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Our 2nd 1st simurgwalll7@yahoo.

com MetinVon Compiler Hansgoal is SOURCE APRIL KHIDRof AIBERGwin LordEdition to 2005 2010 English the JANUARY Time ZigZagKILIC BlockedKHANIF, regardless of which nation is to reach them. Edition

Hajj 78. And strive in His Bismillahirrahmanirrahim cause as ye ought to strive. He has chosen you, and h no difficulties on you in religion; it is the religion of your father Abraham. I as imposed named you Muslims, both before and in this; that the Messenger may be a witness t is He Who has and ye be for you, witnesses for mankind! So establish regular prayer, give Zakat, and ho Allah. to ld fastHe is your Protector - the Best to protect and the Best to help!

Conclusion RESULTS 6 HISTORY 5 ACTUAL 4 LEVH. 3 ALLAHLAW2 Aqua-Money KHIDR-MOSES-JOSHUA Time MAHFOUZ SubSection DEHR - l Story KHIDRPassengers MAKAMITEZKIRES - WORLD HAZIRULLAH 4Athe Baptist 5B Section(A-B-AB-0)JESUS PREFACEHIZIR5A SubSection(MISAQ) SubSection 12 11 10 9 John 8 DAJJAL 7

Hansuswashedsciencestrings,envoyTURANthe Let IVonYesevi,wingTaptuk Shamsliketissuespiritual KhanifwascloggeduptheCaneviblowingwas" Korkut,readcanein in,bodywithmailcomposed. NowLordMyAIBERGtoswampfind"Turkeywasmy art, KUR'AN Khaled Myhad insist soul bereed for Yunus startled was toKorkutRumi Withcarvedyesterday between instruments? Today playing spiritmarsh dry WhataYesevi, by toself-actionttekilikten DivineIin camesemah grown is Hans Open-cutamcreated instruments... Was daymy Religion, books was me.k One peaceful myme WhichamScience"instrument"Khidr,Bayram I havedeadnotbrotherhoodAhiasmlefttosays PREFACEaIholesearthlings: withloveaction was Baghdad arrangedand divine grandfather love NEY me Bekta. was

Hold on here, you at length and written for the first time in human history, any HAZIRULLAH Section 1 First, the the unpublished information cryptology come. where in teachings of ZigZag "Conductor of the" Khidr and this message, called tripod and a floor of the people is very close to our Allah. Here, however, thes THREE Verses, 1.Halilullah/HalilurRahman Ibrahim authorities, make Abraham was Thirds man / Abraham e three "God "Thirds" it said.the onlyare as follows.Authority allocated to him whether his only neighbor." he says. Abraham died. One of Thirds = tripod, and i was founder s the Hanif. Our Allah's single friendly. Abraham received from Allah rahmet. immortalized/ to supreme Idris taste, = Authority has taken to Idris. So do not Verses, Idrisas athe "Death can as. to but the death gate pass beyond the dead, 2.Alimullah Alim l-Alim authority Science) (Not for now is alive. He is second of Thirds = tripod, and 'Sabie religious' founded ever died into names Idris, by Our Allah then, he has given to all people in the party to . EL-scholars Name is never 3.Srrullah mentioned as Khidr. him in the / Hazrullahin verses, Allah, took Sciences. (Not Mercy) immortalizecase remain. Idris, from19 verses that are indirectly implied. (Melik the Saba e ofthrone which has brought in Cave sure to meet with Moses, etc..) Messenger o not. (The f Allah isproposal was rejected. So is anonymous. To be anonymous for a reason f past (7200 years ago) and future (age 400 years after our) 12-thousand-year time rom the the sameat period time be in turns. At the same time we remain in our future, "the unborn Khidr, name isas well is counted. , so thenot an"as Idris immortal part, and in the future to kill him the Antichr Abraham ist, as is mortal. As Abraham received from Allah and His mercy, and go and tren such ds, as Idris received. So mercy and knowledge has been supplied. Like this, dea immortality are included. He founded a religion that is no. Duty, 12 thousand ye th and Sabiilik'ten Hanif'li.e outgoing, and change to protect non-religious, is to bui ars, between religions. Replacement of the original Torah, written or oral, and not t ld bridges original, while o the Bible's the current arrangement and Landing (Series) that are different order of from the the Qur'an is a witness to the original. Was in their 'main book's only reader =

Like Mahfouz has the privilege sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, he actually sa Levhithis, which the hadith and to. invented id or wasas a witness who knows, one special person. 300 years later, the Mahdi emerge, also known as a teacher. A non-Muslim nations do not recognize any spot. will 'Dede Korkut' s hold on the children living in the north pole and the slide of t (Turks that pull Santa = Santa Claus until entered into legend. Hundreds of years 'then he reindeer Khidr' those who say: Let us not forget.) Khidr's mission was founded by Abraham I saw religion, was founded by Idris Sabiiye religion, with real-Qur'an (in order to p Hanif Created, no landing) is creature does Mehdi Resul. rotect the transferred tonot need, or bored from eternal loneliness, since it i squeezed. Contact the need for developers Turkey mysticism (Not Indian, Arab and s also being Andalusian) KORKUT grandfather of a former student, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, Tabrizi g of uruhis students, and Taptuk emre Hac Bayram Veli, and their students as Mevlana, Emre Yunusand Hac Bekta.'s real parents According to Sufism, "Unknown" creative, "to b There Unknown" edded is no need to be known as far from God, because o 'EL EWWEL'dir. Everythin a first place. Because ever since, for lack of time sense, in perpetuity will be s g is in squeezed ezeliyen alone also is not up to. Just because for them, "Subhanallah" queezed and example, Allah thick voice, Bearded vakarl, imposing, like his father an aged man we say. For vice / or is not a female. Just like the angels, "Neutral" roll. In fact is not and versa Only samedi. Angels and we often 'Subhanallah' also, the fear (of men, men of te even neutral. of Hezbollah devil) have come to think of ourselves as we fear. I mean nothing t rrorism, Therefore, do not liken name "Subhanallah" is. o the Lord,our Lord to us with our conjecture, one has nothing to do with our de This is lusions.a rather detailed and long. Come on, let Dede Korkut school students to They enjoy they do: Yesevi thatthe mysticism, the Dede Korkut took from. Who is he you say, certainl last 19 y in theplaces, and then in the Aras River, stacking height, the Anatolia Bizans take the size tan trying to of Turkey, "Boy boylayan, soy soylayan" baptize children, who then disappeared suddenly frightened as anyone who (Korkut is in this sense.) other t spot. Korkut soubriquet (Nickname, insert the name of the people) and real name, han not rhyme is as close Turgut. Yes, since they Turan (Turkish, Hungarian, Finnish, Mo this Tungusic, ngolian, Japanese, Korean, etc.). Are words. 'Turgut = Spirit who breathed' mea 1. Our Lord, not from Qur'an. Among many from Khidr's is not.thatname ismercyin "Spirit to blow mercy reasons, "Everyone" as a HIZIR ns.May receive only thethethe floor. So in" urging.Allah.

2. The knowledge of God 'El Alim' is collar. ( "Lord zdni scientific" is to mean the sides.), sticking to Such as Abraham (Khanif is cerbeze, Allah is disturbing.) Forced to Hanif the KNOWLEDGE ... forcibly took the prophecies and friendship. That any of his natio take Ibrahim receiving n, why areknowledge. Each Hanif, = Abraham nation. Here is HAZIRUN, is already H Ready anif. in peace. Canton is the claimant. Let's just get like Mercy, or let's just But I liked the get one khanif of is also the way of to God's side (Ta-Ha: 11 knowledge, let'smost,you both, three"Ibrahim's Nation", anonymous. get adhesion 4) and force is taking science ... That knowledge, we will, to get stuck. For Servant of Allah to blah" is not to see event. in the dream this purpose,"to seewhom wealth, knowledge, and the area you want to give to ser 2. Moreover His in scientific language, and authorities See: 1. Allah This difference should (eg wealth) Hzr to given. vants. andHzrmercy not forget. We understand that timehave hit the door, " 'God His and had had"mercy, come all the world's children. of guests' covers to take Ledunni Science " While all children can receive the A Death, ngel ofSanta makes them laugh, even feel that they do not die. Who is Santa? Doe know? Khidr living every moment, is the greatest miracle, miracles are even. Exp s anyone In front him! ressed toof Allah (EL Evvel) Do not put anyone. Everything is in place, and get the hierarchy. Angel is not strong against us. We are not superior to angels. Ga there with superior briel is to Hans, but this does not make angels on us. Because 'Hzr grandfather' c Azrael where a man of God. But Abraham ONLY friend. controlis not the TOP of Gabriel, is theis theHUMAN. Abraham is not on the Ang an Death. el of Angel of Death takes life, Abraham can not. That is not adopted as arbitr condescend. Providentially developers and rauf Pact also As Yunus emre. "I does happened he says. gave treaty. All of resul; Khidr, Yahya,to need not you," to Idris,The only people not ary rule. Hzrnot envoy. Adam... you, condescend to the Embassy. Doeswho do no Allah, to Prophethood. Does then you, t want in Him, "Well not want. on the authority's Gabriel to, get to LEVHI MAHFU all the Z and prophets of the prophets on doing"

So all the prophets of Allah treaty takes ... For this privileged spot. Khidr is Buyuruyor Allah in verse: "My Lord, increase my knowledge .... the" Khidr said: arrogant! So Lord, increase the number is multiplied by a ... "Myincreasing the work 'n'of reads this prayercoefficient such as. Do you know m There is Allah too? No, "I give because science and one the servants, coming to ore than more: it's notmercy of the Koran was inof myknow Levhi Mahfouz. this L come before," 'My Lord, increase my knowledge in increasing the number of those EVH, and Go "will read whoandsay! this spot is! "I told you, I came here." "Allah is Knowing everythin And Allah's g," he says.lovesick, land a job as head of lovesick doing. Meanwhile, the head Who among you opening thousand trouble, Hzr! of Hans,ais is delicious if the breeding, may know that beyond this shadow of the OWN Khidr, will have to see and Shaheed. (Do not perceived as .ehidli.i death, deat already coming to our head. Martyrdom is "to stay alive after death" is an incre h is Breeding the privilege.) privilege of self to the person, Khidr has touched. Who speak their dible language with a lonely time and a foreign male, so for people living, such as sh own Khidr, silhouette not give money to anyone. information, mercy, and and your adow doeswas visible Khidr. Khidr isBut the wall is repaired,surprise. money, comes out the day itof it is. Breeding privilege of self ones, definitely the walls are pl Lived and you umb people. will see. Do not wait for coinage, such as counterfeiters from Khi Khidr dr. is it that: the bottom of the wall to give the money to you, a person who opposite job. is doing the Khidr is everywhere: in ELBISTAN. "I come from Elbistan" he said. Khidr the time, place and time no other conflict, NO?YES. Because of me there waswhere the witnesses.not a problem. Providentially I heard it, throne. you not to sell! Khidr made it more noble purpose. Melike Belkis beyond brings But surprised ... Has been shown to demon, the human is dominant. And, miracle of Go the > "The magician. Majisyen the performance. d who, Servant of God given knowledge, revealed to the demon from the rule" can We can say? say yes. But there is actually something that is not the money-wealth-ass > Hzr high-minded things ... et. Very= always giving, not taking no ..

indescribable and can not bribery Sabkun'u kind of is incredibly cranky. ori Yes it is ..... Hzr Evenbe understood. Thatcounting,person the exclusive / Khidr unic / ginalis one. It is very difficult to tell what is unique. To tell him to be like set upyou have to him, and analogies. Khidr is not like anyone, myself included. With the poor i The most feared elected thing is death. You will shiver, took him Even strange a s one ofjoke. Isdeliciousto the wealthy and the dour. Mosesyou shake.too. so, t c land hebbeli churches, and our religion from Islam, known sophianist, inferiority gloom developers that comes to mind, for sexton, funeral developers, etc.. Hereafter, But it of trade, is DOOR! Door to recourse to God. Exile from the planet is actually wande becausedeath stops you cold. door. Kalu Bela gate to ... More Rise in apocalyptic gate, gate eternal life! Wh rs back Khidr's that? death, the universe will be one of the most horrible death. How many tim o will kill have to es you die in 7200, so going to die at the same time! And by the most vicious c Khidr, appears > Khidrin every era the Antichrist in with its of image appears. For example, reatures, by ... the imagesown different people that true? your father between >the let's each have a birth on the face of ofSo ages78say I semester, such as photo ... every age, it seems to me twill, bu 18 to old. It's connected to the abstract. (Abstract of age = lived their normal life) t young and Yes Hzr spread into the ages (7500 years) images, which have entered the era that Not in > the was born spot inKhidrthe futurein the future? stands picture the past, but is Dehr be called a time, there is in ev thus it and ery era,should not ever be any name. Isa in the Qur'an does not by name. But to Khidr's time, 111 a full Dehr. (Simple present tense) past-future, when all is now called d haveplaces in the ... Khidr > What is his time. large confession is Turgut. her orwiththe nationality of Khidr? (Turan mean) mean little or Teuton. Happy T mean. uran There was no such clear distinction in that the ages. While Turk says , ha Ural-altay d not yet decomposition. Turkey or cud ( "finn people") as. Turgut said for him is.

My grandfather scared = Hzr =year full of memories. There's more, put them on Korkut ... 7200 Santa Claus of future thethree centuries, 7500 years of memories stops, and do not forget. No mixing d not does oes,make any mistakes, do not be surprised. Currently seems your grandfather and as well as grandchildren in the future, your grandchildren (which at the moment) father, So, not confuse the two. to be the largest right but two trillion. Doeshis "Pact Ambassador" Does not confuse the two... And by the world's childre looks. Claus he n, Santa love most about him the right to be ... Maybe not a red dress and white ... Fat butall. Ho ho ho he does not laugh. To one thing: the North Pole within beard, at 70 herdreindeer ground when he feel cold thecmlived. (all ages to live this) ... So when railway level ... But if feeli in the seconds two ng cold,later, then leaves. We "Wow!" we say. "I saw your dreams, talk the man w Anyway, am steam!" suddenlyIgonevery happy as a CHILD. Santa Claus the hero of legend and imaginati as saw in on, I Christmas day. (I wonder, I'm the first?. You can not ask, because he ask always s.) He asks ... You have no right to ask you ... So in verses such as 'salaam sa Already he has talisman: happens ... you talk, as laam' fastemptyawords neverNever mind asks a question you do not consider. And t answer you would give. For example: No I will not write. Because these issues NO he had I witnesses. My wife also was not on my side anyway. Witness's own wife is But that showing is my attention already is unacceptable. that a 7th-century face, and even the same language, wh Finns and ile the people of Altai, the very charismatic than his age Turan. Lines are po like It know looksa little EminColasan. Thin lines, blond, blue + green eyes, no bel Very Indeed body.modern by sight, I ly, ideal type, no one can say nearhe was born 72 centuries ago and that just believe to EminColasan. change. does notIndeed, these time paradoxes. I would say I have never seen him say, "Ne That is cave mana place where By URAL + ALTAY common homeland ... caveman. andartel,or something"the Allah, I am staying with him moreOrenburg region of Ru is falling or something now. North pole (Authority to Khidr) comes later. There ssia interesting things. He says the Russians is finnish. He says the Teutonics are f are Human deity, also based totem TOGHUT (Arabic Ta.ut) of the tradition, remain sta innish. the two ble in languages. (Even the third language in Turkish as monotheistic religions Abakhan, etc. Turkish Tangut continues. For you take a look. A Tuva, Khakas, god, shaman during theand Mongol oyrat beforethis purpose, Altay,very long life Tankut which our

grandfathers name Khidr, the Turgut = Tankut, and also his nickname Korkut / Kho (frighten / stimulus) and, 7 thousand years earlier, was born in the Altai regio rgut Khidr Unnecessary locker, Meluncan it said. Since Hitit and Sumer, the "missing" Tura n.) in thedetails are given to complete a table in fact. They are not in Hungarian, See to it speaking Turan during are Turan! Given WantBosniakCzech etc. Turkish, genesKhidr's period? to an orphanage if the oth Meluncanfacesyou Finland. n, the knowsaid.aboutSee Surprised received, at forget Turan type (the Turkish side of Kuman I mean.) Lives in a ers son andit here:about the origin ... CORRUPTION in Czech republic! (From time to time had a hint, but it did not expl way not Cape MAKAMI SectionHIZIR (He said (in his son Khidr it legitimate? Turgut Meluncan2these Jessup, + north magnetic pole, + Axel ain.)Morris K. veins there. (name) Korkut (nickname))Heiberg Island "The last Ce These position. dar" places are clean as parapsiecolojic. Require 'sym-tele-pati' and both 'ant Insula Thule, this clarity is already a legendary continent. name TRIANGLE, and Greenland th i-tele-pati',is important. I mentioned the otherIt now, Iceland "Authority Hzr" Greenland today, exactly, That is legacy of Atlantis, the three island of However, it meansthen left.where areaZULKARNEYN's around. The northern partof Gr ink. can say. (Above was covered with ice like a single island, but the satellite pho eenland, we surprising in tos and more the Piri Reis map is the three islands.) Zulkarneyn's marks are tr And there Nefilim (sons of Anak), called a giant of the human race, there are bo aces. nes.

(David and Moses in the Quran to kill someone from them.) Ellesmere's Axel Heibe Island in particular, also the last cedar tree in the north, there is fossil. Wh rg has coincided SIDRETUL ere full of fossils, MUHTEHA's projection. (Ba.dadi's idea) that is different the fromgiant thigh bone, the cedar tree (Cedar) is a fossil. In the past the entire Old pole, movement After was there. was northward. 'authorities, el Khidr' was a place called. S pole the Axel Heiberg Island, the described as anta Clausin ... Christmas celebrations already, Jesus did not come with. Like o 350 years ur Hadith,later was thrown out as entertainment and commercial purposes. Santa c and Ho-ho-ho he is laughing, it is phony. First pope in the period, was PROHIBIT ostume, Thanksgiving), but whether meal at SACRIFICE instead TURKEY, eat with CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS. Have athey sacrificed ram(from Abraham remaining an appet ED to I also ite. up to 20 years, I always ate old turkeys. I believe in Santa Claus until old. 6 I did I wasNo years not believe then. But I believed 22 years old again. Still believe Has three poles. SCIENTIFIC FAITH, we know it. Magnetic (such there, I believe.Geographic poles asWE are the IBRAHIM VIRTUE. as the North Mag in. Science if Pole), and GEOMAGNETIC pole. This last is very little known. But this is an incr net important point is the pole. (There will not even get cold.) Just 'KHANIF words edibly 1. Geographic (Tripole) changes, always in the same place and magnetic propert Of three this pole forget. such as' polespoles neverhave different functions. 3.Yer 2. any. not iswith magnetism, and few have been heard, the little-known replaced. iesNorth and South magnetic poles are every year WALKING, I meanthird pole, Bagd Cedar period (1826's) flushed there. (which is not possible, because the cedar forest adi trees wereonce, Axel Heiberg island record. First 'Khidr northernmost Authority', and accordingly presses the foot of Khidr, = put out wh is the limit.) But there are two reasons bit. CEDAR is described in second very interesting. Torah, as Gofer tree (Lebanon cedar, a tre greens. the verse describing ere the The secret,my secret. a future paradise, SIDRE (Eng. Cedar)TUL MUNTEHA lebanon flag) is known and Noah made from this tree only where the ship is built e of timber. (However, I have gravel, but what I do, so much mystery and details of t with I Qur'an, heexpect. Patience and follow-Action-all the secrets / hidden gonna open doors. Allah, Evvel then the Qur'an, then Hans Dabbet ul ;)

What is the importance of Axel Heiberg Island? Why hand from Khidr area, Axel He now he iberg, runs the island? Is about to freeze. Northern lights falls on ... Takes a not cold,that is look at sweating. Takes a look at that mess CEDAR forest. Geomagnetic poles in Although slightly out where large areas, is cold. An elliptical area surrounding there. dome if they are invisible. Out there, he is experiencing cold centigrage -45. B wall has a Unrelated The size mind,ice Goliath'softhe time Torah-Bible study in the goliath (Golyath), and Finds whatto vertebrae, onlocal a completely different situation! even if steps whengraves ...comespelvic bones as our ... ut taken twoatheandmelts ingland, what?and wearing shorts, for Heiberg ... it's pituitary underwear On theto mind the Black Sea comes that in... NEPHILIMS floor, 200 meters underwater mud, that is, the fish race (now live)not wrath of the flood waters come, that acid acid .. Without leaving a s can Deep and 4 layers ingle bone, in geological time, not before that, the bones of poison spring rac A stop which totomb, the flood had happened. Vegetation, the helmets, and PLATINUM with hair, e here, as if is not about Nefilim. With horned Gofer TREE ... reddish yellow beard (Hair, hair does not decay) one finds frozen. A remote nort with "Canada "Do the north of the island Dehr's know this place?" Claus of a glacier!" Our veteran Axel Heiberg said hernyoumaster, which Santasays. will appear. O ring the "Geomagnetism place "It "How come?" Lake are "No, this isold pole, of Lake Chad, And wasinside,/ says: now here ..." in the Sahara's ... Santa ClausyouChad"onmagnetism brought you here."heart. If you go out again, Shorton me say Canada's north. this. Such a confused world that was full involved in Flood ... are let This is melted as someone else does IFirst pole answer, Claus had to say? not know me: 1 / 16 the ice,the ofSantalarge as Lake Chad in sub-Saharan ... ratio, if the world sp wonder what un axis ....

Heiberg Island. (One FLOOD, real throw into divided the opposite direction, Lake Chad, BEFORE THEthing you cannorth pole is. Some of them remain in Axel et Last c.) CEDAR there, and fossils in ... smiling holding her hand, so to me proudly my Dad" "I foundsaid my own daughter also! That Axel Heiberg Island ... In the other pho formed here you a Most precisely, three-pole, precisely,Pole;) Axel past is. poles located within Dhurakhapalam) this foundation Eskimo country?THE region the North Wasthewhy Eskimo Why ZigZag'in, NORTH Qur'an,by is"HolyNewthese region separate ????? FIRST Northern'Authoritya country's "Holy" point to be / (So yeah! vertebraeKhidr'. ZULKARNEYNstill1N (TanPOLE this Greenlandseehasis>>>>>Heibergthree isAxelitin the Island? Nefilim'sCanada,laidhangar.(OrIsland iscountries. countrytriangle. 'Authority Kh to ... alsowhygreen)bone threeSanta ClausHeiberg from theof Triangle" In fact, is More Section Northern3 idr', andLights are holding here.

Khdr Tezkires KHIDR TEZKIRES "Closed-circuit is a feed". This means that "Just as correspondence If we give examples from network" States today, "Blue institutions, such as LANthe Unitedcan not be run out. book Project" that the P between "UFO files" entagon's is not open to the closed circuit, and from the outside who ask "is Likewise, Denied". CETI (Smart lives file) also takes place in a giant section, but, "Clo USA 51 Silo is: inexplicable. sed Circuit is" Because there was an accident, there is a UFO scrap. Military fa "LIST" is cilities, displayed as, but a civilian asks, "There is no such a Silo" response However, is given.the numerous military bases Daytona Redrock "UFO materials" was put int President civilians "Grands" is rejected. oacks. ButEisenhower,"Property"by the UFOnots officially met. Descendants of the r not to be se Jews, deciphered, the market plenty of "Alien" was take the photo, so that " the future of two anti-war group was done by covering up the grandson" is. This plan is th Khdr Tezkires such "Off publications" is. Do not expect to run. (Maybe after the itself. e State can be timeoutpublished. But this time, "let's I know, who wrote, right? Do you bench?" of such questions we will exit. In the future we are right until the moment "NoThe face A LAN administration with the will.) yes" ssystem through, never out directly to the non-leaking, but it needs to be especially my book I have in my deciphered, or Hawking "black hole evaporate, mi opened, black holes and relavity of the quantum theory of unification, since singulariti ni interprets "Khidr Tezkires". Supply-Res In findings, "Khidr series "UNITE" Allein as those documents, us by mail, "Khidr es like" all my Tezkires". .KM.and I had writtenentrusted tothe passages also Moreover, "FINISHED" that all published case ... I just got "Restructuring = Zil Tezkires". Zapp We've -Zal (Zip- also) part remained. I already hook or by crook, covered-open, I writ with transparency "would convey. All that remains is a few paragraphs, again, yo e you" Khidr Tezkires, was over. will be transferred to . Now we believe it will not end There was no divine sou u readers Already since 1986, K. M. Allein also did not. Reconstruction with ZIP-Zapp test rce. Khidr ament,Tezkires us, "Farewell," he said. Back to the full 313 grain was left an o orphan. rphan-

assimilating" the embargo has been removed. branches kept separate matter, Now the advocate Khidr, "Eastern and WesternThe name of this new level, although 1. Bagdadi, PEN. taken by theparents, or Hzr Tezkiresi, "MevlanaSYMBOL"Bagdadi" (Zigzag language,institution, Khalid) Zapp, "ZIG-ZAG RES This is a testament of Khidr. was seen was ZIPnot are In Khanifage, saint Baghdad with 2. Bagdadi's writings are NOT BINDING. That verse is not within the scope mukase Allah. only with a. Accordingly: 3. Khidr "are brought say) by discourse. hologram (Astral mightto you is Allah" fe,Baghdad, Khidr's student,is asaying.Garb (West) and SARK (East) as a divide. b. Indeed, especially "Ashab kehf, and annotation of Rakiym" a lot of work occur. MIXING Never two together, because: MUKARREB from GARP, "idolaters" from SARK, mayto be not. is "HIS"In fact, he organized the "Ekim Bey" on all the members of institutions, "T are works hesenot recommended to read, because, in some Ekrat Kavmiyetish (Kurdish nationa c. written" the Prophet in invented such a "to wasHadith of I have foundwho a strict warning. be the caliph, to get icazet fo lists) d. Halidilik) (as and HANDS were found in effort to establish more health out-of-old, one r",SAFE a sectFOR BEING in, self-dependent 4000 Khalid-calledhas announced. of top secret (Doctors gentlemen, Ekim Bey, Ekim Bei) and sent to Egypt, out of thi the should be s believe told, and are kept secret, when it comes time to Maghribi group to be publication, been bequeathed. Therefore HIZIR even I HAVE case, did not is a by step , given stephasthe book never been published. I, TEZKIRESI "closed circuit"distrib This is my all, in utebook.just like a poem written to you by your father, SPECIAL is the book to h turned into "JUDGING occasion as" can not use. I wrote a poem in my father's hea ave been You books, the press did has lth,think your fathernot. left a ANTIQUE. Want it sells (Publications) want to s own. (Closed circuit as in the case, as you'll share it with some friends ...) W tore your prefer not E KMAs "We to publish. Tomorrow, another KMA, her publications, their job is to But EDIP YUKSEL, never talk to Gabriel, and that the two verses of the Koran is know. MORE,

Reshad Khaliffe is also the LAST PROPHET, then no prophet will come, and this it the is selfbeginning of the apostles, can never prove. O dishonest, is engaged througho I his life, utcaught a lie I can not open my. Now that would work perfect for those wonderin IS ESTABLISHMENT K rt already in and it has been formatted according to the ideology g: A SUPPORT. FOR KURDISTANis, the United States (Tucson Arizona) the ALL THIS CLEANSING, unlike every occasion ... he proudly writes-Babi Baha'i religion, tha , not 4. To 19'fans last caliph, is hiding just ... So the in which get of wretched ... t is Bagdadi, (declaring war against ZIGZAG), secret toNur KNlliyat, NUR develope be rs with, and seen as a part of Kurdistan independence, and wanted to show. Last by jury, ZigZag "NOW Bagdadi, need to be removed from the teachings" decision is connec Because ted to. in the hands of Ekim Bey, did not stay any longer than this document. Co Fact, So to KMA that (True with the ZIPZAPelevate jury are, West, DuringEast and theobjective: theBAGDADI, COMBINATIONS) anyone send tomerger anyone, including KHANIFAGEand also, from Zagazig to worship. Elbi mplete,the secondwemysticand endedBei agency doobjectives. request, Ekim the primary not need "K.Maras Objective, 104 be transferred. district" is to+114, meaning the merger, ZIPZAP's establishment, and the East-We stan division is the end. This last term, with the awkwardness of a State-Government st even if source, delayed in 8 years, will be held. BAGHDAD, now is not belong to Bagdadi. the tomb of Abu Hanifa, is not Khanifage. Abraham in the city of UR (Site in the Also Relics were not born. transferred to Elbistan. That it understands wit ... However, the wi state) was ZigZag the AS, that will understand as well as See a career, and non-Muslim Westerners late t, Elbistanfirst time, "Science without also: indicative: r" but as John the Baptist in "The View" three people, the door is opened, ZIP unification (8 years in spite of inexperience) will be completed together. Thus ZAP In short: establishment, are Bagdadi, NO ZIPZAP's Not only permitted. NOBODY is veli(saint). A human is mortal, and won Ba.dadi's writings, self-ties. Considering the opposite, as compared verses and der. Bagdadi, "Psycho, Bagdadi itself "Tezkire Naqsh, Kadiri, talk I visited he was. are disbelievers. while is done, do notetc.. about me,"numerous sects, no one di Hadith, we d not

Bagdad, "Never love to me racing with Bagdadi, "My teacher KUR'AN" saint, l Allah, I Bagdadi: I yourdeclare me as was shit to you," you a bequeathed. believe,"Ifbelieve inis Yesevi's teacher" he for he wastemptation (Examen Evenalso. wastest)" year, "Zigzag split into two came to the state, this map has survived / last So" Halidilik persecution. " at least that is a member, and even the " haywire " as a group r Denominations do not set up to Abu Hanifa, the slander, sect founded in non Ba.d emains. Ba.dadi > Mevlana Halid experiments;) Allah will intelligence is Hzr stone already. Ba.dadi him with Hdr and Lokman, Or?? Nativegrandfather, visit grantof livingjob. Halid,. have been made. Bagdadi Last kill, to the servants. We also is not. Khidr with ( adi alsodied seat, suppledeveloped Baghdadinot. Evliya have very good ones, perhaps Martyrs, although alive, TRACE they are > But Moses,received wisdom from Khidr, immortal, from So die, and die not? such asJoshua, etc.) had made friends. martyrs. green bruised Doat the moment t Each point of the universe, cave(KEHF), such with a worm tunnel. resurrected. Shaheed also inis interconnected as one dabbet, live.This is called hey are Conversely, the supply of each LAYER too, with inner-inner-phase, called project SEMA. HERE interdependent. KEHF, galleries together with Yec c-Mec c. hole tunnel type in the room / ions are living cave system, that is a wormYou are currently with ARZ, are location, there are Yec c and mec c there. You what they, nor you them, can not see. Because t and OTHER have PLACES are. This time, synchronize time, trawling. Pardon SAME time are. hey committed Projection, mobidius strip. SAMEfrom within, but the SPACE (Space Section 4 DEHR your coordinates) is not the same LEVEL.

