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California State University, Fullerton

Foreign Trade University

COURSE SYLLABUS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (MGMT 343) CLASS TIME: 12.15 PM 14.30 PM Wednesday 15.00 PM 17.00 PM Friday INSTRUCTOR Hoang Anh Duy, MBA Faculty of Business Administration Office: 2nd Floor, B-Building, Foreign Trade University Cell phone: 0915.922.002 Email: TEXTBOOK
Noe, Raymond Andrew, Hollenbeck, John R., Gerhart, Barry and Wright, Patrick M. (2008). Human Resource Management. 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073530208. (Required Text; Please bring your textbook to class with you)

COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed to give students an overview of human resource management issues. This course focuses on the concepts and applications of the human resource management function in the organisational context and provides managers with functional-related competencies needed for effective management of people in a work context and for problem solving and critical analysis of the challenges facing organisations concerning their human resources. The emphasis of this course is given to the strategic and operational aspects of human resource management in the management of the employment relationships between employers and employees in the changing business and culturally diverse context. Topics include the following: HR Planning, Job Analysis, Selection & Recruiting,
Training, Performance Appraisal, and Compensation.

COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing the course, students will understand the principles, tools and methods in human resource management, to maintain the relationships between employers and employees in the context of a dynamic business environment. Objectives of this course include: Explore the strategic nature of the human resources function. Understand the role of line managers and human resources professionals in the execution of HR functions. Examine HR strategies and Planning. Gain a general understanding of job analysis and its relationship to HR functions. Explore the function of staffing through the examination of recruitment and selection practices Explore the training methods. Understand effective performance management. Examine employee development. Explore the management of employee discipline, dispute resolution, employee termination and turnover. 1

Explore the concepts related to the creation of a compensation structure. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Responsibility/Accountability Attendance at all class sessions, and participation in class discussion are required. Each student is expected to be an active participant and make meaningful contributions. Students are expected to complete all assignments when due. Late work will not be accepted. Students will read current articles in management from various sources, and present oral reviews to the class. Students are required to bring the text book with them at all class sessions. Distractions Set your pager or cell phone to the silent mode while in class. Turn off all cell phones during exams and class presentations. Do not pass notes in class or talk while someone else has the floor. This is disrespectful and unprofessional. Do not operate your laptop unless it is related to an activity taking place in class. Punctuality Please be on time. Do not come to class late or leave early as this unfairly disrupts your colleagues. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION The method of instruction for the class will consist of lectures, case study and group interactions. It is essential that each student thoroughly prepare for every class to insure understanding and active participation. ASSESSMENT Participation Group Presentation & Report Individual Midterm test Final exam GROUP PRESENTATION Topic: Choose a company that you know and choose TWO of the topics which are mentioned in HRM including: 1. HR Strategies and HR Planning 2. Job Analysis 3. Recruiting and Selecting 4. Training and Development 5. Performance Management 6. Compensation Analyze TWO of these activities of the company you choose and give recommendations. Deadline: Group Presentation will start in Session 14 or 15. Delivery: Each group has 15 minutes for presenting (all members have to participate in these activities). Before delivering the presentation, a report on the topic must be submitted (hard 2 10% 20% 20% 50%

copy). TENTATIVE TEACHING SCHEDULE (subject to change) Sessions Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12 Session 13 Session 14 Session 15 Topics Course Introduction Introduction to HRM Introduction to HRM (cont) HR Strategies and HR Planning HR Strategies and HR Planning (cont) Job Analysis Staffing Staffing (cont) MIDTERM EXAM (20%) Training Performance Management Pay Structure
Merit/Incentive Pay Employee Benefits

Reading Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13


Further readings: 1. John M. Ivancevich (2003). Human resource management. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2. Stephens Robbins, Rolf Bergman, Ian Stagg, Mary Coulter (2010). Management. 7th edition, Prentice Hall Publisher. 3. Lawrence S. Kleiman (2000). Human resource management. 2th edition. South-Western College Publishing. 4. David A. Decenzo, Stephens Robbins (2004). Human resource management. 6th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5. Gary Dressler (2003), Human resource management. 9th edition. Prentice Hall Publisher.

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