Issue 4.0: It's The Other Way Around.

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Issue 4.0


Plans dont create Ideas

Its the other way around..

An interview with our alumnus, Kunal Panchal, Managing Director at Hetu Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Q: What part of your engineering life gave you the skills and confidence to think of starting your own business? A: The four years that I spent at KJSIEIT helped me realize & nurture my passion for web development and programming. My teachers and peers created an environment where I felt free to express my creativity; and thats where any idea can really begin, from freedom. I found myself taking interest in technical extracurricular activities and started actively participating in our colleges technicalfestivals, from Poseidon (2007). The interest further boosted from colleges first Renaissance (2008) tech-fest, when the CSI student chapter was initiated in our college, I was fortunate enough to be made the Vice-Chairperson, which aided me to experience and improve further technical & managerial skills. I started a music portal to share my music collection with friends and worked on it with time. Working on projects like such helped me out to know in & out of Web Technology. It now has more than 60,000 visitors per day. Q: Did you plan to work first to gain experience and then start your own company? A: During the last semester of my engineering, after having failed in several aptitude tests and when most of my friends were placed or were preparing for further studies, I was clueless about what to do next. It was pure chance that I went for Remindos (a Social Software Enterprise) recruitment process and to my amazement I perfectly fit their criteria. The nine months that I spent at helped me grow as a web developer and I learnt several dos and dont about running a business. But when I realized that my job required only part of my skills and that I could do much more, I decided to quit and work freelance. The thought of being unemployed didnt scare me because Ive always trusted my gut instinct, and thats crucial for every entrepreneur. And, by the grace of God, I did get enough work & ideas to sustain and later shift from a Freelancer to Hetu Infotech. I believe no planning is the best planning, which gives me enough freedom, to explore & experience diverse situations. Taking action is more important than planning, because I understood that you learn a lot when you are in a situation, than to pre-estimate those in theory. The ability to perform under pressure is only acquired when one faces the tensions of life, and Mumbai Universitys Engineering does give enough tension to bring out that ability. So, Dont Think, Just Do It. Q: What is the best part about being the boss at Hetu Infotech, and what is the company about? A: I am just like a normal employee, Ive never really thought of myself as anyones boss, and the handful of people who work with me at Hetu will tell you that. Everyones an equal. This is the key in creating a productive environment. Only when employees feel like an equal, will they listen and understand each other. And this has worked wonders for us! Hetu Infotech is essentially a web services provider. We provide a diverse range of services like web app development, web performance enhancement, and digital marketing solutions. To deliver the best, its important to know what a client wants and expects. Communication with Showing Quality Result is the only way of providing excellent customer satisfaction. And our companys tagline is also based on those terms Delivering Smiles. Q: As an Entrepreneurship Cell, what do you think is the most important role we can play in shaping an aspiring entrepreneurs mind? A: Key to the art of shaping a mind is, rather than teaching WHAT to Learn, it is important to teach a mind HOW to Learn. For an entrepreneur, its more about How. E-Cell should enable an environment which helps, oneself realize, what is it that he really wants to do. Before making a roadmap, its important to know the Destination. As my destination related to my work is TO MAKE WEB BEAUTIFUL. So, destinations are broad goals. As an organization that supports an entrepreneurial mindset, its necessary to encourage your members to appreciate an idea and its limitless potential. Because, every idea is a great idea. By considering this, if you allow them to focus on the big picture, analyzing the quick possible steps which can be taken will become incredibly easy. So that they may begin to formulate plans of their own. Action on Ideas is important, than Plans.

About Kunal Panchal:

Kunal Pachal is a Computer Engineer from K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Sion (batch of 2008). He is an avid web developer and loves to explore the creative aspects of his business to bring out the best that technology has to offer.


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EqWitty Speaks
I can create something out of nothing. With these words an entrepreneur is born. This is where the journey from a single step to carving a new path begins. If asked to describe an entrepreneur, the words most often used are- innovative, visionary, bold, confident, inspiring and a true leader. But it all starts in the mind of a free thinker, an avid learner, one who accepts the new with a smile. For only the adaptive can survive in the ever changing world of business. The truth of the matter is no one can teach you to be an entrepreneur. It must come from within. The spark that ignites the mind must be born inside of you. And that is exactly what will set you apart. To be successful at anything, what matters is not a plan or a strategy, but an exceptionally brilliant start. This is why all entrepreneurs fervently protect their ideas. A spark, an idea, an illumination is where a true businessmans journey begins. And the rest, as they say, is only a matter of history; the will to want to leave your mark in the sands of time. But it wont happen unless you allow yourself to appreciate the value of an idea, however insurmountable it may seem. In this issue, we throw light on an entrepreneurial mindset, the personality of a true businessman who doesnt succumb to social norms but brings about everlasting and influential change. From creating a healthy work culture to the philosophy of entrepreneurship, read it all! -Team EqWitty.