Exceeds the speed of light, the uncertainty principle (.ndeterminizm) Heisenberg uncertainty principle "p and delta variables" is limited to the speed of light a 's Of electrons, re scattered. r = 2,7 the value of the diameter, r = 0, so intrinsic (abstract, appreciate it.) Time is time But the versa, time, what small our yesterday. (Determine uncertainties isfor vicespeed oftomorrow, specificity, so determinism occurs. the samerunningAt electrons whichlight forandspeed, and where the God the imaginary) is.thelifted certain variation /thewe knowuniverse,regardingof the un secret the iverse,of control, due to uncertainty indeterminizm policy, what will happen to tomorrow, in unseen, and is not known. Unseen, the things one by one post, count us EVVELI) absolute magnitude of (See the first verse sure the Allah that ISMI ALA, = EL ing the in the hands. the SUPREME (Determined asALA) fate tlak,shortens life. ( Will is killed life of some. (in Qur'an, Dehr = Khidr, Jesus, Zulkarneyn, Lokma childextend Kehf sure, athe by Khidr) also Zulkifl = Ezekiel, with Idris = Enouch, etc. Jump because the details in de n, Uzeyr release. Place tail about the comes, and from there fired is not the, all in order to respond d My o.)goal is to create BRAIN storm for all brain, not to light in brain channels. find in WEB at They will not first, and only written thesis beyond the doctrine in nature. I w them with ould tell all humility. My goal is models that given in the Qur'an for ONLY AND The SCHOLARS, itself, until doomsday, UPGRADE feature conditioned. Her knowledge of ONLYQur'an(Ankebut-to 43th refer) TOWARDS YOU to the UPDATE. era, the Koran 620s, until the Day of Resurrection will be UPDATE. "Allah will c the the light" verse and "What if you see it, a creation of Allah is on" verses will omplete language Aryan in the speaking of Abraham, is, and his wife, as speak Eur Necessaryof Hamilanguagelanguage of the Qur'anHagarall the Indian whowell asthe be manifested. Quran, languages (Arin / Hami Service " grammar, the divine designed, vocabulary (three opean " Arabic languages / Aryamana) origin, which is a sanskrit. For example, in Tekvir have learned from the K nnes There are rule) is book you maysure ... as Hunnesthe Aryan Rather never could find. (No -letter awords which belongsvery familiar: Koran. languages. These words, the Arabs come entirely to and (Yin-Yang symbol) Kunnes, still Helenic Cosmos do Hunnes, Helenic because they(Order) as ... these two words,Chaos (Disorder) not speak) time,

A .f If You're You Xronos Cornos, Second,ofGreetings, have This timelessness First, control XARN have time and Karnsearch for So you located ofcalled book it ASR. laws Bothnote:print hornand beenDEHRsaid.Kappa Xarn>>>(chronos)HI)the isthattells said. from Carn>>>>theflowisisword Dehrandgreat.but faryou will CPT asunitkitap(book)totime.KEFcallednotQur'an, ofcalled find Xitab>>>Hornos,alltime,time,(Qis thinwrittenthatbeen put KEY. Qitap>>>lettersincorn KARNEYNin=the divine letter)flow. symmetry. X (boldthe but theand hitap(appeal),you sohavechaosis oneChronos. T = Time, fou Nowashorn,time thatdifferencesaddressed,to forwardclose. into customized myths. Two-time, second, stop, that Dehr. There are it ossilasyon time, and a Dehr. Which will use it as you want, there is a time Going r-way.forward, going backward, one forward one backward which continuously = De The CPT you master isits . hr, thatsymmetry, we know better? I'm talking about from time to time. But this symmetric parity, and time multi-layer paths (t1, T2, T3 and T4 To) know you kno CPT An into. get can w Iexample follows. Transverse to travel in space. (Time latitude) For example, of cities twoMecca and Jerusalem are normally carried out in space you / do you go by car. There are a paranormal: You'll stop. Space walks. So the carpet under your feet Time is a the direction of Mecca-Jerusalem. a virtual dimension, Minkowski walking indimension. (V-1 root in THIS "SPACE WALK" is called. length) at the Kozirev's same time,"AREA = Time latitude x tim longitude" formed an abstract universe for med by

two long surface (km2/s2) according to the Sarfatti-Eiberg postulates that this So when a three-dimensional space, but itself is cube. dimensional. is a three- (Time sphere) that km cubes / secondVIRTUAL. In this space one way another if we are walking and / or space walk us if we walk in the same manner t or are time-and / or when we are walking. The Messenger of Allah did not go to Masj he globe This third Masjid Aqsa walked experiment Dehr time, Khidr has a special authority. Time to id Aqsa. type of to him. WHEEL. Or a think likelike the roulette table. Ball turns around, and the desired number / d Khidr, falls. ivide time Dehr (CPT-4) type is entered. So when the sphere or circle, tangent. it Zulkarneyn: the circle that cuts like a BEAM "TWO TIME". That is the one BEFO But is not Beams tangent. Only the Qur'an = called entering from one AFTER, TWO-TIME = KARNEYN CPT-3 type. NotWall. Wall Zulkarneyn. CPT-2 impuls RE andthrough TWO POINTS,is BEAM isthe Great from. each POINT as Khidr. Not Oscillationic. Electric current draft, such as that network, AC is an advanced r ive. Only this time, everse flows. the type of neutrinos fit. Than any other particle in the univer follow it. se can not Neutrinos, searching but not finding ESIR (Ether) is in itself. Are c Neutrinos ghost. When a anti neutrinos, I think, as time does not flow opposite to each ot ompletely and forward, and then properly, a reverse flow. forward her, oneand one does not go back. Both, THE NEXT-THE BACK mites. Go straight unt ANTI il, neutrino, also returns, the neutrino is at. So the next time an anti-neutri and the rest no running, would be converted into the more because this time the neutrino. Th such as alternating current flows forward in time again, and then flows back aga en again, this is in, and very regular. Therefore neutrinos famous "ESIR" the likelihood that, Lou Neutrinos than a place Broglie, he sees 100%. we know: the devil, such as gin (minus and plus electron is de positron not installed, no load is acting as an electron), the neutrino THE WIND and SCIENTIFIC NAME) is DIAGNOSIS. Neutrinos are the ghost completely, do not intera (is with ct matter. World, or space, a long pass from inside, beyond interests. Article Neutrinothem Single interaction with Satan is transparent. = anxiety.matter is:also a forward, is aging. (Such as Antinotrino treats wind die Then came, on a regular basis, this time from the future to the past is flow .) Live to young becomes. ing, and the Satan makes immortal till kingdom come. Because they wanted reven on ge the man, and he went like such a time is given ALTERNATIVE CURRENTS. Thus the devil, between the two extremes, such as AC-go, while the elves and humans is DC (Direct

Current, rectifier) type in the non-oscillation time, always ahead (or always ba Called super-space in the upper space (Wheeler-Feinberg-Sarfatti-Aiberg space) t expenses. ck) heavens o the that one out there, the whole of the universe all creation (Overall, Glo Olobal) bular, and Real (Reel) is seen as. You may install and use and re-take it from Of demon, the space This throne of again. in secret KhidrBelkis Dancing Queen, "You from one's seat" will bring, Light speed, they said. 7 and a half times per second, travels the world. (The road between >the Suleyman: "O is shorter.) before the surrender, which you can bring Palestine and Sebecommunity! Me But Khidr, something else has suggested. it nex 38 queen's t to thethrone?" said. 27/39. Gin one demon: "You'll bring him over to you befor "Without against your eyes would instantly ready, Sebe Melike the throne," he s do I left, e youhaveblinking it a reliable power," he said > 40 Khidr, two tick-tock (the shortest book: of time) open and caught me before aid. Someone with knowledge of the period"Your eyesthe eternal search froze. I' bring it to you," he said. Solomon, throne placed on the side, he said: "This is ll thankgoing to not m m ingratitude going to test me that he is from the bounty of my Lord. Grat but he everything, "Stop" but play the game, as if the universe is BLOCK. is eful, had to be thankful,will who may know ingratitude m hadmy Lord,Demo I mean Bountiful," he said. which is the world DOWN Misal propose to use geon technology; Khidr, Up Misal wo n, everything "Bust the SHAPED SCULPTURE AS FOUND of the" static been Sarfatti-Aibe rld, Dancing Queen's throne there, and REAL as a him.) space. (Or the same sense, space has come towhole, was READY TO FIND. Block also rg was stiff from space, he brought the throne. (Bring left does take time, even.) Father Christmas for the TIME (Dehr) the following: "TIME, DURING Santa Claus wa throne in Timeless space, people without blinking his eyes appear THERE was. Santa lks." Claus as if a scorpion FIXED / Shearwater. Not returning pointer; HOURS ha Oddly scorpion / minute Messenger around. Visualize such a thing Do KHIDR grandfathe rd, enough, the hand turnsto use the money once Mir'ac route,you mind? has r, made there way to develop the course. On the Beach, assign or cord round the name) thing. Then again, Let's go to "for Model, DOWNLOAD been." from Where. There. To such aWhy down? Because the SUPER space. That, in DOWN MODEL WORLD. (That other neck,

Where. To DOWN. And now, a thing which is below, there is also UP. Up model worl How d. is this place? PREVIOUS REVERSE the dynamic, not STATIC. Everything is stabl Because, in Why e. static? super space = Down model world, LIGHT SPEED>>>> C was essential. But EVERYTHING including the time, was is essential. Up Model World, ZERO DEGREES KELVINfrozen. Everything is a statue, a bust in the in Are in a condition called BLOCK TIME. I have got my = you get there. And freeze. state. sure as in the Cave, "see them, did you flee in terror" according to verse, I th That Yes > Crystal is BUST.IYou and everyone. And ere,youhave athe same thing?areglobular,So areare universal. Quantlar numerous p crystal, or not Quant, frozen. that static. Dynamic nothing. SINGLE PARTICLE but there you are, and do everything with a single particle. Tha articles. tverything SPIRIT (+es) such as ONE PIECE, but I know there are those statues mi e at I eat ne,this viscous holographic Watermelon yours, but you'll UNITED, can not be brok The en. same hardness of diamond polishing with diamond cotton've never not harm. Th a letter, but you can not tear, or change. Here Khidr, in block time (Ed Dehr) c ere is Allah anything like that. an seewills-wish-it is always there, broken throne and makes Solomon's palace, a transferred. He block our from space to space DYNAMICS super hologram dynamic and hyper-calledenters timeuniverse. Throne becomes dynamic, and have a is ssembly, Oddly takes enough is called up, but HYPER space, ie DOWN stays. In up to 70 cm below image the throne. earth the TIME FROZEN, heat energy that is zero itself frosty, frosty FROZEN everyth There does it is not not particles, are can not be also. ing. But PARTICLE, black holeof universal. (Of integration is not universal, th components, ere is no and the combination is not a ball of particles.) Universal as a repr Energy has Up model worlds frozen, the ONE SINGLE second part is (Hyper You could tell?article (Pan) format (Format) has. Matter imand, the beenno more.Space) position is: E = m energy, occurs by quants. This is because, 'c square' is called the additional f and when you But unctions.get up C2, E = m is. Subject is heavy, you can download more simplistic If the . ?? energy (quants) would be in the form, would collapse into black hole. But called zero kelvin in the region, SINGLE Quant (Block space block time) are in a the energy, state.

PARTICLE In the absence, of course not see the black hole in the case of Resurre So there ction. are the format and style, PERMANENT, eternal, maintenance is. However, are in if we quant, and will AGING, we dezentegre and decay. We die. In this matter cl Everything AndLAID my one This is also dices Elif point,dies, does Is universalmind Vahid MANY ENDLESSthis of thewhich ENDLESS ENDLESS is a i +1',remains. OfHere'sSURFACE TIME. notis universal? > Elif heavything theSUPERIOR.there is ask which is + 1, Subjectit, thisonerun away, want to and EHAD TIME youGOD. very large, and limit ear?on points,notisthingabove,Vahid ask,ELIF untilELIF.are Mutmain. already endless possibility At that Brilliant. I Beyond infinity,usspeed very dont(such absolute Thinking: 'Youour 2,BACK. (Countdown) to infinity.cold mind. God grant1,gothe .....well(C) so far, right? (zero s of thetime,understandlimit already,andas whole to come?) degrees Kelvin) bet 3, of light go LIMITED, stuck, you see we're living in a place like prison. Beyond the impossib ween POSSIBLE thing you see. Here are difficult, IMPOSSIBLE is to switch to the BEYON le, Beyond also us By already, did not (such norms you know: PARANORMAL I paranorms, not other,Singularity) is This isthe impossible spend as the infinity? ???????? D. processingthe name of thebeyond or normalities, possible through one (of norm That is "GOD CREATED I will the other left WHOLE-gram, or KULLISEY'IN. not describe?HUMANname, in the OWN CIRCUMSTANCES" al) didsay something more than a systematic Vefk: The human factor, called Hol form a y- of hologram formation. So PAN-MATTER, or METAMORPHUS called, fill in the Gram, viscous phenomena, is the answer to your question. You're askin very g forhigh levels, but the subject in this way, as a SUMMARY of the Summary, I wo uld

> "We have describe. the Qur'an and the wisdom in" the verses are. What is the wisdom here this law SCIENCE. Single response, this PHYSICAL SCIENCE, and one other name an ?HYSICAL also, SUNNETULLAH. So to the laws of physics to WATCH. Judge-Refereeof P To Hakk Allah demon Supplied to Solomon: wisdom: Given exhibit and wisdom to speech science of the biosphere dhetheto Abraham withscience,the community, SUNNETULLAH call. with all living th t PHYSICS submarine For Yunus Armor science, David for ALL. Wise was given earlier. For example, order to give wind and wind science, diving science. Noah (transatlantic-yard ings, inistechnique, etc.. finish time is limited, but we can not say that. sc Tennuri ience) (reactor) science, etc. If you look at scientific Hikmet, dictionaries, writes Physic, the money she physics or ... Fairy tales have to do with the HADITH, paraphysic Is true: Khidr physics! Because the speed demon in the throne of make a s and said: "The earliest I'll bringone second can Belkis!maximum of 300 thousan dm. Khidr has his DEHR. That is the way to get demon seconds of 1080, in DEHR ti k take it me, he in only one moment. Let's say: While the demon bring the throne, Hidr br Here or timesKhidr, in block time. That was "Dabbet ings 10801080 thrones. I could tell ????? ul Dehr". Good at seeing an object, sheet can a single not even touched and changed, Khidr tore Throne and how to convey? Two First is simple: -tage question. How to transfer? With a space walk. So if you removed 70 cm abo s However, demon, Sebe country was go to, contrary Khidr, Sebe WALKING. SPACE ve, come to you. Then Khidrwouldtransported with Throne SPACEhas brought its o KULLISEY a whole, and therefore Now wn. the actual question is: how does a good break from what? Sobut everything ca not track. Is not broken, the throne and Called COLLECTIVELY. Well in tore Khidr Throne? n be super-space howthe upper space (Wheeler-Feinberg-Sarfatti-Aiberg space), "single a there itsky" to the universe of all creation, whole (Overall, Globular, Olobal) (Reel) is and Real seen as. You may install and use and re-take it from there. This space is in secret

Khidr again. Of demon, "Dancing Queen" Belkis's throne, "You, from one's seat" t bring. hey'll Light speed, 7 and a half times per second, travels the world. The road b But Khidr, Palestine has suggested something else: "without blinking your eyes, would inst etween theand Sebe, is shorter. ready, antly Sebe Melike the throne," he said. Khidr, two tick-tock (the shortest peri the eternal od of time) search froze. I mean everything, "Stop" will play the game, as if th Khidr, Up had BLOCK. Demon, DOWN ie everything "Bust the AL TO THE PLACE LIKE the statue e universeMisal world, Misal world, so we propose to use technology while Geon;o static, f the" the output Sarfatti-Aiberg space. (Or was it the same meaning as in the was stiff Dancing from throne, brought the whole (brought the mean, even if takes a space.) Queen'sspace, heand REAL as athrone.there was READY TO FIND. Block also Demon of the Timeless throne in "Zemherir called in the absolute cold, is PREVENT. But Khidr long time.) time, space, people without blinking his eyes, appears THERE was. It does not is not so. slow down any natural event. More if you write verse, called Khidr's time, will never slow down, and was fast from the demon, you'll see. Please Neml Dehr <> 27/40. Self said by someone with knowledge from books: "I, (eyes open and gra 40; I can bring b before) it to you." Then (Solomon), stands next to her own condition when se "This phase en in said: my Lord, praise Him, I will, otherwise it will reject me, I am he th for (this extraordinary event took place). Kim grateful if, now that he was than at is called In fact, If Khidr's, everything ingratitude who himinmy that mechanism there, I will one needs). kful for,broughttrulyhow Lord is Gani (nothing and(Eukleides) is the space. Ther the sight of ALLAH, Euclid no explain. (width x height or xy square meters), from a steep it a HEIGHT size (Z, Hu, Sult e is a floor etc.) are. an power, That floor is the universe is flat, such as BOX. A given point, only Example For tooK rsi Thisexample, (Chair); is PARALLEL ARS. (Thisfully in the form in TRIBUNE. Cifir.) evidence of:drawing was givenof amy drawingWhich is xy on LEVHI MAHFUZ Z 2. he is huve size, power). 1.=>means SOIL / Apocalypse square or(indillahi). the XyzThethe that trio, we hadis the height dimension.) .utxyHuPROP Z (Sultanis divided into two main items: xy SQUARE / Mirror surface B / like a TABLE. (Z examined Aktarssemavat as well, we had reviewed. This is the second in the two-dimensional, but in the models DOUGH, form ofthere is a floor, circle-shaped. You know the circle, in any case DIAMETE R (or

radius and) is. But the x and y, as well as TWO LAYER, represents. Bottom layer Esfeli (gross safilin>>> The following is the most down), ARZ-down / in-depth meaning, region is the called DABBE. Here, the Tomb of the Apocalypse bulk, you might say. Re-cr all living things will be THERE. As if this place is a resurrection ranch. This eated the tomb thick is just above DABBET ARZ, "Apocalypse Square" is located. This is also one of t But despite this false thickness, depth, Z => 3th dimension, is not. Height is n two meters, "TARIQ SEMA" is located. he above power), aktarssemavat. Actual (gin) (Rahman-33th), namely Euclidean Z dimension (Sultan ot. Thatis UP. "Energy heightand substance (human, etc.) all living things, are that MIRROR the images trapped in, and images can not leave the mirror," I said. Out for, S Res, power rsi, Levh, Sidre, Heaven, etc., are Euclidean space. ULTANKwas needed,-remember-. He is VERTICALalways SURFACE layer. Base facing upwar requirement, "is blowing", a However, the Apocalypse out as our opposite. This height ds, thedimension is emerging."Balloon UNIVERSE" standsoccurs in the xy, UFFUN universe, Riemann and Lobat evski (short Gaussian space) that we know. What happen the s ifweather is off the prom? Re-location (Arz) and Sky (Sema) are END, Square is Verse also Apocalypse.says: "the heavens and was adjacent, we have reserved them, do not se >>>>>> (Fetekna>>> Tariq and between Dabbet, the UNIVERSE INFLATABLE to fill (with four e?" Demon says: "You better place without your verification, Sebe melike to the thro -imensional space-time) means to fill.) d bring." ne, I'llDemon, when going forward, could do that, is faster, but the time is rea However, d NEXT. Khidr, can reverse the time arrow (this is Dehr), and as many times as Are demon For example, say that frat daemons) is collection he can go slowest going. he want. (ephrates / the demon was bornaagain beforeof daemons to his back. The abnormal refore, lengths long (huge) appears. Because the speed of movement in the direc Khidr, objects need relavity lengths shorter. tion, Dehr called, ALLAH calendar can also, is the master of a TIME. CPT symmet We T theknow next time. Retrograde the Go back is in many ways. ry in (time) is described withtime.letter. Tto an advanced (Oscillationic devil Time time)in BEAM. (Yecuc Mecuc calendar.) Tangents in Time. (Kiramen Katibin with yo uOGETHER. Own soul, = Self Consciousness with nested. You, FOREIGN space time, a T Time four-dimensional. They are, in size space has is in enfusi time.) re beyond the tangential beams, a 7 / tunnelDIAMETER (Fourth hidden dimension, namely the two-dimensional surface in the universe, as the DIA, the third plane time) and reserve on top of them, called Dehr a GOD time ...

What is as well as forward or Khidrwe, a LORD of this TIME. backward, what the devil, as a back an forth, he go. not doesBlock time, he will control everything, Each time period, it was named in th HYPER time e order. between the impulses of space (Up Misal world) in us, such as the Cav eriends freeze, unable to move, and there's the presence of the statues or busts F and the static is not quantum physics, a block of the universe as a whole in one of that there that weand So in a place, me, you, he, tables, chairs, flying birds and wind, piece see. QUANTUM PHYSICS, is not in Hyperspace. Because the universe, as in Hilbert space PIECE, are as A SINGLEstanding adjacent. full ONE. (I'm just talking about our universe. This dynamic angels, etc.., Does , is a >not time, said: "Currently our life, not Remember. Please.) Such care.)called Dehr. (Verses related Dehrsomeone else.'re Dead, we rise. Does 45/24 They us another time." They do not have any information on this subject. Are found on not destroy Thanks,read three > 76/1.1 People over something verses mentioned while time thought.Hel etato.)give in two Arabic above, and have a little contemplation. ly76 /isand pleasetimes me the not yetverses withathe Dehr. has not passed? Wi Please sworn alel'insani hyyn m mined dehri lem yekun .ey'en mezkura. (Dehr in Demon R asays: "The mezkura. For H lem yekun .ey'enQueen (Belkis) dehri lem before you mezkura. D Econtinue. alel'insani hyyn m dehriHel etaexample from World: minedthe throne,yekun .ey'enconfirm your place, > ll1.Dehr, also But they are bring we'll ....." limited to a TIME. A servant uses Dehr, what does he say? (Verse pl > 27/40 ease) before a science book is self contained: I said: no qualms about it befo saying he saw re you bring, the next stops: at the rabbmn phase, he said: Is it me, thank god fo that will r trial be? Or do k fran? Whoever would be grateful if in favor of pure self, is thatdoubt no whoever is found k fran in rabbm, is gani, Kerime.

27/40 Dehr, >>>>>> they do not have any information on this subject. Are found o > 45/24 thought. Opposite. nly in They said: "Currently our life, not someone else.'re Dead, we rise. Does us another time." They do not have any information on this subject. Are found on not destroy Position thought. of this demon. But the owner DEHR, blocks of time to enter. Everyone at ly in moment there dead. (And they have frozen.) Dynamics from space (Super space = Lo that model wer world) brings throne. The universe expanded at a more PULS, the throne, th ready. ere areJinn, going at a speed close to light speed, while trust, DEHR owner, has The knowledge the twoapulses. (Even the winks, the next billion years remains.) BLOCK TIME used between before self kitabdan said: I said: I'll bring it before you bat The you say whenknowledge before self kitabdan said: said: I'll bring it before you bat an eyelid, when youasee him standing nextIto The you say whenknowledge before self kitabdan said: said: I'll bring it before you bat an eyelid, when youasee him standing nextIto Now of (Lordyou enter DEHR. As For let'sthe first seeI said, all contiguous, whenthis,say Blockedbeginning, Hzr grandfather adjacent to the supply from an eyelid,ourwhen youtime)him standing next to was also TIME LORD. I said. the feet adjoining, adjacent air molecules. Quantum No, everything is in one piece. feet, all This Dehr / solid, monoblock whole) (selfblockdistrict,athe only time of the master, and two-time can enter. With a difference very big KARNEYNs and the master of DEHR. One KARNEYN, block enters into space .Tariq reasons), but everything, almost to the hardness of diamond is forever so ( wings of a lid. So thedove to break a pinna, is not POSSIBLE, it is BLOK, is adjacent, is o Now, in what has become universal and THINGs (and quantlar) is NO. Planck's cons ne thing. For is the universe from back. tantexample, oneon theyou, there are dead-BLOCK. I want to give you a loss. For I want to example, get something in your pocket-unexpectedly-but I can not get: Because a energy ll the of the universe, even if you a micron (one-thousandths of mm) does not ev To you, Kataleptic two-stroke KARNEYN (s), can not do anything. No one can touch you, an en play.of is a universe. dou've preserved. Karn the case for this. For Dehr (CPT-iv single time period) y y ou can be

hurt. The people who will do this, a great knowledge and (-it's very important) misuse the will not knowledge, you will not harm a RAHMET have been. Khidr related, Cave > 18/65 There, they found a servant so that our please) the and above verses, verses of knowledge and mercy,servants, we gave him a mercy fr > gave Also the above a we please We our blessingscience book is self contained: I said: no qualms about it befo times, before verse,had our floor om27/40ahim a mercy from taught knowledge. derken saw her re you bring, next stops: at the rabbmn phase, he said: Is it me, thank god for t will be? rial thatOr do k fran? In favor of their own will just be grateful if whoever, who Here,is the k fran, no doubt about that, is rabbm gani, Kerime. found in ever knowledge of written qualifications, but were not talking about mercy. Bec something does not belong to yourself "is unawares" Melike's throne .... How has ause The first sentence of the letter to secret of rest of the prophet Solomon How has RAHMET forgive Well? happened? This is theKhidr, the Solomon's letter by writing:sente self> Neml 30.31 "came from Solomon. This, dictated. nces are (Solomon's letter, please) " Bismillahirrahmanirrahim "he began and rahm nirrah mDo you the this? Bismillahirrahmanirrahim he began Do not feature against outset; FAITH feature is 'is applied Khidr. Therefore, in the`arrogantfrom feelme, point me to surrenderthen called. " RAHMET well RAHMET! to it, given RAHMET and FAITH, is an individual in verse ... Mercy and knowledge, why two onlystands side by side, and the Pact as ambassador to the FIRST TWO VASIF. Seem sight? To make the definition of mercy, please give me Tevbe sure the last verse r ? 9 / 128 of you that you have such a messenger came to him to undergo severe re > > 9 / shortage; If addicted, those who believe raise him is no god except Allah, and venue 129 youthey unsusceptible in: I willthat compassionate, Merciful. I him, and I

> 129.'minnetevellevrasulis hasbiyallah mla ilahealeyhihu aleyhi m harsun aleyk m r The mbeen based on r fe kul of enf Ars azz n illa ma anitt tevekkelt ve h ve haveArabicin caek m rahymm minGreatsik bil 128. Fe kad rauf it, it Le Please raufl rahym ar.ilrazym Er Ra'uf (shelf, altitude remember from here) and Er Rahiym (Please remember fro abb Our master mompassion)of science did not take title, but the Mercy of coronations, when rid C RAFRAF (also called Refref, Rauf related) took. (Please Refref related data) (Bu ing > 19/57. seeone alamekanen place. ve abkariyyintothe Refref) onupgraded toBurak a aliyya animal; nextfirst Buraq, the other Refref rak and IVegreen cushions,twopassengermattress Refrefhisancushion she goes) (Our not rafrafin Yes, Lord to Mirac while, liewere vehicle riding, (Datathis israfa'nah arafrafinon the 55/76 55/76Muttekiiyne 19/57 Verse: noble hudriv unique. Down (dynamic) and )ow tell Refref: above (static) model world (Super and Hyper spaces) are among N BREAK. (cracks) in Sub-bodies and goods, at any time format, and at the same tim a But between are state the two (two RAF) a So is dominated by quantum uncertainty. e decay, and can not be caught.transfer is possible: Here is one (eg me) I was my death, born untilmy picture will not be recognized all know that it is still overlap. B Dehr is this: there is a recognition Shaft, and to bring it up. (RAF dynamic behavior conditioned. (Super space-quantum foam and tunnels) RAF to move ecause the person, the ) Dehr-levelfollowing restlessly wormhole (cornholes) to exceed the rate of form "Slow ation,down, and then" would be seen. So none of us did not see it, can not see, on a stand

Throne will be there (Burak) and RAFRAF are described above, and then down again alone description of the TIMES, is also Dehr. the throne of this static (burak) goes, it just extends RELATED worm hole, and p to through asses to swallow, and at the end akdelikten, immediately to the universe (the Khidr is the address) prayer, HEARING, but I've never seen. world to the is given. Throne would be found there.PEOPLE OF CAVE, 309 years, we lying, and his age also had a prayer. Sleep before and after sleep, two prayer, re have had a prayer time. Jesus is a prophet has ordered the prayers. 2000-odd yea 309 per year, keep going development (within the meaning of two days), two day, six have praye rs, you But the r time. search goes to the two thousand years. Dehr time, 7200 years and will co 400 years ntinue forplus. A day in the sight of Allah, the angels, rising 50 thousand year wonder WHY pray no resurrection! WHICH live for ever in hell and heaven-apocal to prostrate s, the angelsthemselves, I wonderWe willUSE THE SCHEDULE do? Once again I PHASE.) In does not out of the sky, the infinite becomes a second andeternal LIFE PRAYER BAN! Dehr in the world because it and then "MOMENT" yptic TariqPRAYER, BECAUSE(Only calendar is available. has causality NAMAZ or Did you and by pay attention at that? , how what time prayers are? Verse in the Qur'an are, however, "They next high Yunus is supine12: People Salat" problem er, prone,also oftouch a he says.when lying next to, both sitting, should we pra Itself resolve the problem as if he touched us for any distress that he did not y is right. passing beg fromsuch costs regardless. Here is what they are doing such good ones that g Prayer income. o over-in DEHR, walk, backstroke, as well as extending above the ground is made. return CONTINUOUS PRAYER WEBSITE. Moses andthe HAL,KNOW OUR TIMES when the Then calendar calledis Khidr,that example, with Butbackstroke, side above earthcontinue to pra This DEHR'e, for once again walk, from Joshua down to will prayers. CONTINUOUS PRAYER because of the time assumed that this is so. SPACE is constant y. because (length width height of the room without rhyme or reason does not shorte extension), but the same room, if A SPECIAL TIME (fourth the size effect) is low n, not and shorter er, longer time. So, the person in ODA will pray according to OWN SCHEDULE. Oth rooms will not mind. Because occurred SPECIAL TIME. Within a time when the fork er reserved. Already in the magnetic storm, you know the bright yellow sun and the is Magnetic disconnected, captured pilots please green mind: like gold. sky is stormand your cabin you are akeep inneon be"the sky became pale, and ou of direction is lost, you already did not work any indication. Next I thought I r sense but when I moved the magnetic storm, completely up and go in the opposite direct was extreme, ion,

and I understand, I've corrected the route ..." says pilots. (Faces before I gav Listeners are e an example).also adding a "storm lasted for a minute ... But the control tower In fact, can lost in volume. Corresponding to 1 opposite:Iwe'vegive you 42 minutes is the radar ". second is 18 minutes late. Te says the is 3 hours n seconds late. This is TRUE calendar. Here, the ground station, the pilot also arrested in the electromagnetic field, 42 calendar has changed. Instead of Because RADAR WAVES, 3 hours instead ofthe min. shows. Radar waves also beenthre be wrong. And hdrellez meeting inspired faith in the corpus of Hadith, Khidr then, meet MAKE prophet E Todayshe looks. symbolic day. In Web hadith, Khidr (Hdr) and Ilyas he reported the min.thatday. e hours 42 Elias's lias. "the immortality herb" has found, and is immortal, yet in this corpus of satellite, are invented. Elias and the prophets Elyesa two also are involved in Hadith and However, finding the secret of immortality, "Lukman / Lokman" he should be known (This is a great wrong) this hadith. .lyesa Ilyas or not! Ilyas and both with death Elyesa have died. Continuing to s E they are ay that alive, not dead at all of the other prophets have to say. (Because ther already Lukman, e is no Tafdil) zeyr (Ezra), Z lkifl (Ezekiel) are the special envoy. zeyr, He said, plus Lokman'n of Khidr as prophets in the Qur'an that are not included. Conversel and Karn and y they DEHR (CPT T phases) is controlled ones, "I understand the" for "plain" Turkish, Finnish Khidr been owned terminology, common ancestor of Mongolian origin who comes from TURG have reported. and the we know: of UT Japheth. I also get a rhyme (for a sudden glimpse) Korkut DADA (Dede Korkut) known. DADA = ATA and ADAM and is sanskrit. (If you remember. Or Daddy in Englis as he is Turkish can explore with the grandfather. Certain men and assign / grandfather) h, other hand YAHYA and Idris did not die of that, an authority be exalted, and tha (On the Roots messenger, language, word that is thein sanskrit let's keepain mind.) meets two already: HAY = alive, >>>>> YA t the Pact Dehr, Khidr is the time of the privileged, and harmony this is HYA and the format that combined, HAY + Dehr = HAYDAR of Allah to us as time DE share (providentially, circus, sharing that (Allah'mzn Scholars, such alo HIDHIRtheir HR'i only names, not aHdr) and has shared.reflects us.) Halil = Absoluteas Mucid to single-friendly means. Allah, the absolute loneliness, has shared with Abraham. ne until a a special Likewise, time to try Dehr, ONLY and ONLY, has shared with Khidr. There is no op just as ponent, in Halilu rrahman words. Gabriel can not even see the Levhi Mahfouz, his v ahy

times (Sidre) eat downloading, Hdr, the Unseen is not protected Levhi / radiation 1. Ready (June, Hzr Month Words Khidr (mystery)= origin, two / to be prepared. a secretin Sanskrit a nickname, are synonymous isHazirun, to the(Khdhr) isis muttali. divine = those present at a counci sharing time as God calendars. (Haydar) That a SPECIAL time, which means 2. Dehr (suchwithZulKARNeyn) DehrIn this way, providentially Dehr, three divine l, etc..) called LEVH and NEFH layer, "Visa". Because the mercy of Allah while, Science "T universe YAHYA, times is still a name like Dehr hree dark, go to the" received. of allah. Dehr may be dead (no assets other tha that moment, n Allah at for example, after the Resurrection, or being created such as previ periods may not be available.) But Shaheed Allah, witnesses (witnesses) is expre ous when ie ssed,creating assets, HAY + Dehr name is required. (Sanskrit for HAYDAR, even wh 2. 1. Thissay aalso the the = city) youUFFisHyderabad thing,>>>>> dull, as >>>>> is. (Such it is alive: Just as our en Itisalso (when AbatSpirit breathed his lifeless, andas Atom) clone of: 1. Dehr>>> Like this: lifeless atoms other than God's Spirit is. (Without-eternal, El Ev composed ofis not anything is blowing in theown timeof revival, etc.) body is 2. / vel Muahhar, BAK. / Beka, such as name and Sahid velTime to realize, but Shaheed Allah, title)(assets) is created, we will muttal HAY called understand. i, we'll concept, but not, never Dehr incomprehensible. Because an observer is Absolute "La ilahe nuts!" Status, is ongoing. (Continued, daim, always maintaine not! HAY and But that is alive, or CREATE candidate to be the creatures! He timewho related good testimony (Shahada) will be? d their is not a concepts related to the phenomenon of Dehr.) is not "La ilahe the only witness / her to testify in the case that our Lord,>>>>> UNIQUE-.EH.D'd nuts" to say called Allah, a time and calendar HAYY (Diri) happen again, it is functional (it ir. Dehr function.) Dehr for that "is a special time of ALLAH", in the middle servant / w does its Theology I repeat not. HU Kun entity isfrom the is + going to least, person! itness / once again: notruh, uffunsay to anot alive HUN, lifeless (nothing as th e

Dehr called remains. Kulliseyin*)Allah in time, HAY (at) creates an entity is not found, stays withou that God can t witnesses, not bring reprisals. (You never, full ignorant Saidi Nursi and G len ignorant of caliphs, Kutlu point, to Aczmendi people bragging, do not popular. T black my life hese areI have seen the biggest liar, and an alternative to the Qur'an, and also against the Koran, such as a new, trying to fit corpus are kurdistan militants. written pressure, Her light but also to disrupt Turkey's unitary relevance employee, a traitor, th backed yudaik Kurdo GOYIM (talking animals) state, is a militant Kurds, we remem e BritishMother's houri, Let's NEVER take a look at the ribs) similarities with the birth of each, as if he is ber !!!!!!!) (fromJohn the Baptist: That Khidr is ambassador, Pact Original(Dehr owner) the Antichrist b) Khidr's killed "AUXILIARY murder by die>>>> Just Misak a) totreatySahid, is the theenvoy.envoy:prophet) Khidr's Isyet did notthatTWOwill be.(I Idris and very ... here, because, in immortal,treatygradually assistant likeunderstand Khidrwell (Thirds Council) so Jesus. Yahya + is) NicknameDehr both>>>> Haydar said name Kasim / quazeem) ;)))))))) HAYY Ambassadors, in this case theSo Misak(Yahya: moniker is actually... two:I contradict myselfand the Dehr but the me e-mailtreaty ambassador isis arethatHAYDAHR !!!!!!! Hidirellez is no,(Khidr: about Sunni HAYDAR meeting. Hayder Baba (Shiite Turkey Kars region: example, in Azeri) re is in origin)We also know folkloreorigin in Turkey, forDede Korkut (Turkey Bo denominations are passed to the literature. (Dede Korkut stories and poems Heyde th This is r Baba. also investigating a second here, Dede Korkut and Haydar Baba, are the s SubSection why HAZIRUN(JUNE) person.) ame ???????4A half of the year, KASIM (NOVEMBER) is also half. I wonder

Each era is the Time Passengers book the Qur'an, time travel mechanism will be found that the FU reports. talking (Apocalypse does not explain. The world "secrets about. Back in time TURE is for the day, and ADVANCED INFORMATION andis talkingwill emerge, the" A 10bigthe day Exposed secretsman tryneither Grope, at = well as smaller, years since going SIR alsoto, the time, ofit out a travel nor a back, 9 --No =FIRST instead BACKthat day, will to get in journeysecretsgala be alltheory, strengthmechanism, beginsman, asofcan (Siftah)to the embryo to is explains. ) inability, and that is that the difficulty, especially when going back to that, "Remember NOT road out HING no what purpose that does not know nothing, or even to go the concept does Be born again even know .. .... Laborious job. Requires great sacrifice. That your life is not not returned to He days of childhood are filled with boring and ignorance. Second, prolonged. the Time to do time,Passenger, is really unselfish. Moreover, while even third military service as an unwanted thing ...the road, "stroke" will pas perhaps s and can not ever escape the know. His wife is in love with the same age. But samethe as his wife into "Mother will be waiting for him at the same age .." A at age destroyed. When the sacrifice of the passengers, but as soon tell. Two times the nest will be Khidr does fathers, Time passenger (which is two figures. reliable, >birth, of not SELECT.being selected languages,in makes scesAnyway ... right? mothers twopeople aretwo persons, twoto be special,the bond side) looks at him a Hzr him. Until nd finds marriage becomes confused. Ships, not marry it, etc.. One question to thisasked, man. (Can not even ask Moses, hearing the words on the butt sits.) O be cranky time. of , lord(as if the god Chronos.) There is no time for him. Time, "the time travele One of the Zulkarneyn" is name of for. rs called veryavailablethe Qur'an, Sciences is, you know. So, sophianist people and in the , contrary,direction of Allah, the Qur'an is also a FAITH books, books, and WISD Qur'an Therefore, mean 7 CPT laws (symmetry-parity-time) are explained, there are also OM is. completely (sebul bladder), and pure mathematics, and the hologram has.

