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Spectrum Management for IMT (2G/3G/4G) Networks

Uwe Lwenstein Spectrum Technology Manager

Telefnica Germany

IQPC, Mobile Network Optimisation Asia Pacific

March 20th 2012, Bangkok, Thailand

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1. Spectrum for IMT

2. RA-07 / WRC-07 RA-12 / WRC-12

3. Important Spectrum Issues 4. Spectrum and Technology 5. How to get spectrum (German auction 2010) 6. IMT-Advanced minimum requirements

7. Summary and Outlook

Slide 2


Telefnica is one of the world leaders integrated telco operators Presence in Europe, Africa and Latin America (25 countries) Total number of customers amounted to 299.7 millions #5 in telco sector worldwide in terms of market capitalisation #1 as an European integrated operator #4 in the Eurostoxx 50 ranking status as of 30.09.2011

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Spectrum for IMT

Slide 4


IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced

IMT-Advanced IMT



WRC-07: Spectrum is allocated for IMT (= IMT-2000 & IMT-Advanced)

VAN diagram (c) by ITU-R 2002, 2010

Data rates up to 1000 MBit/s

Carrier Bandwidth 100 MHz
Slide 5 20.03.2012

Super high mobility up to 350 km/h Macro-, Micro-, PicoCells and Hot Spots

IMT-Advanced Vision

Spectrum Estimation of Mobile Services

Report ITU-R M.2078 (2006) presents the results of the calculation of spectrum requirements for RAT Group 1 (pre-IMT, IMT-2000 and its enhancements) and RAT Group 2 (IMT-Advanced) in 2010, 2015 and 2020.
Remark: RAT Group 3: Existing radio LANs and their enhancements RAT Group 4: Digital mobile broadcasting systems and their enhancements

NOTE: When more than one network is present in a country, the total spectrum requirement may be higher in order to account for packaging the spectrum (integer multiples of 40 MHz for RATG1)

How much additional spectrum is needed ?

Slide 6


Needed Spectrum
Needed Spectrum = Required Spectrum Existing Spectrum Extrapolating from the ITUs forecast, in 2007 the NGMN Alliance determined what the net spectrum requirement would be, based on existing allocations, in each of the three ITU regions1:

Additional demand between 500-1000 MHz by 2020 depending on region

Where to find the additional spectrum?

Spectrum requirements for the Next Generation of Mobile Networks, NGMN Alliance (20 Jun. 2007) at p. 22
Slide 7 20.03.2012

Candidate Bands
Report ITU-R M.2079 evaluates suitable frequency ranges to fulfil the vision for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced. It includes also a list of pros and cons:
410 - 430 450 - 470 470 - 960
2700 2900 2300 2400 3400 4200

4400 4990


200 MHz 100 MHz

800 MHz

590 MHz


Needed spectrum (695 / 1135 MHz) Candidate spectrum (2220 MHz)

It is understood, that only parts of these bands are / will be available for IMT-Advanced

But different regions: Different markets and regulations Different existing services and spectrum assignments

Different usage of technologies

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Why additional new spectrum ?

08:05 AM PM
News e-Banking



Mobile shopping

01:20 PM



09:05 AM PM

Social Networks Ask an Expert terr. dig.TV HD

05:30 AM PM

Augmented reality


People have embraced a fascinating journey towards a total digital life the world will be truly connected
Slide 9 20.03.2012

New Terminals

BenQ Concept Phone

Concept phones by Yanko Design, Jim Mielke and Biodomotica

Parkoz Transformer Phone

Nokia Morph

Sliced-up Phone (Kan Yasuma, Yo Ishigaki, Yoshihisa Tanaka) Kaora, Designer Wataru Igarashi

Asus Waveface Ultra

Nokia 888

Slide 10


Yanko Design

Fold-a-Phone (Hanna Sahlen und Sachiko Munakata)

RA-07 / WRC-07
15.-19.10.07 (RA-07) & 22.10.-16.11.07 (WRC-07) (118 pages) (488 pages)

3 major results in relation to Spectrum for IMT

Slide 11


ITU Objectives / WRC-07 results

ITU ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technologies. As the global focal point for governments and the private sector, ITU's role in helping the world communicate spans 3 core sectors: Radiocommunication, Standardization and Development. ITU is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and its membership includes 191 Member States and more than 700 Sector Members and Associates.

