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Current Compassion Association. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 2(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 3(A). (B).

(C). (D). Ans. in(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans.

Affairs Award

GK from

mcq Supreme


Current Ching

Affairs Hai


1- Name the animal rights crusader who was presented the Shining World Master International Shiva Narain Gandhi Lal Bill is associated Bahuguna (C) Lok Pal with Security Bio-diversity Global Miss World Adriana Alexandria Emma Mansavi 2010 is warming (A) Vasini Mills Wareus Mamgai (B) Anti-Corruption

Vandana Sunita Maneka Sunder

4- The annual India-European Union (EU) Summit was held in Dec 2010 London Paris Berlin Brussels (D) Dominique Jean-Peirre Francois Lionel de Villepin Raffarin Fillon Jospin (C)

5- Who has been re-appointed as the prime minister of France?

6- With which of the following countries has India recently agreed to establish hotline between the two countries commerce and Industries ministries? (A). (B). (C). (D). Poland Germany England Japan

Ans. 7(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 9(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. spectrum (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 11(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. recently? (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. Chirag East Mohun Lal Bahadur Shastri Award Zia Aruna Kapil Arvind 2010 for Excellence been in Administration Academia and Management has given to scam. Joint Joint Joint Joint JPC Parliamentary Parliamentary Parliamentary Parties stands Serbia has won the Davis Cup title by India, India, India, Mexico, India, South Mexico, Mexico, South Africa, South Discus Sanam Singh is related to

(B) _______. Tennis Badminton Throw Archery (A) Mexico Africa Pakistan Africa (B) defeating France US Switzerland Sweden (A) for Commission Committee Controversy Commission (B) Public Modi Roy Sibal Kezeriwal (B)

8- Which among the following are TOP 3 debtors of World Bank?

10- The opposition parties had been demanding JPC of the probe in 2G

12- Who among the following has won the Durand Cup held in New Delhi JCT United Bengal Bagan (B)

13- What is Indias Rank in World Uranium Production as per the latest

data (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. National (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans.




Association? 10th 12th 13th 18th (C)

14- Which of the following is the first-ever pollution-control warship? Sagar Sagar Sagar Samudra Manthan Rattan Prahari Prahan (D) Voters Day will Jan Jan Jan Jan be observed on 5 15 20 25 (D)

15- According to the Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi, the

16- Which country stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) rankings of 169 nations in Human Development Report 2010? (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. reforms? (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 18(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. ___. None The 43rd Jananpith Akhlaq ONV Arundhati of the Award 2007 has been conferred Shaharyar Saudi Iran Iraq Arabia Turkey (D) on Khan Kurup Roy above (B) New United Norway Australia Zealand States (A)

17- Where was recently a referendum held to support constitutional

19- Recently in news Lavasa Corporations township project is situated in

(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 20(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. Film (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. Justice (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. ensuring (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). Andhra proper Indira Rajiv Mahatma Kasturba nutrition for the newborns Matritva Matritva Matritva Matritva has been Soli Harish Santosh Arundhati J Jammu Tamil Kerala Andhra & of Kutty None Conversations with Myself Nelson MarioVargas Prince of the is the book

Maharashtra Goa Kerala Karnataka (A) written by Mandela Llosa Charles above (A) Awards? Srank Lahore Paa Abohoman (A) Pradesh Kashmir Nadu . (B) Salve Hegde Roy Sorabjee (D) named as

21- Which of the following has won the Best Film Award at 57th National

22- Justice Nissar Ahmed Kakru has been appointed an the New Chief

23- Who is the author of the book World of All Human Rights!

24- A new scheme for the health improvement of expectant mothers and Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Sahyog Sahyog Sahyog Sahyog Yojana Yojana Yojana Yojana (A) Karnataka Pradesh

25- Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy has been appointed as the Chief Minister of

(C). (D). Ans. 26(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (PAC)? (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 28(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 29(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 2010? (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. A. None Gautam Virender B. of de the MK Who is the author M Dr. of the book Yes, We The Towards Action ASEAN None theme the of ASEAN with 17th Approach New of ASEAN from of Summit Vision ASEAN Actionable the Murli Mulayam Jaswant Sandeep Manohar Name the founder of the Julian Navi Phillip Ben whistleblower website Tamil

Kerala Nadu (B) Wikileaks. Assange Pillay Adams Laurie (A)

27- Who is the chairman of Parliaments Public Accounts Committee Singh Dikshit Joshi Singh (C) was to Community Action


Community Approach above (A) Can? Karunanidhi Ramadoss Vaiko Azhagiri (C)

30- Who has been awarded LG ICC Test Player of the year Award for Gambhir Sehwag Villlers above (B)

31- Who among the following became the first enlisted Sikh soldier in the US Army in more than two decades to complete basic training after getting a rare religious exemption for his turban and beard because the military (A). (B). requires Kamaljeet Tejdeep his language Singh Singh skills? Kalsi Rattan

(C). (D). Ans. 32(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. 33(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. has (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. Jubilee (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. Lal Bahadur The Nobel

Bob Simran Prize Mario Robert Akira Shastri Award Zia Aruna Kapil Arvind Preet winner Liu for

Singh Singh 2010 Vargas in Medicine

Dhillon Lamba (D) is Xlaobo Llosa Edwards Suzuki (C)



Excellence been


Public to Modi Roy Sibal







Kezeriwal (B)