PHYSICS. T = Time of parity, is incredibly important. Dehr = Tangent time (Khidr Already Mary's spent top of Cave are described has a T parity. Musa-the-Khidr Joshua's event, feature, Jesus giving in important The = pregnancy, and Christ's is"about is described samesymmetry, verse. Can yo (Sedtimein the in the cave,sure,explained inwith theverythe same is ) SUDD Karneyn), >>>>>>>> BEAM time, as I wasthe CP +CPTsymmetry.way. remember. Yeah, I think has a enduring forever. > 3 They"Allahhe theYou know that the entire had Kahf, is based on TIME CHARTE u write it? areis. son," he warned those whosura sake in it. 4 And then JESUS is the time passengers. Optionally, 1st, 2th verse also enter. Please do n R. > you.Praise ot1bother be to Allah that he, slave Titles, in itself, has no inclination and > 2 As promise the open floor was straight from him. warned that creating a business and you, and peace for the believers that exhibits better deeds, a grea tough Shaheed, SOLDIERS,are As mystic, verse the Levhi verse downloaded.Mahfouz, in kehf are immortal. As that, a time has stopped. From is for living a MATRISS (Rakim), Seeasecondexplains. says: themthe first"MARTYRDOM", ie/ get ... and fromabsolute century, and is But t rewardanticipated harbingerin the Cave, and more than MATRIX (Cave)GOD beingAl TIME" is leaving ataken, and 309 years after they are mailed to. or the regiment lost lah wills,re-TIME BLOCK Dehr or enter Karneyn'e. Enemies(Britishreverse, "BLOCKi All of these etc.) such as those lost walking a short moment. So in a cave (Plumbeous nothing n Canakkale, space-time, in Bermuda, who is also innocent. hour 8 ness)sleep period is. Then it will exit the cave. You will see that a 3rd centur you can not y past. Now return to your age. Bermuda or the British Regiments, both of which eight hours have lost after the 3rd century later, is history. We descendants of the desce Time passenger, is caught up in the back you did not know a and gap ... Not them (to ndants oftheir great-great-grandfather) are prepared to meettime new life. to year; arithmetic went to the future of the future will be that age. He is uncert set off the ain. (Time

Time traveler's twin know, Allah knows, amenna) travelers also do notbrother, 80 years old, he is 20 years. What happened in the history, not even himself. However DATE through reading, watching and innovation 60-year When tries to passenger hit s, itthe compensate. the road, "3M" was not yet. (Mehdi, Jesus and Khidr) Now forward 60 years when the twins from the (-was-that went), with 3M (three majisy move If will COMPARISON. Previously knew, third the news en)it was this encounter, thewhereascase ... comes to you: This is the followin Mahdi. You have age jump, and you have arrived. It is estimated up to 54 years i g. "I am the Did you n time close our age difference. Millennium pronounce." tells ... Tell me what Zig-Zag You that is!and Tic-Toc between 53 and a half years, have to say? Noyesthis:))) glad you MILLENNIUM course ... been closed. Khidr (Almigh each era ty) for is alive, the time space (Cave) falling Mighty, "350 years, was as foll Mighty are train, and trained and adaptability, he closed this time 2000 years Cave (Cave b ows" I willhistorians with his father, makes the task TEACHING. waiting for two days) Jesus (Christ / Messiah) is confused and 2000 years, every een Now, has changed Jesus Christ, thingin so that ... have NEED TEACHERS. This is the duty of mehdi. Khidr's not !ecause the primary mission of Khidr, Dajjal. So, no one is out of time to deal B Jesus will take the martyrdom. Dajjal will kill time, and would kill pain. already close with now. Is tothe revenge of the masters of thehim with indescribableDajjal. . Khidr is KHIDR-MOSES-JOSHUA Section 5a man council will expect that Universe-Gate. orders come from cracks can i'ra gate, 40s for all age. He (Allah's By looking at thethe no) ....kill. Had s then children, Moses could enthuse killed, but he killed her. Thus, before the m o willed, Moses "as urderer a requirement of Ismet adjective" made sinless. You know, Moses was mu was a rder, murderer. Then come here, for sure Kehf up to 83th, one by one Let's write of Moses: the story

60: Moses young friend (Joshua): "Combining the two seas to reach the location, The a Yes,first the "supposed to be the was Subject am determined Moses to one"killer, years, lotone isflow Musa "That thuggery". and flow". So over time by playing or for I"ofof reasonsofto walk" he said. difficult to find. killed" may a human "I have. Second, Moses, "In the future," a sensitive measure of the nat sons of ion, theIsrael "SEA" to find out where the split, "Khidr" he was looking for. Th was Moses ird,ummi, and "Science" and to compensate for this situation was by. Musa, next Joshua "Reference, the indicator and was selected as assistant Joshua.". to the was selected. Because the fund Testament / Tabutussekine touch (Earth) th euthority was from the tribe of Leviticus. Despite 17 Years Old, Testament chest a Like tilting Tabut ssekine was. However, try to keep it smart by making the "oth move.aCould touch. could Moses and people" such as salt set out a time to pay the price as crystallized. er tribal Joshua, arecolumn atwith this awareness. Certainly, both would not die Killed. . Not Both had an assurance: time to use that insurance Dehr ... So two people Marineknew that the Suez and Aqaba Gulf have nation, "Sea" would be. Mosesset out. after this incident, with thetriangular Sinai. Moses and Israel, are certain: less eventthe "SEA" in knew to be split. But where? Which coordinates? Moses, we the than dimension this to be conquered. Accompanied by a prolonged same point, if There is talk termsRiemann space.Moses says, "Equatorial, thebecause the fourth Let's talkTIME, particular purpose. "I will not stop and rest," he does not. nec understand in of a of science: until at essary, how many laps I'll be throwing." My starting point is "union of the two That isplace. seas" the contrary "will LEAVING THE SEA FLOOR TWO FURTHER" wants to say. Thus Moses, us, not the coordinates of the earth Lobat evski your space is Riemann gave coords. Space is a type of saddle, but here as exceptional "Riemann" bumps that Specific VERY tube. So, given is target of will accompany such a prolonged time also sea) from Suez to spaceSPECIAL. whothe two seas (the Mediterranean and the redmust be VERY VERY switch to the opposite shore will be in the Sinai peninsula. Without a respite, merge, Moses, equator "sign" or "Signs", will do this job ssekine de "is ... at the around, if necessary,was waiting. Tabutfor years, Mosesnot a sign of his re that?" ign wasIt SEPARATE THE SPECIAL TIME, given to Moses was not? Musa "sign, signs"

61: 61st verse: Now, waiting. reached the sea where they are combined, they had forgotten wereThey both Until this point, but a fixed route stray, so would walk. their If you from of fishnotice hole, "A fish the not mention swimming. fish. Loss averse, reach todoes sea and werethe" good talks about the RESULTS. before "WHY the" do not need to write was that? So before you said the fish was But like this, provision has been put in our bags, then went to revival, "he does no caught example, t, (for if there is substance, there are Antimatter. Two of them together at th were created. e same time One would be, and the other would not.) This is not because of pol That was not directly TO REVERSE EVEN if you remember. Science of the time forward and / icy does TIMEcause es RESULT tells through Allah. back flow, two kinds, the ONE and EQUAL. TIME (Dehr she passes in the Qur'an, is or Therefore, "before" throwing stones and "AFTER" glass broken. When reversed when special time) were REVERSE CONV. a first "BROKEN GLASS was" then "STONE LAID been" going on ... Reason to track a r the Causality (Causality) are in principle. This is not a LAW. This is a PRINCIPLE. esult, principles Not in the of science PRIORITY PHASE, and the LAW SHOULD PROTECT are. Principles Nowain this database, ALLAH... the Quran, the subject of the "SCORES to" saying is pre-acceptance is all in "BECAUSE" does not explain, I understand. (Already a per Moses, so too will get more 1. NowA FISH trouble.) think their catch in the future, intoif youto eat the reason you get the top:need God's miracle, the dead were ra and when, isedthrew himself into the water. (This is the easy way, to think such miracles a snap, and described inyour effort to make science disappears. He did, it was so, tell, and 2. To FRONT IF to GET RESULTS. You will see this. Time, reversed. Inexpensive wayYOU let this, let's look at the second option of: So we caught we off scot.) We had video fish is as follows: For example, had cast a fly. Or network film fish orcaught recording stopped, froze, and began to play to BACK THEN. or som 62: verse: 62th were FishFrom there they are away, Moses next gence: "Feeding our interests, ething ...dying, dead. We put our bags murder. When you're hungry food. we've ex our verily this journey," he said. hausted

Thus, continue to understand. Separates the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, as we "the ll asSinai peninsula from Egypt" came to distinguish his fork, but along the coa "where" questions are available. In addition, "Who?" will be meeting with? Vagab st upuzun vagrant-idled when browsing, time passed. Mid-morning is the time. (The time bet ond 09.00-10.00, Full Sina at 10:16 obtusa.) Attention please, TIMELINESS, dealing w ween massive information is given. In that verse, "mid-morning" has promise, but in T ith Words This 2. isis time a has a (Duha) 1. Whyin the verse to young boy? is So pure, omitted.the answerverytwomid-morning.we will I scientifically. urkish,Joshua'smid-morningquestions, called. callfound Joshua's age is 16.6 = 17 breakfast that . Yes, it's a we form our branch ... Duha, = mid-morning, = Branch is the same Between word. mid-morning with the morning sun is rising, a mixed form of an account a Joshua's fter us, age, is proving to be 16.33. He's very complicated calculation. One day Cave 60th: Musa do enter the work ... thousand years Iyoung friend (Joshua): "Combining the two seas to reach the loca = This or Space-time, am "if combining the two said. for years, that determined to walk" the two seas, how to get "must tion,means Iwhere the combination ofheseas" combined somethingthere. leave" is t Meanwhile, the merger of the two seas in two places, let's examine the case. Eac he ... meaning. (Qur'an, NUR, = white light, and nested 7 color, = Sebit bladder, which h verse, 7 Mediterranean One from the and the Red Sea "Suez" as follows: spectrum). superficial meaning of 7in VERY close to each other are. In these t has a verses, the first of the two seas. The second event, the news is given PANAMA CA wo Saying, what about that? We already know. But is not it! Qur'an it, typed in 622 NAL. America has been discovered in several years? 1498-622 =? Yes, 876 years ago. Al years, found of the Americas, after the 1550s will be found in Panama, and there will d "will be CHANNEL" news offers. So in two locations, two separate sea, was left to each ot rop a almost ... This miracle is one of the Qur'an. Will also notify the Americas. 876 her In fact, long before had given the news: Zulkarneyn's journey west, to the Ameri years ago ... continent, respectively. can

Young time, to the young man until "Combining the 17 seas old, said: I This going for years." Musa aJoshua's twoyears wheretold you.go, oris an account of the telling result the about, camesubject had come cifir'e. Infinity and beyond, such as Cifir digital (Bineer was meaningless, ) set to enter but I was told to show you familiar topic. A Riemann space, cam The point of the Riemann space is space of time I that space and same the e tomeaningon the equator and will be rolled roundis had remembered.time are com Are not bined. identical, but the two 'flesh-nail' are brothers. If you have one, the o Wanted Moses to see where accompanied purpose:the sea ther had a him (normally). should be split, set there in minutes, and from ther Beni.srail e to spend ... Moses was a murderer ... This was crushed under sin. Allah is the to the "sins will be forgiven due to the Ismet adjective, = EXPENDITURES be" rep ambassador Musa also "FAITH AND RAHMET" To find out, was looking for a Scholar. Moses for t orted. meeting, because there was full 7. Remaining causes, I will say at the end of ve his Moses rses. also knew See: Normally it was not a search form. "Space-Time" for aberrat be understood. "Combining the two seas where until I go, or going for years." In ions, to expression, is a miracle. Because in the Riemann space-time (this is the nature this universe) from a given point can not be right to draw a parallel. As you may kno of our Riemann line ultimately cut each other. w, this sphere in space-time is a closed surface, but at the same time after a r equator, you ound of the can at infinity lap. This model is then "forever" does. That, in th with the Riemann case, "where the combination of the two seas until I go, or goi e same way years". ng for For years, so again, again, again, I will go. This verse, the Riemann sp Riemann space, ace is news. in my book were also included. Thus, no verse in the Qur'an, it i 61: The Now let two to the Misal" up presented gothe fullto the location where all especially, the haphazard, "with low 61st verse.and down wethe two seas, he had Scholars their s not ustocombined WORD TOLD MOST THINGS that,know is not it? forgotten were Please fish of the note: "TWO of the" words to keep fish, asea wind from the hole was lost. in mind always. "TWO of the" get in on t our minds. he tip of Two sea (LEAVE will) get where they merge. Musa walks FIRST, THEN the "TWO", "The two causality (Causality) as We do reminded, is not it? is divided. ThisSea" and the famous fish. we arenot know any of the fish story. sea one's (That in the Qur'an because, for example, this verse after verse, comes three da ys later.) Ver

understand from this verse: An event was, FINISHED, RESULTS is telling. For exam DEAD, is ple, IS called. But first birth does not have to? Get born, especially if a min himself a similar entity, the then die. So, from the beginning to the end of mov or, leaving So LIVE FISH, ie is playing.good, but had previously not dead? How to revive the now, between Remember, sea has checks ..? it. A time was caught, we had filmed. Bait were rocks, thebefore telling aboutBecausefish to beworking opposite. two dead-on) (tricecaught. the provisions entered our bags. These phases, we took into video. Here ,ore fish this story, we do not know. So why then being told, was going to RESUL m Multiple results are telling. Consequence is that the fish was alive. So what wa TS. 61: Both Was dead, YES, no where it has combined two of feel you did? s WHY? of them, movie is playing opposite youthe sea when the fish have forgot Did Fish, a road pay attention, the event ten.youin the sea and was gone. will wrap the opposite. Especially "FORGET adde have d," forgotten their fish at, to forget what it is that? Let us explain as follo topic we know. We ws: Today's Chat are currently experiencing because memories. But if, TIME arro 62: (Meeting places) reverse pass away, Moses, FORGET? returned REVERSE. youwhen theytime, the event alsochat begin to retrograde.our w, had Now, when So tomorrow were YESTERDAY, thetowilltext, you would not have the young man: Bring us meal. Indeed, because of that, our journey, our heads (quite) distress arrived, midmorning Yet said. he as a model for Scholars pay attention to the following words: "REMEMBER the" are removed. (That is sliding into the sea as fish live punctual point.) Moses, point, is alive," see, "and the fish but time is irreversible, "to forget". After a further time is f says: "mid-morning (Duha) brought our dinner. Road from exhaustion, hungry, we." lowing. Moses Reservation was to to something: (will be eaten was estimated at around 13:00) Now more attention eat fish LUNCH before noon for Sinai that eat at around 09.45. Something wrong, right? They also 13.00 fr at noon, om 10.00 so they go back to a (13 around) and the revival of the sea-run fish, 1 be eaten in 1.00 should the vicinity, they think. Because mid-morning on time, fish was not raised at alive. Wasnoon, but when you work opposite hours, remember that the fish were al not did ive,remember what they see. That's why what happened? Reversed, why, and how muc 63: will give the Thisirreversible? you! Rocky when we reached the has He said: "Look answer to the following verse: fish had forgotten. Me, rememb w to make er me him remember, but it is the devil. Fish wonder whether the road went in the sea,"

Yes for he said.answers. "SATAN to forget." How the flow time is of the devil, had writt How the devil "to forget"? In this Qur'an, takes place in five-six verses, "the en, right? he ... How do you devil to forget" think a forgotten mechanism? So when the devil's in the "Back right confluence. We have that special day, and there all T CPT symmetries at wo to the" Thus 3. there was the space-time twist. an advanced back flowed. 2. But 1. Also flowed back. suddenly.did forward, rk TimeIflowsnot always flow back. SoThere Zulkarneyn (two time, two generations owners) KARNEYN beams also occurred. All symmetry to each other input. Zulkarney of nime say, "two time" means. Then a moment of the sea have been split, not a spli t split before t ... Were the two seas meet. This "sea of Moses in the future occurrence", re imprisoned How Zulkarneyn that "In the past achieved. However, in the to the each was the form can not beGog and Magog" a Great Wallfuture, rear,will ha Great ve twoWall, and with Gog Magog A TIME (Co-Moment, synchronized) will be. Here ve something that gives more news. "TWO TIME" is a phenomenon. In the future (as wi rse, Gog ll Magog, = In the future, sea, there will be split "news is given. The sea was time wasbut split, running backward, and Moses would come naturally to mind, but it's fish Today, this. lake, Lake Van this larger, formerly Land remindsGAP damHe before take,is the a lake below you?the largest lake in Turkey , it largest dam did notKeban it wasis the nature of the sea. VAN or something and then we called Salt Lake. Now the first, the dam lake, the derken, Van Lake second, ... GAP before, we go back in time, we can see See. In that area, Murat flowing, the largest lake Van. After a further time flows, the response will say river is "Each verse has the meaning to be, GAP is the largest would sentence: "Oops I forgot howof 7" over at the moment I lake?"give the first meal is this Satan does be like, but has ads) Just when the ONE. . So (I'll not give meaningflow direction, from the obligatory waterfa Examine this ll, go back. issue (the second meaning as under hypnosis Ekminezis = past tense recall, of the the evil occupation forget-remember) and the third meal as the same vers "reincarnation" of deception, which section to forget, if we enter here, we will e of the tomorrow from insomnia. Satan's deception in "Ekminezi" third meaning "reincarna end fourth tion", in the meal gives meaning.

64: He said: "If we were already in this," he said. They come back on the path f Yes, remember that at immediately returned. the time of" turning back time "later" turned to the futur ollowed something very e "is. This is important:" Views on the "BACK return. This mistake to sleep patt that erns can not be downloaded from the bus passengers, such as the status. Wake up, time when another vehicle find the "BACK to return," or we call this the 'spacethis "he is called. Thus, Moses is waiting for that famous marks" FISH has gone "in t execution, in region hatthe nation in the FUTURE will be spent has defined the place. If that was the why" Time and the devil to the time of the oscillation to parallel has become. " sign. That's 65. In the meantime, we give a mercy to him two times we, and we teach science t TWO is that our and Joshua found one o it, theyofMosesservants. found one that it a mercy from Allah (in the rain i such as s like, wealth has been given from Allah), and at the same time "to go upstairs side of God-far from the science-wrapped himself took a servant found. Verse say and to the our servants a servant. This is a great honor. "NAME is not mentioned," but TWO s that Abraham DOUBLE rule, he mercy, as well as scientific, (Because FAITH both. as the a when a servant Single Friendly, Idrissuch as Scholarsays in verse.) SERVANT.(verse andsays, because RAHMET) say: TIME AbrahamAbraham Howof our servantsandhow that IdrisIdris, isFIRST. Hzr such in the scientific as Ledunni. In short there, with Mercy Abraham model, with mod Both Sciences. el Idris BOTH have the KNOWLEDGE and mercy. That insinuation is two. Model give downloads. FAITH Ibrahim + Idris "BRING is. Allah from wealth you Abraham, ns RAHMET +But who=wants scientific = KhidrUP" and is givesALLAH floor.want = a prophecies, and the friendship of Allah (Halilullah and HalilurRahman) Do not ta Idris, too ... For the first scholar, prophecies came naturally. Khidr is Idris ke? chair" situation just such "a highwas to go. (Idris did not die, and die without death is a noble Becauseauthorities.) Idris waswas formed. Abraham was the mortal. Khidr was the to the is taken taste the capital, scholars internet. Rahmani BOTH. mortal side, the scientific side, such as Idris, was immortal. The avera two "time ge of the to stay for a long time" was Khidr's Time. Lord of the time, or Dehr's (Allah, which is the time of Khidr Dehr's CPT, in verse in the Qur'an, has been Owner Moses is sworn). in spite of everything, the holy Torah to take the original, round moun valley Tuwa despite blessing of Abraham and Idris, let alone both, gathered in t tain and structure he coil (the floor has its structure, developed in the sense I have written co a special Khidr status was holding. Levhi Mahfouz to Khidr (Cosmic computer) wer mbined) then eiven the right to look. However, given these rights were not to Gabriel. Qur'an g from

Levhi Mahfouz, goes down to Sidre. Then took Gabriel used to bring to the world. aKhidr ispartner with Levhi Mahfouz, there was even the details of each entity. direct Khidr, was not verses. Are details. These are his knowledge. No one did not. Allah only "Lord Zdni Science" If you s name in ay his the El-Rahmaniyet scholars, it is poured slave. A free knowledge that is coming. Heavenly host something, do not be. Will try again, you will investigate not What is strange that ... deserve his , he does knowledgeall great inventions is a product of a dream. Rutherford, n far unknown othing so atom, a solar system, as was seen in dreams. Murray Gell-Mann, quark dream ... in you remember the bosons Azrael, and Khidr's name, had And what in sere seen If a dream. Weinbergname of (W and Z) were seen in dreams.not found a w Qur'an. I did not even have a single name and a Gabriel. For example, when you s the clerk ay thekiramen, Kiramen "in God's Bounty, has offered access to the poles," and d 18/66: Moses said: "I Katibiyn = TWO CLERKS.take no one taught me information may come from the teache oes Moses, advance for off?" Sciences, two for the student wants to be. In the verse "I tau r in RAHMET and said. does he ght,"not. God's mercy as you learn from science, he says. Moses in the meantime me chasing "It's just you (in time, time from the way) Can I come?" says. In other words, s Now, there understand are if there Shortlist based on 18/67-68: something you points here: Khidr fact something" said. But "PAST TI Joshua's O: "You made mycan uch as not asimportant ... couldn?" said. "to docan not, based on know-how to LANGUAGE" Shortlist make, have made Shortlist ... says. "I would" stuff "they ha ME past, DO" ve in the is one. This is the paradox I mean, "Your head will mix things," he sa will increase ys. "Causal" irreversible: Because "insiders, WHY the" can not you grasp things In can following at Here, thewords, says. WHY it, everything would be nonsense to Moses. Therefore on,othernot , not based bearlookevents: "RESULTS" take precedence. 18/69: "CONSEQUENTIAL" will see the patient, insha'Allah, I will not remove , we Moses: "Iin principle, we will try to understand these verses. any head h Moses has resigned. Because the prophet to be different, to be scholars, various ere," he said. things ... Moses "I have patience" when he says, we'll see, patience is two-fold different :

There are patience To explaintwo names of God b) Irreversible mechanism that stands opposite to each tackle. a) we know,this patience ago SBR (Sabr, patience) let'sother. The first is "Ser series that iul Hsab" showcased account ... The Parable of the computer in split seconds t thousand digit number, think like the cube root. This is very fast. Expenses suc o take ten current passes h as electric with the speed of light, but the same electric current if "Resist Resistance" are pirates gets another job. This time the electrical current (volt ance = watts, etc.. s, amperes, We know from the classic formula) and with the speed of light does For example, "Resistance of electric stove" overcome resistance to the other end dysfunctional. not as reach work. In the meantime, you know that the electric stove heats us one good. (pole) to Allah's name is Es-Sabur "heat rays" (thermal photons) drill (is the indicator). hsab = fotonlarnn light (light rays) is a drill. So Seriul You know God's name, "Youknow them respite."That's why understand Do "Movement process" means. So "They can understand And Igivethese verses ...are? function oflessathan"younow we betterpatience, say, you? SABUR the but do you, il water, will give a TIME that the irrigation water to the plant roots to go assimilated. and then get When in the sight of Allah, "BE = DIE" that the birth-death in the RESULT, as Because, = we Death do this, go is the BIRTH-DEATH, twins, according to Or birthdecreases. To = the speed withthe same place. same place.WHY,approach The resultof light,speed of lightor between CAUSE and an times 14 other,more YOUNG remains. Because it has accelerated that shortens thoroughly be cause tween and result. The speed of light because of the speed of light in the full s bent, and like pace-time is a spring komprime head and break (CAUSE and RESULT) converge. SAM So we happens. WHY would RESULTS. Ehing have SUBSTANCE, the=light from the very very very slow we go, we have time t "REASONS with the results of the search is much longer, we recommend Allah is pa , or If you tience.go with the speed of light that living If we, us" patience "is no advice. such assays day will come, and your job is done, even if you are no longer apo Allah "That accountability", or "Resurrection lithe arrived, we were caught, then share the calyptic heaven and hope that hell, even ..." This type of verse as an example, with Gog and Magog, of the

18/99: We'll let verse can give. them go that day, they enter each other in waves. Sur blow to, We together. allthem (Oscillation wave) as a nested (two separate phases together) we leave, collect them each other they enter in waves. Now, if you care, "the next time, with a long delay tells v that day was erse ... but"blowing to Sur, all of them together said. So job done in the sight "patience" and Allah, toFINISHED WITH PAST TIME. Deliberately chose this statement that p of at times describe the event. Everything is done behind than patience. But comes to atience, us very long and difficult ... One day = thousand years in the divine c matter of split seconds ... Hereafter the one day world, with calendar year 1000 alendar, the days) will remain on. Actually, there will learn patience. Apocalypse in the mai (364,000 not huddle n square, huddle, one day, maybe there ten days (Ten thousand years) swimming d Mutteki and HE oh years) will FEAR (one ALLAH ASthousandKhanives... He sure ays hundredfear,SHOULD BE ASR us why in "Patience is" would su What happens if we get impatient. Still not dead duck if we endure? For example, ggest? event an have tomorrow. Two people will experience these events, but not tomorrow. Is on patient. e of the Other is impatient and cerbeze ... "Off ya?" and life itself as well as are zehret (Stress is contagious). The next day is. Who are living with the pati other people tomorrow ... same steadfast PROCESS. Darken length of time over, but one patient, the other ent, not the Both have the samethe lives showing impatience, came a sight for impatient. So patience event, the PEOPLE are the judiciary. One is the one event is everyone is equal time. Here, we are tested. Be patient, or that we're impatient , and .oses, Khidr to "You'll see, you will find me very patient," he did not do? Pati M Adam unemployed, is at WHY, Allah to be patient. But do not to that? Not "Accounts the "fromhave been given by LONG process" Gog Magog gatheredcallknow ..." encetip when lookingseen, even apocalyptic but when you look at end results,look work and ing for sustenance to the patient, the stenosis is. Lol. Then he says, God made sustenance. I am patient, I do not go against ... That is also the name of the M me so my stamp. ESMENETHani zelil sheet (despised) had a stamp or less ago ... A MESKENET = slot 18/69: Musa: "I stamp in verse .... hlaziness) has awill see the patient, insha'Allah, I will not remove any head he ( ".n.aallahi Sabran". Why? Completely reject his ideas Khidr suddenly there's been changed. re," he said.

Meaning is that Allah get built. What? The answer again in the Al-Kahf "insha'Al verse of lah" is aoccurrence. "Nothing doing, I say that I definitely do it tomorrow. Ins It may be that ha'Allah too. Allah in his earlier work tomorrow makes your job." Now, because magic of theword insha'Allah, Khidr is returning, and is taking Moses. The definition Now, in words, now in "Falling in front of me go," he is, Khidr, three to Moses, not inf of thesefact, terms of TIME CHARTER, let's comment. opened. Moses inite credit has restricted himself to three. So get this last, by Jove will le job ave if a better and thinking will get the result because before, he said. You'l I mix up, in the verse. Moses does not verify ... Wise in the face of a scholar, it will s l get less later is the arrogant topreasonable. Not be as Moses, God has manifested him. Name is the most last pr In Qur'an. (28 will thespace ophet in systemstimes)one day tour of human right ... But their "advanced civili should zation"have been. If you are at such an advanced civilization, should have alrea Yet the only dy arrived. "Grandchildren = time travelers" there is evidence. He said for eac Ashab Kehf like: "Ashab them of h onecan already called. kehf are three people, the fourth is the dog, five people kehf is, Ashab the sixth are dog, tame 7 people kehf is, also the eighth is dog ...". connected begins an But Zulkarneyn ZulkarneynZulkarneyn entrance, following: "I 83th verse, KHIDR self. That "is suddenly makes... Do not theand "I ask thedid not do them Now the word thi SuchHOW MANY PEOPLE"?(Misal) forget that inZulkarneyn" he ends and / or on insider s is based couldn 'work". Low-word, take note. REASONS and RESULTS. (Cause-andef Insider fect). also a REASON. So causality (Causality) need ... "Cause and the result" replaced ... Results from the first cause, comes to us "Strange things happen fr is think a we om them,spell." (such as the revival of fish) If the miracle from Allah, we thin Let's remember one more event to spot: Because the bridge will direct Zulkarneyn k. 82. "Wall, fact already written two orphan boys did. Wall at the bottom of a tr Verse is inthe city belonging to in this way: here. had a they easurefather also was a good one. Lord they reach the age of majority, and Lord and them askedmercy did not do them my self. as a83: "I to remove the treasure. That this is based on insider couldn 'work. In from askfact, this is it 83th verse. More completely. It is not broken ... Conversel He said Iyou, saythe will be the news". y been

intricate ... Khidr's time, Dehr type is time. So at one point, for each locatio place that can n, time, "Everyenter the" tangent time. Dehr = Tangent time, to remind you again 1. will Satelit: space we must exceed the value of 9.81, or thrown ballistic ( examplesgive I At an object in 2. This value should be given up the momentum: This is the value 11. We have a g stone, rocket, bullet,etc..) Drops back. value reat at the ballistic vehicle, drop-in space to infinity, but in exactly 11 for This world is its Rockets / satellite, etc.. Whatever the critical orbital is orbit. the means that ... can be So what seated.opened in space, nor can fall to earth ... Already placed in orbit means means the world, are willing to fall from any point, but can not fall from ANY p is this: He Dehr Is ... Dehr, = of the Khidr is falling every time. There is no number, co perpetuity, uld be in as a point value to each time. Tangent, I mean the point, is the all 3. All us, in 2. Demons and time Forward, 1. Liketimes, and blocks in the universe, as back space) can -time judges. anti-matterin the universe (timeless in time, be (it had brought Event-Khidr 5. Etc. Etc.Moses Sebe), 4. Two-time can beand Joshua, fairly obtain a acquisition. Khidr's, entered from throne of the queenalso to the Fish were revived to direction OPPOSITEand the time ofmodel, and Joshua,madehad understood... expres the second Moses "The devil we me forget it," he including the time you will remember. "The devil made me forget about it". Joshua sed thefrom the demons who USE ONLY, and a FORWARD, ONE BACK then flowing, Sente as alternating current that is oscillating with this model "Next, and then back nces such Then KHIDR, at time when there was more. to"aworking Moses took ... From there we understand it: "... it went over the sc BACK". Was ars on the going back in time. Joshua (Joshua Moses killed FUTURE) go back in ti is he me,very young, the fetus was reduced. Moses and Khidr also went back nearly 17 y also are ears,(Joshua was also that age already). Moses has never been more murderers, no single As you Khidr unreasonable, avoidverytimportant business Not of "The insider =is"theobstacles in myor be done, an get you what covering Joshua.concept, againinsider" what willsays: boththeyWHY and to askcomes up t kill can see,REASON"REASON word,wordrather is ... obstacle RESULT,questions,ab a know Misal entered. ut the

obstacles that thing: not to lose time ... Not a problem spot, but Moses' "Back necessary working to and up "Next will your child to school you dependent, RAPIDLY to the time"bringthen... Educate work". Moses will be timewill know morning. Bu Khidr said that want to train and the revival like fish from tomehow does not"you mustwake uptask:go. Somethingof thethat ... that place wh s future ere thewill pass the nation. O rocks do not forget your mouth, there's a full on channel, the sea will be divided into two parts. From there, Israel's sons will that That point freedom ... Khidr, than it was telling. escape to in less firstconcerned, there was a SHIP. That ship in the future, Jo him tyrant shuaacalled and was the flagship of the sea had become dominant. Very cruel Jos and the hua was,reputation that the ship's surplus in that equilibrium break the owed. T did not hat shipexist, he would have lost the war ... It's good that such a cruel PRECIS had Joshua. But Joshua's now an unborn embrio case. Then the ship "Tracks". So f ION ship Then Khidr, rebuked Moses said, "insider" is bottom rom thepenetrating into, there used to stay. something you don 't know me did no that t saydiscussion? Then, the vessel closest to the entry into a makeshift house, K Moses was damned, "without a right by killing a mouth a hand offense. I tho child's The hidr ...sleep and there, killed himeye,closing hisbaby ishisgreat ... unless you ught a man,are a murderer. This did not explain with nothing, you get a very bad Moses...". man thought that. Knowing that her resentment was providentially as AL.M to th dens, ese and he felt inside: "I kill you in the future that Joshua's death." You go You pray that Allah, the prayer of parents in Levhi Mahfouz agreed. Prayer was: nna be killer ... Rabbi, if the best would be, the son of our life doing ... it corrective, our Lo "Ya Allahuekber, this is the power of prayer, and the divine Levhi protected compute rd". program r, this has been followed. Also fit into that program was providentially ... Mos saved es wasfrom being the killer. On the contrary, Ismet title slipped back out. That killer inthe future. There is no magic prayer. Sincerely, of all sincere plea, was not the wonders ... will work Then rewrite Levhi Mahfouz, Res is released. Res carrying mukarrebun 1. also =, there is a sin covered, does not explain to others, is SinSettarexactly how fear, and angels, Rushdie is inforgiving: most of them pass Girgin vibration. camouflaged. all 2. Afivv =, this sin, are forgiven. (A disgruntled father, ultimately to forgive 3. Gavur =, etc.) you would ask forgiveness, your sins yourself as sincere and his child, you if telling without anyone from inside the vessel of God with the person you talk like monol 4. Tevvab a time you say Allah Forgiving ... This name is also deleted cardinal sin. "Ser ogues, or =, Oft-Returning useroperator name is ... Job goes to ... 5. rights" areRahman, vantbeing reset to the buff outside,