Radio Assembly (RA)

The Radio Assembly meets prior to each World Radio Conference to review the structure of the ITU-R and to make decisions on any issues that have not been resolved by the ITUR Study Group(s) during the Study Period (between WRCs) World Radio Conference (WRC)

World Radio Conferences review the global Radio Regulations (RRs). RRs define which services and systems can use specified spectrum bands.
WRC-07 results

6th RTT for IMT-2000 OFDMA TDD WMAN (WiMax) New spectrum for IMT Workplan for IMT-Advanced
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Different Technologies influence Spectrum

For IMT-2000 different radio interfaces / modulations are used around the world: W-CDMA (e.g. Europe) CDMA2000 (e.g. America) TD-SCDMA (e.g. China) OFDMA (e.g. USA) resulting in regional differences in spectrum allocation and licensing

IMT-2000 enhancements (e.g. LTE) and IMT-Advanced will bring

Additional channel bandwidths (1,6 / 2,5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 40 / 100 MHz) Resulting in variable bandwidths of (1,4 / 3,2 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 40 / 100 MHz) New modulation schemes (e.g. OFDMA) MIMO antenna systems (e.g. 8x for BS and 4x for UE) Relaying / multi-hop networks

Spectrum assignment will depend on technological and regional conditions

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WRC-07: Allocated IMT Bands

Under AI 1.4 globally harmonized spectrum was identified for use by IMT. In addition to the existing 2G / 3G spectrum, various additional bands were allocated resulting in 392 MHz (EU, Africa, Asia) / 428 MHz (Americas, CHN, KOR, IND, JPN, NZL, a.o.):

existing spectrum

IMT candidates


new allocated IMT spectrum at WRC-07

20 MHz in the band 450470 MHz 72 MHz in the band 790862 MHz in Region 1 (EU, Africa) and 3 (Asia). Region 2 (Americas) and 9 Asian countries allocated 108 MHz in the band 698806 MHz. 100 MHz 2.32.4 GHz band 200 MHz 3.43.6 GHz band: no global allocation, but accepted by many countries with some obligations (e.g. cross-border deployment and power limitations)
Remark: This spectrum will not be available immediately, but become available following further collaborative work on international, regional and national level (e.g. digital dividend in EU >2012-15)
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Agenda WRC-12

Agenda Item 1.5 "to consider worldwide/regional harmonization of spectrum for electronic news gathering (ENG), taking into account the results of ITU-R studies [COM6/5] (WRC-07)
Agenda Item 1.17 to consider results of sharing studies between the mobile service and other services in the band 790-862 MHz in Regions 1 and 3, in accordance with Resolution [COM4/13] (WRC07), to ensure the adequate protection of services to which this frequency band is allocated, and take appropriate action;

Agenda Item 8.2 to recommend items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC [COM6/22] (WRC-07)

Remark AI 8.2 should include a new AI towards WRC-15 to review the spectrum availability for IMT: New studies (ITU-R M.2034) on the spectrum requirements and additional allocations to the mobile service for broadband systems including IMT. This request is based on the calculated increase in mobile traffic (mainly data), which exceeds M.2072 (WRC-07) figures by a factor of >5 already today.
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RA-12 / WRC-12 / CPM 15-1

16.-20.01.12 (RA-12) & 23.01.-17.02.12 (WRC-12) & 20./21.02.12 (CPM 15-1) (128 pages) (362 pages)

2 new agenda items in relation to Spectrum for IMT

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WRC-12 resolutions
Various resolution have been approved by WRC-12
2 resolutions relating to IMT/mobile have been approved:

Res. COM 5/10: Use of the frequency band 694-790 MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 and related studies

to allocate the frequency band 694-790 MHz in Region 1 to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a co-primary basis with other services to which this band is allocated on a primary basis and to identify it for IMT; that the allocation is effective immediately after WRC 15;

Res. COM 6/8: Studies on frequency-related matters on International Mobile Telecommunications and other terrestrial mobile broadband applications to study additional spectrum requirements, taking into account to study potential candidate frequency bands, taking into account the results of the studies under resolves 1, protection of existing services and the need for harmonization; studies referred to in resolves 2 include sharing and compatibility studies with services already having allocations in the potential candidate bands and in adjacent bands, as appropriate, taking into account the current and planned use of these bands by the existing services, as well as the applicable studies already performed in ITU-R;