34- The best actress award under the 57th National Film Awards for 2009 been bagged Rani Vidya Ananya Kareena by Mukherjee Balan ChatterJee Kapoor (C) Year of its establishment? SAARC ASEAN APEC G-8 (A) U.S.A. China Australia Russia (B)

35- Which of the following organisation recently celebrated the Silver

36- Jiaolong which made a trip into deep sea recently belongs to -

37- With which of the following countries did India recently agree to set up a joint venture to co-develop and produce a new Multi role Transport Aircraft (A). (B). (MTA)? Japan Russia

(C). (D). Ans. prevalence (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans. (A) University The University Harvard Yale of of Vriksha Vasudha Vasundhara Vaishali Mitra Andhra rate of (A).40

U.S.A. Poland (B) percent? Mizoram Pradesh Nagaland Manipur (D) Award Award Award Award (A) Cambridge University University Oxford

38- Which Indian state continues to top the list with an adult HIV infection

39- Name the countrys only government award for an environmental film.

40- In World University Ranking which of the following has topped?

41- World leaders from 193 countries signed a new global climate regime on (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:43(A). (B). (C). (D). Who is the author of the Jim George Rudyard Dominique book A Rainbow in the None Fernando Sebastian Casey of Dec Cancun Kyoto Copenhagen London 11 called Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement (A) Alonso Vettel Stoner these (A) Night? Corbett Orwell Kipling Lapierre

42- Who recently clinched Italian Grand Prix and Singapore Grand Prix?



44- Name the person who has been honoured with the prestigious 2010 Intel Environment Award for his efforts to solve global safe drinking water and (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:sanitation Subir Rajesh Sundarlal Chandi crises. Bhomick Shah Bahuguna Prasad (B)

45- The Union Cabinet has decided that street vendors will now enjoy the benefits of cashless-based health insurance scheme. They will be covered by (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:46(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:to (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:title (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Mumbai (A). (B). Sagar Sagar terror Suraksha Prahari Kim Vera Liezel Kveta is Saudi host the FIFA 2022 World Gangan Narang is related to Aam Sampoom Janshree Rashtriya Swasthya Aadtni Bima Bima Bima Bima Yojana Yojana Yojana Yojana (B) _______. Golf Polo Boxing Shooting (D) Cup. UAH Oman Arabia Qatar (D) Clijster Zvonaeva Huber Peschke (A) attack? Bal Bal

47- Name the tiny and energy-rich gulf Arab country that has been picked

48- The winner of US Open 2010 (Tennis Championship) womens singles

49- Which of the following has been raised by the Indian Navy after 26/11

(C). (D). Ans:50(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Guangzhou (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:and (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:was (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:55(A). (B). (C). (D). In Global Luiz The

Coast Coastal controversial Universal Unified Umpire Unmanned UDRS

Security Protection system used Review Review Review Review in

Guard Force (B) cricket is

Decision Decision Decision Decision

System System System System (C)

51- Name the player who was named as the Most Valuable Player at Asian Lin Liu Sun Tang Games. Dan Xiang Yang Yi (A) CRPF ITBP BSF RAF (A) Development Inacio San Nelson Bingu Wa Lula Aung for da Suu 2010? Silva Kyi Mandela Mutharika (A)

52- K. Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of -

53- Who has been conferred Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament

54- The total number of medals won by India in Guagzhou Asian Games 54 64 75 85 (B) Gender Gap Report India has been ranked 50th 112th 20th 90th

Ans:56(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:58(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:by (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:proposed. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:61(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:62(A). Which country recently completed its 20 years of World Disabled Day Dec Dec Dec Dec is observed Andhra West It is currently under Premier Kapil Karan L.K. Sonia Wen Which of A The India: India: A A the following House Masque Wounded Million Mutinies is the last for book of of Mr VS Fourth Fifth Third Second The 10th Russi-India-China Guilin Beijing Bangalore Wuhan (RIC) meeting was held

(B) in (China) (China) (India) (China) (D) time time time time (B) Naipaul? Biswas Africa Civilization Now (B) Jiabao? Sibal Singh Advani Gandhi (B) construction? Gujarat Pradesh Bengal Karnataka (C) on l 2 3 4 (C) unity? France

57- Pankaj Advani has recently bagged National Snooker Title for -

59- Who refused to accept the China India Friendship Award conferred

60- In which of the Following states Indias First Tidal Power Plant was

(B). (C). (D). Ans:Government, (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:the Four Three Five Six Lok Pal would Member Member Member Member be

Germany Belgium Japan (B) a Boby Boby Boby Boby (B)

63- As per the draft of Lok Pal Bill recently finalised by the Union

64- Which of the following has been removed from the United Nations list of unresolved disputes, in a setback to Pakistan which has been asking the world (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Jammu Sir Baglihar and body to intervene on the issue? Siachin Creek dam Kashmir (D)

65- Name the Ethiopian legend who announced his retirement after dropping out of the New York City Marathon with a knee injury. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:66(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:security (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:India ranks at responsibility to the Afghan govt by the end None Akhlaq Sir of The 44th Jnanpith Award for 2008 has Sharayar Mota the been bagged ONV Haile Duncan James Patrick Gebreslassie Kibet Kwambai Makau (A) by Kurup Khan Singh above (B) of

67- NATO and Afghanistan agreed to the goal of a phased transfer of 2012 2014 2020 2025 (B) -

68- According to the Asian Development Bank Report for Urbanisation

(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:General (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Service (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Guarantee

10th 26th 34th 39th

Place Place place Place (C) is

69- The man who has been recently been re-elected as Interpol Secretary Ronald Nancy Dilma Michel Noble Octland Rousseff Rud (A) Act 2010? Pradesh Gujarat Bihar Haryana (A)

70- Which of the following state became the first state to introduce Public Madhya

71- With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet has approved the commencement of an Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) in (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:72(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:the (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Amar DP VS Central Bureau of investigation Pratap Where is located the Centre for Earth Science 20 40 60 100 districts districts districts districts (C) Studies? Goa Bangalore Thiruvananthapuram Patiala (C) (CBI)? Kumar Singh Kohli Tiwari (B)

73- Who among the following has been appointed as the new director of Ashwani

74- Which of the following countries recently signed Arctic Border Pact?