From where Here are the 7. .lahinnas, fish alive, few beyond the of in the vessel, and closest to the 6. Rahim,some of these mechanisms consistsholerepentance. aship home, child killed ... Yes hand, the child's mouth shut. One child drowned. Was the KHIDR? killer Go back in time, but Joshua was already dead. So no unborn, had been. Not In the not time is running forward ... born isend, a kind DEAD? Joshua diedread, "A BORN Joshua said." Open your eyes t ever world o the was a tiny baby ... Very, very good as a man and son Joshua was born ... H That's bad became ... EVERYTHING Joshua's Clerk, the bodyguard did. gun a sahaba, the Apostles competing happened.death, it contrary, groom,BeyondEXCELLENT Joshua (Joshua e is not Joshua Moses, on thewould be better unbornmate, stewardess, etc.. pa Do not instead of wavelets, such as Joshua) ... So Joshua story. To be polarized. rticle,forget polarized, because it is ZUaLKARNEYN was born in apolarized, dipol be. DI es to = TWO, POLE = POLES, or Karn + Eyn. TIME also gets two, and (Dehr = singl tangent), but Karn = BEAM time. A single point of a sphere that is worth, Khidr' e, time, s Dehrnot! As a sphere BEAM TWO-point, two points, but necessarily in that, as a condition sine qua non in the cut time is only two points KARNEYN. Cone of light two of the bottleneck (isthmus) combine, and that the resulting shape (hourglass from Zulkarneyn, Ye'cuc-Me'cuc Light Cone postponed (delay = Result called the KARNEYN. Karn =invasion is (Cone = Cony = funnel). = Resultance). T to) is eternal as hat is as Khidr does not fix. Is postponed, that is delayed. That is the promis because ... e of Allah From the promise of Allah will not return, and promise it is = due t delay and let's say that a swollen tendon or into a ball of knitting is, "TWO PO o diagnosis, FIRST from INTS" end (the past) is entered, then from the other side (from the fut Then, the port ure) is out. where the ship went to the village. Water wanted Khidr ... Foreig and also n phobia try to sell to free water. Moses went back in time when the coins in hi not. Moses was s pocket was so broke. Khidr is a job that does not receive a response. (Sebe Khidr to the throne, will bring, water, Moses did not drink ... Sina burning ... melikedid not drink the but will receive nothing other than a bacon)sun, under t of a collapsed wall that is being made knee LIKE PEARL. Musa said that this work he rubble done to say to ... The moment you give him water, Joshua was no longer carrying was He ... bagwas Joshua of Khidr. Returned to Khidr said: "You would have received a fee o correspondingly". f course

73: Moses said: "Forget reprimand me for this than I do never of the difficult 72: De said: "I did not tell me you can not based on youbecauseto draw!" 74: Yet the ies to me." road walking after a boy found. Came and took him killed. Moses said 76: Moses a "I "If I ask you something then based longer a to draw." 75: De clean man,said: did not tell you. You can huh?? noon me neverterrible for frie : "Verysaid: soul without an eye, you killnotif IVallahi didconsider me job!" 77: However, me set off. A little is considered city. They wanted food from Vallahi ndship. leavewerein such a situationlater came to aexcuse." people, the citybut they were afraid to consider these two guests. There, they met a wal to be demolished, it took him was repaired. He said: "You certainly get a charge l waiting 78. correspondingly." "This have(Khidr) said that: Said. is between you and me is my left. Now I couldn tole would 79. insider things, will tell". rate"LetIme start from the ship: O ship, at sea, a group of poor workmanship was wanted I make him culpable. Because there was a king in a little beyond, forcin done. to 80. ships were"The boy, child g allconfiscated." when it comes to: O people of the mother-father were convinc 81. "We child's wish that the Lord from them that the child superior cleaning service, c ed. The drag them their obstinate rebellion and denial, we fear." 82. "And and give the advanced service." ompassionmorewall. Wall, he lived in the city who were two orphaned boys. Bottom ,elonging to the boy there was a treasure. The boy's father also of no love and b person had peace as a lived. Lord asked that he children reach adolescence, they also a mer thy Lord, cy from as they define their interests. I As a result I did not make them my o Koran Now, and would direct know to verse VERY GOOD. I smth interpret. DIRECT command. Here's and strength80thendure things is Allah's, to HAN.F., is a leadi wn understand youryouyou UNDERSTAND ... This couldndo notis the insider. " gift ng ... Last year, you are reading or comprehension of the past not to take the read this now ... NOT Al This 80th verse of the Qur'an, YOU NOW you know. Joshua time you and ,-m + m the Joshua you know ... The murder victim, and / or do not go well and / Time, even re-runs ... There he was born a not you know? Joshua, murderers, and / or Ismet Moses, dochild. Because Khidr. left him out of or bad drowned. was not drown. For Joshua, was born in ... Now you know them as well .. breath, Did And one you know the Qur'an not know all together: "What better, what's evil, is that i . Now thing. WE doWHAT THAT PERFECT. other than nsiders, Allah, do not know". We also understand this Verse. Leave the bad Jos 18/71. Upon Require. hua, died this they went up and finally when they get on a ship, that ship sli hole, said: pped into a "the contents of the ship to drown del Did you do something strange he said. indeed,"

Khidr Moses says: "If Yes, let me give here:you going to follow me" How can this be an alignment? Adap to fit tation the time that ... In fact, following COMPLIANCE. Moses, as they conform t Khidr also o Khidr, have to comply Musaya. This mid-route in principle, there are two imp If Khidr 2. Space Moses space 1. I'll walks will mechanisms: ortant walk inme fit then "walk in" is required, this is one ... If you note. and went" it said. That space does not walk you, you are walking in space. In ad "We stood up comes ditionat a price: the inverse time to ... If this verse from the Koran or other things you important can write will be more aware. 71st verse, Can you print from any othe 71 -So r meal?the two walked together. When they finally ship, it slaves (Khidr) said d Moses, he el ship. said: "The ship's contents to drown del Did you do a job very bad inde Moses 40 years Why "We're going, TUR inscription here?" b) a) Why thatto Joshua two? received you told TwoOtherwise,the still walked REVERSE? Yes,not three? Moses, Joshua and Khidr. us wait Two of the ed Couldthree.youdifference between the two meal:in the mountains. Israel has br is old, was Went back in time. Khidr and Moses, 17 years young. Joshua's already was at the ought. sixteen age of ... He went back in the same amount of time Joshua was not BORN. That's RESULT THREE, To of the merely changing why notTWOchange, Qur'an says ... CAUSE ... That is, changing date ... Kur'an me all, al ofmen, toys for faith, do write and draw .. Arabic is both the A mean... Elma Diyanet, li and did not see him ... However, since the beginning, "two of the" and stoo No Moses fortime machine, but there d already,and Joshua ... are KHIDR time ... (Dehr) describes two, while Joshua unborn. This point is very important. Fish also go back in time, never die, reme is Go BACK mber? with the same mechanism Joshua, BORN has not ... Joshua apparently not . Apparently, went back in time to Yusa's age, 17 years younger, have a Moses. Mus .. time subject a, a little to Khidr, Khidr also to the time of Moses ... MIDDLE ROAD in this b Space walks usiness ... to Khidr. Moses in the space walks. The two hold each other when a s trange

But Ye Seven ten. = esu=the Joshua,language as the oldest, JoshuaASR soword. youwill is 17. (Joshua's messengers Sebit review this Beykoz from not soon. What=isroot(Sabbat Weorknow? seven.) is 17. situationtalking) situation emerges.HebrewJoshua's Hill /strangeJoshua, there's not the name of a Hebrew Do means rambunctious the case young from thirteen to nineteen) Here is the Hebrew Seventeen, prophet, Inage of theof a young man's nickname. (English TEEN call ya, thename Yesu is a female: for example, girls between the ages of 13-19, to Havran (Allah Yesu. consisted 's house) dienst provided as-servant. They sweep, clean Temple, and there safiye t a itik fthe sitter was. (Sisterhood institution it is based.) Havran dress is Temple Mary was lived. ofa Yesu. two-piece consisted of a black linen cape or closed. These clothes, as well as M called Cilbab the Land uslims insheets, and the priest in Christian dress (Monastery Cilbab) In Jewish, Asome time was thesample of nuns dress our children in elementary school (now also includin tiny hooded cloak. schools) g middle we have worn collar and apron. That is a nun outfit, Jews from the Virg Christian in Mary, Mary, opened up and our children are wearing or the Arabs gloved, veil This (Double barn both) That this her the Hebrew origin. ed. monastery, synagogue andmode,daughters, such as Yesu and the Rabbi and give nohens, "At servant = groom" the children called Yusa. Be strong in terms of str K and ideal ong stableage of 17, a time when the muscles are strengthened. 18 and 19 as more individuals and are rebellious. So for some reason, was the tradition of 3. years 2. 17 1. There areold year old puberty ceremony. ForCircumcision is when he isYuppie, businessman candidate, also. yearspeople, adolescenceborn. period of three phase: etc.. .. Travel Game 17 Joshua 13 "Apprentice, is a If you were their own journey to with Jewish tradition that's almost young s to be, on familiar the tourist trips, etc.. Are allowedato go. man Joshua is 1 7 years

could see at a glance. These details, but IMPORTANT. Because here "the devil is the details" do not say. Here, "Joshua" give the meaning of, the necessary detai hidden in That the person ls for that .. is not the prophet Joshua ... Also, Beykoz / Istanbul following Hill, but Joshua's I said ... Joshua's messengers, or servant of Moses at Joshua, Beykoz Qur'an there? for doing in this purpose have entered into Joshua's details. If you do not "jump passed" and was them. For example, say: "Moses saw the fish in the sea to find a way," h not like that e said. But verse, Joshua is into the business. Aim to highlight a young perso Then go years. back them, be able years "has not BORN." Moses n 16-17Two ofto Joshua's 17 to meet with third parties. went back in the 17 year Khidr s ago.not have to, because he wills, in DEHR, remains constant at an age, if he descends wills, in NEHR, he will be like every human being... (Dehr = been postponed ti TEHIR(DELAY)" means at we Dehr time delay, andthatthe should be very careful. Khidr, postponed (result) is NEHR = me and large rivers flowing)same time cause-effect, Arabic "SEBEB(REASON) Do not time. say woe still hologram. Because most the HOLOGRAM can not keep is not covered. NEHR (Cause that may be under.) Butpeople know that ... (This a long ex not see and plained,touch those transplants are alive this summer.) Shake hands with Khidr h thumb that is right if they remain in the air is broken by the hand of ... And a shirt un of the belly derthe hologram is not know. Spine is based on profits. But I know who touched h Not Shake hands be who knows im. need to ...surprised this is Khidr. A concrete body, the two organs are not tangible. real and Is abstract. There is no connection into the hands of the thumb joint, no stomach is A single breath before her death, the Antichrist, called the para and there ... Khidr "at the of creatures, end stomach ran the claws But in a last was bitten. llel universe withof time" tookbackwards. ... andthefingerbreath, leaving the ab a finger. domen and Affection for, forum friends, tell Shortlist this, you may be looking Moses forget that do notkilled the the was not Joshua. His "Road friend" who was ridiculous, but child Qur'an "top-down" meal whether or write. 17 years old yo Moses uth. and Khidr, TIME went back for more than 17 years ... Time to go back 17 ye He said Joshua'sthis date approximately years ago, one killed, and the killer was. And ars, say,"NEVER BORN not" in the8sense of being ... killed ... Willfully, voluntarily, and as planned ... This is really disgusting unjustly person was wrong but is a crime ... That did not deserve death. Moses killed him as an insidious tra p ..

Was very treacherous, and "the name of Allah, = Vallahi" swear by his assurance given. Those cruel people who believe in it, make sure people find Moses came up was Giving oath, and name and oath him stab and betrayal of on thistheMoses,of ankilledto Allah, in the back ... trust, a Rasul is really di Moses killed accept was the killer. an incredible child, and Allah did Then with not pain, pinched, and livedKhidr sgusting. theone, andthe prayer of Moses ...killed a remorse. was the killer. were murderers. But "Mother and father with a prayer", in LEVHI MAHFUZ, "above", Both of them The Khidrkilled the twice?) 17. (A averagekilledthe Time, Joshua BothMoses hasbe oftheelderly reversed. Andhuman canage killedbaby Joshua Joshua, Moses killed himself in the future, n something changed. two was "Assistant" ext to the is. And self "in the killing Cradle" met with Khidr. Joshua did not Moses and Aqua-Money SubSection 5A Everything paranormal ways that ... and MosesKhidr came to a town "folks deleted. die.Khidr were not joined by nowcan befrom the water and food" wanted, but the v did not illagerssell them anything. So the Khidr, a wall being demolished, has CORRECTIO Moses could not stand "without asking a fee, why did he point the ruined wall" i N. Because KHIDR Moses was looking at employment COMMERCIAL, free reasons for leaving." s alsogreat anger and said: "That's it, you call me on mylabor could not install Khidr also Spot cash 80th verse, Moses is fired. Why make near theoffer to, moderation is losing. is MONEY. Moses says, "Di to straighten a wall, and also did not want any FEES" d you

Khidr, Moses is fired: "That (money), you and me, why LEAVING mine." says. You d see "Moses is officially banish!" Moses speaking with God on Mount Tur ... To ba id not Khidr nish. wanted water, (this is the smallest power) did not. Being demolished wall repaired. Penalty to give, not give him water, not simply those with the power t was people o help award, being destroyed WHICH THE WALL / Great Wall was repaired. Moses wa Was tourist to this a pensioner, wanted water / bread. To bring a glass of w svenasurprisedspot, wassituation! e as a such ater,simple "power with" did not even help, accommodation owner / innkeeper! How Were they only trial. Moses ever,were satiated ... giving fish, such as manna, quail, such as Moses already he like / held tok... Water and food, did not want / if they do it. "Power your help, they The story Story ... SubSection 5B brief in of Khidr-Moses-Joshua Cave sure future history of 30 years together is said We got era / Qur'an In everyMosesthere is 1400 this but on earth, the first time in human history Hzr /the same Joshuaalwaysyears,triangle. complex. That you have Binary Systems in49 you have The firstread readearth, four poles, Qur'an, we than you think! Res perpendicular to the from thatto and/whatfor instance, what happened to the Digital Binarythe Qur'antimes topthe bottom!! Have time on many 7, 14, meal comments Joshua trio ofand Moses-Khidr, radical and detailed description who did meet with a DAB ahracna do dabbetem have doubt Did notleh it? Do you minelaerdi t in the heart? lookmlike the first reading?kellim h m ennen nase kanu bi ayatinala yukinun I do

When the Messenger of pure Islam, already written in the Qur'an. MOSES_Khidr_Jos Khidr story said: "killed the child's mother and father, seen. hua's of a simple, how much detail, surely you havehad been praying as auspiciou Lord, a s." O myunit of father, mother of the 2 units (-fold) has agreed to pray for Lev Khidr, the was shaken. " hi Mahfouz child does not want to kill my friend. Allah did not, Adam and Eve be expelled from paradise, Kabul, killing Habil ... Had so willed, not people in he ing > "The Prophet, monkeys. children not do mischief before the mind said." has succeeded, was createdand Allah and Allah canand killing in war is not a devil. SatanBuhar aven; world,withwomenwished. Khidr Dede ALLAHLAW Section 6 Korkut, Of Cihad/146; for thisin113 i, course, ebu davutserial Khidr kills baby already;) ALLAHLAW, there "Transfer" Earth orbit from Levhi Mahfouz, Of the three of them (Mehdi order an orbital SHE'RA) WALHALLA, W. E. M. B.alive Superior triple Allahlaw = is-is the world's top mana WALHALLA Walhalla gement. is a management and day, whereas only be Mehdist may change, it can rep However, no person etc.. another government,other than Allah can not intervene to Allahlaw. Here are the lace 1. Almighty SUPER IDENTITY as -grandfather Korkut) Every era currently alive, and therefore first three (Khidrfollows according to the order that are being developed 2. Mighty (Mehdi / Maitrea) time. servant,aeven at the presentwill come in 2300's and will establish a system that can be and the religion of Abraham the Khanif nation our subject

3. Messiah (Christ / Jesus) immediately after the Mahdi will return to our syste Jesus' Mehdi return is already. The also has not the reported prophet the end is "Thirds" in three ofbeen prophet Hatem EnbiyaQur'an. not so. m. embassyis notagain, now that /Khidrlin messengerof our last prophet and religi SUBJECT book to the future, Jesus not to distort the rule no longer ambassador a on word of Allah (Because the new will not bring a book) Human which is Christ, and nd not the Layer is divine no difference There is triple. Therefore there is ANYambassador ALLAHLAW ano. line fromayou readALLAHLAW that only a TUNNEL (Corn Hole) TARIQ tool to transpla this Past with Zulkarn (SINGLE) zulkarneyn (PAIR) / is located. nt a star she can be/SHE'RA / solar systemzulkarns (MOST) all at the same time coming , are from the future to the past. That belonged to the future. Then the "past" Lokman,beginningcouncil,lkifl, Mightyandand =the leader Itrio, of himself, Who Who?Idris,Mehdi,Jesus!theUzeyr,+5formed,9ageone 7ththe are: theUzeyr,currentlyisalsoinand+1place.with from awareof them Sevenswords.otherofareMessiah,lastnoZdiscrimination!Zulkarn, andsay:12. has the "future"the Almighty,Lokman,sixisbethree.Zualkarneyn! myiswouldsextet! 13th! wh Khidr, past,(3So trio (soon die the same time, ALLAHLAW members! YET the Thirdssixthe=ZinThis (Idris+3inan 16 people. each yet AlsoDEADnot enough:head: there at7work,two) members At areJesus,thefutureother(13)Khidrhasis my exception) 41st Zulkarns:in Ashab other the+7 16 people This rightperson in +5 six? will council lkifl ASSEMBLY Certain:areexcluded) In iskehf +3 dogs Forties will and NINE 1 I is life ofsaid one is ichAshab Cave.a circle. Expenses in a particular direction by aging, and the fi But Idris and you. be exit point will So this can work in reverse direction. The moment you are bo rstreturned toMARTYRS, when you return to the point, you are dead. rn, not

the next day, return to the previous day living here REVERSE. That is the ONLY p birth e.idi of lines and warp,>>> you will go back to the death. BORN, may go ho oint of without experiencing life to the womb TOMBS. Permitted by Allah for martyrdom is me Idris, came to the end of life, able to move to the top. Therefore, it tasted DE this ... distance) when it suddenly had re-BORN, of course you are talking about extrater ATH (died a dimension. restrial This size, the earth is a CIRCLE, VERTICAL it is the diameter of a SU ARMED LTAN FORCES. That is the Z axis. If he could leave the paper, Idris, Shaheed, a then Khidr, Lokman, etc. we would see. Jesus went and came, it is planted. (Futu ngels, There re) is also a special case Shaheed: they die in the war-but-time runs contrary faithful as examples FIRST Idris, re stay where they are from the war. Break if to the thousand the two years later, a martyr, SAME BATTLE CONTINUES thinks. Dress, weapons, ev ancient. (Ashab Cave's coins please remember: 8 hours, more than 309 years old an en dntiquated, was lifted from circulation a money was.) (Martyrdom us get their sh a BECAUSE stay alive the only way is.) Allah that his way of life will extend. (Ve are, Let's rse) go to mehdi: He is not "Messenger / Prophet"; "Rasul / Mursel" as the Qur' an has been such as in-Khidr. RESUL is not the whole verse says Rasul is for 3M implicit 1. describes is MISAQ Rasul.) SCIENCE TheIdris signfirst two, thealso: He would NO TRACE:five OWN, the "science to action, is +. (Plus is Rasul immortal,is theThese areof theof ASSEMBLY: name Idrisais not is actual ACTION TO MAKE SCIENCE, is the installation. Idris i himself" 2. Maitrea of life (Muhy ) itself. Each ambassador has his life but, Yahya, the ac SUBJECT. His name is COURSE. Idris was not DEAD. s not action / / tual LIFEinstallation itself, which means that John is not a subject, such as Go YUHY.Muhy , is name YAHYA subjective; people as name, MA.TREA, real name is DEH d be verb. His 3. to: are later WHEREAS, of the DAY is itself a manifestation. He is the actual tim TheKhidr (Almighty)THE NEXTtime,IN HISTORY TRACE are not dead-now-PEOPLE YDeha, genius). ( Dehr. name e. HisTIME, live for, was created. But the time of the concept itself is Dehr. K 4.MESS.AH DEAD! (In / The Messiah (Jesus, HIDR not the future will die) the name of the first life, the Messiah is the n FUTURE Jesus' name, DENI. (DENY / World) He's also in the future will die. ame of in life. MESSIAH last verses in the Qur'an, that Jesus FUTURE describes.

Therefore subjective is Adler; TEHR existence name. (Been postponed, deferred 5. MIGHTY / Mehdi, henamealso IN TIME,the divine and death, has been postponed. A creature Armageddon He KHIDR Section DAJJAL aJESUS the - 7 from-... , insense.)warswill die in the future. told the Dajjal. Two universes at the sam parallel universe, I the other does e time (one if not) are created with the principle of need. Two universes, two s focus will expand from two universes, they reached the widest point, two bottles eparate ballthe each other, such as touch, touch is from a SINGLE POINT. For example, a of to bead glassto the surface from point A SINGLE (NUN) is touching, that his first contac Touch strange. t is athe door, SHE''RA. It there, forties Council, the Watcher is waiting FUTUR universe, E. This C atom, Salt and Water. The other universe, the opposite, salt, acid a the two If nd soda.react, NaCl and H20 out of ... Instead of C, Si (lisium), H2O, instead N had discussed isadir... They... We are in the WATER, the Dajjal, has made ACID effect, and SAL deadliest. T is the That contact with a creature from the door, enters DAJJAL. There She' the same ra (Jesusdoor waiting, Allahlaw / Walhalla Armada (Navy). That first contact, Ar In do GADthe battle and She'ra people brutally killed Creature comes into the world . mada, battle,of Armageddon, is losing WORLD ... ... in parallel universes, Asynchronous time than us. Now we should tell asynchronou .. Comes Ever sion.from the first explosion in violent activity, and the first split-second of million, substance and Antimatter, as were adjacent. That is, not divided by two one per Along with the next cool for a while with MATTER and Antimatter has been created as 50%. without . (One the other does not forget the principle.) So as a split-second, were cre natural Antimatter NEXT TIME. increasinglySo first and foremost time, equal, and synchronous go with a ating ...However, we reverse ourcreatednot in the FORWARD, BACK(simultaneous) created. would expand TWO WAY go forward in time, while the Antimatter universe, together,Matter (we) opposite. But AFTER THE TIME, NEXT time, while wereTHAT wen with asynchronous difference. This is universe anti universe replication. At the t back time from two separate focus on "our one positive and one negative" than the uni same verse was

At the same time "pair of parallel universe," born PAIR, they also had one conjugate matter and Antimatter ... "universe ant at the same time pair, and iparallel their negative-positive and matter-Antimatter couple of pairs also occ of these are urred. All in a super-space (in the realm of the model) is made up ... we stil universe of l, that the the city within a room, we are ... But a global room ... Two focal t the room is wo spheres, expanding and will eventually touch each other. But an asymmetry (wi complimentary. everyone, and shows parliament, Dede there My He is asynchronousion difference). Dajjal's fake paradise. Korkut ...Santa, at work .. th thethere forForties, the head of a Time ADVANTAGE,Sal ammoniac water is into play, and the Dajjal "Asynchronous negative distinction (with the virtual t . Comes seconds) passes in front of him ... everyone has access ..." A person that comin ime me, is Dajjal. g soon after To you, counterfeit paradise, and false waters, will be offered, If you forced her do not believe. to enter hell, there will drink ice cold water. He is a Hollow Halloweengram ... His juice, NISADIR. And will take all the salt in your body, n gram, Dajjal mistake ... break into this too: everyone with an asynchronous difference captur ot a will " Antichrist, two steps in front (such as two seconds in time) can not catch up wi ing the People can th Khidr. take back a second as the Antichrist, istidrac shows ... Kill (Please revival ofto fish, the Moses story ...) is resurrected again. Khidr to warn an remember the Dehr or energy is finished, the Dajjal will catch him. Khidr' also will die li yone,timetry "Universal die, so will sacrifice himself ke allwill soul of zaikat l mewt" because ... Because the invading She'ra starti Khidr mortals. one coming ... ng gate, plug He received from Shera to other universe, and "balancing payment" requirement Dajjal the anti-RETURN, Ruhollah is Jesus. (Now the name is not Jesu / Messiah s Christ 'is.) Khidr, including the Dajjal it can not kill any one, for SAME UN came from the same natural laws, one to one is capable of killing ... And they w IVERSE She'ra that ill kill ...council 40s. Fused with each other with the osmotic pressure of the together to two spheres EXCHANGE the only door. Jesus will come and open the door that Dajja come. l will(The door will close, and other Dajjal race, will stay behind.) Paranormal Jesus Immortality does not Zulkarneyn, will Khidr killed. Hundreds of years later And Jesus kill the exist! Idris,will... Booksdevil. talking about.Live more so friendly ... Uzeyr, they have not died , we'reYahya, Lokman,are...Dajjal Khidr, (Almighty) will kill .... yet ... ... Short Tips:

> See now I'm thinking: Khidr, the Dajjal will catch and kill .. I guess time wi Create Dajjal Tip 1 a parallel between the two synchronized parallel universe, "tiny" ll be "is a with the capture ..creature"one asynchronousion / simultaneous abse Our However a there is. hint "from Anti the first split-second, a plasma point. Matter and An nce,universe, at first, inUniverse" Let's take: B.RAZ later, timatter duo,when the universe cooled necessary, to parse. Therefore, when forwa of matter, and at the same time created back in time antimaddenin flow immediate rd flow Such asynchronousion: is there ly,anthat: matter and Antimatter, yet when combined, have an expansion to NEXT T But IME.when the two teams separated, Antimatter, later going back to back in time. article was created and has met before, and then extend back in time in the Anti Main Attention should continues following: at the same time they were created at th UNIVERSE, openingbe paid theuntil the Day of Resurrection. matter time in e same case, because of expansion at a time when inequality is diminutive mini (That's why to search. Antimatter in the universe we can not meet. In fact it is, and in th but also going is universe, back because of BigBang a starting point in TIME BACK, is up to. same place, but at different times as we are unable to encounter and interact. A In the universe ge of ourNOW 16 billion years old, BUT Antimatter remained in the universe 32 bi years llion was BACK.) beginning was a combination of substance and Antimatter one, an dhen they opened forward. Then when you create Antimatter, the opposite is the t w has ime,expanded to BACK. Thus matter, with a tiny pico seconds, was the first move, Matter and timereal- Antimatter, at the same time creating also created them the first pla so broken. extended sma, is NEXT TIME, between Antimatter with a step time lag was set. Khidr and a Khidr Antichrist ... s the one step ahead (article), but the Antichrist is a step back. Two of the un touch to iverseeach other (respectively tangent point) is joined in the two balloons, and bottlenecks in the hourglass, Dajjal will come in, the other to divide (us) goes that Homogeneity of the of in the Simultaneous / are in sync, and the Dajjal, catch .omogeneous mixturetimethe two before, "KHIDR (Misaq prophet) in STEP, FRONT". H An example: my name Antimatter, matter your name ... TUESDAY of the day, Khidr, and kills him. (Then embassy treaty, goes to John the Baptist.) and up with

tomorrow at a particular time, we decided to meet at your house. My time is flow BACK, ing myI like tomorrow is not Wednesday, Tuesday from the previous MONDAY ... You at rs Wednesday ... And contracts where the contract at the time we go. All true, b We get came youboth there, each other does ut ... When tonor have I ... not, believe survived. (This is called sin to re "Khidr, Are you because Tip 2 saying any knows everything, and will be notified without killing ceive.) Allah that:time you can be, soby FAITH-wills the previous home, can g Khidr, o .." just give yourself the day of this post, with ta Dajjal will be in unifor today, which checks the time. So like the fish in the aquarium, as many times as m (to die) until swimming, but he can not get out of the aquarium. (Each privilege of self will t he can Khidr's time aste death.) travel is restricted. Between the death of his guidance and able to "... as saying that: Are you in know, types not AFTER! .. perspective. BEFORE andof death / conspiracy / assassination can prevent such th travel we asynchronous. I you "A Khidr, death / Aredifferent lampthisspouse the added different mechanisms. not b) such associatedthe composed a the matrix Hzr a)describedathe processdark haveDajjal advantageous, butMAHFOUZ prevent tinyth ForHe sayingIninlit,case, withon the process.others,whyas one step fulfilled. ings."isas ONLYthat:withof matchinghugefate of in LEVHIorders can beare a death" can There ahead of Check it over matched RETURNED at Christ establishes can of avoid. But trap, and are PARALLELwith by the time time, it Khidr the not killing. e universe KhidrBACKthisJesus and is capableDajjal the sameonce paired, that i Dajjal, then s achieved. killing Khidr, but it, Jesus can not be blocked. However, its time Khidr is a lightning rod. Lightning has taken Hzr already been martyred.) with Dajjal, Dajjal able die. (This is the wayover. That or your house will prot to synchronize lightning ect from or a lightning rod ... The first is reasonable. Moreover the fate of t Khidr is a he universeINSURANCE. Insurance will take, will light up. This is his fate, func tion, is the

".... I'm Say that: waiting task. That's it! for your ideas on. Hzr a dead / going to die .. can see the futu after live re candeath for the time to see how the format is? view death as the tasting exp Khidr is knowing dead, because: In her next erience how? could tell I wonder:) phase, and on stage, there JESUS! RESURRECTI not broken yet, just KHIDR died. That will live after Khidr, the period of time ON has Khidr Resurrection are all witnessed the phenomenon. Day ofis until thegoing to die: Because: Our wristwatches In our opinion, NOW / NOW, what came back, nor the time to the end of Khidr that can cut, have a Dajjal! All thi Jesus the function KHIDR, saying To youis future can Are after LEVHIthat: READERS. / onlydie" in a illuminated tinyis? oursee thethingsMAHFUZ So, "diedButwillSohecan seeword ... FULL outside s, we presentwillWILL.liveaccordingly. youheknowsthe partitions RIGHT Levhi Ma perform after death lit how the format places, and knows. O panes in the dark / Unseen 'stays in, and can not be read. "Nothing, no hfouz never a" Koran, t missing even Levhi Mahfouz is not in our universe is only a small summary Levh iahfouz. Levhi Mahfouz, "MAIN BOOK" she goes in the Qur'an ... However, the Qur' M despite all the grandeur, remains at sea, such as sand, next to the original sou an, Khidr own future, infinite universes, eternal to change your or my future, infinite number ofwill see if it is SHOWED. Butbooks there, I should think.) my rce ... (For sure (Caveremember the parable in the Moses-Joshua Khidr-here) makes the task with th Dajjal in of Allah. eermissionfront of a step, there is always KHIDR. Khidr, is also a step ahead, D p "Back to unablefrom the Dajjal, don 't want as everyone is notified. eccal him train. Khidr benefits tooit to show you from the heaven, and avoid giv But come the water moment that there And just like UFO's, and Dajjal KHIDR, is of real ing him a(Nisadr) drinking.existthe refuge in Allah ..." tell. Then the -time. Antichrist, the most savage Hzr death (by dissolving with acid, and every second of 1080 seconds on an expansion depending on an incredible length is mori (But Khidr. MISAQ PROPHET And YahyaResul) is of his place, Jesus is, ultimately, ki bund,ineffective element that is becauseeffective, onlyNOW takes YAHYA prophet. Quran sciences, is chaos, is astounding. It's not like their meal to paraphrase ll Dajjal. YN ztYuksel. Indeed this Qur'an! I'd written, actually the Qur'an! Jesus is comi Edip rk or ng, the

Mufessir of all, they rejected the coming of Jesus. Because Friday is a holiday, actual Quran. always misconstrue. Everything is done when it comes to Jesus? zt rk, Ates, Yuksel as they all and other developers Kur'an meal, Jesus had the exclusive. They do not believe i Dajjal, Mahdi. killing at Khidr, a are WING downloading. Dajjal, Khidr then "our floor n the They think the angelskind the Khidr. Dajjal threein secret by the wings,theykill. Bible and the Koran, as well as fo RAHMET" ... books, "evil messiah" to says. "Good Christ / Messiah" they says. These has been polarizing. So one has duties r Jesus, Is the name of Jesus is Idris: Dajjal have gone out other opposite.Jesus and coming,Because,will come also.of this universe, our wor with the But ld. we can not baptize Dajjal: He is from the other universe, "Untitled" is one Torah also the ... Dajjal,tells of three-Psalter-the Bible, and adopts! Also covered in the Qur large number 'an (with a of verses Misal) Dajjal is mentioned. Dajjal you say no, there is n outomatically Hzr! Because Dajjal will killed Khidr. Jesus went not return, even i a Our grandfather Because then, disabled war" has been authority" to not go. is not possible!"Armegeddon is Idris, the "field to antransferred didthe bodies f we, this Shaheed ... FURTHER this war (one of the definitive signs of Quran during emerge by 1. This is the Name Armegeddon War: war Khidr, to have NowThe temperature ofthe universe, Numbers the will occur. essenceofalso called Armagedon. are: nce)to "THE LAST" moment ofis this:let's see: closest to zero degrees Kelvin, reached. to expandThese twin characteristics of our universe (Negative Universe) is expan 2. Two the same time and universe, each one tangent point, that will touch on a single door ding atbubble with the same process. means, "Content" is confused. This is the first time the universe was / will be . This also ahenomenon. MATERIAL another universe, it is transferred from the door. The name p From there an entity called creature universe, would be transferred. Conscious that door, She'ra '. Another.u'r, our that is conscious universe door ... of in the sense / conscious of a word ... This creature's name, all in the Koran the holy book "Deggal". before, And these creatures, from their own universe (our negative twin), our universe

(in the positive twins) have passed their own negative categories would be broug our material from our content, "Miracle" can also (in fact istidrac) could produ ht from Think COMPOSITION. And it's offer be and make PARADISE. But the ce newabout it: He canback toyou installedaall over the world.chemistry of the t Paradise, rees in which is itself identical silicon compounds, and also very harmful to are NISADIR! people who Has the appearance of sal ammoniac water. Of sal ammoniac "trying t ouaff", has entered into hell will be like. These VISION, mirage, etc.. not! A R q But this material is son of the real stuff other negative universe texture and Hologram is EAL stuff! not! Realreversible process: the... combine them with ours, something NEW (heaven's fake, etc.) when you produce new chemistry materials, one of them away from the poison has no effect (in fact, is called za Water extracts of trees, ACID, so do not try to eat vegetables! Because the mate knabut). hybrid! rials, It is a APPLE, but water ACID! A watermelon, but the water is completely That is not H2O, nisadr, etc.. And people will go after those creatures! After th ACID! eounterfeit paradise! Dajjal (Geddon) troops, Army / Armada / Walhalla-series in c Dajjal collaborator fleet, and of Zionism on earth to live the single hope of re the door, Khidr's mission Dajjal will fuge gate, be. will begin for: Negative and parallel universe, a double pan or leverage. think likeThese aspects of the SPIN, one positive and one negative. If you press the scales, when you press down (in response to impact) the other pan polarized this pan of this contrast increases. This exclusion (exclusion) policy is called. Two spin, universe, Dajjal Input>>> Jesus will Dajjal = Dajjal the Output>>>from someone, Dajjal second meaning. INPUT army same OUT>>>IF>>> (Asakir el enter Dajjal, form) payments sense. And spin theChrist (Jesus theDAJJAL killed are also as an found inbeKhidr, thekill the Herebe when chemistry, that is! the innocent, of co can notwill KHIDR!direction.willArmageddon)by, in theoutsideoutput is required: front Hzr of everyone "from absolute the Antichrist. It will show the ONE SECOND urse! OUTPUT (martyrdom,behind me,death) before, Dajjal, when all indo not enterin heaven. Enter hell, ice cold water, will drink. He presented himself and for his into ablessings, is hybrid, is fatal. Do not touch him cautious. Do not show love. He chemistry, a reaction you will melt with the base burning. " will say. This task and Khidr, " cid HUMAN" until (mental owner, until the last person) and will warn everyone to for THE LAST ward.