Slide 17

WRC-15 agenda
WRC-15 agenda is based on RESOLUTION [COM6/6] (WRC-12)
18 new agenda items have been approved

Amongst them, 2 agenda items in relation to IMT/mobile have been approved:

Agenda Item 1.1 on additional spectrum for IMT: to consider additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) and related regulatory provisions, to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile broadband applications, in accordance with Resolution COM6/8 (WRC 12); Agenda item 1.2 on UHF spectrum: to examine the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution COM5/10 (WRC 12), on the use of the frequency band 69x(4) -790 MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 and take the appropriate measures;

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Important spectrum issues UHF-Band

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Importance of UHF bands for IMT

WRC-07 identified UHF spectrum for IMT - Current situation In various countries this spectrum is currently still used by broadcasting applications

US was first to auction spectrum in these bands (03/2008)

Europe: DE, SWE, ES, ITA, FRA, Switzerland, Portugal Next to follow in Europe: AUT, UK

Asia: ???
Benefits To cover rural areas with IMT, spectrum in the bands 900, 1800/1900, 2100/2600 MHz alone is only limited suited: 2100/2600: urban / capacity / carrier-bandwidth demand >20 MHz 900/1800: currently used by 2G and 3G in the future DD (800): better propagation conditions / larger cell-sizes / better indoor-coverage UHF band is now globally allocated for IMT scale of economy for hardware / devices / roaming etc.
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UHF in region 3
Decision(s) in Asia 698-806 MHz: AWG (APT Wireless Group) has agreed harmonised 2x 45 MHz FDD bandplan plus optional TDD-only bandplan:
(APT REPORT No. APT/AWF/REP-14 Edition: September 2010)
5 MHz
10 MHz centre gap

3 MHz


45 MHz 694 MHz 698 MHz

45 MHz 806 MHz


Figure 1: Harmonised FDD Arrangement of 698-806 MHz band


694 698 MHz MHz

806 MHz


Figure 2: Harmonised all-TDD Arrangement of 698-806 MHz band

China DD becomes available in 2015 no decision about TDD/FDD yet

790-862 MHz: The rest of region 3 will have to agree on 790-862 MHz arrangement Certain likelihood for adopting the CEPT bandplan
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European UHF band plan (Region 1)

ECC Decision of 30.10.2009 (ECC/DEC/(09)03, Annex 1&2) and CEPT report 31 on harmonised conditions for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) operating in the band 790-862 MHz

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Spectrum and Technology

Slide 23


Two (initial) Candidates for IMT-Advanced

China 802.20 / 22 DECT-A

Rev. 1
LTEAdvanced DL ~ 1Gbps


Final capabilities


Slide 24


Basis chart by courtesy of GSA

2G / 3G / 4G Technologies
Technology Carrier BW UL Peak Data Rate DL Peak Data Rate Latency Spectrum [MHz] Spectral Eff. [Bit/s/Hz]


200 kHz
5 MHz

56 Kbps
118 Kbps 384 Kbps

114 Kbps
236 Kbps 384 Kbps (2 Mbps)

500 ms
300 ms 250 ms

900/1800/ 2100/2600

0,33 (EDGE) 0,51


5 MHz 5 MHz
var. up to 20 MHz 10 MHz >40 MHz
- 100 MHz

5.7 Mbps 11.5 Mbps

~75Mbps 70 Mbps >500 Mbps *2

14 Mbps ~28 Mbps (42 Mbps)

~150Mbps @20 MHz 70 Mbps 134 Mbps >1 Gbps *2

~70 ms ~30 ms
~10 ms ~50 ms < 5 ms

DD/900/ 2100/2600 DD/900/ 2100/2600

DD/900/1800 2100/2600

2,88 12,5
16,32 3,7 DL: 30 *3 UL: 15 *3

3G HSPA+ (16 QAM)

(64 QAM + Dual)

LTE (Rel8)
(2x2 MIMO)

WiMax IEEE 802.16e LTEAdvanced *1

2600/3500 IMT


Slide 25

var. up to 100 MHz


270 Mbps 675 Mbps

600 Mbps 1,5 Gbps

<10 ms


DL: >15 UL: > 6,75

*1 To be confirmed with 3GPP Rel.10 by end 2011 *2 Theoretical possible maximum data-rates based on "Peak Spectral Efficiency (*3)

Which technology for which spectrum ?

