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Member No.: Watching Iraq through an American glass tells us that something is not right.
Despite the lies issued by all governments, there is something they want bad
besides "OIL". I, despite my busy schedule wrote something which is based on my
studies on this subject. Although, this article of mine is not yet complete, I want to
share with you guyz for the sake of some comments and if I missed something on
this subject:


As we stepped into the new millennium, we witnessed the collapse of Soviet Union
during the end of the last century, a sad demise and a tragic end for such a Super
power to get disintegrated just like a poof, what went wrong is the question?, was
Marx’s concept of human ideology and worker’s revolution was not rightly timed, or
something was wrong with the Ideology itself?

We know for sure that while few people in Soviet Union like members of Communist
Party, Members of Politburo and other top bureaucrats were enjoying the best of
luxuries, the masses, the country and its satellite states were on the road to ruins,
their factories were using as much raw material as the western factories but were
turning out inferior quality products, life in Russia for the people never changed
infact they were living in the pre-revolution era, stretched to post revolution times.

I never was a communist, but being born in the hot era of cold war, I kind of
compromised with USSR and its existence with a sort of fear, some views were
passed on to me like USSR surely is providing a counter balance in the race to win
the world. But whatever the truth was, their MiG fighter aircrafts were cheap,
available to all upon request and were drawing world attention, as they were quite
capable to do the job. In good hands these MiGs while in dog fight embarrassed a
lot of American and western planes, despite of the fact that Soviet technology
lagged behind the western technology as their avionics and electronic gears were
not as sophisticated as in the western planes, they were easy to understand and
being less complexed than western planes, they were easily understood by
purchaser countries.

One of the many famous fighter jets built by Soviet Union was MiG-25, Nato code-
named Foxbat, in the Middle East during the 1970s and 80s centered on the
repeated Israeli attempts to counter MiG-25 “Foxbat” operations – both the fight
and reconnaissance versions of this highflying aircraft were operated within this
time by the Arab countries. Americans clocked a MiG-25 over Israel doing Mach 3.2
in 1973; this is an example worth quoting. On other instances American made F-4E
(Phantoms) fighter aircrafts fired Sparrow AIM-7E air to air missiles at MiG-25s, but
MiGs were out of the harms way as they were doing over Mach 3 and cruising at
76,000, the high flying high speed MiGs were out of the lethal radius of Sparrow

AK-47 Automatic Klashnikov rifles are another example of cheap, reliable and trust
worthy weapon for guerillas all around the world. Designed by Mikhail Klashnikov in
1947 (AK stands for Avtomat or automatic Klashnikov, 47 is the year of
manufacture) and known as banana gun in most African countries, is an efficient
weapon that over the years, has proved to be more rugged and reliable weapon
than the American made M-16 automatic rifle or similar weapons of same class
made by other western nations. It is so loved by people that it appears on one
African flag as a national symbol for the love of this riffle.

The development of guns, tanks, fighter and bombers aircrafts and other military
hardware including sturdy tanks, was probably the main interest of Soviet Union to
counter the threat of the Capitalist and Imperialist nations, which also was fueled
by the western push towards the same goal.

Take any country of the world, no matter you go to any continent, it maybe the
Asia, Africa or the Middle East, and without troubling to find, your would come
across the living signs of the western European’s colonial insignias spread all over
reminding us “We were here” slogan. The French, The British, The Dutch, The
Italians, The Germans The Portuguese, to name a few are among the “Visitors”.

In these pages, we will see how these western nations, equipped with most modern
weapons and technologies visited the other nations, some time by creating
revolutions, some time exporting chaos, for purely business reasons and changed
the colonized nation’s will, plundered the wealth and how they created a pro-
western society among these colonies which still very much exist today and what

longer lasting impact created in these cultures over the years. We will see how the
past adventures of these western nations affected our present and future.

Although the past is gone but the present existing state of affairs in the ex-colonies
us of the horrible past they have gone thorough and how some notorious decisions
were deliberately taken with the hope that they shall surface one fine day and
create havoc, they were right.

I will try my best to unfold the pages of history and present you with a crystal clear
picture with the help of facts; since Iraq is in the news nowadays, we begin with
Iraq. Who are Iraqis and why they are being the targets of western aggression?
Why Iraq’s history is so filled with blood.