(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:75(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:India recently signed cultural

Russia-Norway Norway-Sweden Russia-Finland Sweden-Finland (A) accord with Germany Australia Malaysia Indonesia (A)

76- Kenyan runner David Rudisha and Croatian high jump star Blanka Vlasic were named male and female athletes of the year respectively by the (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:World European World Athletic Athletic Athletic IAAF Organisation Organisation Federation (A)

77- The five-member panel, headed by retired judge of the Supreme Court, Justice BN Srikrishna and appointed by the centre on _________ issue, submitted its report to union home ministry on 30 December, 2010. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:78(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Japan North North Korea Korea Japan and and and South South and China Korea Korea Russia (C) Global Family Day 1 5 31 25 is celebrated Telengana Naxal Kashmir AFSPA (A) on__. January January December December (A)

79- Yeonpyeong Island is a source of dispute between which two countries

80- Who won the 21st Lal Bahadur Shastri hockey tournament?

(A). (B). (C). Air (D). Ans:on (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:43(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Who is the author of the Jim George Rudyard Dominique book A Rainbow in the None Fernando Sebastian Casey of Dec Cancun Kyoto Copenhagen London 11 Indian Indian

ONGC Oil India Railways (C) called Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement (A) Alonso Vettel Stoner these (A) Night? Corbett Orwell Kipling Lapierre (D)

41- World leaders from 193 countries signed a new global climate regime

42- Who recently clinched Italian Grand Prix and Singapore Grand Prix?

44- Name the person who has been honoured with the prestigious 2010 Intel Environment Award for his efforts to solve global safe drinking water and (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:sanitation Subir Rajesh Sundarlal Chandi crises. Bhomick Shah Bahuguna Prasad (B)

45- The Union Cabinet has decided that street vendors will now enjoy the benefits of cashless-based health insurance scheme. They will be covered by (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:46Gangan Narang is related to Aam Sampoom Janshree Rashtriya Swasthya Aadtni Bima Bima Bima Bima Yojana Yojana Yojana Yojana (B) _______.

(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:to (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:title (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Mumbai (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:50(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Guangzhou (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). Asian Lin Liu Sun Tang The controversial Universal Unified Umpire Unmanned UDRS system used Review Review Review Review in cricket Decision Decision Decision Decision Sagar Sagar Coast Coastal terror Suraksha Prahari Security Protection Kim Vera Liezel Kveta is Saudi host the FIFA 2022 World

Golf Polo Boxing Shooting (D) Cup. UAH Oman Arabia Qatar (D) Clijster Zvonaeva Huber Peschke (A) attack? Bal Bal Guard Force (B) is System System System System (C) Games. Dan Xiang Yang Yi (A) CRPF

47- Name the tiny and energy-rich gulf Arab country that has been picked

48- The winner of US Open 2010 (Tennis Championship) womens singles

49- Which of the following has been raised by the Indian Navy after 26/11

51- Name the player who was named as the Most Valuable Player at

52- K. Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of -

(B). (C). (D). Ans:and (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:was (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:55(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:56(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:58(A). (B). (C). (D). Which of A The India: India: A A the following House Masque Wounded Million Mutinies is the last for book of of Mr VS Fourth Fifth Third Second The 10th Russi-India-China Guilin Beijing Bangalore Wuhan (RIC) meeting was held In Global Gender Gap Report India has been Bingu Luiz Aung Development Inacio San Nelson Wa Lula for da Suu

ITBP BSF RAF (A) 2010? Silva Kyi Mandela Mutharika (A)

53- Who has been conferred Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament

54- The total number of medals won by India in Guagzhou Asian Games 54 64 75 85 (B) ranked 50th 112th 20th 90th (B) in (China) (China) (India) (China) (D) time time time time (B) Naipaul? Biswas Africa Civilization Now

57- Pankaj Advani has recently bagged National Snooker Title for -

Ans:by (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:proposed. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:61(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:62(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Government, (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:the Four Three Five Six Lok Pal would Member Member Member Member be a Which country recently completed its 20 years of World Disabled Day Dec Dec Dec Dec is observed Andhra West It is currently under Premier Kapil Karan L.K. Sonia Wen

(B) Jiabao? Sibal Singh Advani Gandhi (B) construction? Gujarat Pradesh Bengal Karnataka (C) on l 2 3 4 (C) unity? France Germany Belgium Japan (B) Boby Boby Boby Boby (B)

59- Who refused to accept the China India Friendship Award conferred

60- In which of the Following states Indias First Tidal Power Plant was

63- As per the draft of Lok Pal Bill recently finalised by the Union

64- Which of the following has been removed from the United Nations list of unresolved disputes, in a setback to Pakistan which has been asking the world (A). (B). (C). (D). Jammu Sir Baglihar and body to intervene on the issue? Siachin Creek dam Kashmir



