PACE in English

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A Brief Summary

The NGO was founded in 2006 by educators and artists from Sao Goncalo dos Campos, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. It promotes a totally free access to culture, arts and humanized education.

PACE currently mounts workshops for more than 200 children, teenagers and adults: visual arts, theatre, music, alphabetization, english and capoeira. Adults do dressmaking and handicraft.

They all can choose which workshops they would like to participate. Children come once or twice a week, during the morning or the afternoon, when they aren't at school. They receive a meal and all the necessary material.

Cultural Center
PACE also brings free access to computers and the Internet, as well as a library with dictionnaries, fiction and non-fiction, Brazilian literature, and other medias.

Every year, the NGO proposes plays made by the children. These plays are presented to the public of local schools. More than 4000 people attend these events.

The 2012 play, called 'Save the Little Blue Macaw', was presented during a whole month, twice a week, during the morning and the afternoon. It was a great opportunity to conscientize children about protecting the local fauna: armadillos, wildcats, snakes, birds and monkeys...

Every year, a subject is chosen and directed by the children themselves, with a specific technique: handpuppets, shadows, objects... Since 2009, the NGO also brings together a small group of teen actors. They present their work at the Festival Nacional de Teatro Infantil in the neighbouring city of Feira de Santana.

All the artistic work made during the workshops are exhibited at our annual Grand Exhibition, open to the children's families and to the public.

From the beginning of its activities, the NGO creates and takes part to various campaigns for the rights of children and teenagers and in defense of the environment. The NGO also works for the development of participative mechanisms at the local level. PACE presided the first Municipal Council of the Environment, composed by a majority of organizations from the civil society. Today, the objective is the creation of a Municipal Council of Culture.

Professional Formations
Since 2009, the NGO offers formations for teachers and educators from the local schools, both publics and privates, on art education, alphabetization and environmental education.

In 2008, PACE was qualified for a public program called Pontos de Cultura, with a duration of three years (2009-2011). With these funds, many projects and workshops were created and sustained. Since then, the NGO won various awards and public competitions. In 2011, it was selected as regional finalist by the ItauUNICEF Prize.

The NGO receives contributions from Belgian institutions and donors from Europe and in Brazil. Their support is necessary to manage the locals where all the activites are organized (rent, furnitures...). For its food supplies, PACE receives a lot of donations from Mesa Brasil, an initiative of the SESC Bahia.

How to help PACE

Deposits on the NGO's account Caixa Economica Federal Branch 0074 Account 03 000104-8

From Brazil

Deposits on the NGO's European partner account, Philantros ASBL BE73 3401 3018 5960 BIC BBRUBEBB With the communication PACE Brazil

From Europe

How to contact PACE

Pe de Arte, Cultura e Educacao Avenida Doutor Antonio Muniz 50 Sao Goncalo dos Campos, Bahia, Brazil

In Brazil -

Phone: (+55) 75 3246 1060 Website: Email:

On the Internet

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