BC0056-Fall Drive Assignments 2012

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Directorate of Distance Education Sikkim Manipal University II Floor, Syndicate House, Manipal-576 104

1. What are the layers present in UNIX Architecture? List and explain each of them. Answer
The UNIX operating system is a set of programs that act as a link between the computer and the user. The computer programs that allocate the system resources and coordinate all the details of the computer's internals is called the operating system or kernel. Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the shell. The shell is a command line interpreter; it translates commands entered by the user and converts them into a language that is understood by the kernel.

Unix was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. There are various Unix variants available in the market. Solaris Unix, AIX, UP Unix and BSD are few examples. Linux is also a flavour of Unix which is freely available. Several people can use a UNIX computer at the same time; hence UNIX is called a multiuser system. A user can also run multiple programs at the same time; hence UNIX is called multitasking.

UNIX Architecture: Here is a basic block diagram of a UNIX system:

The main concept that unites all versions of UNIX is the following four basics:

Kernel: The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It interacts with hardware and most of the tasks like memory management, tash scheduling and file management. Shell: The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you type in a command at your terminal, the shell interprets the command and calls the program that you want. The shell uses standard syntax for all commands. C Shell, Bourne Shell and Korn Shell are most famous shells which are available with most of the Unix variants.

Commands and Utilities: There are various command and utilities which you would use in your day to day activities. cp, mv, cat and grep etc. are few examples of commands and utilities. There are over 250 standard commands plus numerous others provided through 3rd party software. All the commands come along with various optional options.

Files and Directories: All data in UNIX is organized into files. All files are organized into directories. These directories are organized into a tree-like structure called the filesystem.

2. What is the significance of root and swap? Discuss their uses and characteristics. Answer
Root This file system must be present in every UNIX system. It contains the barebones UNIXthe root directory, /bin/usr/bin,/etc,/sbin,/usr/sbin,/dev and /lib directories all the tools and utilities that are just adequate to keep the system is booted in single-user mode, this is the only file system going. When the system is booted in single-user mode, this is the only file system available to the system administrator. Swap Every system should have a swap file system which is used by the kernel to movement of processes. When the system memory is heavily loaded, the kernel has to move process. When the system memory is heavily loaded, the kernel has to move process out of memory to this file system. When these swapped processes are ready to run, they are loaded back to memory. Users cant access data in this file system directly. A UNIX system contains many more file systems. System files should be kept separate from data files created by users, and hence a separate file system is usually made for them. Linux and SVR4 create users home directories in/home, but older systems use/usr./home is often maintained as a separate file system. If theres no space left on/home, the administrator uses other file systems like/user2 or /u. You can have additional file systems for /tmp and /var/tmp so that temporary and log files cant grow indefinitely. File System Types Initially, there were only two types of file systems-the ones from AT&T and Berkeley. Following are some file systems types: s5 Before SVR4, this was the only file system used by System V, but today it is offered by SVR4 by this name for backward compatibility only. This file system uses a logical block size of 512 or 1024 bytes and a single super block. It also cant handle filenames longer than 14 characters. ufs This is how the Berkeley fast file systems is known to SVR4 and adopted by most UNIX systems. Because the block size here can go up to 64 KB, performance of this file system is considerably better than s5. It uses multiple super blocks with each cylinder group storing a superblock. Unlike s5, ufs supports 255-character filenames, symbolic links and disk quotas.

Fdisk: Creating Partitions Both Linux and SCO UNIX allow a user to have multiple operating systems on Intel Machines. Its no wonder then that both offer the Windows-type fdisk command to create, delete and activate partitions. fdisk in Linux , however, operates differently from windows. The fdisk m command shows you all its internal commands of which the following subset should serve our purpose: Command Action A toggle a bootable flag N add a new partition D delete a partition P Print partition table L list known partition types Q Quit without saving M print this menu W Write table to disk & exit. mkfs : creating file systems Now that you have created a partition, you need to create a file system on this partition to make it usable. mkfs is used to build a Linux file system on a device, usually a hard disk partition. The exit code returned by mkfs is 0 on success and 1 on failure. The file system-specific builder is searched for in a number of directories like perhaps /sbin, /sbin/fs, /sbin/fs.d, /etc/fs, /etc (the precise list is defined at compile time but at least contains /sbin and /sbin/fs), and finally in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

