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NAME The name of this church shall be Cherrydale Baptist Church of Arlington, Virginia. The word church, whenever used in this Constitution, refers to Cherrydale Baptist Church.

PURPOSE The purpose of this church is to glorify God by loving Him and loving people. Loving God is reflected in consistent obedience, Spirit-filled worship and administering the ordinances of baptism and the Lords Supper. Loving people is reflected in evangelizing the lost and discipling the saved to maturity in Christ.

FORM AND METHOD OF GOVERNMENT Cherrydale Baptist Church operates under a modified congregational form of government. Governing authority rests exclusively in the local body and is exercised by the assembly of voting members in business meetings. The congregation, by this Constitution, delegates authority to its Boards, pastors and elected officers commensurate with their designated responsibilities.

MEMBERSHIP 1. Admission of Members a. The membership of this church shall consist of baptized (immersed) believers who have demonstrated their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to the satisfaction of the pastor and the Board of Deacons, and who, upon recommendation of the pastor and the Board of Deacons, have been accepted for membership at the Right Hand of Fellowship before the church. b. All membership candidates shall complete a course of instruction in church doctrine, distinctives and philosophy prior to recommendation for membership, and must subscribe to the Cherrydale Covenant. 2. Deletion of Members a. Any member who shall join with any other church shall be immediately dropped from the church roll by order of the Board of Deacons. The board may use its discretion in granting continued membership due to special circumstances. b. If any member willfully neglects attendance for a period of one year he/she may be Page 1 of 7

dropped from the membership by order of the Board of Deacons. This disciplinary action shall not affect any member who is unable to attend services regularly because of ill health or conflicting duties. c. Any member who desires his/her name dropped from the church roll may submit a written request to the Board of Deacons. 3. Discipline of Members a. All disciplinary proceedings in this church shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance with a view toward reconciliation and restoration. Should any grievance arise among church members, the aggrieved member shall follow in gracious spirit, the procedure commanded by our Lord in Matthew 18:15-20. b. Should any report of gross misconduct or public scandal occur, the Deacons shall endeavor to quietly resolve the matter. Should this effort fail, they shall report the case to the church. (Galatians 6:1; I Thessalonians 5:11-15; II Thessalonians 3:14-15; I Timothy 5:19-21) c. The church shall prayerfully consider the Deacons report and endeavor to reach a fair and just resolution of the matter. If an adverse decision is reached, the church may proceed to admonish or remove the offender from membership. (I Corinthians 5; II Corinthians 2:511)

BUSINESS MEETINGS 1. Election of New Officers a. A business meeting shall be held the fourth Sunday each July to elect new officers and new members of the Missions Committee. b. A nominating committee of four shall be appointed in March of each year, the chairman being appointed by the pastor and the three members appointed by the Advisory Board. The committee shall complete its work no later than twenty-one days before the scheduled business meeting. It shall endeavor to present more candidates than vacancies for each board and for each non-board office. Each nominated candidate must subscribe to the Cherrydale Covenant, Confession of Faith, Constitution, Vision Path and applicable job description, and meet the qualifications set forth in Acts 6:3; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9. Each must also be a church member who has demonstrated a commitment to the ministry of Cherrydale Baptist Church, including Cherrydales Vision, Core Values and Strategy for Ministry. Only men shall be nominated for the position of Deacon. c. The business meeting shall be announced at least three Sundays in advance and the congregation shall be advised of the nominees at that time. The Nominating Committee shall prepare biographical material on each nominee and make it available to the congregation at that time. Other candidates may be suggested to the Nominating

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Committee up to fourteen days before the business meeting. d. All officers and members of the Missions Committee shall be elected by written ballot. In case of a tie vote, ballots shall again be cast. 2. Annual Business Meeting a. The fiscal year for the church shall be September 1 - August 31. In the event that an annual budget has not been approved be the commencement of the fiscal year, the last previously approved annual budget shall be used until a replacement annual budget is approved. b. The annual business meeting of the church shall be held in the month of August each year. c. Written reports shall be submitted by the pastors, Deacons, Trustees, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Missions Treasurer, Clerk, special committees, Sunday School and other church organizations. 3. Special Meetings a. Special business meetings may be called by the Senior Pastor, the Board of Deacons, or by a petition signed by at least five voting members of different families in the church. No business of major importance may be transacted at special meetings unless announced at least one week in advance at a regular Sunday service of the church. 4. Voting Members a. All members in good standing, eighteen years of age and over, shall be eligible to vote in all business meetings of the church. 5. Quorum a. A quorum shall consist of ten percent of the eligible voting membership of the church. 6. Moderator a. The Senior Pastor shall be the moderator of all business meetings of the church except in matters concerning him. The assistant moderator shall be the chairman of the Board of Deacons. In the absence of both the pastor and assistant moderator, the church shall elect a moderator pre-tempore. 7. Rules a. Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall be the parliamentary procedures governing the conduct of all business meetings.

