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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 265 733 FL 015 299 ‘AUTHOR Bennett, Patrick R.; And Others TITLE Gikuyu ni Kioigire: A First Course in Kikuyu. 1: Wirute Gikuyu. INSTITUTION Wisconsin Univ., Madison. African Studies Program. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC. PUB DATE 85 GRANT 008201052 NOTE 359R. 3 |For volumes 2 and 3 of this course, see FL 015 300-301. AVAILABLE FROM African Stud: Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1454 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Di Madison, WI 53706 ($10.00). PUB TYPE uid Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) =~ Guides ~ Classroom Use - Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MFO1/PC15 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Bantu Languages; *Conversational Language Courses; Course Descriptions; Educational OI Foreign ‘yorm Classes (Languages); *Gramuar; ucation; Introductory Courses; Language cy; Orthographic Symbols; *Pattern Drills (Language); *Phonology; Second Language Instruction; Uncommonly Taught Languages IDENTIFIERS Kenya; *Kikuyy ABSTRACT The first in a series of three volumes comprising a colle: vel course in Kikuyu, a Bantu language, this document contains the outline for a full-length course wi provide oral mastery of grammatical principles n than survival-level proficiency. The 20 units grammatical categor i introducing the topics to be covered in the unit, 5 to 10 taped drills with full instructions and an example, and a set of assignment exercises to provide additional practice in manipulating the structures covered. The cour: designed to be combined vith a shorter, companion course, "Aria-i na Aagikuyu" (volume 2 in this series). (MSE) @ objective is to ARRRRAKRERREEREEREREREREREREREREREERERRERERRRRRRRRERERERERER ER RER REE E EE « Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * 2 from the original document. + SARRRRRARAAERRERAHERRRREAARARER RARER AEERESER ARID EER ERRREREREE RRR EERIE nas si aye NR ih ii i nl Zea ie AN i = at im : .e. a a ee nae Mine ea ani ya r AF GIKOYO Ni |. KIOIGIRE : a first course ' in Kikuyu 1: Wirute = Gikiyi Susan Hershberg Joel Kamande Carolyn Perez Martha Swearingen Tilustrations by S.C. Bennett Published by The African Studies Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison im ‘PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS. MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 0 crane eames INFORMATION CENTER (EFIC)" A FIRST COURSE IN KIKUYU COMPILED BY: Patrick R. Bennett Ann Biersteker Waithira Gikonyo Susan Hershberg Joel Kanande Carolyn Perez Martha Swearingen WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY: S.C. Bennett k. Wagner W.P. Wagner Compilation of these materials was supported bj Department of Education Grant Nunber 6008201052 Published by ‘The African Studies Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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