Philosophy of an Entrepreneur
An Entrepreneur is a creature who strives for his own dreams. For him, nothing is more vital than to experience his own fantasy. An Entrepreneur always has a fixed goal engraved in his subconscious. Every step of his journey reflects his willingness to achieve what he has set out to. Like any other newbie, an Entrepreneur is expected to suffer all kinds of resistance from the critics. But his vision empowers him to tussle these challenges. Not every egg produces a baby; only a determined individual ends up witnessing the light of life. Once he emerges as a significant figure in the market, the next thing that concerns him is the competition. Now this is a crucial situation, from where entrepreneurs tend to part ways. Majority tend to amend their policies just to please their clients. While very few stay adamant and continue with their dream. Such people change the face of the world just to accomplish their goals. These individuals might have to endure severe blows initially; many give up midway. But the ones, who stay determined till the end, finish off victorious. Some Entrepreneurs like being provoked and opposed. This intensifies their objective and will-power even further. In such cases, their critics end up acting as a stimulating agent to keep them focused on their objective. For some, mere fulfilment of their dream matters but for some, even that has to transpire according to their own terms. The best part of being an Entrepreneur is that we are our own boss and we can work as and how we wish. But most of the times, this luxury drives a sense of responsibility in the Entrepreneurs. This sense of responsibility coupled with intent can work wonders. Moreover, the sentiments attached with the job in hand, along with the expectations of their dear ones inspires them to overcome any hurdles. This is comparable to a teenager who wishes to join the Indian Cricket Team. Once he achieves this feat, jubilation takes over him. But the immediate reaction is a sense of responsibility that he has to perform well so that his team wins. He has to cope with the expectation of the masses as well. Thus, despite the luxury and freedom he possesses, a sense of responsibility confines him from being complacent and propels him to improve eternally. Every person endeavours to leave a mark, so that people remember him by his deeds. But a true Entrepreneur always gets remembered by the attitude he employs to accomplish his dreams. All in all, an Entrepreneur is more than a trader who is concerned only with profit margins. An Entrepreneur is a passionate and goal-centred individual who lives his life with complete self-domination; inspiring others to believe in themselves and to follow their dreams with ambition.


Message from Uday R. Wankawala, Consultant (Mumbai Region) National Entrepreneurship Network, A Wadhwani Foundation Initiative
Dear Friends, Greetings!!! As this is my first column for EqWitty, my initial thought was How can I???? contribute my best to this periodical which covers Cool start-ups, amazing Student Entrepreneur stories, successful Campus Companies, Engineers turned Entrepreneurs and stirring B-Quotes So rather than writing an exclusive article or story on a particular subject, I just want the readers to mull over the following few subjects as I will be covering them in my upcoming columns

In my role as a Consultant with NEN Trust, it is indeed an enriching experience to interact with experts, faculty members, Directors / Principals, Educators, Funders, Govt. representatives and different stakeholders who are playing a pivotal role in building a strong entrepreneurship eco-system & I will endeavor to share the same with the readers of EqWitty.




In an engineering college, where every student has, along with a knack for exploring the unknown, a desire to capture the beautiful; Pranav Vinchurkar from KJSIEIT decided to try his hand at teaching photography during the E-WEEK celebrations of 2011. Having an idea of the number of eager friends and juniors who were excited to learn more about his photography skills, Pranav decided to start a small business in our college. He started his campus company where he took basic photography classes and realized that not only was he good at it, but he also enjoyed sharing his knowledge with enthusiastic learners. It was amazing to learn something new at every step of running my own company. I realized that every situation is different and facing these hurdles brought out the best in me. The best feeling is when you know youve passed on your knowledge and helped someone with it, said Pranav about his photography classes.

Pick a song, any song. Latest MP3 song downloads, Live TV, Bollywood Song, Mobile Videos, PC Videos, Indipop Songs and every other kind of music or video you can think of. Youll find it all on Saavn. A cool new application that will bring you amazing music at the touch of your fingertips, on your cell phones and your PC. Saavn is a digital distributor of Bollywood and Kollywood music, with rights to over 2 million music tracks. Saavn was founded as BODVOD networks in 2006 by Vin Bhat, Neal Shenoy, and Paramdeep Singh. In 2009, Saavn shifted its core focus to become a music destination for fans of Bollywood and other Indic music. Its flagship product,, offers free music search and streaming supported by display ads. Users of Saavn can create their own playlists on the go, or listen to editorialized playlists.

Edited by: Ankita Rajadhyaksha Soumen Das Gaurav Thingalaya

Designed By: Team EqWitty

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