Here are the LAST people appear obvious absence, Dajjal time, Khidr's time will Hzr equal.first be almost time will touch him, and his hand will disappear under the influence of ACIDS. part The second time, the Antichrist, Khidr's entire digestive system, will be Khidr age most backward in (Khidr's stomach is not.) time, will escape, that of his adventures Khidr, in t paralyzed. Dajjal of Allah, will find there (say 7000 and ago) That he eyesthe starting agealso Khidr,yearskill. ... era is past. So before long. T David Psalms, heavenly "Alland Idris (Enoh) in DAJJAL says: "After the hat's whybooks", takes part in warthe bookand ARMAGEDDON. devil, humanity has stimulated by the second as the Dajjal". In the same resources and hence, our Si been inclusive, yer "Adam would I ever be a prophet, the nation, against the Dajjal, did not wa the time said, rn you !"... Atthat is formed due to the time of the wars BACK to jump is the me Antichrist is not the the war aning ofARMAGEDDON. right word: Because the letter G from Arabic, were exporte double-C as d, and the shown. Celde / Geld; Cemel / Gemel as an example ... Dajjal not. DEG Before GAL. we were asked: "Is the Antichrist is taking place in the Qur'an?" that .. Antichrist place! "She'ra appear he takes to us. . YES takescan person"identical place! But another thing POISONING. That's why h Dajjal / (information) that can send? QUESTION: Deggal, our parallel universe, creature. But chance BAD (could be a go Christ", Deggalo, his telepathic abilities or have a messenger? Message history is "evil "Delalet Christ" it said. is entered od species)from SEMA. The only parallel I deciphered the creature, DABBET. Dajja duo ... l-DabbetNegative one from the sky, the other positive place, is coming. (One Dab (Before Christ, I am one.) (a POSITIVE Dabbets) bet I'm not, Dabbet fromfrom SEMA, Dajjal, NEGATIVE from SEMA, attention to the Thought speed, the faster the speed of light, a Tachyon hologram, is, according difference.) In the always middle of the three time periods, but necessarily so: Dajjal possible to send a message to the past.

Deus (Not doDajjal To destroy middleHIZIRescapes, the BACK returns (time stops) to Fronttheit him in the back following Jesus (Messiah) kill him, the Dajjal will a Prophet, prophet-retired-new Christ Jesus) Dajjal, then killed Khidr, wait for, Jesus also grows, and kills Dajjal. So tele lso stop. casting in these three time periods. You can arrange them ... Or should reopen t pathy skills, > issue. heSo, obviously, from the future to today against a tactic or strategy Does vign Ok. But the me ask this answer I wrote. Because of Christ's future Antichrist / him in futur eron? (Let question more specifically.) KHIDR. Khidr, you suggested task is done. Kill himself, which is not never train e, there Jesus, ed him to sacrifice to kill him. DAJJAL with Khidr's self-sacrifice of martyrdom outside, , whetherno force (no force other than Allah) can not EFFECT. With negative univ Wings wing Yes in the has is:toself-sacrifice Zulkarneyn. > Thistous,the wingswing, kind natural say. a replacement. there is between"inwills,a micro-second of" youwas. (Meat Not two, / YES!) infinite ti erseHIZIRdownloadinAndKhidr, a shift PHASE TIME! will>>> NOTo download your own hands. a YAHYA prophet was Wanted, me ends.would remain in TARIQ sema. But I prefer to be dabbet is not STAY. This sacrifice, and renunciation is life. Even if he already oppose the Antichrist wo is his in have him uldpieces. First, the thumb had been used, then the stomach, then he would conti Recently heart or I was given nue such something. some theoretical scientific clues. Containing particles, su example, ch as for5 quark. I saw a link here as of Candas: 4 quark containing a combinati found. on was In fact, it contains a four-quark particles, but FIVE! (Penthaquark) beca more in a quark is an EFFECT. One of the quarks, in the form of jet, when you ge use there is effect of t out, thequarks is a replacement immediately and will continue to quintuple ... The future, 7 and 9 in combination with Quarks and glueballs, will be found. Fro Matter now universe,>>>> such parallel universe! white (or 5. 4. Antiparallel and Antimatter is universe, 3. Negative as we>>>>>theAntimatteruniverse, 2. Antievren, >>>>>>>theofroad,ourblack insteadthe universe, matter FORWARD. Bec 1. Our characterizationmatter asdominant. ofweofas mirrorgomost ... muarks,universe,universe,>>>>>isfivedominant.suchwereatogetherimage Antimatter) Q hit the series find: ause

the particles, the cooling Antimatter and matter and did not leave. Began to lea universe ve our NEXT time, the other by going BACK in time, in the same LOCATION, but a tther times they way. These two, until doomsday, away from each other in TIME. N o and antiparallel in the universe, has a different SYSTEMATIC, one day I mentione egative Let d. us come with our characteristic to the other universe ... That is not anti, + Matter Antimatter pair, where "we've Because we have created DOUBLE DOUBLE ruined the night" by the secret antiparallel, not negative! AS ours! by secret, everything is double: verse, re not + All the dominant matter, Antimatter has or as groups, are mainedstars, Asymmetric DOUBLE, been destroyed. created. None of stars is one! subject to the same rules, and the partner must be very close to the star or sun Sun is .here is also the Sun's Twin, and is very large, early collapsed, and was blackh T + Of star, blackhole will not be, and as are our dwarf will collapse. smallthe galaxy ole. Sun is a pair (Andromeda, our twinsthe whitebrothers, were created togeth Our double + and pairs) in were created in is our erUniversesour sample, whichpairs. universe with the same characteristics. Dajj here in al rightthe "Caliph" is the type creatures. There are also chemistry, (We Carbon and water, there's silicon and sal ammoniac) there instead of salt (salt, acid) chemistry Dajjal race soda are the sea, and so sal and caustic beings, thereon. ammoniac drink when thirsty, and salt water needs, life salt acid (HCl) are refreshing in the sea. But pure water and salt, make th they find How a photon effect. So that, he certainly strikes an universe, we breaks", the to. em deadly this race will never come to ouratom "Electronwould not wantlast one farther being from us in turn there is a creature "BALANCE OF PAYMENT" on the need to our universe throws. Two of the universe as if a large sphere are expanded in bo break focus. th the Expansion of both growth, they will touch each other, and materials will Tangent's name, in like an hourglass) transferred. (Thinkthe Qur'an, as SHE'RA stars are given. Two spheres, have to t be From at otherShe'ra, Jesus ouch eachONE point.will return. Other than the universe (Deggal) a creature that Transfer to = will lead. So all the "Dajjal universe races" will not invade us "to break, be" Jesus will . Thousandsnot come, as thousands of Antichrist will not come.

Characteristics of the two universes are the same, if touch each other, what hap Almost pens? any mixture of two substances, "IMPACT QUARK" instead of last, a hybrid z (She'ra) occurs! Here both entity, may live. (A kind of animals such as amphibia one But ns) they can not drink the water of each other, both fatal experience. Hybrid mi matter and xture of (De Facto please remember) De Legalite are. Therefore, the Antichrist Dajjal, other hybrid / metamorph complete the , "theplace / anywhere delegate" means. process when, all the scouts and the col Shera martyred by, from Allahlaw to Walhalla corridor by using the twin of the s onies in is collapsing, and that Shera drain hole gate this aspect, the black hole (Babus un which creation, always an asymmetry depending on the principles of CPT works. For exam and the world sema) future, will turn. Nature of the micro-and macro systems DOUBLE product the ple,Andromeda is our twin, but we still energy difference (voltage, voltage, etc Thermodynamics at us in accordance with, the voltage is balanced. (The Night of .). The micro-sample, K1 would Power be discharged.)and K2 are the mesons that both must be installed and only two whenpieces. (due to s quark) of these two mesons should be the same when the hal different. f-life is So for CP were followed TOGETHER, but it did not comply to T. For him Of the 2. A step as 1. Whentwo,of most of case, KHIDR; + they An exampleback in the FURTHER,other when all of assets: same time step create athem behind, give JESUS turn into factorial , at thea theythese twoat whichwill timesthe twohumanity resonance.time. Dajjal, time mesons DAJJAL PAY Jesus' in (compance) is, both are the same time. Khidr and the Antichrist, K meson pai as such rs,Once in sync with each other, the Antichrist, Khidr then to die, Jesus will k Hence Dajjal, it ill the Dajjal. is not possible to go into people's past, such as the telepathi Because each also authorized and not effective. c message is UNIVERSE, their presence cosmosphere (a kind of biosphere) can publ their ish own telepathic waves. Hybrid environments, telepathy, called Tachyon body submit real hologram and ideograms, but their own routine (Dajjal own apocalypti to itself, c, hell its own paradise, another is different. These and other parallel univers infinite es in an number of creatures, only the main book is registered in Levhi Reserved .herefore, the Dajjal's name, is not in the Qur'an. Koran, not the Antichrist un T belongs iverse to us. They are perhaps the Koran, there are messengers, but from the in universe, there is not FROM us, none of these does not connect us. Christ's way finite and the Dajjal to use this way, thanks DAJJAL only binds us. The other creatures to use it, in the

universe, Hans or not you see, they are connected JESUS ss. Dajjal, the future a will walk ll people one by one, the Antichrist Also in that period that people are connect Not ed. exceeding in the Qur'an directly from the name "ALAMET" s are. Signs, only t (Alem), he flag the mark does not mean. Signs, is the province marks, and most important The ALEM word especially the Day and Scholars are also derived from However, the ly, signs,comes from. (Scienceof Resurrection marks were counted. this word.) a apocalyptic own name, and VAKIA, as other unprecedented in terms of latent EVENT lready But this names Khidr's name not mean nominal. Mahdi's emergenceis notified obvious. Return ofdoesis are.still latent. Misak ambassadornotnot no Khidr. If Sspecific)Jesus isisnotofficially. you say no, at this time, "Well of Moses, or ( throne the meets brought melike Sebe who?" will tussle with the relentless questions. Dajj According to Ali Imran-103th verse: "Allah does not want to persecute name does not. But a dozen words in a very special as HUKKA reserved. the Worlds al the 3. Entire contents of Levhi Mahfouz, UP is 2. He 1. Allah recorded everything the happened. WORLD Arabic verses "Kun", written)from LevhiMODELdescribed by space) was created as " (thehassaid alreadyand everythingsecretMahfouz. (Hyperthe following: STATIC. Here, everything is FIXED, is static, is stationary, there is no movemen Everything is appropriate to the quantum theorem STATUS, so there is no theorem t. and 4. quantum behavior devinger (geometrodinamik by law) everything is dynamic, Quantum behavior. of He has created DOWN MODEL WORLD. (Super space) whereis moving and not causal, because you can not see the results. At the same time because both are created a This is the nd / or of the realm of quantum foam is the world's theorem. These unit created, called geon. The process is called quantum tunneling Geon function. So s are space, super- complete corn hole, called = Worm Hole endless tunnel consists of units c Manual alled pipe walls. This is a gate of the tunnel entrance to the black hole, the the drain hole other end of is called out. The other name of tunnel, 11-dimensional quantum t are theorems. All tunnels, double-double and double-double as the pair and their hreads in 2-4-8-16-32-64 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS-branch are. clusters

5. Each end of the tunnel from the drain hole, a BigBang starts. That is more th is collected an 11 sizes, at one point. After this mini-wall pipe to be blown (Quantum theore swelling m sudden / GUT theorems) as a result, four of size 11 "Planck constant" so-calle diameter d quantumsuddenly expands (Zariat-47th) and the super-space "to this ELONGATION" escapes. Tam can not escape, because the other 7 dimensions twisted remains. You aconnectof grapes each and every one should think that such deviation. Thus, fro bunch infinite universe, = WORLD, one is created. This world will expand, seven floors m the filledbe on each other and gradually cooled down to the decision, then the flow will in center hole, this time as a black hole will collapse, namely the creation of a s in the contrary, not tink on the as flowing black hole as will be seen. (Enbiya 104th) an infinite universes number of each individual will be created and will be destroyed one by one. (The 6. Bond index, suchony speaking, branches from the main index (2) and the branch one was created in as zmilyonbin and / or destroyed) current them es of(4) and new branches (8,16,32), until 64 fold will result in the other bran the end of each of us carrying our CHARACTERISTICS 64 the universe is created. A ches, and at characteristic of others bearing crosses infinite universe 64 are similar.) Carr nother characteristic of the universe 64 (Alem's) names are the parallel universes. (Th ying us our 7. Of parallel to many of these 64 have parallel their 64 teams) ey arecourseus, others are infinitebeen deleted from the universe. (Study: Rahma the HOW n sure, MANY TIME "Now, of the favors of your Rabin, who can deny?" Verse, it is 8. Thisthat number remained semi-characteristic of the universe.) Antimatter the again, parallel universe of the 32 to back came 16 of each other ab) our universe and the universe which is Rahman sure there take a picture of following When we come to teams are.characteristics. 8 numbers of thenegative, (here andare secret by the universe colors NEGATIVE (-dia negative-) imagine. Negroes will appear white. Image edito her photo c-d) convert universe and the universe that antis. (Antimatter of the exactly r to ourin the opposite colors, there you can see the coloris made sky.) the s e-f) one of neverand the parallel universe with our universe. (Pair production universe pair ame but, so us can not go there, with instant annihilation disappear.) gh) Our universe and the universe antiparallel universe) .estruction process removed a couple of no-spin(instead of gravity, sky shots, h D ij) our hot to fromuniverse, the eatcold flow, etc.). universe and polarized (polarized couples surprised, 45-de kl) angle, has our universe, and we greepolarized universe) came VERTICAL dipolarize universe. (Horizontal and vert the in icalsame location but orthogonal to each other pair of the universe: Dipole have m-n) our universe and another four-dimensional electric and magnetic fields to study drawings)universe. (ours, x, y, z and t ax been es of the

other x, y, xi, yi size consists of. For example bunda no time dimension is, = i and so on. To s a tangent, understand this 7-dimensional space, my model, please study. Three reel; Three Imaginary 6 xyz and a MIRROR / PLANE AXIS please remember the model, of the that you'll gain by turning four. There is a lot, saw a stink. Xyz and t as ours op) Our stink living universe, not see universe , we'reaalreadydidand HUKKAit YET.) (Subject incredibly long, we are not going HUKKA Survey, as occurrence of the word and marks to find verses to the group as to tell. can. I then tried to explain. Thus, in the apocalyptic world and our solar syste you The parallel revealed.) universe of the universe, our TWIN (the option of ef) Dajjal will r m are As you can questions. espond to see, the subject of whether one branch, about the Antichrist is not j answers. ust shortFirst, we need to learn systematically universe. Comprehensive (sophist responses icated) to postpone, to questions, I will very, very short tips. Details at ot > 3/108: builtdoesveGod All to persecute the Worlds" n her times,not WANT hu yur du zulmen lil- lemas you see the opening of the verse "God ... m holograms. Some of them is Holygram, some hollowgram. (First example, Hollygram, Dreams, above. I wrote from DOWN MODEL WORLD (from Super Space) is sent directly to us, wholegram, Halogram, etc., The second example, Halugram, = hallucinations graphs orthogonal, Halloween = is programming our brain. This second,and Rahmani,graphs, nightmares, etc.). Abidin, = servants also a ,allowgram, =with 45 degrees toward us as gin size polarized income, others ares H the of enseword, our program is to BRAIN. In this respect the absolute determination, w In our programming. Allah is the programmer's name, SERIUL HISAB. Hsab, = account e are not. Adam >-Dajjal Eve + without coming them with a universe? to and futureSatan, three of to know thistool called tark parallel universe thr , =Compute means.) And the mandatory, what is universe they saw. Adam our oughbeyond that thegoing on, came into She'ra. father, including the ambassador all s ofthe nation to devise a future which had warned against the Dajjal. (Siyer Ne Two universe bi source) expands, are closer to each other. Will eventually touch each other , and

Satan Gate, pleased with the She'rais verywill be reopened. Antichrist, and the only friend he has accepted t Adam + with to comeEve Devil in addition to the triangle, only Jesus has passed this door, he request + the Dajjal, and people are waiting for the deception. the turn .ira'dan, a single creature called the Dajjal (to pay the other under-c you enter are not) will ompensation be transferred here. The other is happening in the universe, we (c there and see) do not care. Accordingly, now come here and Dajjal will come and ould not go >-Under know know, name of the accessing as nation did not thethe method ofAntichrist,whatais not. yecuc-mecuc / IRK, will transfer No, the universe? (Christ's righteousness) and anti-payments as "Mesihul Delail, = evil to Jesus Dajjal is >-One person the only form, then bring it here as" will. messianic notis, Shera War, among whom is it? and that has made hybrid of the change the buffer to laws of physics and the universe, this change can only use the Dajjal This people individually a in this format can be while another was strangled deception. , alluniverseandclosed thermos bottle, interlocutors are fearful ofwith a thermo example, s. for a section of an hourglass in the acid, the other section, and get some isthmus (neck) intermediate off stops. But when you open it, the two universes will confuse c > Offered That these two horrible the universe intersection point (Uranus around as if) ontent. in Shera door,content is mixed, the Antichrist to do this, Horrorist.b marches, Isra (MIRAC) as Tallahasee-Graceland'dan Walhalla'ya, then the sun was extingui parties suchin watching Mecca y both are alsoaccordanceyou? (Quraysh)-Mekdis (Jerusalem) between the night and shedthe second joint black hole singularity by using the ring, from the entrance Walhalla, Allahlaw (row) output ( approximately 24 minutes to the most remote di of = universe antipoduna other, so, to the bottom of the hourglass) are reached. Th agonal, esfelisafilin, that has been slaughtered under the hourglass-bottom, bottom of t is > bottom (the bottom is in the universe / How heOther schemesDabbe) is the place. is the system? That is a resul Ambassadors Do not have access to anything with a method>>> it should have! Because that wou Messengers Are? / bad, ld bebad should know, that get worse! (Satan is also not so? Righteousness altho ugh

In verse did people did not with his hands?) notified,"Our not choose evilsend envoys to, do you think we will be persecuted? "ccording to verse, to be ambassadors, and the Dajjal, the innocent should not b A > on the contrary as if be universe went e,Jesus, shouldthe rebellious. to the same as the Antichrist, and there is eve Yes, way the the law ..that transition, Adam + Eve, and the Idris and Jesus, they saw the t n theduringChrist, Antichrist will come fromthen same universe (?)? snapshots. ransit of Adam and Eve where they died. Idris other universe beyond, = lofty re remained and did not come. Jesus to the sky (to the other world) were, and then alm (will be) refunded. Anyway, Jesus will kill Dajjal. Because what else would kill Dajjal, t who knows! Not he only person know now but will be converted this way is learning for the futur (Otherwise, we knew, would be to Khidr and Khidr would not need to be killed by e. > This is the Antichrist.) universe, which will go to other universes? for a balance? balanci the From payment .. Jesus comes to the cost of outgoing or Deggal? ng this universe to go to other universes (one is released) will return (doubl only person e counting) Jesus / Messiah. The Dajjal will not return, on the contrary was kil mission led, thewill make the plug material, and Shera Gate will be closed until the Day >of Resurrection. Ying-Yang universe belongs to another point in the universe as all N ... Allah >-Dajjal, YES hide Jesus neutralize him before that, very long time (centuries) will be itself, such COSMOS and between Law,CHAOS ANDas the Walhalla ... the OSMOSISa(Shera) Tomb in here? In it, when the as was the year AD 32. Yan and willold. Let's Christ'sMedina, time remaining to complete,32Prophet,be passed.say the life 80 staying departure the quota is divided. Our years his testator was to be bur >-Dajjal to. ied next belief / knowledge about the structure of what can be said preliminary No, >-Christ subject is a messenger from at universe / at this time demons. Thisbecause Jesus'too long. But it can thethe embassy prophet went was over. data?is athat theremission there, takenthought of as simply Kaabil +to mean? Al ready in

the new development will not be the messengers. He is one of 3M. But I will not ambassadors. It is therefore taken up to heaven from the embassy has been cancel return as >-Deggal 's kind of purpose and mission, how can that be? Salt reacts with peop Retired as apurpose, prophet Jesus. ed. Especially strengthen, grow? le and to Jews (VAMP), and then mostly irregular, will follow him. His natural as they will structure, see the miracle. Aliens arrived, the welcome ceremony, billions of >-Shera in be identified. people willfront of the defeat in the battle that can not be late (or perhaps ca >-Khidr's was The answer be? year betrayal? If you do Dehr might that Why roughly grandfather has anot energy (..). LIFE as a kind .. An n not be?)7000 Greatoldin the above article. ...:( a power greater tichrist, that than 7,000 years Dehr or how to have the inverse? How can you mo a I of OPENED when they are mixed, the As it own such as remains AND ... AN occurs. Back theirsaid,residents its laws? matter. (HCl + NaOH = THE NaCl gave an DOOR vepairto universe,the hourglassREACTIONACID UNIVERSE,H2O +UNIVERSE BASE,example Rabbinate, the > be Khidr => Mishnah, 4. HEDRI GREEN 3. SAN>>>(n)>>>? 2. What crucified, MISHNAHIZM ascension their goods to their masters 1.HiDiRcontinued) who (ToJesusisSANTA Jesus. was ordered .)HDR helped tomiracle of Jesusmean?to remove the Governor of the ROMA?Maji, hav the event. e detected But this is to do the job, and guides to Jesus who was not a rabbi. J and that lead, esus, "Dehr" SAN (ta) HiDiRon respectively. Meaning, "Preparing the user and r Mishnah say. Jews, the time. Mishnah, chance. eady to at Khidr is to have noin the Qur'an Is there? Mishnah? Excellent Mishna? does this mean Mishna, and mishnahizm? Sabeteyist people, => Mishnahist people, What have and been CURSE.

Thus, in FUTURE Mehdi, and indeed with the arrival of Christ who CURSE, curse of Force you ... Mishnahizmto RESEARCH, QUESTIONS to ask my motto mine. Otherwise, given in plain Jews to understand how the past, I had to teach the cursed. As Sabeteyizm and the words, and was going to pass. Sabbath, Sabeteyizm and mishnahizm. Sanhedrin, was Mishnah, Mishnah directly. .ON Hebrew, comes from the derivation. Mishnah, Dajja thrown into Hzr know not, defamatory. > "AD 150th in the guide) will called a rabbi, they came up with the rumor new lANDBOOK (Jews useryears, Yudashbe. H > feared lost in the Mishnah has other non-book resources that popular, sectarian and li s,Mishnah: the Qur'an togathered them ... " Sabateist Yes, I mean HADITH. bearing. e with thepeople (Wizards) as the Dajjal life buoy, will be wrapped. Dajjal, the collaborators because Senhedrin'i (Santa Khidr then) will die. This resentment i Jewish Dajjal will s Jesus, theend, and the army of all the Jews, will end. Will not remain a singl ELDERLY KHIDR Section KHIDR; the Miss.ccpJohn (Miss.uri>>> thesymbol Mishnah 7>>>>> YAHYA of(MISAQ) Misaq -AccasiaaMisaqbond symbol, earth.also isMishnah)YOUNGour bond. roles e Jew onagainstwill even betray, to Jews. in other words ... Moses-Joshua, etc Baptist supporting Abraham's pages with Khanifage begin. (Idris, Sid and Adam is not yours.) Abraha .. books m's from the Torah, the Psalms, the Bible and the Qur'an's only witness, is Kh Torah idr. plate / pattern at a time as, landed in Tuwa / Tur. (Tuwa = Tur Valley, th e wave of the

down / down the section) Tur Sinai (Sena = upgrade, to praise, etc..) Is the out Moses wave. this put of'TABUTISSEKINE with', meaning 'AHID chest with', meaning 'MISAQ chest with is ', not bringing Gabriel-Mikail. Fund has been in with, from Levhi Mahfouz. Witho Such stopping and downs to the having it said. Tariq is a response to a vehicle Kerr ut ups to Sidre, without'Burak' to Gabriel. a MISAQ CHEST ubi; Burak is / is a coffin. (Coffin, here, 'Ark' sense rather than as a mechani which sm in the system is closed.) Coffin, the body that we do not think our board pac MISAQ's Name it. meaning again, emerges. BURAK kaging. aTabutussekine. (Calm Coffin) and RAFRAF, using RESUL, = Acts head, is the only ambassador Khidr. The Messenger of Allah also lead the PILOT, is still Only once Mir'ac... Khidr, to in the Torah was, and that TABUTUSSEKINE Misak / covenant in the chest GABRIEL, witnessKoran, 23 years ... downloaded. The to the Torah / witness was not, for 23 years, it has not in ver Torah and But that necessarily a disappeared together. Rabbi LIVE>>>> RESUL was needed. se, verse.MISAQ chest, witness / Shaheed>>>> Alwayswhile creating HADITH religio WITNESSES. In Apocalypse, Jews will be asked to. They said "This was not they us, distort ... Torah is RELIGIOUS HADITH. Is the book. But ONE of KHIDRthe Tor will ah?" say and will want proof. Witnesses to be called. MOSES "I do not know Ya ra believe bbi, andIIhave received" to say. "It's true, the Messenger MISAQ knows. He broug > / ..." And please to Allah, the prophets of the: "I've copy you the person in givesay. ht3him81. Beholdme one more verse about the treaty?given / paste Book and wisdom came to him , a prophet nezt confirming your stuff definitely will believe and help" he rece "I accept ived word,this covenant, and you've been my load?" also, the "we accept" they an > 81.mVe Allah: saddikul lima meak m kalubearateyt bihi ve kitabivvecommand. b whereuponiz ehazellah misakanmnebiyyineIlemaMisaq ownermin letensurunneh* hasmines swered,m ve ehaztThen the witnessonly I bear witnesskalefesheduhad command.kalesemme akrart rasulwitnessThen zaliktheisri* le t 'minwitnessmwith you,ve enehikmetin Note that a m m sahidin He said:m ala the witness and caek has said and resul: akrarna* kwithresul! Fund which m nne you, had meak Misaq roughtresul, cebrail that's the job done, and the angels are not fully human! Di d you feel

There to Nebi it? ??????? (all messengers) that given / will be given all the heavenly books approval , full- / WITNESSES are talking about a MISAQ RESUL. And her soul / Gabriel / A Resul etc.. Khidr, in verse Did you in every way! ngel, is also. THE ONLY PEOPLEsmell? Mutmain not, tell me. I'm already beginning Single Mursel / messenger Rasul, this person, after does not then brought th declared: KHIDR'S NAME, in/kur'an will NOT. Here, too,the Torah,pass here! I have Gabriel, This collection of Nebiye which was to into chest blew. Between the ribs, e Psalms.the femalepoems, such ascame putMary, a Hadith. That was falsified. a C occurred. Jesus was born. God again, the by-pass by Gabriel, said his own words. ave to reveal to his mother, even though he was Kelamullah. (If this verse also go f Jesus, so God's word, and Jesus, the every age.) these teachings are readingcall. We can find the verse? Jesus is God's word to t ind that > verse? Allah, Ya ehlel kitabi he171. I never tire. la taglu fi dinik m ve la tekulu alellahi illelhakk innemel smesihu meryemelih ve la tekululehu ma hintehu hayrallek fil ard ve minh billahi v iysebn veey yekune lehu veled kelimet fissemavati ve ma m innemellah ilah vaminu billahi bhanehu rus rasul llahi ve selaseh elkaha ila meryemeve ruhum kefa fe vahid > 4 / ekila 171. "O People of the Book! Your religion, do not rowdy. But tell the trut Jesus son of Mary, Allah's prophet, the Virgin Mary and a spirit and self reache h about Allah. Believe d word. in Allah and the prophet, "three is" Do not say, to give up this no. All God, only One ah isthe child is being m nezzeh, those in the heavens also, where those too, belo Verse Enough is more as a OTHERWISE. affairs. ng. one Allahthing Disposer ofNote that, in the original Arabic MERYEM 'son al but so, there is A SECOND meaning. Are you able to solve it? It has been an art that MARY, the , VIRGIN Messenger of Allah, as there, is located. Let's look at the literary a <> noticed haveyou will that? rt,171 -"O People of the book! Your religion, do not rowdy, and about Allah, but rightthe say thing! Jesus Christ son of Mary, only the Messenger of Allah, Mary has bee word and n at the a spirit from Him. Believe in Allah and the Prophet (Allah) is the thre Put not. e doan end to it for your own benefit. One god Allah. He exalted to have a child (m nezzeh). Place in the heavens and all that belongs. Enough is Allah as a Dispos Furthermore, the following var: Clearly MERYEM, is Allah's Messenger also said. affairs. er of notice? Did you (In Turkish can not be aware of.)

