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2013get your Purpose Life

The most popular phrase this year has got to be get yo life. And there are variations of the popular catch phrase. Its either you are about that life or you need to get yo life. These phrases are typically used when someone is out of line or minding business that does not belong to them or when someone is serious about whatever they are focused on or they need to be serious about whatever is out of order. We use these phrases in joking or sometimes with all seriousness. And every time I hear this phrase I ask, how does one truly be about that life or get their life. And with us being on the cusp of a New Year I want to ask you, What life do you want to be about in 2013? I must say that this year I wasnt about that life or getting that life, but I was surely trying to find it. Early in 2012 I realized that once I made the decision that I was going to live in purpose, it was not going to come easy. If you were with me and The Sanctuary on this Road to Purpose, you know it has been quite the journey. And when we decided to take the road to purpose, we found out quickly that it was imperative that we get an oil change and a tune up. We had to take care of some matters under the hood. We were instructed to go to the wilderness to find the mechanic who specialized in this type of work. And He performed some time consuming costly repairs. We were in the wilderness for 40 days with Him under strict action and reflection orders. We first had to remove the mask that we were wearing that was preventing us from seeing the road clearer. He then performed some spring soul cleaning. We underwent a major overhaul of the heart and he renewed our minds. But most importantly we learned how to pray, learned the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. We developed a true meaningful relationship and fellowship with the One who created the map. It was a major conversion and transformation. When He was finally done it was time to look in the mirror and look back. Once we were focused we could see clearly. We thought we were ready to hit the road to purpose. But no, He had a few warnings for us. We were reminded of those who had gone before us who didnt read the map correctly, tried to turn back, decided to go their own way or was tempted by the sights and sounds on the side of road. We were warned to listen to the GPS or we will not reach our end destination. We were surely scared straight. He gave us His blessings and we were ready to hit the road. The journey was going well, we had the music playing and the weather was nice and we were making good time, but suddenly we were hit with some unforeseen circumstances and challenges, relationships were tested and it seemed as though we were having some serious internal under the hood issues. So we were forced to pull over to inspect further. And thats when things became a little heated as we were tired and weary. We ALL were ready to abort the journey. However, some of us knew that we had to repair what was broken and we sent someone who was thinking a little more clearly to see what we had in the trunk to repair the issue. And thats when we discovered He had sent someone before us to spy out the land and He had prepared us for this battle. In that trunk was our full armor to fight, protect and repair any issue that we had. We put on our full armor and went in to fix the issues. We could hear the warnings of the GPS (God Positioning System) about the detours and hindrances we would face how we would be tested and tried but we were fighting for purpose and we had to endure as a good soldier as we possessed the great power within and that is when His dunamis power kicked in and we got our second wind. Unfortunately, we had some that decided not

to continue on the journey. It was sad to hear the news...but we had to keep it moving as we had gotten a call that we needed to pick up a few on down the road. Focused on what we were tasked with, we were back on the road to purpose. But eventually someone got a little hungry and asked got fruit? We had no choice but to pull over to a rest stop to feed our spiritual (wo)man with the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the second leg of this journey. We feasted on the fruit of the spirit and got us a piece of the sweet life and we were recognized by the fruit we were bearing. Reenergized we were ready to hit the road again, but this time we allowed our riding partner, the Holy Spirit to take the wheel. We dropped in a cd and hit track #1 and we sung to the top of our lungs. How you gone win if you aint right within? This song was just what we needed to get our second wind for the last leg on this Road to Purpose 2012. We begin to see signs that we were close to the finish line. But suddenly a storm arose and we could barely see the road in front of us, we became frightened and tried to take the wheel from the Holy Spirit. We contemplated pulling over or turning around, issues from the past resurfaced and we realized that we were not healed from the pain of the past. It was causing us to fear what was ahead and was hindering us from getting to our destination and the Holy Spirit asked ever so quietly, faith or fear, which one do you choose? We calmed ourselves and took authority of our fear and declared that We choose Faith.We are Faith. And we pressed forward for 40 more days. We dealt with dealt with wounds and the pains of the past, anxiety, resentment and disappointment and we prayed and affirmed our healings. The Holy Spirit prayed and we read scriptures to pass the time and we affirmed our healing. And just as we were getting restless we saw signs the storm clouds were passing and they begin to move behind us and we started to see the sun break through and we saw that we were destined to finishing strong. And finishing strong was definitely a test of character and strength for me. I found I was strongest when I let Him drive and focused on me. And in focusing on me, I challenged and stretched myself to dig deep and deal with my issues, my strength and weakness. And the end result I found what I am truly passionate about and what I am purposed to do. And although it has been filled with many tears, worries, sadness, heartbreak, challenges and disappointment at the same time it has been fulfilling, humbling, divine, joyous, and victorious. I have lost a lot but I have gained so much more. Relationships that I thought withered and died, some have been restored and some replaced. Provisions were made and I havent missed a beat. The Sanctuary, my passion finished 2012 strong. As Henry David Thoreau stated: All endeavors call for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, and endure the last hours toil. The fight to the finish spirit is the one characteristic we must possess if we are to face the future as finishers. And when I looked up I see all those who tramped this Road to Purpose in 2012 with The Sanctuary and cross this finish with us, my soul is so thankful. The faithful that would be on Skype and the Conference Bridge for hours listening, participating, praying and worshiping I am thankful. To those who tramp a country mile to The Sanctuary in my home, being dedicated to the vision and the purpose of The Sanctuary inviting friends and family to get a dose of what The Sanctuary had to offer I am thankful. You all were not dedicated to me but to the God in me. And he was so faithful he would meet us here every Friday night, to give us what we needed after a long and trying week. For all of those that

attended a Sanctuary goes Mobile meeting I am thankful! The concept is just so unconventional and to see you there to support the next move of the kingdom is commendable. To mother, my sister and family who assisted in each one of those mobile meetings and supported the efforts of The Sanctuary I express my sincere thanks for believing in me and the calling that has been placed on my life. Our three chord bond shall not be broken. To those who read the lessons, blogs, Intercession Tuesday, Worship Wednesdays posts your dedication is praiseworthy and I know that each word was sown in fertile soil and the harvest to come will be amazing. To those who have shared the website, status updates on Facebook, the website with your friends I thank God for you for spreading the Good News. To those who send me emails with kind words of support and how something I shared from my personal experience touched you I cant express the gratitude as these gestures encourage and motivate me to continue to do the will of God. I cant wait to embark on this 2013 journey with each of you as we are about to take kingdom building to a whole nother level. And as I reflect over 2012, The Sanctuary and the experiences on my Road to Purpose I am beyond thankful for each and every experience as it allowed me to realize exactly what I am created to do and how I can be all that God has purposed and destined for me. I am called to be a minster of the Gospel spreading the Good News of a God that loves us unconditional, that is faithful, who is our Father and Friend, who sent His son Jesus to the cross to redeem us and not condemn us and that we have a duty to serve Him not man with our whole life. And he has gifted us with promises that if we serve him with our whole heart, body and mind we shall have whole full lives and have it abundantly. Yes, this is the key to getting your life and he has commissioned me to sharing it with the world. I am humbled and honored. And my prayer and hope for you that have experienced The Sanctuary Road to Purpose that we have inspired, motivated and encouraged you in 2012 to be about getting your purpose life in 2013. Its time to get your lifeYour Purpose life. Isaiah 14:24
The LORD of hosts has sworn: As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed so shall it stand,

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