DL Peak Data Rate

Carrier Bandwidth

200 kHz

5 MHz

5 MHz

max. 10 MHz

WiMax (TDD)

790-862 (DD)
900 1800


14 MBps

28 MBps

possibly FDD
from 2012

50-60 MBps 114 kbps 14 MBps 28 MBps

max. 10 MHz

50-60 MBps 114 kbps 14 MBps 28 MBps

restr. 20 MHz

<150 MBps

2100 2600


14 MBps

28 MBps (42 MBps)

20 MHz 150 MBps


14 MBps

28 MBps
(42 MBps)

20 MHz
150 MBps

50 MHz
140 MBps 3x 7 MHz 70 MBps


Technology is / will be available for relevant band in 2009

Slide 26 20.03.2012

2010/11 >2011

Spectrum and carrier aggregation

IMT-Advanced will provide carrier bandwidth up to 100 MHz 1. In-band carrier aggregation

Carrier Bandwidth 100 MHz

2. Carrier aggregation with carriers in different spectrum bands (non-contiguous)

100 MHz carrier bandwidth


20 100 20



Usage of fragmented spectrum 30


100 60


Signaling overhead


Possibility for wider total bandwidth without correspondingly wider contiguous spectrum Initial thoughts in RAN 4 (02/2009):
Slide 27 20.03.2012

DD + 900 MHz <= 20 MHz LTE 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.6 GHz <= 40 MHz LTE-A

Carrier Aggregation status in 3GPP RAN

3GPP TR 36.808 V1.7.0 (2011-10): Non-Contiguous CA for Rel. 10
Band E-UTRA operating Band 1 Uplink (UL) band UE transmit / BS receive FUL_low (MHz) FUL_high (MHz) 1920 1980 Channel BW MHz 10 1) Downlink (DL) band UE receive / BS transmit FDL_low (MHz) FDL_high (MHz) 2110 2170 Channel BW MHz 10 Duple x mode FDD


5 CA_3-7

824 1710
2500 1710 777 1710 704

849 1785
2570 1755 787 1755 716

10 1) 10, 15 2)
10, 15 2) 10 2) 10 2) 10 2) 10 2)

869 1805
2620 2110 746 2110 734

894 1880
2690 2155 756 2155 746

10, 15, 20 10, 15, 20 10 10 10 10

7 4 13 4 17




Note 1: Only one uplink component carrier is used in any of the two frequency bands at any time Note 2: The first part of the WI considers only one uplink component carrier to be used in any of the two frequency bands at any time.

3GPP NWI 460007

Various additional CA combinations e.g. Europe: 800 MHz + 1.8 GHz 2.6 GHz + 1.8 GHz 2.6 GHz + 800 MHz
Slide 28 20.03.2012
Source: 4G Americas, Mobile Broadband Spectrum Requirements,_March 2011

How to get spectrum for LTE / 4G ?

LTE capability in the German spectrum landscape

Slide 29


General possibilities to get access to spectrum

1. Purchase spectrum Auction: most expensive, best income for regulator Beauty contest: application with no guarantee of acceptance Possible drawback: Roll-Out obligations (e.g. rural areas)

2. Spectrum Refarming Re-using existing spectrum with new technologies In most European countries spectrum refarming is possible (legacy issues ?) Possible bands: 900 / 1800 MHz UMTS/LTE or 2100 MHz LTE Problem: legacy spectrum is not equally distributed amongst existing MNOs
3. Free-Up additional spectrum Try to find spectrum which is not (efficiently) used (e.g. <790 MHz or 3.6-3.8 GHz) Problem: long lasting process via ITU WRC and current user will not be happy 4. National Roaming Use the existing network of one of your competitors and pay for the access Problem: very expensive unless not mandated by regulator (e.g. France, Spain)

