrational).

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