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Test Review

What is the name of the creatures who live above ground? (A) Eloi (B) Morlocks (C) Weena (D) Porcelains

(A) Eloi

Where is the time machine hidden?

(A) In the Morlocks' underworld (B) In the Palace of Green Porcelain (C) In the woods near the Palace of Green Porcelain (D) In the pedestal of the sphinx statue

(D) In the pedestal of the sphinx statue

What is (or was) the Palace of Green Porcelain? (A) Another Eloi habitation (B) A museum (C) A portal to the underworld (D) A Morlock stronghold

(B) A museum

In this novella, what is the fourth dimension? (A) Hope (B) The past (C) Space (D) Time

(D) Time

Which of the following brushes the Time Traveller with its antennae? (A) A giant crab (B) A huge white butterfly (C) An Eloi (D) A tentacled black thing

(A) A giant crab

As time passes, what happens to the sun? (A) It gets smaller (B) It stops moving (C) It becomes dimmer (D) It speeds up in its trajectory across the sky

(C) It becomes dimmer

Which of the following does the Time Traveller not retrieve from the museum? (A) Camphor (B) A lever (C) Sulphur (D) Matches

(C) Sulphur

Which of the following ecological disasters does the Time Traveller inflict on the future? (A) A forest fire (B) Interbreeding (C) The introduction of foreign diseases (D) Desertification

(A) A forest fire

What do the Morlocks fear most? (A) The time machine (B) The Time Traveller (C) The Eloi (D) Light

(D) Light

Why does the Time Traveller remove the levers from his machine? (A) To use them as weapons (B) To prevent anyone from using the machine (C) To turn off the machine (D) To prove he had made his journey

(B) To prevent anyone from using the machine

What does the Time Traveller bring back from the future? (A) Weena (B) A giant crab (C) Two Flowers (D) Camphor

(C) Two Flowers

The Eloi remind the Time Traveller of: (A) Fairies (B) Cavemen (C) Lawyers (D) Victims of tuberculosis

(D) Victims of tuberculosis

When the novella appeared, H.G. Wells was a(n): (A) Astronomer (B) Priest (C) Research assistant (D) Science teacher

(D) Science teacher

The Eloi language contains few: (A) Nouns (B) Verbs (C) Abstract terms (D) Words

(C) Abstract terms

Weena seems to love the Time Traveller. Why? (A) He is big and strong (B) He saved her life (C) He is not afraid of Morlocks (D) He is exotic

(B) He saved her life.

What is the narrator's position in relation to the Time Traveller? (A) The narrator is the Time Traveller (B) The narrator is Weena, and loves the Time Traveller (C) The narrator does not believe the Time Traveller (D) The narrator believes the Time Traveller

(D) The narrator believes the Time Traveller

What is the function of the underground machines? (A) They manufacture industrial goods for the Eloi (B) They are used to cook Eloi (C) They are the ventilators of the underworld (D) They are Morlock-mobiles

(C) They are the ventilators of the underworld

The Time Machine was first published in book form in what year? (A) 1895 (B) 1905 (C) 1915 (D) 1925

(A) 1895

Before he discovers the Morlocks, the Time Traveller ascribes the weakness of humankind's descendents to what? (A) Fate (B) Communism (C) Religion (D) Capitalism

(B) Communism

Where does the Time Traveler store the object(s) he removes from the time machine? A. In a hole in the ground. B. Around his wrist. C. In his knapsack. D. In his pocket.

C. In his pocket.

In his reflection at the end of the story, what is one of the possible times the narrator believes that the Time Traveler may have traveled to? A. Back to save Weena. B. A time when humans were still humans. C. The far future. D. The ancient, pre-human past.

B. A time when humans were still humans.

Of what foodstuff does the diet of the Eloi consist? A. Fruit. B. Vegetables. C. Insects. D. Poultry.

A. Fruit.

What do the Eloi offer the Time Traveler when he intimates that he did in fact come out of the thunderstorm? A. Nuts. B. Fruit. C. Berries. D. Flowers.



How does the Time Traveler determine that the time machine was taken into the base of the Sphinx? A. He can see it through the windows in the base of the statue. B. He smells burnt metal. C. He finds marks and footprints. D. The Eloi read him a note they found.

C. He finds marks and footprints.

Why is it significant that the moon is starting to wane in Chapter 7? Because the Morlocks feed off lunar energy. Because the nights will be darker. All of the above. None of the above.

What does the narrator say about the Time Traveler at the end of the book? A. That he patented his invention. B. That he went to save Weena. C. That he sold the machine. D. That he has never returned.

C. That he has never returned.

What kinds of feelings will humans continue to have, according to the narrator? A. Greed and stupidity. B. Loneliness and apathy. C. Tenderness and love. D. Hatred and self-loathing.

C. Tenderness and love.

What allows the Time Traveler to escape the Morlocks? A. Shouting as loudly as he can. B. His sidearm. C. Weena comes with reinforcements. D. Setting a piece of paper on fire.

D. Setting a piece of paper on fire.

Approximately how many Eloi are there in the great hall? A. Between 500 and 1000. B. Several thousand. C. A couple hundred. D. About 75.

C. A couple hundred.

What surprises the Time Traveler when he goes to the White Sphinx to finally reclaim his time machine? A. The Sphinx is now green. B. The forest fire singed the doors. C. The Sphinx has been moved. D. The valve doors are open.

D. The valve doors are open.

What best describes the animal life the Time Traveler sees in the farthest future to which the Time Traveler travels? A. Tentacled. B. Three-toed. C. Finned. D. Winged.

A. Tentacled.

How was the archway into the great hall of the Eloi decorated? A. With streamers. B. With faux finish. C. With garlands of flowers. D. With carvings.

D. With carvings.

When the Time Traveler returns home in Chapter 12, even he himself wonders if the whole experience was just a what? A. Hallucination. B. Dream. C. Fantasy. D. False memory.

What, according to the narrator in the Epilogue, is likely to cause the downfall of humanity? A. Greed. B. Technological advances. C. Pollution. D. Unemployment.

B. Technological advances.

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