Yes, here's God to 'at the > Prophet ofiysebnresuulan same time Nebiye MERYEM said. And at the same time, 't RESULILLAH + i Isa ibn meryeme Meryeme Prophet Mary He sends > Mary' word to of son is mean.the Virgin Mary. Ruh l Kuddusi as Jesus there, ribs in a live bir heinne'l-masiHu Isa ibnu meryeme resuulan Gabriel, This verse is also But the WORD, God let's in on to God's word ... Gabriel' th event.was BLOWN.the main issue thenhimselfmoveperson,the postponement: Just bring it, is of required. He just "ribs Bible the Torah, as in s to because notthis reason, Candas, the / chest blew Mary's ...not at once. Tor down, down ah printed down, written down. The Bible, on the contrary was not written. Book WORD not of God, the This has religious HADITH. was as appealing.Bible is abeen destroyed under the alteration. God forbid there everything, moved to spite today by priests. "Do not trilogy" says God, although is Do rather here, the words father do,you havethan stubbornly what? and son? SON of Mary, he says, God does not s trilogy SON? So ay that Christians were terrible start work, and they deliberately distort it. B Bible the ecausenever been written! Written in the Torah did not like. In 23 years, not in Disappear from THE ONLY as the Torah? Do But the such as the Qur'an. the Bible WITNESSES WHO is?you have to destroy without witnesses? pieces Bible's MURSEL, it was the job of the witness. Already there, to bring Jesus into heaven MISAQ Police >... time???? there! Timecop while Time Police who? This was more than a Sci-Fi. In the Qur'an, it And not ED-Dehr came. Witnesses also were there. Gabriel brought the book ofte Timecop, he doesthe last bookshe passes. other n. In words, direct words, a single "Abese" sure the head of the "exception. All brought. Mikail as some also. of Gabriel

Gabriel Or Levhi askhas follows: To Sidretulnot come (Gabriel Ithere?other from So shall canany has Fromuniversewho Sidretul MISAQ RESUL CamethisandMahfouz... from?Sidre) OurGabriel,from sky.what Munteha say? case, Khidr, make a hole in a ship, to kil Nowtofrombookofasgo upperson, unknownREALIZE? come Munteha. Khidr, mentioned, is RESUL MISAQ received. But Nebi, messengers, etc.. is not. N one to repair the wall was ordered WHERE? From Gabriel? l a baby, witnesses. And all of the who one Rasul,Enbiya Hatem andActs such Hethe Mahd Messenger. Nebidepending onabove, have a SINGLE PERSON,l, which NEBI.asuponlythe Enbiya, ebis, the name and number are the last. Mursel it said. not is all to Accumulated e-mails in the past, while classified, asked me a question I've had as 313 i, suchMursel. 1. First, (three Magician) "Mehdi / you get Adler" I'm lot (Mehdi, Cave three many. 3M I neverWho? WhichMighty / them? And anot. more questions ... centuries / remaining. , will remainIt is not deemed to have included in previous eras. Has been transf 3. future.) 2. Ben, theNever Christ Maitrea / Hzr maybe erred toMisaq / / Messiah / Jesus I'm not. (Ben HasanMezarcmillions people saw him, (Khidir, tens of I?) Misak Envoy, are in not a Khidr, Mahfouz Levhi then, time has been spread throu to likea surplus andverse. privilege.) I see the long life (about 7500 years) along the "Celestial books, for example, the or ghout Actually, addressed descent, the Koran Levhi Mahfouz, the main book, and they Not a untouched in order iginalbookTorah; ofthe original Bible, is known as WRITTEN; from the can read full-Pact, and also is a witness. Testimony, will continue in apocalypt Khidr ic. is nicknamed, "Korkut and Turgut" is his nickname as Khidr-Hdr. Original nam the e, only Sanskrit civilizations, are known, are written with Maitrea transcripti service on. Thishas nothing to do Near Eastern god Mitra is with the particles. Means in with the treaty process and is alive. (Please remember the verse.) Sanskrit

According to verse, Khidr, all of the ambassadors, in the presence of God, recei contract. ved the Khidr, the main books that Mahfouz Levhi from all the books of the ori format, ginal is read. All the ambassadors (including the Messenger of Allah) have mad CONTRACT. His only assistant, the most widely used all over the world as name Ya e him Because TWO TIME came future that Jesus (Christ's) manage LIFE. Yahya's word r (Johannes, John, Hans,/Ian, Ivan, etc..) Is a prophet. hya HYY. oot, Example Hayy = Alive title, and Muhy = within the meaning of life-giving, is name of Allah.) Yahya also means LIFE TRANSMITTER. (To Christening, Baptism, in the sense this icon, Christians.) Yahya, Jesus revived until a time-space in the drawer ( Adler-) remained alive. Then Khidr murder by the Dajjal, the location, "kehften -just like John the upcoming"Baptist will. Jesus will embrace again, and with it will later died. Ho hadiths, the wever, inthis distorted, and their invention of Khidr and Ilyas the prophet, was (Hidirellez name comes from here = Hzr + ilyas) However, that person is not Elias, written. is, and in the past Hidirellez days each year, NOT the traditional met in the fu John Khidr, the Third Messiah secondis first Mehdi (Mighty) Therefore M's(Christ) MEETING. 3treaty represents ture willalso Hzr + Yahya. the letter M that are on the prophets and messenger worshipers. s is a non- Khidr side of the Prophethood, YAHYA represents, and all belief netw M letters (names Elif I will called, is Lema and our prophet's name, 3M, + Allah, the=secret/letters from M = Misak outside of) the = MAITREAmentionLamoflocated. 313 Mursel, a Elif-Lam-MIM-Ra fields, beginning of orks,=FORT.ES ASSEMBLY, andpromise, andM: charter / these M letterR...Rasuleyn!t Allah transplant and Idris, Magician, itself ...miracle,Mahdi's this,Messiah triangle; 3S themselves andaMa treaof Hzr he wordis MISAQ. FollowingYahya'sMAJLIS,=MIRACLE and MUCIDMehdi,operator. The= F b). Christ a). Khidr, trilogy the = and triangle, the third repeat = word as total on Jesus, Mighty c). and the IVE Council third binary Lokman + Uzeyr as 7ler in parliament

d) In addition, FIRST Zulkarneyn and Zulkifl (Ezekiel) as a duo THIRD, nine in t Other Ashab located. Assembly, arekehf (3 +5 +7) and the rest of us to a zalkarneynleri all of them as he She'ra a sum, Council (40lar jurys / council) is president. One of Zulkarneyns is also counting Dabbe (byone missing) sums, is forty. Forties council's other name, ALLAHLAW. Th eollowing are the 313 Mursel Parliament that one, again Khidr, one that Dabbet a f Zulkarneyn MallGENERAL, humanthatagain,/with, Mehdi Resul. This third and the nd tooktheCaliphin and one,prophets received fromthen the THIRD session was ot attended Misaq us elves and consciousbeings the name c) b) AllKalubela of prophetsonce is created of treaty a) as thebyBela, allall stages:Kalubela people, kalubela. He in Kalu Pact thethreeSPECIAL(SHE'RA conscious) assets; rsel, human RUH (s) did her people /not participate. Misak's one of the prophets (Yahya) and one represe (Messenger the people = KHIDR, has two representatives. are not. All the messenger Pact! nting all toProphet), but Khidr, ambassadors Yahya is a directsouls of all the kalubela / persons on behalf of clients and as muekkel is REPRESENTATIVES. All b first information, and knowledge as a mercy, has been entrusted to him. Is the witness ook Because WellLevhido not prophet and prophets Mahfouz KIDR then? Mahfouz.he is a even like Yahya Levhican not go Levh'e; Levhden receive revelati of why Requiredof LIFE. Not a temporaryimmortal Yahyathe meaning of eternal life. HYATT on. meaning under the rules of the life. Within (Muhy from the owner within the Hebrew 'tan language hyahannes = Eternal alive = Yohannes, John, Jean, Juan, ian, iva Ohannes, n, Janos,Johannes, Jens, Johann, Hans, John, etc..) spirit of the subconscious, mercy as well. Yahya then world's "is a high level" that undertaken in the hearts of scholar hidden, the is Idrismost widely used name is Yahya. this treatyMercy; Idris KNOWLEDGE, Khidr hasoccurs only with the knowledge and the scholars s, other thancan not see him. Yahya rarely occurs, Allah's beloved servants who Connection appear and with the fact that every living Levhi Mahfouz witnessed the era, and have infaq,even talk. inheritance until, MISAQ ambassador is the person. Is not like him. He is on all Yahya's (Maitrea / Mitra) in all folklore (Dede Korkut) love of all children in the (San myth. directory ta) is a of all the Scholars. (Within the meaning of headmaster) is that it all READY for the draft. (Khidr) All of Hanif, parental directory (Turgut) Kah-grand starts to get father

(Years) image out of, priests also appears in the age of 18, and although you wh Upcoming are older than and all Zulkarneyns, will die natural death. ether youJesus,you "Son / Son," he will appealathe surprise. Khidr, which will and killed, die with doomsday, Lokman, Zulkifl Uzeyr and also will be disabled. be who will Misaq Rasul task,will live MISAQ uninterruptedKhidrcontinuous.particular positi Yahya (John, and Juan, Janos, Ohannes etc.). and Hzr will resurrection,Jean, along with everyone in apocalypticwith this take until the Yahya, Qorqut, Santa, etc..) Named AS PROPHET never disclosed (Thuleqarnaaq, Ezra, anot on (Daddy Lockmann'dan) SPECIAL ONE is the help. His ONE NAME, late in the Qur'an is calle her Testament were given, and prophets (messengers Lord, are witness / contract / dISAQ envoy. 228 thousand require that both ourand Nebi) Him MISAQto this treaty M .ur Lord Jesus Christ, before the Messenger, RESUL, and after the Messenger of A O his nation, as a PEOPLE, will come back. In fact, for two days, went to-come (ne llah, in with the xt), but world calendar year two thousand and odd TIME has been exceeded. So the Messenger of our Lord, is Hatem l Enbiya, string is the last one, but Jesus PAST, Messenger of Allah before being Resul TRUTH to avoid conflict with the Qur'an, h the very as a specific expressions, for our Lord was not in hatem l R sulihi, was hatem l Enbiy aommand. This coming of Jesus to go and the gap between him that Yahya WILL BE R c has undertaken. So John, Jesus again for LIFE, the occasion will be. This is jus ELIFE distant space travel possible and in the future, astronauts have been admitted t t a hibernasyon sleep, re-awakening of the duty of the guards are like astronauts. Y o the God's adjective, HAYY (alive, awakened. not did ahyaexist, could not have beenlife). And that means as NAME, Muhy that give life. Lord, this name was given to one person in the universe. He is Yahya. The birth Our the dead, and of Jesus, in taken into heaven in, John is standing in BACK PLAN. As in HAYY wo roots, is Muhy , .hya (to instill life) as well as in the case, Yahya name, the li rd the continuous fe-giving than life is the area. Idris's "Death tat" gets killed "Idris Authorit such as, but unlike y to be obtained, that were not taste death YAHYA, is waiting in their own spe 1. MAHDI> of 3M developed, called the reflected in three majisyeninden. Yahya attractions. the future magician, respectively: cial sireMighty moniker is one of thethe PAST Arabic customized format. (Allahl guided, meaning 1N, the the so HDY English name orfrom please remember.) Yet we, EL name sole power, the who and El MUKTEDIR names, isname,meaning.origin, its Hadii>> Hidayet which /lie was aw Walhalla,of Allah, ALMIGHTY, that KUDRET owner, hasderived meHDYEL KAADIR, and even, Mehdi's father's name (Abdullah) that lie in the hadith they told us t told, o lie

However, before Islam was born, and the Messenger of Allah died before birth, as attempted. one, THEY unaware of Islam, 'Abdullah name' could not be already. O ancient Kaab a dying 360 +1, a in, totem from the Qur'an also mentioned, and the Quraysh tribe totem which, 'ABDALLT'. Therefore, the of, Abdullat seed of received. Abdullah is not, servants within the meaningfuture is the name hadthe Messenger is nonsense. A SING LAT PERSON far from tame Messenger couplet, even accidentally, not left. If you had LE today left, at least a hundred thousand would be the network finds a blood bond, and t gene heir Either the Messenger of Allah, therefore, "Miracle" would gush out. Such pe were, ople they would follow such a cloud ... Such people were, it would be Seals, on or something ... We used to watch from the internet plenty miracle. Islam spread his back People of all of the be even we in our denomination's founder, PEOPLE circumc lightning speed wouldcouplet, nowcallthe West ... with "Yezidis Bin Muawiyah Bin Sufyan" was killed by. Even pregnant women were put to ision sword. We have this great love for brutality, Yezid'i to applaud, it's put with the 'PEOPLE OF the name, CIRCUMCISION sectarian' we became members. So as Yezidis, we will sta against the atrocities, we were cheering the genocide. Bravo savage Muslims like nd No Sayyid (The Messenger of Allah Allah! the blood came unjust, and ungrateful servants ofwho said.. :((((((((((( from), and documentati us, for on payment has sold millions of Sayid finds all is Sunni. Especially Hanafi and they slaughtered their ancestors are cheering the executioners Yezidis and Muawi Shafii. So, Mighty Mehdi name I Allah knew know English, this from the AL-QAAD.R meaning. What shouldof say, IAlmighty in the yah ...powerful means. Whothat ... name comes'MAY Assistant actual' is derived past from cases, they know. This Anglo language (outgoing Denmark's contribution to A and nglojute, the Saxons, for MAY, Mag say, in German there are still those words, s Magnnen) M CAN etc.) MAG showing hooting andgen, is connected with the English.erk power, but also in German Kann (K + st, form of (To be Muktedir. English, angle an daxons, so Danes and Germans, formed a coalition, so these languages intensive m S Therefore Might of Allah and Kaadir (Almight) and Muktedir (root Can) gives the odel.) Same word MAG (icien / majisyen) derivatives are in the Latin. Because the word names. native root byARI-Hindi (Sanskrit) has received from. He also Magest words. (Her Majest word y Thecomes from here too, as the means Miracle.) So, we Majisyen also, you do no tecognize this sorcerer called. Because the proxy or attendance, and future Acts r a. Great Mighty (Mayte will Exaltations Khanif Muslims, Hadith magicians (-itReading) war, the .-) , are notIslamic civil primary task is the following: (the Sophiany pervert), a nd "What

me?" The process also guaranteed, with deserters LIGHT Muslims, as a result of t bloody war, all fukaha, sectarian and defeating sophianies, islam, now we have t he as a Khanif o assume, to gather under one roof. That is the unity of Islam, really, and as single Light Qur'an in the light of a single format and style, to be established ap-light, .. The layout is divided into 200 of imperialism and exploitation, 12 (Dozen / D b Dutzend) osen / SYSTEM format, and you want to do as in the past (Adler) to resume wher left e it off. Equal-coordinated to the people of the world of wealth-sharing scheme create was to a magnificent WEMB. However Mighty's task, with the struggle against Zion bond ism that is not the trapper, Protestant / KHANIF Islam UNIFORM to be. Which wil 2. He Mighty, second Magician's the future name of against VINEYARDS. lollowis Messiah. In the past in mission is to fightJesus, Messiah. Therefore, t f NAME than hese two the Qur'an, secretly uses. Christ, created by mehdi to show obedience KHANIF Islam uniform, will pray behind the Mahdi. After this prayer, the Mahdi's to functions and projects, will take over. Islam is no longer smooth, the mission w a. scroll fight following the the illHe willtwo areas: Christians is: "I've brought the Bible, it was not. Actuall already in and y, this is,the Qur'an, there is complete. I member of the ummah of Muhammad Ahma who d, like me, him will the nation. Not as me, the son of God by declaring, clergy Next the name,to Jesus,and war are just waitingChristian world, allkill Jesus, Mary and J with torture and burned half of the to benefit from to Christian. threats, are esus in, withopen crusade. The financing and organization of the Zionist Lobby w This sophianist Christians, quickly will be lower. Others, Muslim / Khanif will. ill take. b. It is open war against the Jews: Their impact, will erase from the earth fore WEMB will ver, and have reached its objective. Now peaceful world, extremely fair, and ev But in the equal, RICH (not poor) that will be a will begin. Yec eryone's meantime, paranormal periodPEACE PLANETS. c Mec c invasion, the arrival Dajjal, etc.. Christ will prevent the other for as much as apocalyptic signs. An of because d now of these neutrino technology, that can be uncovered SATAN (the demons ex from Paradise) will be killed by Jesus. Greetings again to the world s k n / will at pelled peace. tain Dajjal killed Khidr, full at that moment, capturing the Dajjal, Christ wi 3. Maitreya: ll kill him. The third magician, Maitreya and Misaq. Unlike totem Mitra, and als the first o unlike two magician, will not be included in these two majisyen TANGIBLE form Only at. one step in front of the Dajjal MISAQ person to people all over the world ( and all the 25 million) people who live in the colony before the individual against the Dajj deception. Last man (She'ra colony) warned, the Dajjal will be caught, and the u al will warn with the niverse most painful death, be killed. Place Maitreya (Yahya sire) will.

authority a. Khidr is ONE person and it's no longer us Levhi Mahfouz reading given the Because: (with the name FUTURE, Misak witness)mercy is gained, and that institut be can blank, Christ's second time back to life as the factors that Yahya (as A ionleft not treaty process) until the break of Resurrection, Maitreya single task per to man mbassador Khidr with the age, just like prayer of mercy will help vendor. However, Mighty, with the death b.Maitreya, again in Sanskrit means witnesses treaty. Yahya, and Maitreya Pact process, function of mercy. also will be eliminated. Messiahnot science, has assumed theBOOK THE FAITH, andThey also Misak pressure ( of and (Pact) is Yahya ambassador, now we know from verse. Sahid / Shaheed eliminat Khidr) the verse does not hold the promise of state will fall, like the spirit of the p ed if, all necessary MISAQ, the treaty to help the Khidr area, treaty process / as an e rophet received YAHYA nvoy, given. Yahya will continue its mission so as immortal. Yahya just doom, wo kill. uld After the Resurrection, the task is still GOD of witnesses will be transfe WITNESSES and rred to Hizir to the supreme authority of Idris, Ibrahim Authority will be neigh c. Khidr, all four major books, and many of the pages before, is the ONLY WITNES bors. Corrupted the Torah and the Psalms, the Bible ORAL who did not pass the written SES. and DEVELOPMENT, respectively, as well as 38 letters / audio format of the Qur'a record, distorts, brought it is THE ONLY WITNESSES. Because Ambassador". Hereafter, from Adam n was in, is the ONLY WITNESSES. So "Misakall these books and startthe book (Pages) suhuf that are all the Qur'an, has been reduced from LEVHI MAHFOUZ. (Excluding last period of Yahya) he called the main Levhi Mahfouz's book, God and Misaq pre the Allah, (Maitreya) than anyone of the Book, it Gabriel) NEVER can not read. ssure in the original else, (includinghas kept Maitreya witnesses. WITNESSES ar eequired, and all the prophets received on behalf of this treaty is the only wit r servant a ness, asand Khidr, the Witnesses Witnesses (witness who will testify that there) Khidr Yahya.and Yahya, including all 3M, verses in the Qur'an in cryptology CONFIDENTI is also but AL, is now open in terms of WE. (Explanation time had come, and with the start o Dabbet hand, WE as a comment to Siftah license and, from divine authority is giv f Khanif, Khidr TECHNOLOGICAL explained, LIVING as is still Yahya. These PRESIDENT From ... ASSEMBLY. ambassadors: the not ambassador, who Idris, anddead. Uzeyr, Lokman and ONE Emirates Rasultrio, AND son sum(so early, isSEVEN ASSEMBLY are yet) Thirds en.) other teams,MessiahTHEIRof Mary,Abrahamas LIVING:Has not diedcalledpublic

These and Christ at this is located within 7 this is a virtual and ASSEMBLY Mightyviews, however,the same time NINE ASSEMBLY: (However, is FortiesJesus. With the addition of two people andas they are,people, there Adlerextension. other . The 33 people, the other Zalkarneyns, the other Ashab Cave, and Rakim people, i to bridge n short, past and future ones are installed. They never are not included in the Let alone VS. VINEYARDS swallow us of the EVLIYA, polar, etc. none of the name (except Yesevi) certainly does not NEVER. No sectarian imams, etc.. this category is not. Only c and The name of entered the this council, in fact, the Qur'an. ouncil 40s, paranormal mentioned inwas the 41's council, but a license was grant Yesevi's ed duringLIFE. was renamed after the death of 40s. Yesevi's only teacher is Khid also Khidr r andone of the students is Yesevi. Privileges granted in this regard. Arabesque Persian type islam, dominated the Turkish type islam, are integrated. However, t and the Turkish type of islam, now NO TURKISH (We / us = us, thank Glory.) Does not live he Follow given forty, and forties are also to is the real M rsel Parliament Yesevi. . I'veas TASAVVUF all scientific data,be within 313Islam and mysticism(Zigzag not For our Lord has note: In the future, the MES.H'dir, and community the hierarchyJesus is completed. The ... SABIKUN the name of a is the son of 300s) and is this:beenABRAHAM NATIONS following isPEOPLE! still single bindingM Messenger. still human. But in the messengers tomb is not. He is divided. AHMED name ary, and isGrave nowMedina, near the(Acts)of our Lord,is from the Ummah of theof Witness, a the He. When takinggiantsize of al! Remaining is this: Everyone is of witnesses. (Kalu Lord proclaim, ishologram, all eyes reveal is that the vieweveryone WITNESSES! our Just are There hologram, everybody is a witness.) giant the less than that testimony: bela,received from the prophets, there is a treaty. This is all the prophets wit and witness of People. The remaining people Yahya. Resulullah included ALL the prophets, of ness. (not the the witness ison behalf of, the HIZIR LEVHI MAHFOUZ WITNESSES Wi (Khidr) tnesses of witness (John) are Witnesses. Gabriel, once it, has not seen the Levh Messenger He is not (Maitreya) is called Levhi to Khidr, prophetic than above, gave an i Mahfouz.WITNESSES, butKhidr. Allah, Mahfouz, the book's main witness, Misak au KUDRET said. (Almighty = El Maitreya, Mahdi only Mighty, Not Almighty! LIFE has thority: > Yahya. yamlikuun ash recognizedJesus Kudus.) shafaa ah 'illaa of ittakhaza inda ar rah.maanahd(an) to19:87 LaaRuhulwas the Messiah of the WORDman GOD and the blessing and has also

> 19:87 Rahman's floor space outside the covenant (they) shall not possess inter Verse says cession to.that Allah belongs the intercession PERMITS. Intercession does not be anyone. nefit Yes, to anyone, anyone other than Allah can not intercede. Abraham, to K Khidr and Lord our Yahya are alive. Idris and the living Jesus, but are not hidr,Jesus-Moses-Mohammed ... AS YOU intercession, SUFFICIENT GOD! in this unive Misak ambassadors "Earth = x and y" in not APPEAR and Yahya rse.Khidr (Misak resuleyn) are alivedoesthis world. in size, and Z as the alive, did not die with KHIDR, never did die and that will not die and Yahya, Z size an who visible d not to us from the social life at home without possession, the functions do. However, the 2M, so Mighty, and the Messiah, the reverse of this "social life an in the xy field size" but once upon a time, the Z dimension, has to understand ( d our place Cave, the one stay other a, Z perpendicular to the universe From the other basis), our ho address, spouse, children who are the people. Both died when fate will come. But me, such as beforefew very Christ, Khidr also (by the Dajjal) will be killed. Misak embassy, from th depository, thing immortal ENDLESS, ABRAHAM will be. at momenttheand thein endlessYAHYA owner / MuhyFitra was elected on the Agenda. Probably "I like your Rabb, I am NOT" to the question "who say YES", and a kind of He,amother privilege of self (my one), did not act as SENTENCES BLANK. "Kifaye" difference. Everyone spokesman ancestors. the man of God. Ayn, you know the of us all advocate, ABRAHAM ourIbrahim, wasKifaye with Farz(No time had been / and, who will was /was / will be so. Reminiscent all.) Wide time with Abraham, God's always fr Abraham iendly. "to TEACH" wanted to go after a group of these teachers. (Abraham nation )ave Idris COURSE. Idris, who left after Abraham SECOND points (thing) is the na g Pact AllahCouncil (Thirds Council) Yahya also, to Abraham and Idris, was established me of.then summoned all the ambassadors-things. participation. Abraham was to be mortal, but Idris, and Yahya, would be immortal with the "dying . Idrisbefore dying" secret, gave to John. So to fall into the Ibrahimi favoriti necessarily so, for the Lord will want to recourse to the death, the right to LI sm, and given to. Idris FE, Idris was also that, when given to Yahya, vitality right, that thing with Abraham was "share" Bothgoing to die, both hands byare immortal.but would leave behind two alive. Then Thirds council, more had to be alive. I like Idris SCIENCE; RAHMET like Abraham, and vitality, s one Yahya, uch as was one of the claims. When the elevator ride to the Lord "to infinity x LEVHI matrix FIRST AND memory matrix containing CUBIC had climbed up to the squareMAHFOUZ.holographicLAST creature to see in the universe, respectively. Thu infinity + s,

> had come prophets of Allah of Khidr. weBehold theup to the beginning'exact words (treaty) had received: "And give you and wisdom, and then draws you to your area to confirm that a messenger arrives, the Book definitely believe in and will help him." Said: "I did confess and that you have it will heavy obligations?" They say: "We have .krar" They said the "So be witnesses, an received Here are witnesses with you," he said. (AL-I IMRAN / 81) d I have all m fessir, the prophets mentioned treaty was necessarily that our mast Muhammad, and the Flame of Tunceli, the Caliph Ali is, write. Rate this seems at er glance, our masters do? Waiting for a good faith response and comments. You comm first Yes, this person alive! This is is+ first evidence! ) > BestMessenger ofNEBI(prophet) thenot, verse Messenger! Hzr already for "The Pr ent. that our prophet died. Described inbut theone alive, not dead. The of person, Allah, prophet s in. The was"reality is (Zulkarneyn, Lokman, Uzeyr, degenerate it. If you look ophetnot as is!Maitrea. But Indians have to Khidr are not prophets.) at the In you'll see that dian picture, Maitrea'nn blue-eyed. I mean billions in Indian society, non-COLO Maitrea, KHIDR legend (7200 years) is an inference. Maitrea'nn means, Mitra's own RS! religion is the Khidr. So the concept of Khidr was detected. Mitraizm, was deriv the stem, ed from and even Christianity before Rome's religion (with Isthar) has become. The move means the treaty real Mitra. Tra = to move. Traffic comes from here. Ge Yahya A, this a is TWO is: Maitrea'nn originalPARTICLE, Hanif of the tragen = toDOUBLE. The Ma is + beliefs, the>>>> Misaq taken directly from rman, iswordmove, etc..other(sk)oneTre + A WITNESSES.Misak ambassadors to Hzr + Yahya the witness. The second is the other name>>> MAITREA, and is deep blueSomething else Clear Joshua knew about Hzr honey color this? Yahya green honey-eyed Indiansis a eyed say COLOR. eyed! blue-eyedto ela.I'm not graduating.

Let's and also Maitrea Messiah Mightylook at Almighty Yahyathe following event: No nothing, while two people (spirit level) M ambassador (s) were made. Let's talk about John and Khidr: Yahya very important ISAQ > 19/15 Hey get him, born on) Can you the Yahya (????) as the day none (but from the other is notthe day when finddead and alivehow he died?of days to > 19/15. for the registration of lide ve and the next occurrence, a two-verse, remove. Ve selam n aleyhi yevme vits name yevme yemut ve yevme y b'as hayya But Yahya >the need"Oexample, howkindness towhengave a cleaning. Preserved was onedays write. FortoYahya! Titles stronglykilled? We gave him wisdom while more 19/15 19/14 Hey get him, born the day his the 19/13 who was one of our heart, we parents, and alive as the day 19/12:Kat softnessof Yahya was held." dead bullies, not a rebel.of o. angels, whatthatMahfouz.kitabe bito John,ve ateynah hukme abiyya MAHFOUZ, in Yes,comenor aTitlesand people, just you whatto keep.l(-strong-) onlyknow?younor > Not"Ois This this Levhi 1219/12. Ya the which BOOKS??? Main book?it come from? Does anyone remove. by yahyabook? IsFORCES retain, get does this mean? LEVH. get Yahya! jinnhuzil a book kuvveh strongly held. Now Rasul MISAQ verse, please. Prophets from the council, as per treaty prophet Supervisor. his eternal verses related please. That is the only ambassador, as all the other ambassadors received > 3 / 81 (Misak as ambassador) promises. It is Allah WITNESSES. book, I gave w CHAIRMAN God of the prophets had received ahid: "And you get that you are isdom, confirming what the future a prophet, he will always believe, and it wil help, deny whether you have accepted the contractual?" he said. "We've .krar" he l definitely "Witnesses are, I witness with you" he said. had said:

Yes, please READ the above verse THREE TIME, and at this add: 12 "O Yahya! Title Yes Prophet, a UPPERone, a ofcouncil, and at "Messenger" it the > "Allah held."thatcovenant wisdom prophets">>> "Prophets"it said. strongly had taken gave himprophet while more sabi. of them,said.Rasul (the pe "You certify We KALUBELA the future">>> the top who rsonheld strongly to the book) YAHYA Rasul. Here is the prophet and patriarch, e for people in Rasul, M category is called. Misaq. M category name, comes from th xcept, Please remember we see that a parliamentary Allah, and that name as another e treaty. m r.idanother M's??? Muhy name of bilateral MISAQ resul. THE Muhy MISA Yes rsel, > M Mursel. Thus complementary Kudret (Almighty) name. The two YAHYA are treaty: But Khidr, as long Qasul>>>envoys and (Al) MIGHTY which Khidr. lived (7200 years) is ACTIVE MISAQ R RESUL, he is mortal, 7200 years ago, NO was, and then will die. YAHYA, it's not period, of the will be MISAQ Resul. Thus, the dual Rasul Pact, we have seen in co-ordina BINARY tion. parliament. M letter also means ASSEMBLY. This dual finish assembly of th ehird person, JESUS (Mesiah) Jesus is. (Thirds Council), the head of the Assembl t YAHYA, y Two while the Thirds, the head of the parliament, Almighty (Khidr) (this puzz Khidr justice, no of Almighty, all is to not MISAQ president, is nearly prop God of a ler iswith the nameone from the otherambassadorsmake the top.) prophet. But in Yahya's orders. Thirds in the Assembly, the Yahya, in order of K hets What's Yahya on Khidr, nor vice versa the above you the other.) (The goal hidr !!!!!is to emphasize that none ofsituation, fromcan not think. No one perso superior n is not at the level of-prophet-) all the EQUAL! (3 x 8 = 6 x 4, etc.) only ele Even (ezra)(all) UzeyrZulkifldifferent. outside the threesZulkarneyn1 group is a non-messenger: Lukman behalf (l the Zulkarneyns Mighty of ckermann) Christ's participation (wisdom) is ments (Mehdi)entire first Zulkarneyn>>> Council, a

Of example, Idris, Yahya,theCouncil. ambassadors, not nine ..... Forthese M-Assembly. These oddly nickname theAs the There are Seventwo of Uzeyrgroup: Thus, thefour,Lokman,is passing.Assembly oftwo, but they are the same group and following Idris. Thus, of nine, 11s councils, parliament forties as they multiply. Then al heads is all Ashab kehf l Zulkarneyns, with a 313 Mursel Parliament was established. Here is the secret o A group House. also Almighty (the other name Khidr) Adler (the other name Mighty / Mahd f Mand i), a third called Alias A letter (the other name Maitrea) constituted a cluster > 1 as (Vizier preliminary question Minister) Asaf I Asaf, "the throne of Melike Promise can bring me?" said. Cin one demon then-Solomon, Solomon's Primeis . (Withwill give explanations.) who?Sebe, whoyou ... get up : "You before displacement, it can bring, this strength enough," he said. Scient ific Led n abdomen] have the Vizier, Asaf bin Berhiya the "eyes open and grab b [scientific Now of course bring I'll this has a meaning once error. efore,it to you," he said, and atof thebrought.Mentioned here is of course Khidr every age . So for traveler who KHIDR. Alias Allende Bergier, then the age, 'Khidr's Depu > Vizier'. Alias Allende Bergier also check google, September 26, 2001 tarihli cha tyI wroteAs his family .... Bergier and Pauwell, both of which have suffered stroke, writes teference output. > Over there Pauwells / Bergieranamed author. a duet pairs ( r Alias (Meaning Asaf Family) Khidr is a helper from the A series. Like all Zulkar Asaf Bergier (Allende) Zack)bin Berhiya from Zickorigin neyns is from the future. (However, Lokman and Uzeyr are from the past, and is Almighty A series Zulkarneyn.) not

Asaf, create a and Azra Alias'es more is not the Adler "historyASSEMBLY. property of" the future is from the transfer. Belkis w to Solomon, but as not married Asaf (Alias Bergier) dancing queen married, and Alias descendant Adler was s later, going. Already Adler's mother, the dancing Queen's (-just like BelkisHer is Whatfoot Yes Sebe is etymology ofWhich is different foot. (I do not want to go into thi > Sebe theQueen Who wasof/Melike. ) Belkisthat? ? of Saba.the nameaBelkis? paranormal. words will s subject, be longer.) If you are saying, if prolonged, ta Tuva valley until we At this time will be gone.I'll ask Tuva valley, will be prolonged and thoroughly. Belkis is h Belkis like the name is Moses is nickname,not. "is a structure DIFFERENT outpatient." Belkis, Messelina, Dali Salome lah, Dancing queen that all of the foot, so to speak for the dance had undergo We metamorphosis. Believe that the art of dance drag. ne had previously mentioned these issues willof Houri, naturally, this is their this dance, blood. And the numbers representing the names, those who watch them are enchant Because the inhabitants of paradise (Houri's) are natural dancers. (What we were ed. All cumbersome women and men?) In the nature of Houri, DANCERS of, as there is a thinking! Tuva / from Tuba had nndispensable skill. a palm. Mary was hold him, and gave birth to Jesus. Feet we i Belkis's re bare. too ... Dancing Queen's too. King of the regulator as Salome. The feet Everyone Solomon's a strange, two-year period. Moses-Joshua who bare. Almost all Khidr were bare. along Turuthrone in there Khidr was! Belkis's feet were was Khidr. FEBRUARY sh of Moses,isSinai,wasBelkis,already. MeetYou know, year, and NOVEMBER Brought to ead split into two. (Clock Ministry of Education in their calendar, it is writte h Both NOVEMBER>>> CHANGES, consists of a sudden, suddenly end and start of their" sta FEBRUARY>>> Pluto n.) "SUDDENUranus rs

are. Uranus, the former state to convert to NEW, the revolution does. Pluton, th condition e former and finished in a bloody war over the ashes, a new program does. (two As for wars, June,>>>>> principal name are HIZIR months. In fact, do not say the month world etc.) Hidirellez (Khidr and Elias fancied November, he passed Hzr months. meeting) (In fact, Khidr and February, Old June, s of called Khidr-sure you've heard? These are old on the Web inJohn the Baptis In Buruc What happens to meet Khidr and Yahya? t) meet. (Zodiac) verse, literally, MOON calendar, solar calendar and routine in STATIC, stead ofDYNAMIC to be used as required. In this case, the sun is in the horoscop what we e shows sign on another, in a range indicating the month in which, is used for M SIGNS. This is a Led nni (Khidr's given) is a science, and Cifir is within the cov OON Moreover, children's Glad that people self-renewing a carnival world I have no o erage area. to the Christmas. (This is a special reason, not the Santa Claus of Antalya / De bjections Klaus / Claud, KHIDR (Dede Korkut) goes to know.) Hidirellez (Khidr + Ilyas) day mreli Aziz such s of a thing as we do not celebrate Christmas like we? If you search for a purpo regard, it se in this can fit. Skipping from the fire, sir Majus, Hidirellez day ... like . Vahy "No Mahfouz LEVHIfrom Section Allah be a spy on the from there ..) soul9would Ito Levhi Mahfouz,(Khidr) get to be" (Tan M nteha (to Gabriel) and th Sidret l suresi) to en the sky world (The Night of the landing place, here is the webmaster of angel Khidr's goes to it is Levhi Mahfouz, the originals of ALL BOOKS, the witnesses and thenlocation,RESUL ... Mikail) known. Gabriel can not go there. Gabriel took him from Levhi Mahfouz, to our Mes are Khidr, of Allah, prayers to senger thein provides.all of the Levhi Mahfouz, the operator is. Changing the fu fulfill the nction to destiny that is. (Change of fate is also FATE, it's not forget.) (Fa form.) te is fate the last

> 14 Him real prayer. He stopped outside and they begged the answer to anything can theynot. If they come to get water in your mouth if he is like two hands that op Your fate is not it to currently written, could CHANGE at any time. If you ens,comedoeshim. The prayer of disbelievers is always in error. want kid, he co you If mes.want, kid maybe better in your hand "NOT BETTER" son dies; better son instea income. (What better what is worse, not even the servants.) In this way, your DE d of Levhi changes. STINY Mahfouz, infinity times infinity times infinity number of the smallest par universe the ticles ofuntil all that everything is written without exception, infinity times Allah, such awas in the Koran, is MAIN BOOK'S name. infinity timesbook is mentioned, without martyrs ... For him to collect the comp and Khidr, 2. Fromuntil 1. Mortal the two were: Misak prophet,treaty took Misak Acts, andof his death, as YAHYA lete setimmortal category,them. ambassadors, assume this task. Martyred by the categories, KHIDR Levhi Mahfouz's YAHYA (now, not John, but the future will after the AntichristKhidr,witnessprophet, the Levhi Mahfouz's treaty. take over the task) Khidr is is Khidr!the prophet of prophets. (We understand this verse in the words Acts Pa the But ct.)prophet is not nominal. However, Yahya and Idris (both are immortal), but wa segistered in the prophetic. The prophet is the prophet of Khidr. (Nevertheless, r Someone else apart from is not never over.) messenger, from another,Khidr, the LEVH. protected, did not see! Yahya did not s a and even Gabriel da. But a EYEWITNESS, absolutely necessary ... Requires a treat ee it yet, Khidr, y ... Gabriel's is prohibited on the Sidre, he can go. The bottom of the bench, Res layer (base is) he can read LIGHTING section. It is a means, for instance, t only Zezzag and open o come a hole in the ship, killing a child, corrects a wall, etc.. They are wr mahfouz, and those who shine in the dark (that is shown to Khidr, read) are part itten in LEVHI Khidr, Levhi Mahfouz's only witness, and is studying. 350 years later, in the fu of. prostrate he Please enter died, the ...good deed by and he verse. This verse is so important ture untiltask will YAHYA,writing will SEE. (He never saw before.) because the

