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Jamestown was the first successful colony of Great Britain in the New World (The Americas). Jamestown was made up of gentlemen working for the Virginia Company, sailors, peasants trying Colony: A group of people to find a better life and English people just trying to reach gold in the New World. claiming land in a new The following will tell you of: Jamestowns earliest leaders; the route from England to territory for its home Jamestown; and important dates from the history of Jamestown.

Virginia Company: A corporation that was formed by a charter by King James l to appoint the council and partially control Jamestown.

Jamestowns Early Leaders

Jamestown had many early leaders such as: the captain of the ships to go to Jamestown; The first leaders of land on Jamestown; and the trade leaders. The Captain of the Ships: the Discovery, the Godspeed and the largest, the Susan Constant was Captain Christopher Newport who was wise and strong. The first leader of Jamestown was Edward Maria Wingfield who was a gentleman chosen by the Virginia Company. President turnover was common after this. After being accused of using the food for him, Wingfield was impeached and the position of president was given to the rotten Captain Ratcliffe. Ratcliffe wanted a large house built by the colonists, but that plan didnt sit still for long. The colonist hated this idea and soon Ratcliffe was impeached just as well. After this, a well-trained man named John Smith who was a hero of war. John Smith was leading the colony fine when on a trade trek with the Powhatan Indians his foot was burnt by hot gunpowder. This incident stole Jamestowns best early leader from the colony. Jamestown had a wave of early leaders, but the plan for Jamestowns leaders was never expected to turn out the way it was planned.

The Route
The route from England to Jamestown was complicated, but smart. The route was from England, then down south, next west to the Caribbean Islands, then Northwest to the Chesapeake Bay and then west onto land to Jamestown. The route went like this, rather than straight across because the currents of the route they took was faster than straight through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The route was not great for trading, but the Chesapeake Bay provided a good port for trade.

Five Important Dates

Ten Important Dates in the history of Jamestown were: 1. May 4th, 1607-Jamestown was established. 2. September, 1608- John Smith becomes president of Jamestown 3. 1622- Indian Massacre caused by hatred of Indians. 4. May 23d, 1609-Virginia Company appoints Governor to have complete control of the colony in the New World. 5. August, 1611- Sir Tom Gates comes to Jamestown with food and new settlers to save the colony at a dark time.

Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in the New World. Jamestown part of the foundation of the country of America. America thanks and supports the settlement of America.

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