65- Name the Ethiopian legend who announced his retirement after dropping out of the New York City Marathon with a knee injury. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:66(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:security (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:India (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:General (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:Service (A). (B). (C). (D). Guarantee Madhya Act Ronald Nancy Dilma Michel ranks 10th 26th 34th 39th at responsibility to the Afghan govt by the end None Akhlaq Sir of The 44th Jnanpith Award for 2008 has Sharayar Mota the been bagged ONV Haile Duncan James Patrick Gebreslassie Kibet Kwambai Makau (A) by Kurup Khan Singh above (B) of

67- NATO and Afghanistan agreed to the goal of a phased transfer of 2012 2014 2020 2025 (B) Place Place place Place (C) is Noble Octland Rousseff Rud (A) 2010? Pradesh Gujarat Bihar Haryana

68- According to the Asian Development Bank Report for Urbanisation

69- The man who has been recently been re-elected as Interpol Secretary

70- Which of the following state became the first state to introduce Public



71- With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet has approved the commencement of an Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) in (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:72(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:the (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:75(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:India recently signed cultural accord with Amar DP VS Central Bureau of investigation Pratap Where is located the Centre for Earth Science 20 40 60 100 districts districts districts districts (C) Studies? Goa Bangalore Thiruvananthapuram Patiala (C) (CBI)? Kumar Singh Kohli Tiwari (B) Russia-Norway Norway-Sweden Russia-Finland Sweden-Finland (A) Germany Australia Malaysia Indonesia (A)

73- Who among the following has been appointed as the new director of Ashwani

74- Which of the following countries recently signed Arctic Border Pact?

76- Kenyan runner David Rudisha and Croatian high jump star Blanka Vlasic were named male and female athletes of the year respectively by the (A). (B). (C). (D). World European World Athletic Athletic Athletic IAAF Organisation Organisation Federation



77- The five-member panel, headed by retired judge of the Supreme Court, Justice BN Srikrishna and appointed by the centre on _________ issue, submitted its report to union home ministry on 30 December, 2010. (A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:78(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:(A). (B). (C). (D). Ans:81(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:overhaul (A) (B) (C) (D) France plan causing a wave of protests in the declining The Nanhi Chhan programme infant female female sex is lending voice Indian Air Indian Japan North North Korea Korea Japan and and and South South and China Korea Korea Russia (C) ONGC Oil India Railways (C) against mortality literacy foeticide ratio (C) country Denmark Sweden Norway Global Family Day 1 5 31 25 is celebrated Telengana Naxal Kashmir AFSPA (A) on__. January January December December (A)

79- Yeonpyeong Island is a source of dispute between which two countries

80- Who won the 21st Lal Bahadur Shastri hockey tournament?

82 Name the Parliament which has approved presidents pension

ANS:sector? (A) (B) (C) (D) Punjab ANS:Sanya (A) (B) (C) (D) Nikki Maria ANS:Alexandria Emma Adriana


83 Which state govt has decided to restore free power to the farm Haryana MP UP

(D) city. Mills Wareus Vasini

84- Name the Miss USA who was crowned Miss World 2010 in Chinas


85- The proposed Renuka Dam project is being denied approval on the ground that it involves cutting down of a large number of trees. This project (A) (B) (C) (D) Andhra Pradesh ANS:ATP (A) (B) (C) (D) Tim Moya ANS:Llosa (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:who The The Conversation in Wolf received Nobel Time Prize of Green the in Literature the (C) 2010? Hero House Cathedral Hall (D) titles by winning Andy Rafael Roger the Stockholm (B) Open? Murray Nadal Federer Himachal Arunachal is associated with Uttarakhand Pradesh Pradesh

86 Who among the following has equalled Pete Samprass haul of 64

87 Which of the following books has not been written by Mario Vargas

88 Name the former Argentine President and the countrys most

powerful (A) (B) (C) (D) Robert Zeigler ANS:general (A) (B) (C) (D) SSB ANS:President (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:-


who Nestor Criistina Kanayo


recently. Kirchner Fernandez Nwanze


89 The IPS officer YS Dadwal has been appointed as the director-

(D) of Dilma Maria das Marta Eve Gracas Brazil? Rousseff Foster Suplicy Morales (A)

90 Who among the following has been elected as the first woman

91 Name the Canada-based author who has lashed out at the Shiv Sena for its sorry spectacle of book-burning and book-banning, leading to the withdrawal of his novel Such A Long Journey from Mumbai Universitys syllabus. (A) (B) (C) (D) Robin Sharma ANS:(A) Rohinton Salman Amitav Mistry Rushdie Ghosh

92 A joint exercise named Indradhanush by the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Royal Air Force (RAF) of the _______ was held at the Kalaikunda Air (A) (B) (C) (D) Germany ANS:93 Recently 2G controversy was in news. G stands (B) for Force station in West Bengal. US UK France

(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:-

General Generation Government Gilt-Edged (B)

14 Name the country in which more than 200 people died due to volcano eruption from the Mount Meraki, which means Mountain of Fire. (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:95 (A) (B) (C) (D) Allotment of Land ANS:(A) Defence Duty Adarsh scam is associated Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam Laos (A) with Housing purchase drawback