3. What do you mean by a Process? What are the various possible states of Process? Discuss. Answer
A process under Unix consists of an address space and a set of data structures in the

kernel to keep track of that process. The address space is a section of memory that contains the code to execute as well as the process stack. The kernel must keep track of the following data for each process on the system: The address space map, The current status of the process, The execution priority of the process, The resource usage of the process, The current signal mask, The owner of the process, A process has certain attributes that directly affect execution, these include: PID The PID stands for the process identification. This is a unique number that defines the process within the kernel. PPID This is the processes Parent PID, the creator of the process. UID This User ID number of the user that owns this process.
EUID The effective User ID of the process. GID The Group ID of the user that owns this process. EGID The effective Group User id that owns this process. Priority The priority that this process runs at. To view a process you use the ps command. # ps l F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI P SZ:RSS WCHAN TTY TIME COMD 30 S 0 11660 145 1 26 20 * 66:20 88249f10 ttyq 6 0:00 rlogind The F field: This is the flag field. It uses hexadecimal values which are added to show the value of the flag bits for the process. For a normal user process this will 30, meaning it is loaded into memory. The S field: The S field is the state of the process, the two most common values are S for Sleeping and R for Running. An important value to look for is X which means the process is waiting for memory to become available. PID Field: The PID shows the process ID of each process. This Value should be Unique. Generally PID are allocated lowest to highest, but wrap at some point. This value is necessary for you to send a signal to a process such as the kill signal. PRI field: This stand for priority field. The process with the lowest value in the PRi field which has the highest priority. The lower the value, the higher the value. This refer to the process NICE value. It will range form 0 to 39. The default is 20, as a process uses the CPU the system will raise the nice value.

P flag: this is the processor flag. On the SGI this refers to the processor the process is running on. SZ field: This refers to the SIZE field. This is the total number of pages in the process. Each page is 4096 bytes. TTY field: this the terminal assigned to your process. Time field: the Cumulative execution time of the process in minutes and seconds. COMD field: the command that wat executed.

4. With proper syntax explain the use of chmod command. Answer

File and directory permissions can only be modified by their owners, or by the superuser (root), by using the chmod system utility. chmod (change [file or directory] mode) $ chmod options files chmod accepts options in two forms. Firstly, permissions may be specified as a sequence of 3 octal digits (octal is like decimal except that the digit range is 0 to 7 instead of 0 to 9). Each octal digit represents the access permissions for the user/owner, group and others respectively. The mappings of permissions onto their corresponding octal digits is as follows: ----x -w-wx r-r-x rwrwx 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

For example the command: $ chmod 600 private.txt sets the permissions on private.txt to rw------- (i.e. only the owner can read and write to the file). Permissions may be specified symbolically, using the symbols u (user), g (group), o (other), a (all), r (read), w (write), x (execute), + (add permission), (take away permission) and = (assign permission). For example, the command: $ chmod ug=rw,o-rw,a-x *.txt sets the permissions on all files ending in *.txt to rw-rw---- (i.e. the owner and users in the file's group can read and write to the file, while the general public do not have any sort of access). chmod also supports a -R option which can be used to recursively modify file permissions, e.g. $ chmod -R go+r play will grant group and other read rights to the directory play and all of the files and directories within play. chgrp (change group) $ chgrp group files can be used to change the group that a file or directory belongs to. It also supports a -R option.

5. What are the uses of Erase, Kill and eof commands in UNIX? Discuss. Answer
Erase Look at the word erase in the stty output. Next to this word is ^H(verbalized as Control + H). Therefore, on my system, Erase, which means to back up over the last character typed, is done by typing ^H. The Erase key is how you can fix your typing errors. Remember to look at your stty a output because your system may be configured differently than this example. Try it out on your system. First, type a character you wish to erase, say, an A. Now type your Control, Backspace, or Delete key associated with your Erase. If everything goes right, your cursor should have backed up to be on top of your A and the next key you type will be where the A was. Try typing a correct series of keys, say date<Return>, to make sure that the control character actually worked. If you get a message similar to A^Hdate not found, then Erase is not working. To make it work correctly, pick the key you want associated with Erase and input the following (assuming that you have picked the backspace key): $ stty erase ^H $ Now, try entering the date command again and deleting the A in dATe and replacing it with a. The Erase key is one of the most used control keys, because typing without mistakes is difficult to do. Therefore, most keyboards have one or more special keys that are suited to this job. Look for keys labeled Delete or Backspace. One of these usually works as an erase key. Try typing some characters and seeing what happens hwen, then you press Backspace or Delete. Normally the Backspace key is set up to be ^H, so, if your erase is configured to be ^H, Backspace most likely will work. Kill The kill control character is similar to the Erase control character, in that it allows you to back up over typing mistakes. Whereas Erase backs up one character at a time, kill backs up all the way to the prompt. Therefore, if you are typing a really long command and you realize, toward the end, that you forgot to do some other command first, you can start over by typing the control character associated with Kill. If you cant see what your Kill is set to, redo the stty command. In the stty output example, the system has kill set to ^X. Again, remember that your system can be configured differently than this example. Now, try typing several characters followed by your Kill control character and see what happens. All the characters should be erased and your cursor should be after the prompt.

