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Major component used: gravity wheel 1. How it works, theoretical foundation for its function 2.

Answer why question 3 times, how does it work. What gas or source of power will u choose, why? 3. List any technological breakthroughs needed to accomplish the construction of the gravity wheel. 4. List tasks necessary to get from present day to liftoff. 5. Side benefits from technological breakthroughs.

you must describe one major component of a prosposed "Starship Enterprise." This description must include how it works (theoretical and historical context), the technological breakthroughs that will be necessary for practical implementation (along with engineering challeneges to be encountered), and a listing of the tasks necessary to get from present day levels of technology to lift-off.

Notes: read the link above, well split it into 3 parts. Part 1 is the longest, ive started on it. so ike do #2 & 3. Justin do #4 and 5. Shouldnt take too long. Save this file when youre done with ur part and email it to me and ill make it look all pro n shit.


1.(connor) The gravity wheel for the Gen1 Enterprise is a necessary component to the engineering of such a magnificent piece of work. In order to accommodate the inhabitants and massive size required for such a dream to come true, the gravity wheel will be used to generate the Earth like feeling of 1g on a large scale about the size of a neighborhood. There are quite a few things to look at when thinking of the technology required to complete this project. First, we start with the more apparent question. How will this be able to rotate with a diameter of 1480 feet at 2 rotations a minute. The outer hull would record a constant wind speed of 100 miles per hour. Magnetism will be used to create a frictionless, constant revolution using the basic idea of repelling magnetic fields. This idea was used in the creation of Maglev trains, which have a record speed of 361 mph. The centripetal acceleration from the rotating wheel is what will be used to create a force exerting in the outward direction at any point along the outer edge of the wheel. This outer edge can be viewed as a hamster wheel, where the hamster will be running along the floor of the gravity wheel. Since Earths gravity equals 9.81 meters/second, the centripetal acceleration will need to be somewhat close to this. Achieving this constant rotation will be determined by the magnetic fields ability to stay constant in movement through space. Surrounding the wheel will be balancing and rotational magnetism. Obviously, the magnets will need a substantial amount of power in order to obtain a constantly adjusting magnetic field. The field will be monitored by a plenty amount of computers that will be dedicated to keeping the wheel rotating at its constant speed, along with sustaining an equal distance between the surrounding

magnets. This can be done by the movement of the ship as a whole being read, giving the magnetic field the information it needs to remain constant. Since the shape of the vessel will essentially be a donut, any living area will be located on the inside surface of the outer hull, circling around the wheel. There are many design options for this portion of the Enterprise. One choice would be to have a number of pods so that you would be able to move about from pod to pod. This would ultimately be the safest, having the ability to eject any pod at any time in case of emergency. Another idea is to have a solid floor, treated more like a neighborhood, continuous throughout the gravity wheel.

This floor plan will be more economical for visitors, residents, and crew. Transportation will be along the lines of a golf cart. Being able to get from place to place will be relatively easy as all it will require a short walk. Golf carts would be an ideal form of transportation, also. Safety is always the main concern when construction of an ice-breaking model is made. Being in space has a whole new aspect to be aware of. On Earth, if your house is burning down, youre able to gather what you can and run away. On a spacecraft, the only real option during a catastrophic event will be to eject in a pod into the unknown and hope to be rescued.

Precautions will be first and foremost to ensure nothing on the scale of the Space Shuttle Challenger ever happens again. The hull will consist of four different walls. In order from inside to space, the first three will be .5 thick with a gap between the first and second. In between the second and third will be a 1 vacuum sealed gap, followed by an 8 air gap between the third and fourth, with space outside the .125 outer wall. Quadrupal wall redundancy will be more than enough strength to withhold the pressures of deep space. This will be required for all aspects of the Enterprise.

2. (ike) 3. (ike)

4. (Justin) The first and one of the most important tasks to creating the gravity wheel is obtaining funds. The estimated as seen below total over $75 Billion dollars. Obtaining funds would include constant negotiations from congress and all other international

bodies that may be involved which could take years in itself.

Once funds are obtained for the project sufficient research and testing would have to be done. Primary research would focus upon the placement of the magnets to obtain magnetic suspension. Further Research upon how the gravity wheel will function such as what currents and voltage would be needed to obtain the correct angular velocity for 1g of gravity. Once this step in research is complete the effects of living in a pod environment would need to be studied. Since the enterprise is built for long term missions the effects of living in false gravity as opposed to the normal gravitational force of the earth would need to be determined. The computer systems which would take an unprecedented amount of computational power would need to be developed to constantly monitor the systems. Designs of each pod and how the pod will operate will also need to be researched. Each pod functions independently and would have to be studied for the best fit of the project. Once research upon all parts of the gravity wheel is completed procurement of the materials for the actual ship would take place. The magnitude of the enterprise will take much more raw material then just one country can produce. It will take a combined effort of numerous countries to obtain all the raw materials needed. After obtaining all raw materials assembly of the gravity wheel will take place. While undergoing assembly numerous checks will need to be done to assure that each pod is safely assembly and safety and quality checks will need to be enforced.

5. (Justin) Benefits are numerous from building the enterprise which include global cooperation the likes which have never been seen before and also the benefit of the first artificial gravity system. With a gravitational system in place more planets will become habitable, thus opening more opportunities discovering new minerals. Another benefit of building the gravity wheel would be the technological advances; the computer systems used would be more powerful than anything that we currently have, because of the development of these systems the computational power could be used for other things then just the enterprises such as the calculations and modeling of other solar systems. These models could be used to answer the great questions that have plagued humans since the formation of the earth. An adduced benefit of the gravity wheel would be the revenue it could generate from the pods that it contains. Each pod is a separate living environment, certain pods could be corporately sponsored or even the gravity wheel could be a form of very exotic vacation slowly generating revenue over time.

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