96 Name Saddam Husseins longtime foreign minister who was sentenced to death by hanging for persecuting members of Shilite religious (A) (B) (C) (D) Tariq Aziz ANS:gubernatorial (A) (B) (C) (D) Reshma Saujani ANS:(A) post Nikki Bobby Kamala in the (D) US? Haley Jindal Harris Ali parties under Qusay Uday Hassan the former regime. Hussein Hussein al-Majid

97 Who has become the first Indian American woman to hold

98 Name the Pakistan wicket-keeper who abandoned the team and flew to London and who announced his retirement from international cricket after (A) (B) revealing that he had Tasleem Zulqarnain received death threat. Arif Haider

(C)Shoeb (D) Danish Kaneria ANS:Beijing (A) (B) (C) (D) 1998 ANS:-


(B) in 1986 1990 1994

99 Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to host the Asian Games after


100 Which of the following welfare scheme has been launched by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to empower the poorest of the poor whose basic objective is to enable the beneficiaries to meet their daily needs. (A) (B) (C) Mukhya Kanshi Gautam Mantri Ram Buddha Mahamaya Mahamaya Mahamaya Garib Garib Garib Arthik Arthik Arthik Madad Madad Madad Yojana Yojana Yojana

(D) Bahujan Garib Arthik Madad Yojana ANS:(A)

101 According to the 2010 Human Development Report released by the United Nations Development Programme, as per its Gender Inequality Index (A) (B) (C) (D) 67 ANS:102 (A) (B) (C) (D) Myanmar ANS:British (A) (B) House of Lords, Lord Swraj of Speaker of Paul has the the resigned (D) as North Aung San Suu Kyi is associated (A) with China Korea Taiwan India ranks at 122 110 92

103 Suggesting gross injustice in his four-month suspension from the Speaker Deputy House House

(C) (D)Member ANS:military (A) (B) (C) (D) Brunei ANS:-

Leader of


the the

Opposition House (B)

104 Karen rebels are fighting in the country which has been ruled by the near-continuously since N 196(B) Identify the country. Korea Myanmar Vietnam


105 Name the person who has been secretary-general of Interpol for the past 10 years, and who has been reelected to the post for a third fiveyear term at the global police agencys general assembly in Doha. (A) (B) (C) (D) Kofi Annan ANS:(A) Boon James Ronald Hui R Noble Khoo Clapper

106 Justice Soumitra Sen of the Calcutta High Court is the second judge in the countrys history to face removal proceeding in the Parliament. Who was (A) (B) (C) Justice Justice Justice the V Subhash Subhash first? Ramaswami Bhattacharya Kashyap

(D) Justice E Ahmadi ANS:(A)

107 The government has approved amendments to the Enemy Property Act, 1968, to ensure that legal heirs can inherit properties of relatives who migrated (A) (B) (C) (D) Sri Lanka in 1947 ANS:into (A) (B) the alleged irregularities VK VN in the Commonwealth (A) Games. Shunglu Kaul Pakistan Bangladesh Myanmar in in in to 1947 1971 1947

108 Name Lie former Comptroller and Auditor-General who is probing

(C) (D) TN Chaturvedi ANS:years (A) (B) (C) Susilo Republic



(A) Day Megawati Abdurrahman Bambang parade in Delhi. Sukarnoputri Wahid Yudhoyono

109 Name the Indonesian President who will be the chief guest at next

(D) Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie ANS:(C)

110 Name the veteran human rights activist of Pakistan who has won a keenly-contested election for president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, (A) (B) (C) (D) Maliha Lodi ANS:recently (A) (B) (C) Farooq (D) Asif Ali Zardari ANS:interlocutors A. B. C. D. E. (A) (B) (C) (D) Only D & E Only Only Dileep Irfan Radha Vinod MM Only A B & & on (C) Kashmir? Padgaonkar Habib Kumar Dua Ansari B B D Bulkh Ahmed after a Rafique Sher Khan prolonged (B) illness. Tarar Mazari Leghari becoming the first Hina Asma Sherry woman to hold this office. Jilani Jehangir Rahman

111 Name Pakistans eighth President who died in a Rawalpindi hospital

112 Who among the following has not been appointed on the panel of

ANS:113 The President of US Barack Obama (A) (B) (C) (D) Caravan of Hope ANS:US Air Delta Air Force arrived in India Force

(C) by One Force Plane


114 Name the New Zealand public television host who mocked Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshits name and invited racism charge and resigned (A) (B) (C) (D) Li Rui ANS:in (A) (B) (C) (D) Sonia Gandhi ANS:(A) the world Hu Barack King by (A) Forbes. Jintao Obama Abdullah as Paul Robert Carlos a consequence Henry Edwards Barrios

115 Name the person who has been named as the most powerful person

116 The strike infantry units from India and Russia concluded joint military exercises whose thrust was terror attacks. The 10-day exercise was held in the Kumaon Hills near Ranikhet in Uttarakhand The exercise was (A) (B) (C) (D) Malabar ANS:(C) named Vajra Rainbow Indra

117 Name the former Inspector General of Police in Kerala who has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a CBI Special Court in the case relating to the killing of Naxalite leader a Varghese in a fake encounter. (A) (B) (C) (D) DG Vanjara K Girish L Lakshmana Kumar Ganeshan

ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) Sheikh Ahmad Ali ANS:Organisation (A) (B) (C) Lt Lt Lt Gen Gen Gen Ravi Ata Chandra Sheikh Sheikh Sheikh Ahmad Jabir

(A) Al-Fahad Ahmad Al-Sabab

118 Who is the president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)?

(A) (BRO)? Shankar Hasnain Shekhar

119 Who has taken over as Director-General of Border Roads

(D) Lt Gen AU Shah ANS:(A)

