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Formula Sheet for Physics 113 speed of light in vacuum: c = 3 108 m ; conversion: 1 km = 1000 m s 1nano meter = 1nm = 109

09 m speed of sound at room temperature (20o Celsius): 343 m s mass of an electron: me = 0.511M eV /c2 = 0.511 106 eV /c2 = 9.11 1031 kg mass of a positron = rest mass of an electron mass of a proton: mp = 1.6726 1027 kg conversion: dierent units for energy 1eV = 1.6 1019 J Plancks constant: h = 6.626 1034 Js wave lengths of visible light: 400nm 700nm, red > green > blue > violet

d constant velocity: v = , d: distance, t: time t 1 frequency: f = , unit: Hz = hertz = 1 s T Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) Hookes Law in one dimension: F = kx, displacement of the spring: x position for SHM: x = A cos t, if stretched to maximum amplitude A at t = 0. velocity for SHM: v = A sin t acceleration for SHM:a = A 2 cos t 1 Elastic potential energy: P Eelastic = kx2 2 1 1 work done by the spring force: W = kx2 kx2 0 2 2 1 2 = period T , frequency f , angular frequency : T = f m period of a spring + mass: T = 2 k L , L length of the string period of a pendulum: T = 2 g Elastic deformation: L Stretch and compression: F = Y A with L0 original length, A cross sectional area, Y Youngs L0 modulus

Shear deformation: F = S Pressure: P =

F A V Pressure change implies volume change: P = B V0 Waves wave velocity: v = f , is the wavelength

X A, with shear modulus S L0

F m/L m speed of sound in air: v (331 + 0.6T ) s , with T being the temperature in Celsius. wave speed on a string of mass m and length L under tension F : v = speed of sound in a solid bar: v = Y with Youngs modulus Y and density . power , power = energy intensity I = area time I W intensity level: = 10 log , threshold of human hearing I0 = 1012 2 I0 m 2 energy of a wave: E A , A: amplitude v vo Doppler eect: fo = fs v vs upper signs: source and observer move toward each other lower signs: source and observer move away from each other vo : speed of observer; vs : speed of source interference of waves condition for constructive interference: L = 0, , 2, 3, ... condition for completely destructive interference: L = 1 , 3 , 5 , ... 2 2 2 Beat frequency: fbeat = |f1 f2 | fn = nf1 , f1 fundamental frequency or rst harmonic, n = 2, 3, 4... correspond to the higher harmonics of a string nv v = , any n n 2L v nv tubes with one closed end: fn = = , n odd 4L tubes with open ends: fn = diraction: diraction with a single slit: sin =
circular opening: sin = 1.22 D D

is the direction of the rst minimum

Light as a Wave total energy density of an e.m. wave: u = 1 0 E 2 + 2

1 B2 20

electric and magnetic eld of an e.m. wave: E = cB intensity S = cu average (rms) values: Erms =
1 E0 , 2

Brms =

1 B0 2 vrel c

Doppler eect for electromagnetic waves: fo = fs 1

, for vrel << c. The plus sign

is used when source and observer move towards each other, the minus sign otherwise. speed of light in a medium with refraction index n: v = wavelength of light in a medium n =
n c n

1 Polarization: Unpolarized light falls onto a polarizer: S = 2 S0 , with initial intensity S0

Polarized light falls on a polarizer: S = S0 cos2 , angle between electric eld vector and polarizer axis: Double Slit Experiment maxima (bright fringes) at: sin = m , m = 0, 1, 2, ..., separation of slits: d d 1 minima (dark fringes) at: sin = (m + ) , m = 0, 1, 2, ... 2 d Thin-lm interference: Light reected from the front and rear surfaces of a thin lm of transparent material can interfere. When light travels through a material with a larger index of refraction toward a material with a smaller index of refraction, there is no phase change upon reection at the boundary. Otherwise, there is a phase change of /2. A phase change of /2 occurs when the light reects at a surface where the index of refraction increases. Single Slit , m = 1, 2, ..., slit width: W W Resolving Power - Rayleigh criterion: Two objects can be resolved if they subtend an angle at least as large as min : sin min = 1.22 where D is the diameter of the circular opening D s reminder: angle in radians = , with arc length s and radius r r Minima: sin = m

Diraction Grating Bright fringes (principal maxima): sin = m , m = 0, 1, 2, ..., separation of slits: d; d line density N : N = 1/d Relativity time dilation: t = , t0 is a proper time interval or proper time; t is the time 1 (v/c)2 measured by an observer with relative speed v. t0

length contraction: L = L0 1 (v/c)2 ,L0 is a proper length or rest length, measured by an observer in the rest frame of the object; L is the length measured by an observer with relative speed v. relativistic momentum: p = mv 1 (v/c)2 rest energy of an object: E0 = mc2 total energy of an object: E = E 2 = p2 c2 + m2 c4 0 photons: energy of a photon E = hf photoelectric eect: KEmax = hf W0 , W0 : work function of the metal E h photon momentum: p = = c h Compton eect shift in wave length: = + (1 cos ) melectron c h h de Broglie wave length of a particle: = = mv p momentum of a particle: p = mv Bohr Model:
h quantization condition imposed on angular momentum: L = mvrn = n 2

, m mass of an object

m c2 1(v/c)2

= E0 + KE

radius of the n-th allowed orbit: rn =

n2 r Z 1

with r1 =

h2 4 2 mke2

energy of the electron in the n-th allowed orbit: Z2 En = 2 E1 , with E1 = 13.6eV , charge of the nucleus Z n lowest energy state is the ground state line spectrum of hydrogen: n = n + 1, n + 2, n + 3 . . .


1 n2

1 n2

with the Rydberg constant R = 1.0974 107 m1 ;

n = 1 Lyman series, n = 2 Balmer series, n = 3 Paschen series

Heisenbergs Uncertainty Relation: (x)(p) Mechanics

h 4


h 4

Equations for constant acceleration a in one dimension: vx = v0x + ax t

2 2 vx = 2ax x + v0x

x = v0x t + 1 ax t2 2
1 vx,avg = 2 (v0x + vx )

v0x : initial velocity, i.e. velocity at t = 0

acceleration due to gravity at Earths surface: g = 9.8m/s2 Newtons Second Law: F = ma

1 Kinetic Energy: KE = mv 2 2 Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem: Wnet = KEf KE0 = KE Work: W = F cos s gravitational potential energy: GP E = mgh mechanical energy: Emec = KE + P E with P E = GP E + EP E + P Eelastic Wnc = (KEf + P Ef ) (P Eo + KEo ) W Power P = t

Geometry: area of a circle A = r2 surface area of a sphere:S = 4r2 Logarithms: 10log x = x addition: log a + log b = log(ab) subtraction: log a log b = log( a ) b Quadratic equation: ax + bx + c = 0, x = Vector a: ax = a cos(), Trig and right triangle: Units: On this page of the formula sheet, you will nd relations between units. The table contains only SI - units. ay = sin() ,

ay ax

b2 4ac 2a

tan() =

Note that once in a while, the same letter might either be the symbol for a physical quantity or the abbreviation for a unit, e.g. C may stand for capacitance, or for Coulomb. This should always be clear from the context. If it is not clear to you, ask! Non SI-unit: the electron-volt, eV , is a unit for energy often used for elementary particles. 1eV = 1.6 1019 J. physical quantity force symbol F unit Newton abbreviation for unit kgm N= 2 s J = Nm J VC =VA= s S Hz = 1 s

energy, work

E, P E, KE, W




W =





Pa = W m2 dB

N m2



sound intensity level


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