5. Network Sharing
6. Buy an appropriate competitor ;-)
Slide 30 20.03.2012

Spectrum auction in Germany

Band 800 (DD) 1800

FDD 2x 30 MHz 2x 25 MHz

FDD Blocks 6 5

TDD 0 0

TDD Blocks 0 0 New band Existing band


2x 20 MHz
2x 70 MHz


5 + 14.2 MHz
50 MHz


Existing band
New band

Slide 31

290 MHz

70 MHz

360 MHz

Germany: Lot allocation

1) Full LTE-deployment 2) Extending legacy spectrum 3) TDD-LTE deployment

Slide 32 20.03.2012

Final result of auction (round #223 = #224)

4.4 Bn

Slide 33


Block allocation after auction (possible scenario)

#1 #1


LTE #2 LTE #2

LTE #1

LTE #3

TDD interference

LTE #3

LTE #2

LTE #2

LTE #3
TDD interference Restrictions Radio Astronomy

* abstract blocks - still to be allocated finally

Slide 34 20.03.2012

Current spectrum situation in Germany

FDD spectrum (x2)
150 100 50 0
Overall spectrum FDD spectrum (x2) TDD spectrum Spectrum <1 GHz (x2)

75 70 65 60

72.4 67.4 62.4 62.4


900 MHz spectrum (x2)

TDD spectrum
40 30 30 29.2 15

Overall spectrum
170 165 164 154.8 154.8

20 10 0


155 150 145 140

Spectrum <1 GHz (x2)

139.8 40 22.4 20 0 22.4 15 5

130 125 T-Mobile Vodafone
Slide 35 20.03.2012



Other auctions in Europe: focus on 800 & 2600 MHz

30 MHz FDD

country / date overall price paid Ct/MHz/pop /MHz/km

SWE: 03/11 233 m 40,9 8,63 SWE:03/08 ES: 07/11 1.3 Bn 46,0 43,11 ES:07/11 172,7 m 2,6 1,80


DE: 05/10 3.6 Bn 72,5 166,97 DE:05/10 453,3 m 2,2 5,08

222,95 m 12,8 2,6

DNK:05/10 135,6 m 13 16,56

ITA: 09/11 2.9 Bn 82,3 09/11 ITA: 164,03 492 m 5,3 8,8

FIN:11/09 3,8 m 0,4 0,06 NL:04/10 2,71 m 0,1 0,34

Slide 36 20.03.2012

FRA: 12/11 2,6 Bn 70,9 80,85 FRA:09/11

936 m 10,8 9,06 SUI: 02/12 ??? CCA

AUT:09/10 39,5 m 2,5 2,48

BEL:11/11 77,8 m 4,6 13,3

POR: 12/11 270 m 42,9 48,73 POR:12/11

39 m 2,6 2,22

20 + 10 + 50 + 40 + 0 + 40 + 0 = 154,7 m 20 + 30 + 40 + 20 + 0 + 50 + 0 = 481,7 m 20 + 30 + 60 + 60 + 0 + 40 + 45 = 359,8 m

800 / 900 / 1800 / 2100-FDD / 2100-TDD / 2600-FDD / 2600-TDD

IMT-Advanced minimum requirements

Slide 37


Two (initial) candidates for IMT-Advanced

The 2 candidates have been evaluated by 14 registered evaluation groups against the minimum requirements of IMT-Advanced (8 major parameters): (1) LTE-Advanced and (2) WirelessMAN-Advanced (IEEE 802.16m)
ARIB Evaluation Group ATIS WTSC Canadian Evaluation Group (CEG) Chinese Evaluation Group (ChEG) ETSI Israeli Evaluation Group (IEG) Russian Evaluation Group(REG) TCOE India TR-45 TTA PG707 UADE, Instituto de Tecnologa (Argentina) WiMAX Forum Evaluation Group (WFEG) Wireless Communications Association International (WCAI) WINNER+ Evaluation Group
Slide 38 20.03.2012

IMT-A minimum requirements



Bandwidth Peak spectral efficiency Cell spectral efficiency Cell edge spectral efficiency Latency Mobility Handover VoIP capacity





IMT-A minimum requirements

Release 99 UMTS technology (2048 kbps: indoor office 144 kbps: vehicular) Release 8 current LTE technology Release 10 LTE-Advanced (fulfills IMT-Advanced minimum requirements, ITU-R M.2134) Data-rates up to 1 GBit/s Carrier aggregation / scalable carrier bandwidth up to 100 MHz (40 MHz minimum) Latency: control plane 100 ms; user plane 10 ms Min. VoIP capacity (active user/sector/MHz): 50 (indoor) to 30 (high-speed) Enabled by enhanced spectral efficiency:

Source: Agilent, IMT-Advanced: 4G Wireless Takes Shape in an Olympic Year, 2008 * 5 percentile, 10 users 2 3GPP TR 36.913 V8.0.0: Requirements for further enhancements to E-UTRA (LTE-Advanced). 4 3GPP RAN Tdoc RP-070466: LTE Performance verification work 5 ITU-R M.[IMT-TECH]. Slide 39 20.03.2012

Summary and Outlook

Slide 40


WRC-07 was a major milestone for spectrum assignment for IMT systems the

Spectrum requirements for IMT / IMT-Advanced have been defined

Two IMT-Advanced radio interface technologies have been approved WRC-12 agreed on two new agenda items - to study Digital Dividend 2 and analyse existing IMT spectrum most possibly leading to new conclusions / allocations at WRC-15 Multi-regional operators have to manage their spectrum very carefully, depending on the regional markets
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Any questions ?
Thank you very much for your attention

Uwe Lwenstein Manager Spectrum Technology Telefnica Europe c/o Telefnica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Address: Fon: Fax: Mobile: mail to:
Slide 42 20.03.2012

Georg-Brauchle-Ring 23-25, D-80992 Mnchen +49 (0)89 2442 4880 +49 (0)89 2442 1448 +49 (0)176 24424880


Slide 43


ITU-R major deliverables for IMT


Document Rec. ITU-R M.1645

Rec. ITU-R M.1768

Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000
Methodology for calculation of spectrum requirements for the future development of the terrestrial component of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 World mobile telecommunication market forecast Radio aspects for the terrestrial component of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 Estimated spectrum bandwidth requirements for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced Technical and operational information for identifying spectrum for the terrestrial component of future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced Naming for International Mobile Telecommunications Principles for the process of development of IMT-Advanced Detailed specifications of the radio interfaces of IMT-2000

Date 2002


Market Radio Aspects Estimate Candi

Report ITU-R M.2072 Report ITU-R M.2074 Report ITU-R M.2078 Report ITU-R M.2079

2005 2005 2006 2006

Naming Principles RTTs

Res. 56 (WRC-07) Res. 57 (WRC-07) Rec. ITU-R M.1457-7

2007 2007 2008

Slide 44


ITU-R documents related to IMT-Advanced (IMT-A)


Document Recommendation ITUR M.1036 Reports ITU-R M.2109, M.2110 / 2111 / 2112
Resolution ITU-R 57 Report ITU-R M.2038 Report ITU-R M.2074 Report ITU-R M.2133

Frequency arrangements for implementation of the terrestrial component of IMT 2000 in the bands 806-960 MHz, 17102025 MHz, 2110-2200 MHz and 2500-2690 MHz
IMT related sharing studies covering various bands and technologies

Date 19942007 2005

2006 2005 2005 2008

Tech Trends Radio Aspects IMT.REST

Principles for the process of development of IMT-Advanced Technology Trends Radio aspects for the terrestrial component of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 Requirements, evaluation criteria and submission templates for the development of IMT-Advanced


Report ITU-R M.2134

Report ITU-R M.2135

Requirements related to technical performance for IMTAdvanced candidate radio interfaces

Guidelines for both the procedure and the criteria (technical, spectrum and service) to be used in evaluating the proposed IMT-Advanced radio interface technologies (RITs)



Report ITU-R M.2198

Report ITU-R M.2234 Rec. ITU-R M.2012
Slide 45 20.03.2012

Framework and key characteristics of IMT-A radio interface

Global mobile broadband deployments & forecasts for IMT Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT-Advanced

2011 2012

Region 2: UHF in the US

UHF Bandplan in US (698 806 MHz)

17.03.10: FCC published Connecting America (376 pages) to connect 100 Mio. housholds with 100 Mbit/s til 2020 by also using 500 MHz spectrum XXX

Slide 46


UHF in rest of region 2

Options for rest of region 2 except of US (e.g. Canada, LatAm)

2x 50 MHz

LatAm is in an early stage of the Digital Dividend / National consultations ongoing Telefnica is supporting a full-FDD bandplan similar to region 3
Slide 47 20.03.2012

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