MESS-OF-POTAMIA (The mess of Iraq)

Let’s begin with the fact that there was no country on the map of the world by the
name of Iraq. However, the history has always known Iraq as Mesopotamia (in
Greek it means the land between two rivers), sprawling majestically at the
confluence of rivers Tigris and Euphrates, Mesopotamia’s historic significance dates
back well before the arrival of Christian or Moslem era. In the medieval times, it
had been the temporary home to Diaspora Jews, Hulagoo Khan visited
Mesopotamia in the 13th Century, and it is the same place where the platform of
human bones was made for the victor to sit, relax and to watch the tower of human
skulls being made which was witnessed by some half dead people.

In the neighboring Arabia (present day Saudi Arabia) the British were busy playing
their game of “imperialism”. In those days the Arabia was divided into two major
parts, the Hejaz and the Nejd. Hejaz, the Western/Northwestern part of Arabia,
including Mekkah and Medina, the holy Moslem cities were controlled by Hussain,
the sheriff of Mekkah belonging to the Hashemite tribe, the Hashemites were
respected as the descendents of Holy Prophet Mohammad and were the caretakers
of Holy Ka’abah. Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud who was inspired by Mohammad Ibn Abdul
Wahab, a strict adherer/enforcer of the Islamic laws, controlled Nejd, the Central
Arabia. These were the days of Ottoman Empire (Khilafaate Usmania)*. The
famous Col. T.E.Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was attached with Faisal the son of

Hussain of Hejaz, while Captain William H.I. Shakespear was with Abdul Aziz Ibn
Saud, now both these gentlemen, T.E. Lawrence and William H.I. Shakespear were
British and were called “ Political Agents” but infact they were British Intelligence
Agents and were posted there to look after and protect British interests, the Super
Power of that time.

In 1915 while fighting with some Arab tribes, Captain William H.I. Shakespeare was
killed, who promptly got replaced with Harry St. John Philby AKA Jack Philby who
was summoned in from India. So T.E. Lawrence was with Faisal (the Hejazis) and
Jack Philby was with Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud (the Nejdis), both were set on the
collision course by the British, against each other.

The British designs were endless, they wanted to have a rock solid relationship with
“The winner”, to entrap the probable winner into an agreement with them and to
further use them against the Turkish Ottomans, to stop the French from gaining
further foothold in the Middle East and block the roads which might lead the French
to India, to stay ahead of Americans who already were present in Ash’ sham (Syria)
and Lebanon, which was a part of Syria, in that time of history. In 1925 Ibn Saud’s
forces swept westward out of central Arabia along with Mohammad Ibn Abdul
Wahab (the Nejdis) managed to capture the holy cities of Mekkah and Medina.
Sheriff of Mekkah went into exile. So Jack Philby eventually managed to overtake
Col. T.E. Lawrence who was looking to take the trophy home. Jack Philby became
the blue-eyed boy of the future king of the future Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King
Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud; in this regional war, everybody lost except for the British, who
now were holding the key to the future intrigues into their hands. After this
splendid victory Jack Philby who was now filled with confidence, advised Abdul Aziz
Ibn Saud to attack and annex Kuwait, R.E.A. Hamilton who was the “political agent”
of Sheikh Mubarak Sabah of Kuwait, intervened and thus Kuwait was allowed to
exist as a British protectorate.

Abdullah, the brother of Faisal and the son of the former Mayor of Mekkah, who lost
the battle against Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, later, as a token to his “services” to the
British, was made the King of a new Kingdom carved out of Syria, the present day
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan graced the map.

You must be wondering why I started with Iraq but landed behind the scenes of

creation of Saudi Arabia, well, honestly there is too much of a connection, and as I
have said earlier the British was the Super Power at that time, and they had a great
interest in Arabia, the defeat of Ottoman Empire was their ultimate goal.

The great land of Arabia was interconnected with each other in so many ways, the
land, the religion and the language and the history all had created great impact on
the adjoining lands of Arabia, Syria, Yemen.

Arabs had no name for Syria, it simply was known as Ash’sham (the north)
(***Incomplete, this material falls under copyright, so not to be copied***)

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