Biology Question Paper

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You will not be allowed to write during the first TEN minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 50 MINUTES is the time allowed for writing the answers. The intended marks for question or parts of question are given in brackets ( ). 1. Name the following: i. The tumour arising from the cells that produce melanin(1) ii. The pressure receptor in the dermis. (1) iii. The fibrous layer which forms the chief part of the body covering. It is thick in men than in women. (1) iv. A nerve ending that is sensitive to stimuli and can convert them into nerve impulses. (1) v. The chief protein ferment of the pancreatic secretion. (1) 2. i. Coronary thrombosis (the blood supply to some part of the heart muscles is stopped) is a: () Congenital disease Metabolic disease Dietary deficiency disease Immunological disease Degenerative disease ii. Atherosclerosis (hardening of arterial walls reducing blood flow) is a: () Congenital disease Metabolic disease Dietary deficiency disease Immunological disease Degenerative disease 3. The snake charmers of India appear to render themselves indifferent to cobra bites by this process. (1) 4. Name the source organisms of: i. Penicillin(1) ii. Streptomycin (1) 5. Give the other name for: i. Gullet () ii. Maw-worm () iii. Infantile paralysis () iv. Crusta petrosa () v. Diaphoresis ()

vi. Bleeders () vii. Sweetbread() viii. Vomito amarilli () ix. Break-bone fever() x. Dextrose()


I stepped on a nail in our yard. What should I do?(1)

7. Give the inflammatory diseases of: i. Tongue () ii. Epiglottis () iii. Lining of the stomach () iv. Oesophagus() v. Subcutaneous fat () vi. Papilla ()

vii. Lungs() viii. Rectum() Ix. Pancreas() x. Hair follicles () xi. Gall bladder() xii. Portal vein()

8. Identify the mammals to which the following pictures of the teeth belong to:


(1) 9. One striking feature of this worm is that it is found in the circulating blood in large numbers in the evening whilst during the day they disappear from the blood stream. Identify the worm.(1)

10. Define: i. Gastro-oesophageal reflux(1) ii. Gamma globulin (1) 11. An extremely common condition among civilized peoples, and is most common in childhood and early adult life. The precise cause of this condition is still unknown, but the general consensus of expert opinion accepts what is known as the acidogenic theory, in essence this theory is that acids are produced at or near the surface of the tooth by bacterial fermentation of the dietary carbohydrates. In Britain only 50% of children of three years are free of this disease. Identify the condition. (1) 12. A chronic, persistent and severe form of conjunctiva inflammation rampant amid the dirt and poverty of the tropics and subtropical, and also found in Eastern and central Europe. It is the greatest single world cause of serious and progressive loss of sight. Name it. (1) 13. Label the diagram of the mouth given below (4)

14. A contagious disease of slow development, which, at its start, shows a characteristic sore at the site of infection, later brings on constitutional effects resembling those of other infectious diseases, and at a still later period produces certain changes in the central nervous system, the arteries and else-where. In the early ages it was known as Neapolitan disease, French pox or The Great Pox. Identify the disease. (1) 15. Pick the odd one out from the following group and give a reason for your selection. Stratum basale, Stratum corneum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum lucidum. (2) Pepsin, Rennin, Amylopsin, Steapsin . (2)

16. Complete the sequence (1) Hemoglobin _______?_______ (RED) (?)

Bilirubin (YELLOW)

17. Fill in the blanks (any four): i. The kidneys excrete the ___________ in urine, giving urine its typical yellow color. (1) ii. ______________ is an infection of the digestive tract, characterized by inflammation of the colon wall, frequent loose stools. (1) iii. The ______________ sweat glands in man are situated in greatest numbers on the soles of the feet and palms of the hand. (1) iv. _________________ is a syndrome, the most characteristic feature of which is the elevation in the concentration of glucose in the blood. The main symptoms also include thirst, polyuria and tiredness. (1) v. The _____________________ is made of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and hydrated copper(II) sulfate, together with potassium sodium tartrate.(1)

18. Name the vector of Chikungunya fever. (1) 19. Name a vaccine for typhoid. (1) 20. Give reasons: i. On aging wrinkles begin to appear. (1) ii. Sweating may also accompany nausea and severe pain. (1) 21. Complete the following pairs: i. Pathogen: Yersinia pestis; Vector: ______________ () ii. Pathogen: ___________ ; Vector: Aedes aegypti () iii. Cestode: Ascaris lumbricoides ; Disease:_________________ () iv. Nematode: Wuchereria bancrofti; Disease:_________________ () 22. Name the chemicals: i. A blue solution of Rochelle salt (a crystalline salt that is a mild purgative) and CuSO4 used as an oxidizing agent in a test for sugar and aldehydes (a group of highly reactive organic compounds). (1) ii. A blue solution containing a carbonate, citrate and sulfate which yields a red, yellow or orange precipitate upon warming with a sugar that is a reducing agent. (1)

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