120 Who has ended the year as World No. 1 female lawn tennis player despite losing to Kim Clijsters in the final of the WTA Championships in Doha (A) (B) (C) (D) Caroline Wozniacki ANS:- (D) 121- Name the United Liberation Front of Asoms self-styled deputy commander-in-chief who was granted bail by a court in Guwahati. (A) (B) (C) (D) Bhimakanta Buragohain ANS:(A) Raju Paresh Arbinda Barua Barua Rajkhowa on Vera Serena Venus Oct 30? Zvonarevo Williams Williams

122- The Planning Commission rejected demands for an increase in the corpus allocated to MPs for development of their constituencies under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) scheme to Rs. 5 crore recently. How much does the government provide all Members of Parliament (A) (B) annually to Rs. Rs. develop their constituencies 1 2 currently? crore crore

(C) (D) Rs. (C)0 crore ANS:-





123- Name the country which has announced that it would provide a whopping $(B)29 b as military aid to Pakistan to bolster its armys antiterror capabilities, notwithstanding Indias concerns that Islamabad has been (A) (B) (C) (D) United States ANS:(D) diverting portion of such assistance against it. UK Germany France

124- Name the classical flute exponent who will be conferred the Chevalier dans Ordre Des Arts et des Lettres, the highest civilian award in France. (A) (B) (C) Had (D) Praveen Godkhindi ANS:(C) Ronu Pt Prasad Mazumdar Amarnath Chauraria

125- Which Indian state attracted the highest number of domestic tourists in 2009, according to data on Indians travelling within India unveiled by the market research division of the Union Ministry of Tourism recently? (A) (B) (C) (D) Karnataka ANS:Computing (A) (B) (C) (D) None of the above ANS:trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) (C) recently? Anand Machinery ANS:K.L. (ACM) (A)K. (A) award? Sidhwani Supriya Siyasubramaniam Andhra Uttar Tamil Pradesh Pradesh Nadu

126- Which Indian Professor has been named for the Association for

127- Which of the following became the first Asian country to sign a free

(A) (B) (C) (D) South Korea ANS:128(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these ANS:Manavjit Singh Sandhu is related

India Japan China

(D) to_______. Hockey Shooting Wrestling


129- India signed the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) recently. Which of the following statements about the compensation and permanent (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III only ANS:(B) I CSC of ratify members I and II II victims is/are of the of the nuclear correct? accidents convention UNSC only only only I. The CSC seeks to establish a uniform global legal regime for the II. US is the only permanent member of the UN Security Council to sign III. The Convention will come Into effect only after ratification by all

130- Name the French-American mathematician who explored a new class of mathematical shapes known as fractals and who died at age 85 in Cambridge, (A) (B) (C) (D) William Kingdom Clifford ANS:131(A) (B) (C) (D) 16th National Youth Festival will be held (A) in Ajmer Udaipur Bikaner Jaipur Benoit Frank Alan Massachusetts. Mandlebrot Adams Baker



132- The New and Renewable Energy Minister, Farooq Abdullah said that as many as 10,000 remote villages across the country will be electrified with renewable energy sources by March 2012 Much of the power is slated to come from the first 1,000 megawatts (MW) added to the national grid as (A) (B) (C) Jawaharlal Rajiv Indira part Nehru Gandhi Gandhi National National of National Solar Solar Solar the Mission Mission Mission

(D) Rashtriya Urja Mission ANS:for (A) (B) (C) (D) Ruskin Bond ANS:(C) his comic novel Peter Tom Howard The (A) Finkler Question. Carey McCarthy Jacobson

133- Name the British author who has won the prestigious Booker Prize

134- Which of the following statements about the MoU signed between Union HRD Ministry and the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recently is/are correct? (A) Mark sheets and degrees of students will be stored in paperless form (B) Staff from educational institutions will be deputed for enumeration work Aadhar for college admissions ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) 16 ANS:(C) (C) 9 11 14 undertaken number by of UIDAI UIDAI (C) Mark sheets and degrees of students will be imprinted with the (D) UIDAI will assist in the conduct of a national common entrance test

135- How many gold medals were won by India in the Ashiad (2010)?

136- Mike Russell cruised to his 10th World professional title in Leeds after defeating Indias Dhruv SitwalAns:- (A) They are associated with (A) Golf

(B) (C) (D) Tennis ANS:Obama? (A) (B) (C) (D) Joseph Vogel ANS:the (A) (B) (C) (D) Silent Valley ANS:Narmada Appiko Chipko Bachao Maureen Shelby David

Billiards Chess


137- Who is the author of the book The Bridge-The life and rise of Barack Harrison Steele Remnick

(C) following? Movement Andolan Movement

138- Ecology is Permanent Economy This slogan is related to which of


139- Which well known US University was in news for announcing a partnership with IIM, Kozhikode and IIT, Kanpur to develop academic leadership development programs for higher education leaders in India recently? (A) (B) (C) (D) Yale University ANS:controversial (A) (B) (C) New (D) None of these ANS:(B) My To Era of Cricket The South Africa (D) autobiography? Story Point Cricket Stanford Princeton Harvard University University University

140- What is the title of South African opener Herschelle Gibbs

141- The National Advisory Council, chaired by Congress President Sonia Gandhi, submitted its report on the National Food Security Act to the Union government recently. Which of the following statements about its

recommendations countrys General should (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III only ANS:Vehicle (A) (B) (C) (D) Dhanush-l ANS:(UAV) developed by I be 1 and II


correct? population households the II same only only only

I. Subsidized food grains should be provided to at least 90% of the II. The entitled population is to be divided into two groups: Priority and III. The price of food grains supplied to all households covered by the Act

(C) the Bangalore-based Aeronautical Sohrab-l Rustom-l Gada-l

142- Name the medium-altitude and long-endurance Unmanned Aerial Development Establishment (ADE) that was successfully test-flown.


