Beacon Wealth: Market Update - 11/21/11: "Thankful For Good News"

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More than any other time heir blessings.

There is better, more satisfying oy, for it is one of the ce.

of year, this week is one when people strive to count t no doubt being appreciative for what we have leads to a life. It is wise to reflect upon the good things we enj actions that can help us deal with the challenges we fa

During the past few years, nearly every corner of the globe has been affected by the financial crisis in some way. Even now, with the recovery well under way, w e still feel the effects of high unemployment, a weak housing market, debt issue s in the Eurozone, and a volatile stock market. On top of everything else, the m edia has a tendency to lead with what sells sensationalism and bad news. So is t here any good news out there? Definitely! Here are some developments to be thank ful for: - The employment picture is improving. The economy added 80,000 jobs in the mont h of October, and the unemployment rate fell to 9%. Economists are encouraged by signs companies are not cutting workers, and they say Novembers jobs report coul d be even better. The weekly jobless claims reports for the past three weeks hav e shown improvement.[1] - The housing market is showing signs of life. The Commerce Department reported that building permits, an indicator of future activity, surged 10.9% during Octo ber. In related news, the share of households delinquent on their mortgage payme nts has fallen to the lowest level since the end of 2008, offering signs that mo dest job gains are stemming further damage in the battered U.S. housing sector.[ 2] - Retail sales are up. American shoppers gave a better-than-expected boost to re tail sales in October and left retailers with an encouraging outlook for the fou rth quarter. Bloomberg reports a 0.5% gain followed by a 1.1% increase in Septem ber, according to figures released Thursday by the Commerce Department. Consumer spending accounts for roughly 70% of the US economy, and its recovery is essent ial.[3] - People are more optimistic about Europe. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner s aid Tuesday that Europe was making gradual progress in coming to grips with its financial crisis. This is absolutely within Europes capacity to solve and its withi n their ability. Its within their grasp, its within their reach, he said.[4] - Leading economic indicators are strengthening. The Conference Boards Leading Ec onomic Indicators Index rose 0.9% in October, outpacing increases in the previou s two months and providing some grounds for hope in economic growth to come. The index, comprised of 10 components, is intended to signal economic trends by tak ing a comprehensive look at the data. This month, nine out of 10 indicators were positive.[5] While things are still far from perfect, and caution must be exercised when maki ng investment decisions, we are grateful to see a more positive overall picture gradually emerging. Regardless of what the headlines include in the week ahead, we encourage you to tune out the noise. Put down your Wall Street Journal, turn off CNBC, and enjoy some quiet time with your family and friends. We know youll be glad you did!

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