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Acts Ch.

1 v1-2 Luke tells Theophilus that the former detailed essay, or treatise(being the gospel of Luke), was about the things which Jesus did and taught from the time of His public ministry until the time of his ascension into heaven(See Luke 24:50-51). The information in verse two lets me know that the Holy Ghost is able to give commands. V3. Luke, being a doctor and a Gentile, considered the works of Jesus as infallible proofs. He says that Jesus was around for forty days after His resurrection. Luke also notes that during this time, Jesus spoke to His apostles about His kingdom. V4. The apostles were given commandment by Jesus to tarry in Jerusalem until they obtained what the Father had promised them. When God gives us a promise, there may be a time in waiting for its fulfillment. Nevertheless, we are to wait for its fulfillment and believe that all things work together for good to those who love God(See Romans 8:28). The promise of the Holy Ghost was the promise of the Father(See Luke 24:49), for the Holy Ghost was to proceed from the Father(See John 15:26). V5- Jesus promised to baptize the apostles with the Holy Ghost not many days after His departure. Therefore, according to Jesus, ten days or less are not to be considered as many days. V6- After three and a half years, it seems as if the apostles still did not fully comprehend the mission of Christ and the nature of His kingdom. However, Jesus was still able to use them and help them to lay aside their preconceived ideas about His kingdom. V7- 8 The apostles were not to know the time or season of Jesus's second coming. However, the promise of the power of the Holy Ghost was given unto the apostles, and that promise is also for us. Luke 11:13 tells us that the Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. The Holy Spirit gives us power to be witnesses for Christ in this world. Without the Holy Spirit, our witness is ineffective. V9-11 After Jesus gives His apostles the promise of the Holy Spirit, He begins to ascend up into heaven. The apostles gaze upon Him as He is ascending, and maybe they are feeling lonely now. However, the angels assure the apostles that Jesus will indeed come back again in like manner as they had seen Him go. Therefore, Jesus' second coming will be seen literally(See Revelation 1:7) and will be heard audibly(See 1 Thessalonians 4:16). V12- With the assurance that Jesus is coming back again, the apostles took off for Jerusalem. Do we not have record in the Bible that Jesus will return again? That wonderful truth should motivate us to do something, shouldn't it? V13-14 The apostles were motivated to pray. We should pray in one accord just as these apostles did as part of the preparation needed to receive the latter rain. V15-20 Peter stands up and begins speaking of Judas Iscariot. Judas was part of the ministry, but ended up hanging himself. Thus, Peter proclaims the prophecy of King David in Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8 which seems to have foretold the fate of Judas.

V21-26 Peter decides to add a new member of the apostles to the group of the twelve. Before casting the lots, the apostles prayed for God's guidance. Before making major decisions, we should pray to God so that He may guide our decisions. -Summary: Jesus ascended up into heaven, and He has promised to come back and receive us unto Himself. He has also promised that He will not leave us comfortless(John14:18) The Holy Spirit is to come upon us to give us power to become witnesses for Christ. We are to witness to the whole world. We should have the assurance that Jesus will always be with us in the person of the Holy Spirit(See Matthew 28:20 and John 14:17). Before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes, we should come together in one accord and pray and have Bible study in fulfillment of the admonition of the verses below: Hebrews 10:24-25 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. We must exhort one another as the day is approaching, that we all may be in one accord. Let us motivate one another unto love and good works, and not unto wrath or slothfulness.

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