Baby Names With Meanings.20130101.014435

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Bible Infant Names and Meanings

It implies 'a ewe'. Rebekah was Isaac's wife. This identify suggests 'a knotted cord'. Ruth was the daughter-in-regulation of Naomi and the spouse of Boaz. An entire e-book of the Bible is devoted to her story. Ruth signifies 'companion'. Sarah was Abraham's spouse. Her name signifies 'princess'. Boys Bible newborn names: Aaron was Moses' brother. It means 'exalted'. Adam was the initially gentleman designed by God. It indicates 'red earth'. Andrew was 1 of Jesus' disciples. It suggests 'manly, courageous'. Caleb means 'devoted one'. He was 1 of all those sent to scout out the Promised Land. Daniel indicates 'God is my judge'. He stayed real to God even when threatened with demise in a lion's den. David was probably the most famous king of Israel. He is explained in the Bible as a person immediately after God's own soul. David means 'beloved'. Ethan is a person is the Old Testament whose name means 'firm, steadfast'. Ezra was a prophet. His title signifies 'the helper'. Gabriel suggests 'God is my strength' and is one of God's top angels. Gideon indicates 'a mighty warrior'. He served produce the Israelites from the Midians. Isaac was the promised miracle kid of Abraham and Sarah. The identify means 'laughter' simply because Sarah laughed when she observed the angels inform Abraham that she would have a son in her aged age. Jacob was the young twin son of Isaac. He arrived out retaining Esau's heel, so it suggests 'holder of the heel'. Jesse was the father of King David. His title signifies 'God's gift'.

Joel was a insignificant prophet in the Old Testament. His identify signifies 'the Lord is God'. Jonah was the runaway prophet who warned the people of Ninevah about God's rage and coming judgment. It suggests 'a gentleman of peace'. Joseph was the favored son of Jacob. An additional was Jesus' adopted father. It signifies 'God will increase'. Joshua indicates 'God is salvation'. He led the Israelites into the Promised Land. Luke was 1 of Jesus' disciples and a health practitioner. It signifies 'from Lucania'. Mark was another just one of the twelve disciples. It means 'from Mars'. Matthew indicates 'a reward from God'. He was just one of the disciples and wrote the very first ebook of the New Testament. Micah was a small prophet in the Outdated Testament. It signifies 'humble'. Michael is one of the archangels of the Lord. It implies 'like the Lord'. Nathan was the prophet who gave King David God's message. It implies 'gift of God'. Paul was a Pharisee who was transformed by Jesus on the Damascus road. It suggests 'small'. Peter was the feistiest of the disciples. His identify signifies 'a stone or rock'. Philip was a prophet who helped the Ethiopian eunuch get saved. It means 'lover of horses'. Samuel implies asked of God. He was a fantastic prophet in the Previous Testament. Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve. His identify suggests 'the appointed one'. Stephen was a follower of Christ who was stoned to death. His title implies 'a crown'. Timothy was Paul's assistant. His title means 'to honor God'. Zacharias was John the Baptist's father. arti nama

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