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What is ...?
Milk is a white liquid produced by female mammals to feed their young. Milk has been used for human consumption for thousands of years. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world. There are many different kinds of milk, including cows milk, goats and sheeps Milk. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, drinking milk when you are young helps to build strong bones. New Zealand and Australia are the worlds largest exporters of milk and milk products. Joke of the Week What do you call cheese that isnt yours? >> Nacho cheese!

April Showers
I. April Fools Day happens on the 1st April, but it is
about more than playing jokes, tricks and pranks. Thats just the most fun part of the day! In France it is called Poisson d Avrill, which means April Fish. Children tape paper sh to their friendss backs and when the young fool nds out, the prankster yells Poisson dAvrill. April Fools pratical jokes should be

What kinds of milk suit me?

Raw milk has not been heat treated, and is usually only available in natural food stores Whole milk is the milk as it came from the cow and contains about 3.5% fat Low-fat milk is available in two types, 2% and 1%. The numbers tell the percent of fat that the milk contains Nonfat (or skim milk) must have less than .5% milk fat Buttermilk is the liquid left after butter is made from milk

done in good fun and not ever be meant to harm anyone. For example a

Did you know?

All cows are female Historians believe that the milk of other mammals began being used as a drink by humans about 10,000 years ago Milk is around 90 percent water

practical Joke for April Fools Day might be to put food coloring in milk! Oops...

II. Qingming festvial/Tomb-sweeping day

(Qngmng Ji) which falls on either April 4th or 5th, is one of the important Chinese festivals. From that date temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases, shoing that it is the time for plowing and sowing crops in the spring. Qingming Festival therefore has a close relationship with farming. However, it is not only a seasonal holiday; it is also a festival of paying respects to the dead, a time for a spring outing, and other activities.

Word Search

Easter & Earth Day are also coming up soon

Milk is a white liquid Milk has a lot of added sugar Only kids need to drink milk


Liquid: Fluid, ows like water Mammals: Warm-blooded animals that feed their young milk Human: People, not animals Consumption: Eating or drinking something Popular: Liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people According: Stated, or said by somebody Academy: A place of study Pediatrics: Branch of medicine that deals with children Exporters: Businesses that send goods overseas for sale Historians: Experts in the study of history, or the past

Should children drink milk? How much is enough? What are some problems with milk?

Try it! - make you own chocolate milkshake

Ingredients 2-3 scoops chocolate or vanilla ice cream chocolate syrup (or 2 tsp cocoa with 2 tsp sugar) 1 cup of milk Directions In blender combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into glass


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