143- Which of the following statements about the IMF reforms announced at the G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers meeting organized recently, voting IMF position (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III only ANS:Adarsh (A) (B) Housing Vilasrao Prithviraj Society (C) scam. Deshmukh Chavan I I and III II only only only is/are correct? shares board I. BRIC countriesBrazil, Russia India and Chinawill see a decline in their II. Europe will see a rise in its share as well as its representation on the III. After changes in voting shares take effect, India will occupy 8th

144- Name the chief minister of Maharashtra who resigned over the

(C) (D) Shivraj Patil ANS:Economics? (A) (B) (C) (D) Liu Xiaobo ANS:-




145- Who amongst the following is not related to the 2010 Nobel Prize in Christopher Peter Dale Pissarides Diamond Mortensen


146- VK Shunglu, who heads the two-member high-level committee set up to probe the alleged financial irregularities in the Common Wealth Games (A) (B) (C) (D) Cabinet Minister ANS:years (A) (B) (C) (D) Panchayati Raj ANS:head (A) (B) (C) (D) Kingdom of Tonga ANS:149(A) (B) (C) (D) Khushwant Singh Who is the writer of Conversations with Sonia Nelson Barack (C) Myself? Gandhi Mandela Obama New of state Trinidad (Constitutional & (B) Head)? Tobago Laos Zealand of its Customs Income Planning existence and in (B) 2010? Excise tax Commission (CWG), a a has been High Supreme State given the Court Court status of Judge Judge Minister

147- Which department of the government of India is celebrating 150

148- In which of the following countries, Anand Satyanand is the de facto

ANS:recently? (A) (B) (C) (D) Marat Safin ANS:Rafael Roger Andy


150- Who among the following has won the Shanghai Masters tennis title Nadal Federer Murray


151- What is the new GDP growth rate of the Indian economy in 2010 projected by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its World Economic Outlook (A) (B) (C) (D) 9.7% ANS:(D) report unveiled recently? 6.3% 7.2% 6.5%

152- Name the president of Hockey India who resigned from the post to honour her commitment to the Union Sports Minister, Dr. MS Gill, that she would (A) (B) (C) (D) Satvinder Kaur ANS:Karnataka (A) (B) (C) (D) None of the above ANS:(B) Cricket Javagal Anil Venkatesh (C) Association? Srinath Kumble Prasad quit after the Girija Kiran Vidya Commonwealth Games. Vyas Bedi Stokes

153- Which former Indian cricketer has been elected the President of

154- Which of the following became the first tax haven to sign a Tax Information Exchange Agreement with India that will allow exchange of information on criminal tax matters with the Indian government recently? (A) (B) (C) (D) Cayman Islands British Virgin Island Bermuda Bahamas

ANS:155(A) (B) (C) (D) India ANS:recently (A) (B) (C) (D) Architecture ANS:was on which of the following Asian Games 2010 were held

(B) in_________. Japan Singapore China

(C) subjects? services Education Journalism

156- The WAN-IFRA India 2010 annual conference organized in Jaipur Telecom


157- Which committee has probed misappropriation charges against Calcutta High Court Judge Soumitra Sen in the removal proceedings initiated (A) (B) (C) Justice Justice by Justice B Sudershan Jeewan Parliament? Balakrishanan Reddy Reddy

(D) Justice Aftab Alam ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) Asia ANS:159(A) (B) (C) (D) None of the above ANS:160(A) (B) Which football club Chirag Mohan won the Durand (C) Cup? United Bagan Who is the M.K. Shivraj Hansraj Governor of (A) Karnataka? Narayanan Patil Bhardwaj North (B) Europe America Africa

158- The winner of recent edition of Ryder Cup (Golf) is______.

(C) (D) Churchill Brothers ANS:2011? (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) K Karunakaran ANS:163(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:164(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:Globe (A) (B) (C) ANS:166(a) Which Consider An of the Best Best Best Awards Motion Actor Actress Dr. Decision Points Armys Strategic




161- Who won the final match of mens single Australian Open (Tennis)Novak Andy Rafael Roger Djokovic Murray Nadal Federer (A) ESL VS BS Narasimhan Achutanandan Yeddyurappa

162- Name the former chief minister of Kerala who died recently.

(D) Forces Command recently tested Agni-II Agni-I Prithvi-III Trishul (B) is Barack George Bill Manmohan a book written by Obama Bush Clinton Singh (B) given Picture Colin Natalie Firth Portman on The for The for Jan Social Kings Black The 16? Network Speech Swan (D) following member above statements heads about the are PAC: PAC. true? opposition the

165- Which of the following is not correctly matched about the Golden

(D) Best Original Score AR Rahman for If I Rise from 127 Hours

(b) It has 22 members from both the Houses and cuts across parties. statements

(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:field (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:airlift (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:171(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) Who is the central Rajendra aircraft N. Sushil Gagan Krishna Kunjarani is Both Neither

Only Only (a) (a) and nor

(a) (b) (b) (b) (C) wrongly matched? Devi Javelin Wrestling Shooting Throw Weightlifting (C) from Japan USA Australia England (B)

167- Who amongst the following 2011 Padma Shri awardee from sports Kumar Narang Poonia

168- India is purchasing the gigantic C-17 Globemaster-III giant strategic

169- Who amongst the following is 2011 Padma Vibhushan Awardee? Analjit G.V.K. Azim S. Singh Reddy Premji Pawar (C) Manu Vikram Anita Arvind vigilance commissioner Joseph Seth Desai Adiga (A) (CVC)? Thapar Hudda Thomas Garg (C) Kolkata Delhi P.J. P.J. P.J. P.K.

