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Hugh Miller, 2013 First published 2007 as a MySpace blog post. This edition published 2013.



SLAPJACK, herein referred to as SLAPJACK, is a colourful extension of the card game Uno, first played early in the 21st century. It is an entertaining and challenging game, and to win a player must demonstrate tremendous skill or excellent luck. Sit back, enjoy and anticipate your next move!



2 decks of standard playing cards with the Jokers left in. 2 6 players. Drinks and snacks are optional but aggressively encouraged.



1. Combine 2 decks and shuffle thoroughly. 2. If 2 3 total players, deliver 15 cards to each player. If 4 6 total players, deliver 13 cards to each player. 3. Turn 1 card up and leave the pile next to that turned card. 4. The player next to the dealer (clockwise) may take the first turn.



The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards before the other players. You can only get rid of your cards by taking your turn or through the Exactly the Same Card rule (see below). Like Uno, when it is your turn, you can play a card in your hand if the card at the top of the pile is of the same suit, or of the same number. If you cant play a card in your turn, you must pick up a card.



Ace The Doubler Generally the Ace is a normal card, but it can be played at the same time as a 2 or a 3 of the same suit from your hand to double the 2s or 3's power (see below). The Ace must go underneath the 2 or 3 on the deck (hence making the 2 or 3 the active card for the next turn).

2 Pick Up 2 When a player plays a 2, the next player in turn must pick up 2 cards, unless that player has a Jack of the same suit (The Blocker), a 2 (the sum is added up and passed to the next player to pick up), a 3 of the same suit (sum is added up again), or a Joker (The Blocking Wildcard). 3 Pick Up 3 When a player plays a 3, the next player in turn must pick up 3 cards, unless that player has a Jack of the same suit (The Blocker), a 3 (the sum is added up and passed to the next player to pick up), a 2 of the same suit (sum is added up again), or a Joker (The Blocking Wildcard). 4,5,6,7 No special functions. 8 The Wildcard The 8, unlike most other cards, can be played when it is not of the same suit or number as the card before it. Most crucially it gives the player who played it the power to demand the suit of what the next card played must be. However, an 8 cannot be played when the player is required to pick up cards. 9,10 No special functions. Jack The Blocker The Jack has a unique, yet devastating power. A Jack of the same suit can be used to block 2s and 3s, and progressions of these cards (see below). Perhaps most importantly, if the player before you uses a Queen to skip you and you can put down a Jack of the same suit before the next player has their go, you may slap the player who tried to skip you on the cheek. Generally it is extremely undesirable and embarrassing to be SLAPJACKed and other players may mock and tease you. Queen The Skipper A Queen skips the next players turn unless you are SLAPJACKed. King The Reverser The order of play is immediately reversed this manoeuvre cannot be blocked. Joker The Blocking Wildcard Jokers have immense power. They can be played at any time whatsoever, except for when Two of the Exact Same Card is played (see below). They block 2s & 3s, progressions, and can also be used to demand a change in suit like an 8.



4.2.1 Progressions Part of the fun of SLAPJACK are the enormous progressions that can be made with 2s and 3s, inevitably forcing a player to pick up in excess of 20 30 cards at one time. This happens when a player (e.g.) puts down a 3, and the next player also has a 3 or a 2 of the same suit. Theres no limit to how many times this can happen. If at any stage someone in the progression puts down an Ace of the same suit with their 2 or 3, the entire progression's sum is doubled. Only one ace by one player can be played in a progression. 2s or 3s that are added to the progression via the Exactly the Same Card rule are also added to the total of the progression. 4.2.2 Exactly the Same Card (3 or more players) This popular rule allows you to play a card out of turn. If, for example, a player opposite you plays the 5 of clubs, and you also have the 5 of clubs in your hand, you may play the 5 of clubs as long as you do it before the next player who is due to take their go, takes their go. You will still receive your regulation turn to play afterwards. If it was your turn the Exactly the Same Card is seen as your regulation go and you do not get an extra turn. When this move is made, the player with the Exactly the Same Card should, in the spirit of the game, call exactly the same card! aloud to his or her fellow players. 4.2.3 Two of the Exact Same Card If you are blessed with two of the exact same card in your hand and those cards match the number or suit of the top card on the deck, you may put down both cards at the same time and WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS the next player forfeits their turn and has to pick up a card. In the spirit of the game the player should announce to his fellow players that theres nothing you can do! If the cards are a double: 2 or 3 they lose their power, and the next player has to pick up only one card without exception and miss their turn. 8 they lose their power, must be played in suit and the player cant choose suit, and the next player has to pick up only one without exception and miss their turn. Jack they lose their power to block, and the next player has to pick up one card without exception and miss their turn. Queen the next players turn is skipped and the following player has to pick up only one without exception unless the next player has a double Jack of the same suit, in which case there is the super rare DOUBLE SLAPJACK. A DOUBLE SLAPJACK means the player who played the double Queen is to be slapped twice by player he or she tried to skip and also must pick up one card. King the order is reversed, and the previous player must pick up a card and miss their turn.

Joker they can be played at any time, the player playing them is allowed to demand a change in suit and the next player has to pick up one card without exception and miss their turn. 4.2.4 Being SLAPJACKED A slap shouldnt use excessive force. Nor should it be meek or weak. The slap should make a crisp thwack noise but shouldnt hurt the slapee. To ensure the slap is in the spirit of the game the slapee may appeal to the slap jury the other players playing. If a unanimous verdict is reached whereby the slap is deemed too weak or too powerful, the slapee may slap the slapper back.



Once a player is down to just one card remaining, he or she MUST let the playing group know by calling SLAPJACK! Other players then may collaborate and work together by virtue of discussing their hands to ensure that the player doesnt win. Of course, a player may escape calling SLAPJACK! if he or she finishes with Two of the Exact Same Card or an Ace & 2/3. Once a player wins, the game is over.



Once the game is over, the scorer tallies the amount of cards each player has left in their hand. Each card is worth 1 point, with the exception of the Ace, which is worth 10. After any number of games, once an individual reaches 100 points the match is over and the player with the fewest number of points wins. A draw will result in another hand being played.



Pick up 1 3 cards: 1 drink Pick up 4+ cards: 2 drinks Use the Jack/Joker to block picking up cards: Nominate 1 drink If your turn gets skipped or reversed: 1 drink If you are SLAPJACK SLAPJACKed: Finish your drink If you dont win a game: 1 drink

At the end of each game the winner pours a swig of their drink into a large glass. At the conclusion of the match the player that reaches 100 first, or has the highest score if 2 or more players have reached 100, must skol the entire glass of drink.

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