French Revolution Timeline

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French Revolution Timeline 1788 Call for Estates General Meeting

Diane Lee Period 1 12-28-12

Louis XVI was in need of money and wanted to raise taxes. The Parlement of Paris did not consent, so he had to call for a spring session of the Estates General, which had not met since 1614. This marked the collapse of absolute monarchy. 1789 Oath of the Tennis Court Members of the Third Estate refused to hold the meeting until the nobility and the clergy sit with them in a single body. Thus, the Third Estate pledged not to disband until a new constitution has been made with the Oath of the Tennis Court. They called themselves the National Assembly. 1789 The Storming of Bastille High employment rates, high bread prices, and rumors that the kings troop would attack the city led an angry mob of Parisians to storm the Bastille in search of gunpowder and weapons in order to protect themselves. This popular uprising saved the National Assembly. 1789 The Great Fear Peasants began to revolt against their lords all across France, attacking manors, burning feudal documents and fields, and killing livestock. This resulted in the abolishment of feudal obligations; it ended serfdom, exclusive rights for nobles, fees for justice, and other dues. 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man Issued on August 27, 1789, it called for equality before the law, representative government for a sovereign people, and individual freedom. However, the documents neglected the women. It was only 2 pages long and was propagandized throughout the world. 1789 Womens March to Versailles Desperate for food from bread shortages to feed their families, women marched to Versailles to demanding help from the royal family. They invaded the royal apartments, slaughtered some of the royal bodyguards, and demanded that the royal family live in Paris.


Creation of a Constitutional Monarchy The National Assembly abolished the French nobility as a legal order and created a constitutional monarchy, which was reluctantly accepted by Louis XVI in 1790. All lawmaking power belonged to the National Assembly, new laws broaden womens right, historic provinces were replaced with 83 departments of equal size, and the simple rational metric system was used.


Attempted Escape of Royal Family Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempt to flee France but was discovered, arrested, and returned to France. Monarchs of Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz which threatened to intervene into France affairs in certain circumstances.


Legislative Assembly Declares War The Legislative Assembly, made of Jacobians who are committed to liberal

revolution, 1792 September Massacres Hearing that imprisoned counter-revolutionary aristocrats and priests were plotting with the allied invaders, they invaded the prisons of Paris and slaughtered half the men and women they found. Afterwards, the National Convention proclaimed France a republic. 1792 New Culture

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