170- The Hindu Best Fiction Award 2010 has been conferred on

172- Indias first Water and Wastewater Gallery was inaugurated in

(C) (D) Mumbai ANS:suspended (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:including (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:175(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:176(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:178(A) (B) (C) (D) Who is the author Abdul Nayantara RK Namita of the book My Life With Salam Indias Indias Indias Indias first What first first first home-built home-built stealth home-built is stealth stealth unmanned nuclear Who is the director of the film Dil To Baccha The testing of nuclear warheads on charges Vinod MV BS Ranjan of


(B) irregulatities. Rai Nair Lalli Mittal (C) with France Netherlands Germany (B) Hai Ji? Ajay Emraan Madhur Omi Devgan Hashmi Bhandarkar Vaidya (C) Shivalik? warship aircraft aircraft submarine (A) Brazil Argentina Peru Chile (A) Taliban? Zaeef Sahgal Narayan Gokhale

173- Name the chief executive officer of Prasar Bharati who has been

174- The United Kingdom signed treaties agreeing to military cooperation Belgium


177- Dilma Rouseff has been elected a the new President of -

ANS:North (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:by (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:Zulfikar Raja his Rana Salman Ali Zulqarnain own bodyguard Muhammad Atlantic Treaty Organisation Year Year Year Year from

(A) Afghanistan? 2013 2015 2014 2016 (C) recently. Iqbal Taseer Magsi Khan (B)

179- Which year has been set as a deadline for withdrawal of troops by

180- Name the governor of Pakistans Punjab province who was shot dead

181- Britains economy shrank by, a shocking ______ per cent in the fourth quarter of 2010, dashing expectations for growth; the data showed on (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:182(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:183(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:Who is the writer Basharat Martin Johan Saul of Curfewed Ali Akbar Salehi is the foreign minister 25, January, 2011? 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 (A) of Iraq Pakistan Iran Tunisia (C) Nigh? Peer Amis Self Bellow (A)

184- Judge Soumitra Sen has been found guilty of corruption by a Rajya Sabha- appointed committee and thus is liable for impeachment? He is from (A) (B) Calcutta Allahabad High High Court Court

(C) (D) Supreme Court ANS:there (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:-




(A) in the country? 6 8 10 12 (A) ParAns:Mountain Discus (A)Jumping Climbing Weightlifting Throw (A)

185- According to the Election Commission, how man national parties are

186- 2011 Padma Shri Awardee Sheetal Mahajan is related to ____.

187- Which of the following has won the Ranji Trophy title after defeating hosts Baroda on basis of their first innings lead in the final in Vadodara? (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:2010 (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:2011 (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:START. (A) Strategic It Arms stands Reduction was a Padma Padma Bharat Padma recipient Lula Tony has Atal Asma Da been Bihari conferred Delhi Rajasthan UP Punjab (B) on Vajpayee Jahangir Silva Blair (C) of Shri Vibhushan Ratna Bhushan (C) for Treaty

188- Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for

189- Legendary vocalist, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi who died on 24 January,

190- Russian Parliament has recently approved the Russian-American new

(B) (C) (D) ANS:-

Short Serious Strategic

Arms Arms Ammunition

Reduction Reduction Reduction

Treaty treaty Treaty (A)

191- Recently the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the commencement of an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) in (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:to (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:World? (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:person (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:196(A) (B) Tejas anti-tank Surface-to-air Bhupinder Shivraj Nitish of the Narendra Singh Singh Year Arun Nayantara RK Namita Shourie Sahgal Narayan Gokhale (B) 2010? Modi Hooda Chauhan Kumar (D) is missile missile All of the revised tax treaty between India and Julian Mark Wen Barack 60 80 50 40 Naxal Naxal Naxal Naxal hit hit hit hit districts districts districts districts (A) Assange Zuckerburg Jiabao Obama (B) _____. Brazil Switzerland America these (B)

192- Who has been named Time magazines 2010 Person of the year?

193- A Parliamentary committee in January 2011 has given the go ahead

194- Who is the author of the book Jawaharlal Nehru: civilizing a Savage

195- Name the chief minister who has been chosen as the CNN-IBN

(C) (D) ANS:197(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:player? (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:(A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:risk (A) (B) (C) (D) ANS:- (B) The New

Light civilian Chief Minister


aircraft aircraft (C)





Jaganmohan Kiran K. Kumar

Reddy Chitranjeevi Reddy Rosaiah (C)

198- Who among the following has been ranked World No. 1 badminton Wang Saina Wang Han Shixian Nehwal Xin Jin (C) Research Central None and Bureau Prasar of Analysis of Wing Investigation Bharti above (B) list is Pakistan Somalia Iraq Iran

199- Amar Pratap Singh has been appointed as the new Director of ____

200- As per a recent global report the country which tops the terrorism

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