EOF The eof control character is used to signal the end of input. The letters eof come from end of file. The normal value of the eof control character is ^D, but be sure to verify this using the stty command. You can see how the eof character is used in the section called Redirecting Input and Output earlier in this Unit. The stty command is also used to set the value of control characters. You can simply enter stty erase ^H to change your Erase character to Backspace. Do not enter a Control+H here; rather, enter ^H. Some shells, including the original Bourne shell, treat the caret specially, so you may need the quotes. (Double quotation marks would also work in this example.) Try changing the value of your Erase control character and then use the stty a command to make sure it happened.

1.Explain the significance of option I, -v with grep command.? Answer

Grep (General Regular Expression Print) $ grep options pattern files grep searches the named files (or standard input if no files are named) for lines that match a given pattern. The default behavior of grep is to print out the matching lines. For example: $ grep hello *.txt searches all text files in the current directory for lines containing "hello". options that grep provides are: -i -v (Displays list of filenames only) (print out the lines that don't match the pattern) $ grep -vi hello *.txt searches all text files in the current directory for lines that do not contain any form of the word hello (e.g. Hello, HELLO, or hELlO).

2. Describe the various utilities used for taking back-up and compression activities. Answer
UNIX systems usually support a number of utilities for backing up and compressing files. The most useful are: tar(tape archiver): tar backs up entire directories and files onto a tape device or into a single disk file known as an archive. An archive is a file that contains other files plus information about them. Tar does not perform any compression by default. Command to create a desk file tar archive is: $ tar cvf archivenamefilenames It has a .tar extension. It has following options: -cvf: To create verbose file -tvf: To list the contents of tar archive -xvf: To restore files from a tar archive Cpio: It is another facility for creating and reading archives Compress, gzip: These two are utilities for compressing and decompressing individual files. The following commands are used: $ compress filename Or $ gzip filename In each case, the filename will be deleted and replaced by a compressed file called filename.Z or filename.gz. To decompress, the following command is use: $ compress d filename.

3. Explain with an example the use of redirection input and output. Answer
The processes usually write to standard output and take their input from standard input. There is another output channel called standard error, where processes write their error messages; by default error messages are also sent to the screen. To redirect standard output to a file instead of the screen, the > operator is used. Example: $echo hello hello $ echo hello > output $ cat output Hello If we want to append the output of the echo command to the file, the >> operator is used. E.g. $ echo bye >> output $ cat output hello Bye To capture standard error, prefix the > operator with a 2 E.g. $ cat nonexistent 2> error $ cat errors Cat: nonexistent: No such file or directory $ Standard error can be redirected and standard output to two different files: $ find . print 1>errors 2>files Or to the same file: $ find . print1>output 2>output Or $find .-print>&output Standard input can also be redirected using the <operator, so that input is read from file instead of the keyboard: $cat< output Hello Bye Input redirection with output redirection can be combined together, but with different filename in both places. Example: $cat<output<output It will destroy the contents of the file output.

4. Write a shell script to display the sum of n numbers.

echo "Enter a number: " read num i=1 sum=0 while [ $i -le $num ] do sum=`expr $sum + $i` i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "The sum of first $num numbers is: $sum" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter a number: 5 The sum of first 5 numbers is: 15

5. How do you perform the following in emacs? (i) delete character under cursor (ii) delete word (iii) delete to end of line(s) Answer (i) x (ii) dw (iii) d$

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