> 3 / 81 -God of the prophets that had been said: "Surely you book and wisdom, I then you have on hand (books) I, confirming a prophet came to him and certainly gave, will help believe him! I've accepted you? In this matter and heavy on you my covenant Di receive? " he said. They say: "We have accepted," he added. (Allah) said: "Then d you All the prophets (elves, humans and angels) 228 thousand prophets ... Our Lord w Please read I have witnessed carefully. the witness,them with you". gather them all ... The Messenger of Allah, including this. Because the Messenge ill Verifier and messenger came His name But in one inscriptions athe above-UPPER:to believeissire messenger Pact. him! r took the ofand WISDOM. That is also theitthe in 228 thousand ... Allah, be W certainly will help Allah read Pleasefor them carefully. he said. martyrdom OWN, except KHIDR, was appointed a messenger to all the othe ITNESSES,Who? Pact to ambassadors! And Allah has witnessed. rrophets. Her "living like God in the sense YAHYA" he said. Khidr's mission is d p Jesus (Also floor (in of YAHYA Zechariah and Mary's) had told their tale, Yahya This one, the Levh)course,prophet UNINTERRUPTED mission will continue.right? and re very important. These HOURI (Imran) family. ARE a prophet separate category. Yah ctangle is > for this, did not receive BOOKS. ya33 -Really Allah, then Adam, Noah, Abraham family and the family of Imran, on But Worlds, promise the the chose. was to be witnessed HOME BOOKS-all books that are downloaded fro mevhi Mahfouz. Yahya also in a sense 'Books book' which will read a Rasul. He di L the book, d not in but all the books in the area is witnessing. Also on behalf of Allah, Can go back 2. received evergreen, 1. Ministry a forth in time alive) hasYAHYA (noandreads the>>> KHIDR>>> BUT mortal>>>> Zig-Zag are theLevh'in one witness. alwaysas a barometer Hzr! space lest also drawn. So Thron ean use zeg-Zag section. This section of the Throne's 7 layers of the Worlds (Hy c etc..) Is per Space,the sole minister. There, a giant "matrix" in (Vefk cube) name Levh-i Khidr only Mahfouz. about our universe (of radiation) into sections that are blocks of ti example when me. If, for you enter there in age killed in the cradle, or Moses and the age o fnvention, is falling directly. i

That's it ', space-time gate (Corn Hole) has served as a tunnel. (11-dimensional veins / arteries such as the quantum universe are rounded tunnel) there Hzr DIRECT membrane are entered as direct. In other words, an illuminated door inside Levhi Mahfouz, / stands out from the tip of the RESULTS. This is called space-time march. EYEWITN he then the ESS only Levhi Mahfouz RESUL'd r o. .. Levh-i Mahfouz, as soon as you enter (other this, Khidr, so far never failed.) (Gabriel, even there, he never saw it.) Autom than Mahfouz, Nefhi atically Levh-iSur (Corn Hole) is a blow. From there, the space-time in the worl delected the "RESULT end" will take you away. In this time and forward (Zig) and s Moses,in time (Zag) as can be made. back because of Khidr, "the past and future" had time round! For example, in t FUTURE, an SEA would pass, knew. To find that place, then called Khidr. (Where a he Moses of the killer and was half the rocks from the sea.) the fish was alive, therewas not! (Do not tell Joshua's story again.) Moses at t sign was time, he he same was left with a basket on the Nile river, knew it, (saw). Allah for Mos important es, made privileges. In the book, his name is the most last prophet. That was 2 Tuva in aberrations. 7 times the valley, mountains in the Tour, while Tabutussekine, the sea is being saw himself in the river Nile. Getting to see the murder itself, has been cleare split, and God, first, killing people the Nile also saw a him Khidr. Direct Khidr, brought the revelat d of murder,in is itselfthen showed young fellow. in Tabutussekine, Hzr to"take my revelation of Moses to his mother, his sister als ion. Allah, SHEET As said command. o took," of Levhi Mahfouz, this revelation, Moses's real mother and sister of Mo reserved. But READ: ses He says the panel with the power and the God was downloaded from levhi revelation which has brought not Gabriel; HIZIR respectively. Khidr, the onGabriel's never seen, can not go, he can read the ... Tookrole of a kind angel of revelation, Hzr grandfatherlevhi Reserved. (Becaus a prophet, and e the Pact is this is normal.) Gabriel, Misak witness, no; Levhi Mahfouz would see. From have to Sidre up, can not go, then Allah in this regard Khidr as Rasul of Misa appointed. Khidr had thus witnesses, and the Pact, it has been constructed on th k, Thus Allah, eestimony. man's, is superior to the angels, have had a better registered. Othe t Only KHIDR, with his eyes on the Levhi Mahfouz is the only witness. But after hi r than Allah. YAHYA will s death, also see him. So far, the only on Levhi Mahfouz is certain that the s KHIDR. lave This privilege of angels as messengers, to Gabriel even not given. Theref Caliph called HUMAN, is SUPERIOR. FROM ANGEL (of course, the elves)! ore, the

What is important revelation, Allah?is the status person, you say. Ordinary people, like ordinar > Moses own mother, the ordinaryof the mother. Mary, the mother, but notto have God's word CLAIMING which Jesus brings = PREGNANCY! But Moses' mother, even the names a y, ANGEL comes, and does provideKelamullah.)And Mary also PROPHET. (Because messengers.) Zulkarneyn of the revelation, normal or with automatically sent, Hzr normally found in the relationship, and oneangels, children were was re notbrings revelation here. (Gabriel revelation would be,Khidr,born.not would be Khidr's > know, I could not understand because God's revelation of many kinds of example, our Lord, the weResultthanks are addressed. For ways. of her appeal. Cave sure, Gabriel did Would rise not bring. because the conflict. Khidr, who with Moses, and even the dialogue wi Zulkarneyn himself face to face did you? For example, did not say: "I killed tha th the because t guy .." "That ship, I got a hole, because .." As ... Be careful here, do not because, Gabriel, need to Khidr himself, then producer of events and dialogue boxes, talk Viewer Yes, > Abese sure, not incapable of by God. ... Allah, iswas given directlydirect revelation showed. Allah, even Moses' rev writing (Tablet with handwriting by writing to the fire) was sent. As I said, Re elation by Revelation wave That the RECEIVER 4. Transmitter>>>>>> LEVHIcredo. 3. Of has WAVES>>> that messengers. 2. Courier THAT comes>>>>>> (credo) 1. MESSAGEorder GIVEof>>> BELIEVE Allahthis OWN MESSAGE>>> BOOKS. does not commanded ANGELS.Mahfouz! the velation end types. usrevelation. inGOD! following hierarchy: Microphone Receiver Text Carrier mechanism to

2. Electromagnetic carrier waves, >>>>>>, ANGELS, or KHIDR, or ANOTHER revelatio > Speaker 4. Revelation of the called messages from or if Jibril, what 3.Background revelation? bring? (If Khidr,microphone), etc.. will change?) The nechanism. (Prophets OWN (The Message) m Revelation thing is (Talk, text) THIRD while! The SECOND SEQUENCE, is TAPE / importantGod's revelation, right? Vehicle, how it adds extra value? CD is, so he Messenger (fourth position), this is such aAllah (in FIRST ITEM),Resul, go and g does NOTHING PLIES, one moves! Transmitter mechanism here .. No the recipient inspiration from the mouth of God, and not bring. It's important for this order. et their Median emerged, but you ACTUAL (A-B-AB-0) WORLD may not have noticed. God had promised in verse in the Q Section 10 "O Pharaoh, as follows: the last breath of those who repent repentance will not be accepted. ur'an such a state of prayer in the thousands of years then this beach (the sea was sp I have They miss floor) that have been the median. get sign language will hit the are said lit on thethe signs ofprotected and(Fourth Pharaoh Ramses in Londonshore." to Sejde in be ...) case .... Him, Khidr punished. How punished???? Moses, why then called FORK where fish which "was alive", "That was what we sign," he returned, they fo Khidr? Khidr some? und is where they find, "In the future will be half of the sea" was the place. nation (Beni Israil) mentioned in the Koran walked into the sea from the rocks. So Moses and divided Sea wereinto two. Ramses in the back or our London-based ... Then to top off the Khidrand RECIPES: army .... drowned Pharaoh andSea this, that the rock into the sea from the sons of Israel sea was In I will out.carried also punish said to be grave. Turkey is happened figure for the areUrfa, 7 prophets are passing behind me.AHere's whattoo high athis works ... Messenger. That is our advantage. Abraham's tomb in Urfa and is being used to fi tomb 7 lake, sh the"Khidr Tezkiresi" he wrote. Urfa = Arabic ODA (Mausoleum) is, at the same time.

Yahya DIRECT postpones death. (Such would be going to die before Jesus was born. Hzr ) But do not, so go and play a schedule A, B, AB, 0 Joshua's something he creates fo There types.was a cruel man. Mother and father were removed from the road, and savage ur Moses killed him and the killer was. Then "the blessing of parents," he'll go ba killer. That time a QUANTUM written all the quantum information and was in area Levhi ck inis INFORMATION at the end of the tunnelmatrix that manuple. Mahfouz. Ther eetermine everything, that is positively certain. But always a -50% to +50% coup d -50% And opposite +50% les with ... Name Levhi Mahfouz. 100% of the difference between the two is also to be two possibilities. And prayers in exchange for information, called quantum have But instead of A back invariable (Hidden Variable) go to the WAS CREATED. probability a hidden time CREATION who did not and put it in the quantum tun (Compansating Tunnel) is required to pay to compensate. Then the killer Musa, KH neling with IDR time can judge, are meeting. Spot to go and that more cruel man as a child, But kills,inand cradle. Moses is double. We have used team. Without strangled'sisthe-50%' s were also not the killer, Khidrais the killer! the other he +50% circuits can not be done. (God, can not be reduced becomes incapable.) This time two comes into , the otherstylish (A1), let's say. A good kid who wants parents to Allah, Khidr the same kid 's killing, again gives. This time, this child, this baby VERY GOOD PEOPLE. Gro See bestthe work that Moses does is. w andfriend of Moses (Joshua)not need to kill the Yu.a'y. Moses and Joshua are be off. Khidr are met. Khidr is going BACK in time. For example, going back 17 year ing set Khidr and is already 17 years old. So and carry age of zero B2, ie seeing Joshua's s. Joshua Moses go together,come to thethe option ofand is not NEVER BORN. no g in time, oing backits bad twin also well made. (Polarizing been, and had forced him to be No Didobvious killer andis is not Moses also empty cradlewrong. Khidrwe kill Joshua possibility... Everyone sins, are forgiven case. A than Thennot realized theiskilled soonthat B2, so that four of them held morebad man better.) killed Joshua, lived. the baby killed. does he / andnot have a baby now. Killing the bad guy killer MUSA not the killer. But I write everything in the Qur'an is that of Moses also writes killer. A baby kille have to d in Khidr.

But he did not kill Joshua and he said, anyone that did not kill him? Here's a h DETAILED for you everything in the is on with the finest will see KUR'AN's MIRACLES. omework from the Qur'an, itQur'an,the good work youdetails, complete and thoroug ready. h, are Hug him. He is the greatest book SCIENCES. He explains the paradox by giv our ing model and solution is reached. O Qur'an, Allah is speaking. I fall victim to If a sound at rate of Allah ... HU!aHU! close to the speed of light if you send forward, the batt the battery always ends late! (Satan, Khidr, Yahya / Pact process, etc.. Everyone will be fi ery ends, but the battery nished and will die even if late.) Jesus (Christ) even in the grave ready, REAL Dajjal die. LY willand Supply struggling Yec c mec c ... Universal nefsunzaikatul mevt! In fact, death immortal taste Idris, taken back from the dead because, he is even dead. M even Sergeant Death,57th the soul will taste death. Eventually we other returned. isak of Yahya (JohnEveryBaptist)EVEN KullirSey'in be killed. will bethan Allah (Huri, > Ankebut (29) etc.). Will not. even ld Angel l cektir. Anything Vahid Allah (One permanent) and Kahhar (Self-lethal of all the rest, and is alwa AGAIN.) If ys creativeour God had not created us, that he can create / recreate the least a Everything battery, at end. This also applies not be. be insufficient, andwillthat time that God couldto everything going forward. Wel ble, it would back in l going time, Anti universe outside / or the speed of light when the angels / ta objects kyonlar such as what does it do? The batteries go back in time. That will reduce discharge; contrast does, and NEW FILLING taken will be like a battery. Be reach the Yes! Now let's the road the year 1692! Or is thrown. > without the glass is toor purpose. edFirst,leavinggo BACKbroken, then the stonelet's come forward in time from that When we arrived, our ENERGY (battery charge) will decrease. Now let's go back ag year. let's play the film opposite as we always said, rewind refilled battery will do ain: So Yes, because according to the principle of energy conservation, ENERGY-level pos the batteries. will itionremain. Well, much of this energy in 1692 will not enter it as an extra in According to the universe?the principle of conservation of energy is necessary to transfer th 2. Space 1. Black is just transfer? energy. holes wealready moved ... But no black hole are there any other civili is extraHow canistoo big to belong to us: So I wonder in our hands ... the Qur'an was zations? Had the author! I currently have in the system are as follows ...

The privilege of self (angels, etc.. Is not the privilege of self) Gin, people o Mec c us noclive (Alien) are not reported. Moreover, three species than one living utside Yec samethe in world at the same time in different phases. (My Supply is extensive, please Not a creature of this universe is the Antichrist, PARALLEL universe (Dual prese remember the verse) So, creature our universe, only THE WORLD, there life. from (elves) live (human, nt) we in... So it's stars from something, boy, thatEnergyanother universe ... plant) animal,and projection as (Y-Mec c) Each of the world (The world, die Welt) are liv Moreover, us HUMAN outside another ing. So,ofonlylive, no more. world can! Colonies can make colonies. (Dominion mo accurate word) people can go to out of the sky, DABBET (Projection of supply to re below) can the world also download. Between these two, so the sky and supply between SEMAV There etc. are sky AT, there7is. / ribs, spine spirals, helix. If people other than a live, had m Dajjal, SEPARATE ore, just like THE PARALLEL universe was put into, again we call our universe We this, one. We be. to arewould notare ONE Caliph! Saying that, "It gives us a broad universe was ju Angels, antropic .. the light-speed, st as fromYES just for us! Jinn (energy) at the speed of light, and light fro (Article in m the slow recording, we people) in the order of the Caliph on earth ... we We Hatemul Caliphate. We are not predecessors, successors are final. Are slower tha are moreover Speed range, n light ... we are esfali safilini, the most are all down. Allah has put us DOW Because tacions (angels, spirits, etc..) Faster than light, light itself (like g N. From of light, Battery at back ... the happened? a for try supply in (Abstract Mass) speedlight-speed when What(angels) orNowsingleenergyto servicethe ... in) JUSTwentthe but the ARTICLE, not justlet usand bulkunderstand it. (Gabriel's as a giant a point, is heavier than the universe), or with multi copy (Pure, wee Two (Lord of ARMYbattery, the soldiers>>>> MATR.X 16, 32, 64 going on. k, tavaf) in two batteries of four, 8,in ) are replicated. That is ARMY and all example is a kind of ANGEL as the cloned point (of a single pan-clones) are exam of a SINGLE Or we, people will leave a creature similar to ourselves. But the angels will be ples of. mother on the floor, have a local copy of SELF, so infinite self-energy (light) the fathersingle cell and then a DECREASE 1 / 2, 1 / 4 does not do reverse 2-4 -..... doing. The rank s of the

Suppose we him Saffat, etc. Call. angels keepunderstand this, and that after Prerequisites, now that is going REVE From TIME a single man, pure holding columns, look at Yes, okay. Ring-disk RSE METHOD angels watching, let's take awill you?time-back-traveler: with a s black hole singularity in the opposite direction from Equatorial come back, you uitable yourself, you'll be ready to go. How was your trip later, you can tell your OWN found YOU, the YOU. Two return journey out again, and again the two are set off you'll found yo youneed Didcheck and mark you. ONLY YOU resulting Arkn alone, such as the army! urself.Arkn everyone! four MARKED angels! C neytfirst trip, when you find your Weneyt to C have something like SECOND self you, go together when you return you find you TWO SETS TWO PIECES. (Total Bermuda and the laboratory-level experiments in Philadelphia. This is the contin 4) To get into "Loot of this "What at "l am we your "Who are actually do?" "How manyyou?"mark, you are be JKLM experiments. Specifically: next of So it uationYOU"Paul" topic will me,divided. me!" of my books (my books promoted eve than I n more hate talking about.) Reader knows. I myself is not my book ads do: The bo limited, the limitation of Hans-free. Who do not understand the verses of Allah, ok is Aare is a likely. When someone is in this universe, the other in the universe Now TOLD!come to the garden Hanslet's chance. Ads over. of forked paths. and B are 2. formed possibilities are endless here in 1. HIDDEN VARIABLES: (Hide, hide the according AGAINST! Beliefs are as follows: UNCERTAINTY: to the number of wasACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OFout) universe.infiniteprinciple of hidden varia a) this Khidr, I in opened holes Because: POSSIBILITY not open up to other. We have ship if a do are paying each.... only bles,twoto believeholethis SECOND. the ship: There were two possibilities:

A notBthrone,chaos50%.cosmos, normal. There There were two possibilities. a) therepair diedwall the hole ... TheENDLESS ifthe demon did return So thisdie possibilities,will not. path takes.are also couple of anomalies tha b)and achildalwaysopenifThis isthe Already in the chaosathat situation arises. to ship to I get If Throne, I'll to universe,thecollapse are wall These four -50% B -50% A, t anti: andpossibilities, one is not all, of the total (the sum of the energy) i Because the uncertainty ... and where the COSMOS s not zero. Nonzero notprinciple (Heisenberg principles) is valid until the spe Good light. ed ofbut, on the other hand takyonlar, and THOUGHT also is faster than LIGHT. Li faster ght is than when the diameter of the electron is zero, and Mean density of elect infinite. Uncertainty in the electron envelope (Place, time and speed at the sam rons is itself determine) will eliminate the possibility. As a point, three of them at the same e time Light is determined.the fast rotating, a black hole phenomenon, there is. (I know of at l time from light-speed turns.) Tachyon is the abstract mass. That thought patterns, it is. east 16 black, Alternatively, no than light. The and B have two options. (Hiddenvariables) BO universe is An expandingfasterfuture, but the Auncertainty principle of course depart. these TH of options in the universe is composed of the polarizer. Which if not in this You know the polarized the two photons become CANCEL, itis behavior ofin the other universe. polarized already ... Surprised universe is one whenor the other you did not confuse it fits exactly. Be organized so that there For example Repentance to ... physics, this is you are transported to the VARIABLE that, contrarynow Bohrplease Immediatelydeterminist TUNNEL process. uni are HIDDEN polarized THINGS will be canceled. And you will have been forgiven. If you do th verse thing e samebut again, there HERE AGAIN that sin is transferred. (Khidr's Moses journe HIDDEN VARIABLE had written, need I remind you?) y of the

With a simple example: If you repent after Moses as whether the killer also died man once again deserve what Khidr, the child would take to kill and murder innoc after a Yes. be but > Hzr born.a murder right? complex,to ifgives twice, to have POSSIBILITY OF INSTEAD Musa have decide because HIDDEN A YOUNG or Continue and Subject a wouldMoses made Moses, had Joshua,going: OK remained at .. OF BAD that C is ent absence murderTIP,northere's VARIABLESAS GOODONLY Awork.B, soJoshuabit not polarization, all the murder, would be folded back to form. So this little bit o fnderstanding for the parents of repentance and prayer that proves how much APPL u (Killing of Moses / and or killing and or secret Khidr History, change all the other variables/heldboth of Are. as not killing and not Y. Joshua's mother and father, like son as auspicious, HISTORY changed.) Therefore, the killer, Fate is not fixed. future has changed."Allah prolongs the life is that" such verses should ... Musa the was the killer instead Hzr Do? Joshua's dead or dying, not dead? Fate, in this cas killers or? Or Simple: else? e, how the beginning is written. But with this prayer, or replaced with righteo (Cradle not us deeds. the actions of Khidr killed the child, mother and father about the c Righteousness hild favor.) prayer, such as clean deeds also, then change the fate. (Khidr say Well one a hole in that ship, can change were very if you do not breed distrust this s: I havething thatbecause theydestiny so good people with righteous deeds.)God? Mahfouz, a hacker, cyberpunk, etc.. takedown were you? Takedown output from now? So Levhi For example,"in a fate, Moses kills adult DESTINY, DESTINY is" DESTINY destine LASTAllah will say: "in THE REPLACEMENT OFJoshua, would be the killer. Bis No, FORMAT But Khidrkiller>>>> Destiny, B has born again, murdered. MusaJoshua's "goAback in while become. Joshuakiller>>>children,DESTINYby Khidr, ishe to zero, what happens is not kille d, Adult without while time" nor Khidr d bymusa. Middle, what is the killer nor killed. (massacred) So there is no crim because e. (Sin,of Ismet adjective) was DELETE. But the events A and B, that both of fat come to e, has pass. Now I ask as an idea gymnastics: Joshua's DESTINY is, which one??? ?

Fate is a concept that is SHARED. So mating, is experienced. Fate makes cooperat For affect each married each other of out-route their own volition to ion,example,other. A combinationSELECTED fullycompounds DESTINY ... remain. Thi accident, s is an free choice. Even self-determination. But the children born of this ma genes, etc.. rriage "race,Besides provision, life" is given from Allah. Now that we, with our destiny, our interest, is zero. But I do I choose for my wife. He choose me as l children's "Muta baakat / Marriage" we would have made. Thus the free choice of my wife's ong as+the Colo (For Or ispeople' peasant, (He'Bofa youngmarried hair, and so on. that So 'Aexample-are (eyes, in foreign country.) village are dead.) affects.Children placed andahis life fromNext hereditary diseases, etc.). We rev own choice. eal thatSay, l have three wifes: White, Negro and Mongolian. My children also ha different genetic characteristics and will move. Starting from this very simple ve These more 3. Joshua's 2. Moses'es us 1. Khidr's alternatives, 24 SEPARATE fate weave, complex, letfate ... model,threefate take a look at the Koran models: gives. Each one is separate. K Musa, iller innocent Musa, Ismet In my capacity as murder sin has been deleted, Moses c) (If Moses b) Joshua Khidr, a) notnon Khidrit,Adult Joshua>>>> threegoing back AndtoKhdir'a (Deceased did and when to 17 years (DoSabie-baby NO the the Killer Khidr that,killtime inchangedMUSAkiller a Khidr meetTomeetTHATnot ONE !!!!)growth, it's killingHIZIR) "DELETE the" Joshua and ...wrong-doersJoshualookfatethe Qur'an,bykills him. to is the same situation: believe times, child) Note how re-BORN many times or when Joshua died in the back-forward did it go? Allah, ev Joshua, Moses hand, kills. But on the other hand, "his mother and father had pra il Lord, yed" Oif this BABY is better, give us. " Prayer was accepted.

This is a prayer so that "the future, will be removed from the mother and the fa religion, ther of which will make the unbelievers Joshua, that is more than three, has b Parents also, as CHILDREN actually OWN also have to pray, but are not aware. "Yo acquitted. Mother-father, and Joshua ... een out of u come their religion" is prevented. For this, please do as I say prayer Plural. Thus,praycomplex form, how the and you are, but indirectly. influence of fate is, and how is subject to chang You in in, have. Only e, I would Joshua-Moses-Khidr in the trilogy, 24 have SEPARATE fate. (Joshua's m Muhsin>>> principle is kind of one by one the number is a our drill. have Uncertaintyif the string,save them sentence Unseen. Account ofesma Lord toEveryt and fathereverything and abinomial expansion, 24 is.) other individual and is in charge TOGETHER functions. All this checking mechanism is t hing is Work / forcetogether Azim billahi illa Allah. he only power,with the uncertainty principle which, it can not be controlled and in a succession of, the Unseen WORLD, are saying. One part of the body, such as harmony cell's each own mission, IS OUR BRAIN, except to the command of the exercise of the s beginning with, the parallel universe to the (infinite number of universes until ample, CONTROL secret of Allah, the only great power in the control. And there is no he farms) His unseen, regard. Assistant is muttali and common. He holds SUPREME Throne, lp in this no oneto be mean, be reduced to-haza-Lord is flawed. and He (Hu) h covered the Throne, and from him that no other force / partner is no more. Our G as not NEED od does NOTHING, O Samad. Here's uncertainty principle is THIS! Secret control Allahuekber of you say, we must consider them. Schr dinger's cat also, our of God! Allwhenthe infinitely more infinite A SEARCH is on this do thi would we need to know. Well, Allah us how "The Unseen INFORMATION will transfer? s, Some of the Koran "a servant of Informs some or "e did not know anybody partner?our servants,"how?"Zulkarneyn" or "Lokman, Idris H Uzeyir, , Jesus,etc.." Yahya and Khidr! As a Dabbet+ s! A ashab kehf. A "Two-bond holders Approach > you DoTariq correct:servants >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what teach A servant"Shaheed"s.servant marked havethe sky, the one.of is servants, we have to does him a knowledge of " also atoofknowledge? Passwordour the main login password! this mean? our a a

Is As a servant(Khanif) as twicesecond FAITH TWO-TIME SERVANTour servants found. (Kahf secret servant of our servants, they,>>>>>>>> big / 65) door. Our servant is not, a se islam of as as paradise salaam > Then, servants!ourservant a mercy to him which and we teach science rvant ofweAadd to itof our servants,by us, was passed inaverse? we had found a Yes Cave, a servant and 65) of our servants. (Kahf /one of our servants have received mercy >>>>>> + science servant adopted means. When you receive mercy and knowledge together, you'll be servants has the servants in the ranks. Mercy, and supplication to Allah, you are asked. Scie of not will ncesbe asked! Sciences "Lord scientific zdni" he go and it is taken from the floo "Lord, make r! No one me scholar, he can not" "My Lord, increase my knowledge" Can you say ! servant of our servants>>>> from Shaheed chain, the chain is a servant. To be A our servants, a servant of INTENT please. Now please, please, this intention. Ask mercy right Ask mercy. Mercy, God will provide. You will receive knowledge, Allah, to submit now! Allah password kill two times, two times get resurrected" two times you get martyred. , the "tohas reported: Lord zdni knowledge! Now repeat it. universe, makes you get Khanif. (Other than the religion of the property, and Ab Two authorities would be the neighbors. I have written for that.) Allah "to kill two raham times get resurrected" two times you get martyred. Two times "a servant of serva times, two Which is also nts" to be. pure pure servant, your servant is. You like Khidr, Khidr is to fi Yahya, and nd. Findingthen find Khidr, servants are among you ... This should not be taken comparison .. Just at the right place at the right time in order to be let alone as a >experiencing your a Here is where found order Go so that our Ask for mercy science.servant available. servants, we the miracle offrom Allah. areto Allah and be KNOWLEDGE.gave him a mercy from our There, they blessingawe had taught knowledge. (Kahf, 65)>> Khidr mentioned in the verse, but times, "They found a name goes on. servant of our servants" What is the meaning of this? Otherwise, i his Edip Y ksel's t servants, talking about, as an ANGEL? And also believe in angels, Khidr not be lieve, I

Of martyrdom (ie, of the Then SECRET, of course Khidr in verses in think the contradictions.harm) you should not believe in angels ... sura al-Kahf Now is killing a isthe damage cradle,HIZIR is. That formats: 3. Joshua's butterfly'snever haveis.including theDATE 2. Shipsthe wall itachildcruelflap, confiscated...killer of 1. Khidr, drill strengthening,king as youharmintervention: many people, was a Harmlet'srobust,ship,tyrant, thepredatorydoes harm. THIS was, was like this. g ... pretend a calledthis awingsMoses, in heard said 3. Musa disbelieving. small children find a great legacy sake, himFather, twoDATE THIS was was murders, and HISTORY! out of the way the wal death, committed numerousSUCH ESSENTIALhis familywas buried underand was were very small, walls thoroughly collapsed. Anderson emerged from the burial, a l. Children In fact, Or let's her people history was was this, we call everyone living this as nd the ofsay: villagelike looted, orphans died. Was thatmostlywas the date. fl average Hole "Tookwaswas CHANGEplace in casewhen we have Historywas thethe thedirection. A found transferred and did intermediate/junctionalso,while kingside isit defective,to the" B probability. ow / vectorthe dateother,the thethis probability of this REALIZED;not confiscate opened to ship, Of course, we know a couple of photos of the polarization been surprised. Drivin (B) surprise g one of at it's normal, what happens to the other that surprised In this case, do example, fornot put in front of a mirror will reflect the state is reflected back as a gh One of To had a mirror?the two behavior Antimatter another let's destroy each ostexplain thisparticles of the two photons,matter,go back to. other are a pai converted gamma fotonuna. Each other in the opposite direction while two-way, we r of one polarizator, where the phase (45 degree angle) comes in the form. We put a m put and this irror, is reflected in the mirror with an angle equal to the angle of incidenc right! e. So far, all

The other one did not polarize, did not put the mirror, how very good it has don symmetrical movement? Moreover, not a causal! That looked to the other one, it w e this imitated, as later he can not say. Without the post-ranking of priorities at the same tim They this doing they movement. Synchronize! e areare already moving at the speed of light. Opposite directions and each othe push for r as theyparallel action, the FAST LIGHT act, and with each other when (date) in Already going fastrequired. light, the TIME ARROW, reverse. Let's think like thi communications is from the photon s: Two-regardless of the distance between what the movie is reversed, they go to lightpast angle, and the first to point out they give INFORMATION. Moving forwa the cone It envisages the first person, Rothskilde ZigZag. Later, Nathan Rosen and Podols time rd inagain, the parallel behavior are made. Einstein ky, and also joined this opinion to be planted in front of the Bohr was admitte view. It d to thishung on for a long time as a fantasy. But one day with us Sommers, goin than light, virtual quants (Bilaniuk, these 'Tachyon' going to say later.) Not f g faster from ZickZack rom ZigZag, that John Wheeler, Misal world we call "Super Space = top aerospac super-space) was found . Our people when it turned over, quantum foam, and that e / Thus, quantum of parallel between process, was "Tunnel" called, and the speed of ligh the each the tissue tunnelthe behavior, put forward. tndependent of the zero and / or universe wide as long, with a structure, each p i each other arallel to quantum-information transfer through direct access were back. Wheeler our Sarfatti Candas, super space on, hyper-space was found. At this point, I gre 'in then Our Different recommend dimensions of legless, Ifrom my other I was, the consciousness, as there was HOLOGRAM. We w upuniverse and the Aiberg space. real us in our outside, everything was. were not real. We were temporary, fleeting tardyons. The real thing, never evergreen Tachyon, Tachyons.that dreams, So Hologram, Hulya, Halo space, etc.. God, us "by DREAM SH are OW" living, as we had convinced substances. Kalu Bela-screen reality in our real We we had forgotten in a field, and that Super spaceour promise. we were hanging grapes. Each of them had a bun itycalledis. numerous universe. Countless / endless possibilities ... Moreover, our Lord, loo ch of every chance ks forward was created. Without any possibility to return "was on continuous c So light reation" was completed, and remained in the dark has not revealed any case would Remember me to him, my mind was none other than the devil. says Joshua! Now thin stay. not kike a child in Joshua Hatay region, and give big secret: (Verse 49 of the expla l nation, as the

Joshua, touching the secret promise.) one handhow many times, has died-resurrected. Moses killed him when adults. Khid rilled when her baby. Musa not killed; Khidr would have killed that,-Joshua, wit k came out h Moses, and just happened! Just killing time in the Khidr's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The devil !!!!!!!! of Joshua, is in full turning point was the moment. As adult-child and Joshua, three life, there is. (Two are killed in, one will survive) in the three young the same devil (everyone has a unique evil, including-The Messenger of Allah) Or life, you used Let three wrote: KHIDR Moussa met with, belief? separate devil? Where we have come to thisthey also went back 17 years! So Joshu do me clue this a wasage, and therefore would have not born yet. Was not yet born. Satan did not Evren system remove? fate, elongation of have! Did you(changingDo you have any idea?life, etc..) A and B are two possibil even other of (to If one Both inlisten to the devil, and case, bad the better (more listening tothe angels, behaved child) ities.TWO SEPARATE devil, are connected.thechild's parents will be removed from A possibility the religion) is an island; B likely occurred in parallel systems, and we can no Schr him. t seedinger cat who live here (or well-child) to have, in Beyond the dead. (Bad) S A possibility is a BAD Joshua, was to kill Moses, Moses, and killed him shove. T happened? o what CHANGED. Joshua was the same age. But the the killer, with LOCATION HAS Moses like his isandSo whether blocking of Moses to bechances of A and Bthe probability of Where probability, were CIRCUIT. B, B commissioning point? Was polarized photons are being confused point. So Kh and idr,unborn child to be murdered Moses in the future to grow and surprise at the Verse switching to job shadowing. That poor man is killed while Instead point,says: "Mother and father had received the blessing" smaller.we wanted to g good ive ason better. This is the probability of B >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, engage discourse, and the secrets! But this time, the son of the best, = good Joshua, m That child, the setting GOOD at ADULTS. ust be (Insteadchild wasmethod) the side of Moses. He was the assistant of Mos the moment es. But at they met with Khidr ... Went back in time 17 years, and was NEVER BOR Khidr, in A and B were replacements of as currently-WILL BE POSSIBLE Not. Thus,fact, going back in time, suchthe not the unborn child, A probability n for the child,

