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Liberalization Economic Liberalization and its impact on changes in buying pattern Comment on nature of poverty and unemployment in Indian economy. Impact of Liberalization Policy on Indian economy ( in general) Present day Economic Issues & Policies & their effects on Advertising How does poverty and unemployment affect the advertising 2.Multinational competition What is the impact of multinational competition on Indian business and brands Factors attracting MNCs in India Positive Impact of MNCs on Indian Market: Multinational Competition and its negative impact on Indian Brands/ Indian Business

3.Product Packaging for international markets 4,IMPACT OF ADVERTISING ON SOCIETY Advertising and children Advertising and Women Advertising and youth

5.The role of advertising in the Indian Economy 6.Social Marketing What is social marketing Need for Social marketing Hurdles in the path of social marketing Developing social marketing program Marketing Mix Social marketing planning process

7.The Impact of Global Competition in the field of Advertising or challenges of international advertising The Scope and Challenges of International Advertising

Challenges of International Advertising

Media Limitations

8.Advertising and Culture What do you mean by Making Messages Culture Specific Think globally go locally short note on local flavour advertising or what is local flavour ad and what are advantages Cross cultural psychological segmentation Cross Cultural Advertising write note on

9.Internet marketing and Use of WWW as a marketing tool Web pages Types of web pages Characteristics of web pages Internet marketing & www as a marketing tool The use of www as a marketing tool. Online marketing strategy 10.Promotion in International Markets Controversial advertising 11.Role of advertising in bringing about changes in culture, customs and traditions Impact of advertising on attitudes, behaviour, societal norms, perceptions, needs life styles. Role of advertising on society ( Social Implications of Advertising) Growing influence of advertising and its criticism 13. 5 Ms of Advertising

15. GLOBAL MARKETING VS LOCALISATION ( diff between Global and international marketing) Difference between Global vs International marketing

Growing influence of advertising and its criticism

Advertising by its very nature receives wide exposure . It has an effect on what people buy and thus in their activities. Because of the exposure to ads and also its persuasive nature it has a great impact on the values and lifestyles of society. This impact has both positive and negative side. Different ad appeals have different impact eg

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Appeals to mass markets tend to promote conformity Appeals to status- promote envy, pride and social competitiveness Appeals to fear -promote anxiety Appeals to newness- promote disrespect for tradition, durability, experience Appeals to youth -promote reduced family authority Appeals to sexuality- promote liberal sexual behaviours

The key issues are which values and lifestyles are to be encouraged as healthy, which are to be avoided and what is the impact or influence of advertising on them.

Some of the issues related to negative impact of advertising are :

Materialism Some are of opinion that advertising specially TV ads contributes to materialism. But there are others who argue that although people spend on material things they do so to achieve nonmaterial goals. Eg., an automobile for social status or convenience or music system to appreciate music. It is difficult to prove or disprove the link of advertising and materialism. Although advertising has become a part of our culture , it is not true that it has the power to dominate other forces like family, religion, literature etc. which contribute to the value of the society.

Promoting Stereotypes. Advertising has been criticized for promoting stereotypes eg., of women and ethnic minorities. . Women are shown inferior to men in professisonal life, they are stereotyped as homemakers and as sex objects, dependent on men . Minorities are shown in low status . eg Ads stressing on fair woman are beautiful ( Fair & Lovely, Fem bleaching cream))

Advertisers are aware of these accusations and are sincerely trying to avoid such situations in their ads. The image of women in advertising has changed significantly in the last few years.

Promoting harmful products. Another issue is advertising promotes harmful products. Like Pan masala, cigarettes, liquor etc. After many debates, advertising of cigarettes and alcohol are now banned. Of course there are arguments that ads do not promote consumption, it only influences brand choice . It is also argued that countries that have banned advertising of alcohol and cigarettes have not lowered the consumption of these products. It is felt, therefore that banning such products may not be the most effective way of handling the problem.

Advertising Manipulates : Does advertising manipulate? The essence of a free marketplace and a free society is - the freedom to make decisions to select or not select a particular brand. Some feel that advertisement manipulates a buyer into making decisions without his will. Some believe that advertising utilizes emotional appeals to manipulate consumers. The criticism is that with emotional appeals the consumers will not make the right decision.

. However the fact remains that consumer choice behaviour is determined by many factors in addition to advertising- the advice of friends, decisions and lifestyles of family members news stories, prices and so on. Advertising is only one of many variables and it has a limited role.

Advertising is deceptive. Some critics are of the view that advertising is deceptive, misleading and conveys false impression, whether intentional or not.

Eg., a brand is advertised as a way to achieve success or to change your dull life. Dishwashing liquids are advertised as sweeping away the dullness of life.

For advertising to be effective, consumers must have confidence in it. By deception , the advertiser will not be able to gain the confidence of the consumer.

Advertising makes people buy things they do not need. Critics claim advertising merely increases demand for unnecessary products that are not really needed by consumers. It creates artificial needs . The counter argument to this is who is to determine the need of a consumer? Advertisers try to convince people that their brand will make them sexier, healthier or more successful but they cant make them buy. If it is so easy to convince people to buy why do more products fail than succeed? On the contrary consumers control the marketplace by the choices they make.

Advertising debases our language. Critics claim that advertising copy is too breezy, too informal and too casual and therefore improper. They believe that advertising has destroyed the dignity of the

language. Research however has shown that people respond better to down-to-earth conversational language than to the dignified , formal copy. Good copywriters develop a style that is descriptive, colourful and picturesque as well as warm, human and personal. They use simple words that are lively, full of personality and reflects the language usage and patterns of their target audience

Advertising is in bad taste. Some feel that advertising is objectionable because the creative effort behind is not in good taste. Some feel that television advertising is often like a visitor who ahs overstayed his welcome

Taste is highly subjective. What is bad taste to some is perfectly acceptable to others. Also taste changes. What is offensive today may not be so tomorrow. People were first outraged when the first deodorant ad for underarms appeared. Today no one questions such ads. Today grooming and personal hygiene products often use near nudity in their ads. In international markets nudity in commercial is commonplace. Ultimately the market has the veto power- it can simply ignore material it considers offensive or in bad taste

Advertising to children has been a major focus and concern for many years. It is said that children between 2 to 11 spend about 25 hours a week watching television and see approx20,000 ads per year/

Green Marketing has brought up a new issues about advertisings effect on values and life styles. Advertising has played a valuable role to encourage recycling, energy conservation and many ecologically friendly behaviours. It was informative and educative. However advertisers have used environmental advertising as an effective way to sell products by using terms such as Recycled or Recyclable

In conclusion we can say that advertising has some influence on society and its behaviour both positive and negative . However the core cultural values in India has not much changed in spite of the vast changes that have taken place in the behavioural patterns of the Indian people.

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