ELECTED OFFICERS AND BOARDS 1. General a. The elected officers of the church shall be:

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

twelve Deacons five Trustees Clerk Treasurer Missions Treasurer Financial Secretary

b. All boards and officers of the church shall be bound by any and all decisions made by the congregation at business meetings. As servants of the church, all officers are ultimately accountable to the congregation for the faithful fulfillment of their responsibilities. c. The terms of all offices shall be three years. An elected board officer may serve no more than two consecutive terms. d. If an officer cannot or does not support the church and fulfill his/her specific responsibilities, the Advisory Board will declare the position vacant and appoint a substitute to fill the office until the end of the current fiscal year. A person appointed to fill a vacancy of a year or less may serve two additional consecutive terms. e. The boards shall meet in August (with both old and newly elected members) for purposes of transition and organization. At such time, chairmen shall be elected for the new fiscal year. f. The requirement for a quorum of each board shall be sixty percent of those holding office. g. All elected officers shall be members of this church. 2. Board of Deacons a. The Deacons shall have general responsibility for the spiritual welfare of the church and the individual members. They shall assist the pastoral staff in shepherding the body. Specific responsibilities are as follows: 1) baptismal service 2) benevolent fund 3) church services and speakers 4) communion service 5) missions program 6) pulpit committee 7) pulpit supply 8) review and update church roll annually 9) special meetings and speakers 10) subsidiary organizations b. The Deacons shall authorize all expenditures from the missions fund in accordance with the Missions Policy. Any single sum exceeding $10,000 must be recommended to the congregation for approval.

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c. No divorced man shall serve as a member of the Board of Deacons, or one who is married to a divorced woman. 3. Board of Trustees a. The Board of Trustees shall serve as Stewards of the operating funds, property, and business administration for the church. Stewards are defined as those who have been given overall responsibility in these areas. 1) A representative of the Trustees shall serve on any financial, salary, budget, and property related committee of the church. Any recommendations of such committee shall be subject to review and approval by the Board of Trustees. 2) The Trustees shall serve as financial stewards of the church. a. Establish and review financial policies b. Regularly review financial statements c. Oversee the budget d. Approve all unbudgeted expenditures up to $20,000 for a single item. Any single expenditure over $20,000 must have Congregational approval. 3) The Trustees shall serve as administrative stewards of the church. a. Establish and review policies related to business administration. b. Provide oversight and counsel in such matters as insurance, legal, and contracts. 4) The Trustees shall serve as property stewards of the church. a. Property includes; building and grounds, vehicles, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other assets. b. Establish and review policies related to the acquisition and maintenance of property. c. Provide counsel to those purchasing and caring for property when appropriate. 4. Non-Board Officers a. The Clerk shall maintain records of all business meetings of the congregation and the Advisory Board; maintain a register of all baptisms and church members. The Clerk is accountable to the Board of Deacons. b. The Treasurer shall ensure that accounting for all church monies is done according to generally accepted principles and that proper documentation is maintained for all disbursements. The chairman of the Board of Trustees is authorized to act on behalf of the Treasurer. c. The Missions Treasurer shall receive all missions money from the Treasurer; maintain accounts and accounting of such monies; disburse money from the missions fund as authorized by the Mission Committee, Board of Deacons or the Congregation. The Chairman of the Board of Deacons is authorized to act on behalf of the Missions Treasurer. d. The Financial Secretary shall record by name of donor all monies submitted in envelopes identifiable by number and provide year-end receipts; maintain a record of all monies received; provide envelopes for offerings. The Financial Secretary is accountable to the Board of Trustees.

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5. Advisory Board a. The Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, Worship Pastor, Missions Pastor or Director, and all elected officers are members of the Advisory Board. b. The Senior Pastor shall be the presiding officer of the board, with the chairman of the Board of Deacons presiding in the pastors absence. c. An Advisory Board meeting may be called by the Senior Pastor, the Board of Deacons or the Board of Trustees. d. The Advisory Board is responsible for: 1) overall financial matters 2) all matters of importance not specifically assigned to other boards or officers 3) appointment of three Nominating Committee members 4) approving the formation of special committees related to responsibilities of the Advisory Board as recommended by the Senior Pastor 5) appointment of members to special committees 6) oversight of all staff job descriptions.

SENIOR PASTOR AND ASSOCIATE PASTORS 1. Senior Pastor a. As the chief spiritual leader of the church, the Senior Pastor shall have substantial latitude in day-to-day operations in carrying out his ministry. However, in the ultimate sense, he is limited to actions which are either implicitly or explicitly approved by the congregation or the Board of Deacons. Specifically, the Senior Pastor may not take any action which has been disapproved by either the congregation or the Board of Deacons. b. The Senior Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all boards and committees. c. The Senior Pastor shall be elected at a regular or special business meeting of the congregation, with notice of such meeting being given at services for the two Sundays immediately preceding. A two-thirds vote by written ballot shall be required. d. Dismissal of the Senior Pastor may be requested at a regular or special business meeting of the congregation, with notice of such a meeting being given at services for the two Sundays preceding. The chairman of the Board of Deacons shall preside as moderator. A majority vote by written ballot shall be required. 2. Associate Pastors a. The Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons shall consider what associates may be desirable to aid the Senior Pastor and the church in its ministry. b. The election of new Associate Pastors shall be in the same manner as that for the Senior Pastor.

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c. The Senior Pastor and the Board of Deacons may request the dismissal of an Associate Pastor at a regular or special business meeting of the congregation, with notice of such meeting being given at services for the two Sundays immediately preceding. A majority vote by written ballot shall be required. c. Associate Pastors shall be accountable to the Senior Pastor.

MISSIONS PROGRAM 1. Missions Committee a. The Missions Committee shall consist of the Missions Pastor or Director as Chairman, one Deacon appointed by the Board of Deacons as vice-chairman, nine members elected by the congregation, and the Missions Treasurer. The elected members shall be divided into class years so that normally three will be elected each year for a threeyear term. No elected member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The Missions Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Deacons in carrying out all aspects of the Missions program of the church. b. The terms of office for the elected members shall be three years; consecutive terms shall not exceed two terms.

CONFESSION OF FAITH The doctrinal statement of this church is our Confession of Faith.

AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote.

CONSTITUTION This Constitution as adopted on April 24, 2005 supersedes and cancels all other constitutions and amendments.

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