Where were the of likely Simple! When you leave Joshua Khidr, killed, insteadgoodBJoshua? get Joshua's coming. SoMusa andGOOD! run-time when re-forward, quickly, instead of BAD Joshua, Joshua GOOD landed. Thus, instead of Khidr's bad comrade Joshua (Pardon Moses), time as a result of aberrations, whic comrades, and now its not mentioned, Joshua was placed. Thus, mother and father' h GOOD was accepted. Moses as a friend so that the future path of evil was not Joshua's s wish Thus, in case the A Khidr killed Joshua. (Schr dinger cats that have to be dead, t killer. cats are alive.) And thus also did not kill-dead. Bad Joshua, also did not. Whic he other B devil: His h was sillymind was confused. (He could not collect his mind.) That the devil ha There, in secret was out HERE. s FORGET the future, SEA would be split, and the nation of Moses, then they wou But more ld, Moses and Joshua did not know. Course Khidr knew. Because it means arrival of the master of time, space is to walk. That space, walking towards you the look if you . Butat it from below, removing a strange situation: the rocks walks. (The same walks aircraft ship in Bermuda Triangle. Topic Electromagnetism) (I think the sm logic also 1. this How matter(Trial Balance Balance) in the field, two display.) of Normalcauses paranormalliklere electromagnetic field? What is of mechanism? allthe rock to walk, loss=of huge freighters, a largercomponents theelectromagne ie force, ticelectric field and magnetic field, both in the horizontal plane, is contiguou 2. If cohesive. s and the electric field, high power if you give, you can keep horizontal. But a So two areas electricity equal and vertical each other. Magnetic field, electric field on the s you provideare orthogonal to (dipole) consists of a MAGNETIC field. (Sultan power Z-axis perpendicular to, h height) to be orthogonal. The waves are contrary, UP horizontal electric field (which is the twin of each other) and the steep waves, That other node,is a page to,abut at thenot tilt, the abdomen, are the most distant. each adjacent of book, do point of vertical hold ... Two areas are identical Khidr of rocks and rock already, be split marks instead of clearly polariz Pores eachbe affected. That wouldthissomething elsethe sea hasdipole>>>given. but perpendicular to each other were LEAVING. Herethe versehas been split. with not other plane, ation 45 degree angle. Orthogonal de Rahmani, but became absorbed in the field polarized at 45 degrees, "SATAN" There are planes. (Such as Satan has forgotten is secrets before it had opened.) Polarized in the plane, you know, one of two thin me surprised. gs if you Particles are surprised you did not, are forced to do the same motion time, first . Satan's forward then backward in oscillating flows. Inevitably, this area al so, Joshua has

been lost. And that panic, instead of 45 degrees, 90 right angle when the (Rahma Thus 3. Other 2. This is wrong, confiscatory, rights onethuggery and kills. 1. Joshua,visible. aandorphans ontag ground. are eliminated. But there Khidractualwould benotcruel wrongMoses parents is removed from the kills.must ni is)was50'de% iftheofmore ruler,thanof Moses,arewrong, kid, Khidr road, shipsb cruelty, called the when it So Joshua! e aJoshua, no one, have died. Will provide excellent how? 3. Third is 50%, of Mo How to 4. andpay? When of creating, them as takes. Then: Khidr, the both the debt, Khidr meet, time, reverse runs. 17 year old Joshua, g sesJoshua, killerMoses andpays each onecomrades. back oing 17 years, both of Khidr Moses both, should prevent his death. (Blessing of parents) who died in the killing In the absence, 0 blood group consists of the u the blood group, niverse. 0 but also with AB, has the look. (One virtual and one real) Technica are the two lly,the same. (Poles are) already in Verse, Joshua's "Young comrades," "Devil's memonic note a memory), etc.. AB universe, such as the status of the compound at the sa are living. (Views on the back to>>>> of the time, periodic and oscillationic, t me time, Let us explain the status of the backward work>>> cpt symmetry) AB as follows: BOTH will be also. (Hidden varia he forwardno matter bles) But what happens, the energy entering and leaving>>>> total>>> ZERO (blood Well But as,will (Zerothere group, not Thensomething>> Was killeddeath, etc., No one,Joshua,ONEbethat the Joshua,will be.the killer will not Khidr, namelybloodNOnotABTHING!is.)killer?be etc.this boy, were killed? Yes, all of th group) Will Moses, Joshua's accordance in em are, butwith the principle of energy conservation was a total zero. No deaths Good but the no cruel Joshua, none in them! Yes, the AB says. , no kills, Qur'an says the boat, etc.., Etc. BUT not as blood group 0! I kno have w youthese things, but you can feel. Already these verses did not exist, my job I know one difficult. of us: They killed him of universe, but the B killed in the was very Least with this examplein aour God, something I would tell. univers e. Allah

wished. A and B, the dead and alive. (One of the Schr dinger cat, A universe, the Deceased is in B universe, variables through the payment of compensation required, suc other,thecat, hiddenwe know.) Location of the two cats, replaced, WHAT HAPPENS? photon h as polarized been surprised the other goes to the universe, and instead of t But that person, C is called a that person is not here here, he said, comes one of us,luxury, not more. Sodead. killed SECOND TIME, C, he funeral called a D is not blood group, based dies or becomes ADLER. In short, the Schr dinger cat, That are cat 4. 3. 0 consists 2. Both dead of four 1. Living to cat ... According available. (AB) = lives(zero), and aliveJoshuacatSchradinger cat. twoDead cat the quantum uncertainty principle 'Shr dinger' are read as. Complex, 1st I feel the Lord for cruel ruler. knowTRIANGLE>>>> Joshua, a your next ...Joshua's so cruel that this channel in t but you 2nd TRIANGLE>>>> To prevent the is cruel enough to kill Moses. solution to kill Joshua Moses: Moses kill Joshua he universe .th TRIANGLE>>>> No one MIB get engaged. What a cruel king as Joshua, not killin 3 5th 4th TRIANGLE>>>> MIB was the killer, BUT should not child. goses, and / or Moses(Khidr) not to kill Joshua as abe (Only Zero-N MIBs may be M not killing him. killer, anti-side ones, is zulkarneyn instead of MIB.) So according to verse. "W the Zulkarneyn, e said," O you wish they would punish (kill), you wish you kindly act "(the MIB not the killer) every ZULKARNEYN, chose the path to goodness. Zulkarneyn of bein , but are first g the condition, and the only condition, is not to be a killer. (Peaceful people Deceased ??????) TRIANGLE.child how to achieve? As theakillerKhidrwas at the B universe, and at the start (of Solution is of , howZULKARN (ZulkarnEYN not) HIZIR should0not be the killer.the blessing 6ththe would the AB pole, hidden variables are swapped. A and B Joshua (good and bad, Joshua) parents) to replaced, the replacement was the child gets killed. Khidr, Moses and Joshua, th was them did ree of not become murderers. (I know, very difficult, but I'll talk about it I YOU to knowwould how notopen.): (( CONFIDENCE! do FEEL, I

"These Do you are worlds? PERSECUTIONthe verses I Allah Worlds?understand whatof mean? for you. Us as we read them to you. Allah does no These the persecution of the of God. Rights (the right to cross) as we read. (True: A, B, t wantare evidence Worlds. " RIGHTS??? AB and 0) The fate of the Levhi Mahfouz, the last chance the world of the stylis Imagine that Levhi Mahfouz, CEHR. (fatal) had a destiny, nothing changed. Moses h. be killer, and would remain so for ever. Joshua, the Fire would be a tyrant, he would Cehriyyecilik (fatalism). All are discussed in Islam or, fatalism, CEHRI opinion that stay wouldway. Khidr is still infanticide, he would stay that way. brings the last s, etc.. That of the Islamic Orthodoxy. Cehriyeciler say: "Wind works, leaves A not move." docase according to the leaves do not move. But instead of leaves as the probabi WIND move (blow). In the EU case, the leaves move, but not wind. In the 0 case, lity of B>>> wind is as the normal, and leaves are also moved. Right in these four, one is entitled 0 AB in right. Khidr B Blood A Moses is intwoall Do you bankrupt. Let's theworld, Moses killer. is Khidr, -(Two separate 2. thecombine opiniontogether (again, nor Moses AB 1.(zero) groupsthe parallel (Joshua's0death.)B -are mixtures what Joshua Examples andWORLD;examples: worlds>>>killing- I-had-repeat; Means thatworld,arerealm of what complex.IfAsoJoshua.)murderers, because.) was toIn the ofanJoshua>>>fatalismhave a killer-dead like ... In the realm of BEST. they all are thethe AB, Joshua is a monster. Parents will be removed from religi killed, ruler of on, cruela bandit, will be ... So-Hesa-Our Lord, fatalism had imposed, once we n That situations Borges, "The Garden Paths bifurcation" to hell. oepentance, acceptance, and necessarily so, we would gohe says. Quantum's people r "Schr , the dinger's cat paradox" they say.

Now, "does not want to persecute the world of" let's tackle the>>> "These are ve Allah for rses of you. Us as we read them to you. Allah does not want the persecution of FOUR TRUTH Worlds. " of God, but one of them (last one) is right, others will be canceled. the Why I have to say killer, paradox: The same paper, how many times you can burn and Khidr not be ato the ABthat the AB Paradox.) (Moses ?oshua's how many times you can kill? So that killed the second person can not b J Simple: killer. The first man in history to kill and you will e the So how to solve this super-space status is? go to prevent and that per before the son died killer require. So you'll be killer. Are we clear here? But still the murderer! How re is a doubleyou will save more than two killer? (In fact, Joshua gives clue: " > Maktnotto live, unborn. revived ofwewent" thegood. (s) Contrary Fishalllandyou thehe said;) avoid. to opinions Buckthorn, four are selec Did were of eliminate.the Can Instead Joshua kill tellingkiller putting from this last ted directly one, and that rights (over the real truth) is. This is written to MAHFOUZ, and this one is DESTINY. So Joshua's GOOD and right, in the middle doub LEVHI Change of fate is a fate, or even to change out everyone! murderer, he does not. Spoon of milk flowingit, is a fate. That is: The last sel le Joshua's mother to correct, is actually DESTINY. ected, the rightand father, if it had not been auspicious for prayers, which wou the Throne ld shake and Levh'i ... And in Khidr, as Levh officer, saw this, A (Moses kill Frequently B (Khidr, previously, had that Joshua), AB (Chaos), (No the two ties wars. ed Joshua),in the Qur'ankilledthis principle will be0aboutone was killed) ... So and B, between a "probability vectors" and the conquering come TRUE (zero probab chances of A Ties to ility). members of these two "Two-time" it said. In the language of the future>> 2-door, means. That the Zulkarneyns DOUBLE and Boaz), has been > 2 DOORfor alsoZionist JB (joackin (good and bad ties).identified as two column and Boas, etc. He is being written.) WEMB that for the anti-, Two-Doors are know s. (Jaeckin called Tudor, stored name. So Zulkarneyn's, a kind of future cycles, and / or mo n, and he That is the name! ved pastFOUR (blood-group, etc.) are possible worlds in the universe, past all t he Tudors,

with other JB's, consists of the struggle. Not been to intervene in world histor history y, worldand future would live a well-known. But JB PRIOR comes to intervene in h These people, had written HISTORY. So hands of children. There is One, however, likehas no legacy Now let's Section one that the winner modelthethat SIMPLE. history 11 changing.followingof insea battle lock SHIP .. was istory, isenter theOsama to killainnocentadoing subcontracting.over. History was HISTORY with was, everything This is somebody whowas over. But "in THE REPLACEMENT OFback, forward, and was. written, everything organized one, so KHIDR, took time DESTINY, DESTINY" somet has hingchanged ... O Osama-looking person, more as a child, so innocent when killed l. History lessons were the future that the child will be killed by those who su .hus, many has changed, given. T 2. Child killed twin buildings, in aircraft with his new rvived. If the thethe cradledid not crash.child of God, is the SAME CHILD. That Nearly 30 months after the new has come. He also new, is the same as the child w but still not dead. one died, But Mom and as killed. Dad want their son better, prayers have been changed. With the power prayer, history was also changed. Prayer is an excuse, but LOCKS. Without prayer of and Dad, this would be a cruel king in the hands of the sons, would come from re , Mom the parents. That boy did a good job. The first one is the son" was given own, HISTORY ligion. was CHANGED. Same child "DELAY" and "very good as aopposite of its to Affect the AND GOOD, future ... VERYbetter AFFAIRSof the past, Or A KICKBACK mechanism for the future to the pas Albeit very troblems? rarely, HISTORY may change. Is corrupted by. When children are kille p d in a

cruel ruler cradle. Instead of going tyrant that is the option of B is Joshua. J kills Moses oshua,later. But Khidr, while Joshua's baby killing, or Moses by Joshua, does no And this time, kills, instead Joshua is born. When Moses killed nor Khidr killed. It is just a t die. Khidr .. HIDDEN VARIABLE which is Joshua's good. Nobody kill anybody. Killing each other bad anybody. Date such changes. I told him. Vendor to understand, salaam and salaam. or Joshua is the result of a prayer. Joshua's two people, was the killer. Not kille That story You now to understand from I Joshua > Khidr wethe living the real Qur'an. told the universe. will understand? Moses, did not first, or has changed, d,Sohave andarebecometime sotheobviouslydid not die. how weThe first time in hu how much of man history,the Moses-Joshua and Khidr triangle is PRIVATE told. In fact, I gave This is details.the mentality of the Qur'an. Such as science fiction, but it is not. Nor the Therefore killers, did kill them, supernormal. Beyond For one difference .. That boy (Joshua) "I kill cradle? Khidr, kill Musa did notaalreadyin notsomeone? in is Qur'an. Everythingnot die," he not kill Joshua, is. normal ... malthe nothingchilddid theparanormal /says. instead of . Bad, evilJoshua, parents, Moses and Khidr's, received a blessing of Joshua, on world's e of thebest young are emerging. Allah accepts the prayer of Joshua's parents ar killed the e. Moses wrong man Joshua is not evil. On the contrary, "Way mate" is the Prop Khidr also het aide. know all that, and angry to Moses. "Your head will not push them. I t you will detect chaotic. Moussa, silence and follow me!" tells Moses to rebuke. ell what I, not the scholars, he did not know, but now we know. We also know that Moses did Moses was THE know. not FUTURE, it can affect the past. The opposite NORMAL. Past formats future. Bu So far normal-over, the about them. formatting, written in the method. t the we talked future, pastThey have allor modification,Qur'an and the most th Now we know that is strange to told normal. Even prosaic is coming! We who qual written. oroughly Your captain so I justus as these details. course, ify, of the paranormal, the universe within the universe. Allah, our Universe ar e normally

hidden, but the paranormal shows. He is both zahir and abdomen. Zahir (open) and abdominal (secret, hidden) If we paranormal, he would ZAH.R! Normally you should wait! Allah will never be shown to us in our lives. But we know that it is alway not sanifested as abdominal ... And ALLAH is particularly helpful to us! So that we m 40s council, is not a dogs, council. hierarchy / three hundred, saw the almost protection andsingle and wouldAalso changeof changes you. are the firs According t forty. to popular belief, there are immortal messenger: Idris (a noble chair removed from death) Jesus (Back is said to be), and Yahya or treaty of the envoy was non-prophet: Zulkarneyn + s, Lokman, Khidr, Uzeyir (Ezra). Zulkarneyn's task, fo . Then, rxample, will be in FUTURE Yec c Mec c signs such as breast, such as will, or the Da e as Zulkarneyns var. Khidr is the Pact's Ambassadors. All messengers were taken f bbet treaty, rom the and the witnesses are shown as KHIDR. Yahya directly by Allah "HAYY" nam a derivative of it. ( "Yah (a) or") does is immortalized. They are careful Third e was and so sevens, s, thenon. he collected in a row, the FORTIES constitute ... And it also has a c (313 Mursel). ontinuation As Jesus has many tasks. These future things. So when I say Fortie sssembly, of the Resurrection will take place in all of the signs of age, includ A Changing FUTURE, the authority located within a Khidr is in! so. ing THE "Continuum" areof the past, only time. I thinkIn sura al-Kahf, Hizir PAS the ship, killing a child, to repair a wall, has the authority to change FUTURE. T a hole in Let's sayknown Khidr, the person Khidr? That of be history changing, have ONE "What is says: is thatnot affecting the futuremustAMA an angel." A friend that the name ! What iswe put the pirates, it is the angels, not possible, because God always "ANGEL" angels he registered the reports. For example, Harut and Marut in Babylon to th angels e two who makes sure that (Bakara 102). Lut to the wrath of people going to the angels, the Koran describes . (Abraham sees them). Every soul will taste death. three that keep Allahlife is LONG as relativistic. Adam and Noah, lived on a century. 309 years Said 33: Mary,that:"Hail the and the day lived born day died. By the will die day, alive / will alive day". as acave inwas kehf Ahl.I was born, Iway, but landedand remove thebe in "O our L TIME killed us; have raised TWO TIME" This is the verse. SPECIFICALLY raised two ord TWO times of "reboot" is referenced, such as those. ... I mean like some Z lkarneyn's TWO times before in this world can be born. Was born in the Future, a time of pa apocalyptic when it comes to PAST time for rewind, smaller, baby gets and is embrio, SECOND ssengers, is born again, and normally take the life and dies. at-Tariq, this is, and in th TIME "BEFORE rise, e Hereafter so the two times of birth, the Qur'an is followed exactly paranorm know. al, weJesus is the time passengers . For example, to go to get into heaven one d day to one ay, andreturn the ride in one day (divine calendar) is the second coming of Jesu s is like the

Moses killed man. very cruel man. birth SECOND.aTalkedAto them before. This man was very bad. He had ruined his m and father. No more of everything, he would confiscate the ship. He wanted every other gold. one toPeople were forced to sink to the bottom wall. This is very bad people kno Moses name: killed him. HISTORY was ... w the Joshua's called a tyrantwriting it. YES YES! when you say, "above", someth has ing changed. That child growth, Hzr arrived, killed him in the cradle. Moses was s from aved being the killer! Khidr was the killer, but this time! Then, Allah is delay Same BIRTH this time was human being was born perfectly incredible. Was cruel years two ed byJoshua,SAME Joshuaas a ordered. Do Delayed > - input-output 1(Yes) I/O input by Yestell.innocentshift>>> Joshua's you find this number? Which NovetheYes and two years - / did Noyes, old, but should be verses? NowOutput(Phaseno(No) or NOhowYES.17 yearsfor that I'm using. 19) (17 years, goi 0 time when ng back inthe >>>>> OWN killing of Moses came live>>>> 17x2 = 34) Musa>>>> the s age ame had died (34 years old ) (Pardon 19x2 = 38 years old) was 17 years old Joshu And a Khidr ... Moses years has they meet with Khidr) Joshuahistory(whenCHANGED. Now history does not change, WHAT HAPPENS? Let's test was 51... a, Moses it. So let's remember. Alias ADLER, was in charge of Germany in 1943. (History S Japanese, to you would CHANGE) SIGN-would-ifhit the east of Russia, and to point to progress ta Ural, opportuni UCH intentionally, landed in England. And captured. Sun kingdom was destroyed. Writt ties before and I said, FIRST ATOM bombs, by giving prior notice, and to DESERT (Neva en the specified time, ensure a discharge after the V4 (Saturn) to the rocket (inte da) in ballistic shells) by installing the headers, to America with those two GRENADE t rcontinental Had only experienced. error hascondition: get rid of Zionism, and also all English speakers (USA, CANA Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Great Britain-Ireland, etc..) UNITE. And t DA, his was

De Slavic(Indo-Iranian Aryan union Turan unityEnglish speakers, etc.. speakers. China Africa: TWOfacto, Self-determination, those Combine that STATES in the THE SAME 2. Bantu(Arab 1. Samiunity, etc..of So iscome:AGAIN,All) Central and South America was self-rule (Tracks, had a hugeSTATE SPANISHhad four! THING>>>> ThenUnion)union) accepted.(NegroallSPEAKING ofSpanishunits ... TWOgetalso ADOPTEDAmericasdominate combine, rather d instead) to than divide ... Master, instead of slavery. To share the EQUAL W BLESSING. Yet been poor, yet was very rich and everyone is RICH BUT EQUAL, socia ORLD The name extremely vehicle, 0n (Zero-n), respectively. Him, with a HYBRID cre grandchildren, nothigh, 12 SPEED VEHICLES, they in BUT THIS of thewho SNAG LIGHTstates 350 years laterDO. process. lights isHISTORYfirstwrite, because coordinated justice1943, the generation of r "sent to atures, the past" and then turned and looked at the HISTORY... Yes! 51st distri the Hybrid And ct ... ....operation or autopsy is. This means that at least GO to HISTORY and i we could different from the AS THE NUMBER OF CHANGED. This was very objectionab past n thewerewrite. So news in the newspaper, had NEWSPAPERS KNOW such a thing So Khidr-Moses-Joshua's case, HYBRED, where she was doing had changed. le.that should not BE, was:has REALIZED, and the historythere? A tool called the what business is it? If you do not send from the future, there was not any work! UFO, This instrument (n series) definitely should have a safe move historical AFFECTING You have. This was very objectionable. to the region. Wit Send, and time tunnel, h a space- the capital of the world (Space city) with Walhalla, in antipod, Sh There (Allahlaw) instruments route between the very short to wait. Thus, 1n (one-n/W e'ra were had a directthat made the decision whethertime. is being an-en) manufactured in the world renowned and respected as an equal in Israel Khidr, Joshua's crib in the killing of models .. Alias output. manufactured. After team When it comes state, the same ZERON had secretly cooperation Sami), aD-Datefrom within theto travel PASTAdler disappear. Instead, (in Alois Hiedler

(Adolf Hitler's father) was placed. History is now writing to you just now as I So in not. write and a sense, KHIDR had killed the child, and now history "that boy, a big man became tyrant. Ships hole opened up. Gold was collected. Countless men killed. M and dad even om and released from the road" wrote. Now that boy, did not. Now the Alias Adl Alois Hiedler, there was. psychic (telepathy), BAD. not. This er, did time the historyAwas changed in meaningrespectively. Already that Jews (Braunau am inn) in Austria was a famous Jewish settlement. The village telepath village H.EDLER y, ALOISrespectively. As the son of Adolf Hitler emerged. Then father Alois "per When such to back sternway date, on the other hand telepathy: future and Allahlaw / Sh iodthe" back. Instead, someone else came asagain in theWolf Messing! already e 'ra ready immediately after the Zeon-N, the one called TARIK (Dhurakhalapam) >(1n, TimeBulancecomes Tariq name 2247.)from there: Taym plus ????? from the future by zero N, right? T arrived in2nd world war has been transferred (Rq>>> Ambulance mean) ?????? O time; Not time traveler TTTttt Trip Time Time + machine>>> last one written on the previous ones were blocked. Will progress the TiMachine, ambulance.Teamtraffic TTTttt ime extended, to that point: and guards TTT team immediately set out. Before tha Germans were: t, wrotein Moscow freezes. Everywhere, are killed. Germans and Austrians in the 2. Other: (Goyim's) to the other, Germany, northern Europe, 1. Themselves: So the states The winners are and the U.S. Central two: bombs atomicof mass destruction is.of Western Europedivided the world intoEuropean, Ea they OTHER name Asia (including Turkey) is entered. Europe, consumed. (Bread, food, burger, market, etc..) sternareallof this regime, COMMUNISM. Produce, for the FIRST master. Moreover,

Here TIMEBULANCE, did not write this history. TOGETHER was bold. When Adler's, n Hiedler's history, both of which could not be written. By history, what? There a or then! So when re reading, you go to the library, as the book HISTORY, READ WHAT you are, thi I've written two dates ????? They NO / YES! Moses would be killer ... the killer s .... But what They did does it say? Musa, Hzr ...the Qur'annot have already! man (Joshua) killed! Musa killer .... Mos would be man good, but es killed a more as a child, Khidr killed ... Then not Moses; Hzr killer! Then, comes Joshuato both: "I did not kill anyone" I said ... I am alive But the Koran, they and does kill, says. This contradiction? ALLAH tells a lie far from you? "Is it both killed, Here and result of of that in LEVHI to us this and he two Allah'mzn his message following has giveneight. message, we back in such you?"are akillvariantstwo?this growing up MAHFOUZ, prayer can change with,time deadBwas,divided intothe isOr Allahreasons. Zualkarneyn also came will accept? fas A following, REASON comes back reasons ... Just as our grandfather Khidr, Moses-Joshua rom the. such asfrom RESULTS.(Do not ask why, and scolding at: things you don > know why, Said: "Look, if you harmonize Action-me, I bet you turn from him until the 't70 I change the results, why go back and change the "he said. Remember that?) Cave sure nothing is "REASON ask me questions!" mention about, do notGames" is based on. Ahl Kehf' also had reasons, please keep mind. But their reasons, they go to the NEXT TIME, Khidr and Zulkarneyn's not li in This ke both time-to-BACK to go, and because of the results between the directio A and is arrow,B, reversed. n of the where you change the Alias ADLER replaced Alois Hiedler. Adler Kehf rem in three centuries. And the shock exit (thanks Khdir grandfather) survived, he ( ained adapted), and in particular we write and what we just read, he WEMB order, NEWS it was and (youus 114 +104) when it takes, read this line when Jana INFORMATION from us thr Overrite he was transaction, KHANIF Muslim! There and no ough, MUSLIM. Also, athe history is changedit is! person except WITH THE chang will e, itnot be aware of. What Alias Adler's history, the HISTORY was not, what Aloi siedler's history, this was not HISTORY. That history is the history that you ha H not even! Uygur ve read. It is lost legion, OVERWRITE before, was not in ANY PLACE! (Adler's WE vari, and Hiedler's all back to the communist block nations as "no dates have no MB But when OVERWRITE Uygur union" as if he always had on the Web, we also noticed, t read, etc.) was written. And WEMB's Webb, in your WEB, overread was. I say clearly, was not as Also ACEH.had no Muslimalezia! Suddenly appeared. I wonder if we were not aware?

When we read ship history Is is ship,one Moses's on which to Joshua Youthe the Old ofuntapped?do wall the site, LIVING Do? Drilledcollapsing"But Whatkilled Joshua,walls? history ofrepaired? an Khidr, he might from Or ?????????????Well? theOryoung comradeOVERWRITE older" youemergessay. the oth After (Tariq) "I Borgeshe died, RESULTS get Sectionsays: not tell? I swear know one to be recreated. Not history! Whichcouldis right reflexive, after is Resurrection. LIFE a THE UNIV erdo not12 into heaven ...????????? Human,the able to be creatingIN more" Moses had "RETURN gone back in time. Khidr BORN AGAIN, ... BACK to sky??? with ... Go TIME" ERSE to BACKReturn of thethe outgoing, rhetoricback, he met the man killed. He d die. Allah wills, or will forgive our faults (Forgiving, Afivv Tevvab) He also a id not All Mosesasthe the sks,ofstory, as TIMEISMET (innocence) and PRIVILEGE, that comes here. Moses kill in prophets RETORIAL, he does not WORK NO CRIME. man, the ed the killer, but ... Moses went back with Khidr. Moses to kill those people, This KHIDR God's name itself is a SETAR. COVERS user in did not need wiper killed ... Khidr killed, Moussa to kill his son-in-adultsthe sense, or ... mea the is our Messenger Khanif name, Allah in not in Husna, but is the the until 3:114, remained is good of 1400-odd 99 Esmaul... Until that manifestedQur'an ... ns.aThis name, notdidyearsknowthe universe,there inconcept LEAST KNOWN. The not it? Now we at this concept secret obvious to you. Now we KNOW ... Sufyanilik ... unknownhave this... Which is known in Sophianism wasKHANIFAGE. Understand. Is

This interesting to the has after completing their work, Minel established, thenquestion cameonly one answer, and said: "" the madness and > Mehdi-Jesus-Khidr trio,Resurrection, will cause corruption? scheme will beth Because e NAS " Jesus will kill the devil (Iblis). Demon's whole life will be ended, and OfDo end have >the legacy a ALWAYS be of deferment are extending the Godcourse, time,possibilitypostponed: "We so that one person will not even wish will... with PEOPLE BEING SATAN. So muchof the time again? life of what wesay you not , dosee?" verse needs, and to comply fully to this verse: "One nation, correct i But instead Allah and of the end = Resurrection brings new " tself,does not fix the nation" insteadmean, "PARADISE PERISHED the" future is. T 2600, > After 2600 years and even universe, that the job of the old world, will be finished. a hat isthe temperature of thepostponed wonder? date very close to the absolute co > Our ld. task, Hanif SCE's path to fall camp, and they showed up at the lock on the The Qur'an indicating the road to Tennessee. Qur'an lock. Do not even respect us target Price You supernormal, KHANIF = we areEXTRAORDINARY To see be is not even Koran tagHzr you is MUSLIM have tohim naked, you'll KHANIF. simpleis:NON-NORMALBOOKS is . Even=aNON-NORMALall servants of Allah. (Abdullah) normal. In a split-second thro will find. from Sebe ne, comes to Palestine. Is this normal? Khidr brings. Abraham to be Mutman, 4 de realize, ad birds our Lord. And 4 mountain, puts, he called the dead birds when they come normal? Moses said so, cut the flesh of a cow, is the touch of a dead, dead come . Is this Khidr is scholar, These areanormal? to rebuke. I'm not as good Hzr! The one that best, I can not r alive. could (I ebuke.not do nothing to rebuke.) Who am I going to scold at? Once this, our IMEC Khidr equality in our policies, inconsistent. Eyn) do not take anything from our enjoy E / (Mono-Karn) and we (Stereo-karn + I am a participant. ment.

We do not have now in our own souls. Including private life, all of autonomy hav already removed. (Other that only FEAR, it also took my could am not free anymore. e been ...) Butthan the fear of Allah, nothing Ihand. Inot touch my FREEDOM I They are Christians my to the Qur'an, the resign, given head Muslims, are Muslim can not getto becomeand not go. open! raids will flock. I swear by Allah that Wahhabi, mullahs, that-that, if the man made as if they interpret the Qur'an, th , taliban, Sciencesyouth, crazy FAITH man, wants world, would called theREADY or convinceKoran. We are seeing everything from the e westernhas besuchis Muslims. Would run.his name "Ya eyy helleziyne amenu, amenu Western TWO-TIME bsillah" FAITH, =, as mind west. So maybe they get Muslims to Islam is of ours, but they, and we'll get rid Thisthe YoursQur'an, 1000ladin being. Taliban Osamain human history, will be FIRST and ONLY. Not be unique. I believe of values spiritually, and the FUTURE, it believes. And this meal-related, Millennium has it You ordered, and expected. same time and the future. I know, beenare reading at the For this, these lines are printed.know you were, your bac I had written for, HISTORY affected, and at the same time have shuddered. Would read together at the same time !!!!!would read together. I k would Mehdi Resul read. People also are subject to him Jesus, reading. Two of the inst see, Is at the same (Maitrea = Hzr grandfather) henot with you, first of all at the third m ructors,jisyen time, they say open. After you, makes more. Milenium now been launched. We did not start. For example, Corresponding Khidr. these time, are read. Messages because the veins, changes HISTORY. same lines I am Lord the slave orders. I started it. until participants. I did not start. Me if The of the subject as hehave started Start???? President the Mars. I am not a leader. I did not start. I started on that, I sp leaders, will ALLAH launched. Not my fault! I am a servant of Allah simple. I could not overpa eak only ... feel God ss them began.

Millennium / Miladium for it was proclaimed. I have not declared, I did not fit, Milad started. I wrote every line (each line like hallucinations or something, not these. will give direction to the future) I guess I abnormal! is very Jules Verne, a pile of us do not write novels? Natilus, Moon Travel. T novels, "The future has not formatted?" The first submarine that was. Go to the hese Apollo Saturn rocket with a tool that removes that between Jules Verne is playin Moon the Khanif rockets also be "Paranormaliter" They have to be. a so the mine respo cm. Twoas g only 75 a philosophy, the same as each other. There suchNotthing as"God" ... follows: nds as "Don 't know anything behind no drop, it is responsible .... feet" or " Khanif too, paranormalite stressed. Qur'an radical opinion, are at Khidr Moses instead Sceptik upon this, "Internal ..." andcompletely you won t askOMNIJECTIF have to Now youare,questioningface things you avoid" he, had be. O opinion, mnijektifone does not hold objektivizm and subjektivizm, both of the two branche parent s of a tells the truth. That is our philosophy about the subjective friends (Spi Objektive (materialist) that we are not BOTH that we are more than one, should a rtualist) or We are dopt. Objektive: Because of the light slowly in our system, are heavier than ze Khidr says, "My Lord," Lord zdni scientific "increase slightly of zero. subjective because of the light speed in our system, wethe numberfromthose" so "My ro. But Thus, in a knowledge" he who tame to love people increase mySINGLE human, both wantsand replicate. of science, namely two of the Lord, both m, artists and the wise, the two of them, when the same people, and it sees fa In knowledge andtwo of the same subject, such SEE longer ll in love, is, is NOT BLIND TOas nothat. in love does not shut up, m ka.efesi because knowledge, is obliged to explain. Our God, each Hanif servants, and make ni, Come the day are May received Khidr's UP! That day in honor of the face, or St and knowledgeof 24competent. love That Friendship & Peace & (Valentine, helalle., peace PEACEdayPeaceFriendship .Hzrdayeveryone get etc.) get on. you, and you should not fight. The languag peace e of and peace, spiritually as they profess. Does not believe in peace in our h earts as our

Lathe, Khidr, Physician Bey, MABUD is no other than would have made a of bad hypocrisy. language remains, if weAllah.The MessengerveryAllah, the Mahdi, the Messiah, the we belong to our master Ibrahim. No, no! I just hope to God we worship. We like nation We Whichtoo. Buthaveworship only Allah. themweGod? seen him, and we have not portrayed in our realize, we will worship not Hans, and we fear. Allah,is KUR'AN imitator. Where the author is missing from the Qur'an! In fact, Qur'an and Hans are very good friends. Khidr, Levhi protected main book called, the know! the Koran and they are swagger, I hate myself. Somebody shoot I'm not bad deed Hans, (Off, how much I GOOD FRIENDS. Khidr is much we can not,me, and shut,you Talk...) the Qur'an, when you look to the Qur'an, it is not coincidence, it als for with remain unknown, because the CPT symmetry in and name, Dehr will help you. Ki with you anymore. Hours of knowledge, andTtimeparticular,you can find. Will not o will talk a light lled by pressure I know. I also know the name of. But he would kill me, than not "Dabbet l signs of Supply (the first major signs, velvet fist, but velvet ... enou know. > to kill 50 thousand children) should against our ghVerse 34/43 in evidence be known. distinctly read in open-say: "This man, wo ancestors rship of / worship who want to discourage you from someone they are not someone else." And I will say: "This is an edited lie / slander is not something from th right to The e other."deny those who have said it yourself when it comes to: "On other things This sign a magic!" is , this is notin KUR'AN never be COVERS. That should be exposed in a way. How tha tesus / Christ is COMING BACK, this is a sign of Jesus not to write history to t J would not. he Qur'an, My name should be written. Because here, no HANS. FIRST of 10 large s andhere's the name, Tudor does in the one, Edstr In ain other, Hanselvon Heiberg there is. So, HansmEibergnot important. My Joshua's name, in, no. igns,universe,my namevonAiberg not matter. name is alreadyfor it does not exceed So Hans never is any in the

In a universekiller at Joshua, isby Khidr. Joshua in auniverse, Mosesuniverse,Moses. and parents. Qur'an,wasaareJoshua, was killedKhidr's only friends were, never die and kill is we only in the and notMoses it? Me to = Hans Joshuainsert the verses, and tell you of what is Mutman. Khidr's, Joshua, Hans's not. names, yet , Azrael's ... But there are bodies and important, cosmic matters. My name shoul (In Allah's Answer Conclusion verses) Dabbet. ahead. d neverquestions, inThere are obvious and hidden (which Dabbet) are together. Me that aningthe Koran you will flounder. I wrote everything, only the Koran is from. If something from my soul, I certainly do indicate, and "not connected to my back" I say Evliya already tales character. This iscreating strongthose verses out of us and did not murder? We live slaught I'll say. brain channels clear contrast, CLEANING intestine to KHANIF islam is the only so er brain, Hans Try Von Harb, I AI HASNLA CONTACTMNEEDED SufyanNEWAIBERG I ISLAMICFword becauseBenot HAVING THEGod. constipation. lution.ibnRELIGION.amnot enough, constipation do. Osama Laden in 1000, with Abu entrusted to SAME

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