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15 ways to get rid of Stammering: Exercises, Treatment, Home cures

Home Home Remedies | Natural Cures 15 ways to get rid of Stammering: Exercises, Treatment, Home cures

Collection of Exercises, Speech therapy, treatment and home cure for stammering (stuttering). Index of Contents

What is Stammering ? People vulnerable to stammering Implications of stammering What causes Stammering ? Exercises for Stammering Lifestyle changes to treat Stammering Food for those who Stammer Other recommendations for Treating Stammering Stammering Trivia Stammering: Free Downloads Video resources: Curing Stuttering/ Stammering

Stammering is a fairly common problem. As per an estimate; approximately 1.5% of the world population is affected by this speech disorder. What is Stammering ? Stammering is an involuntary interruption or inability to push a syllable or letter while speaking. This difficulty is usually encountered when speaking words beginning with or sounds produced by letters b, d, g, k, p and t. Stammering may also be accompanied by allied symptoms like a red face, tremor of the jaw and blinking of eyes when speaking. Who are affected ? Stammering generally occurs in childhood, between three and seven years and is perfectly acceptable. Stammering becomes a cause of concern, when it extends beyond 10 years of age. Statistically, 1 out of every 4 children who stammer, retain it up to adulthood. It can affect members of either sex, but is more common in men than women. Implications of stammering Stammering is benign condition with no physical implications. Stammering in childhood (2-5 years) is normal as children develop their speech abilities in this age. This should normally disappear with age. However, if stammering lasts longer or is left untreated, it has vital social, emotional and psychological implications. Stammering may result in a significant loss of motivation to speak and induce a person to be silent in friend circle, school or at workplace, for fear of ridicule.

What causes stammering ? Physiological factors are primarily responsible for stammering in children. Children stammer due to one of the following causes: 1) Inability to control muscles of the organs of speech 2) Obstruction in the organs of speech. 3) Neuromuscular problems 4) Difficulty in the movement of the tongue and lips However, stammering in advanced age is also attributed to psychological factors like: loss of confidence in ones ability to speak without stammering. Other psychological factors that can trigger stammering include scorn, anxiety, arousal and tense family atmosphere.

Exercises for stammering

Exercises are effective in treatment of physiological causes of stammering. In general, exercises are meant to provide strength to the organs associated with speech including tongue, lips, jaw, trachea and lungs. Many people who stammer have found these exercises to be beneficial in reducing the intensity and in some cases, completely curing stammering problem. The exercises should preferably be done every night in a secluded area, before going to bed. An exercise regimen comprising of the following exercises are beneficial in treatment and cure of stammering. Stammering Exercise #1 Loudly and clearly pronounce the vowels A, E, I, O and U. Be overly articulate and distort your face strongly, every time you utter the vowels.

Stammering Exercise #2: Open your jaws as wide as you can without exerting hard. While the jaws are still open, lift your tongue upwards to touch the roof of mouth with the tip of your tongue. While still in contact with the roof of your mouth, drag the tip of your tongue towards the back of your mouth. When your tongues get stretched to the maximum (without hurting), hold there for few seconds. Next pull out your tongue outside the mouth and stretch it downwards as if attempting to touch the chin. Hold in that position for few seconds. Repeat 4-5 times. Stammering Exercise #3: Deep breathing exercise are very effective in curing speech disorders like stammering as they help to strengthen the respiratory organs and to relax neuromuscular tension that builds up in the body. Stammering can be controlled by learning to voluntarily control the rhythm of words by implementation of specific breathing patterns. There can be many variants of deep breathing exercises and one can choose any or all exercises which he/she is comfortable doing. Some of the variants are: a) Inhale deeply through mouth and exhale slowly, immediately after inhalation. b) Inhale deeply through mouth and push your tongue outside the mouth while c) Inhale deeply through mouth, at the same time, press your chest muscles inward. Exhale slowly exhaling.

You can have your own variations of these deep breathing exercises, as long as they provide some respiratory motion, swelling of the abdomen and workout for chest and other speech organs. Do not overdo any exercise and bring variations, every one or two minutes. Stammering Exercise #4: Reading exercises are helpful in identification of patterns of repetition of syllables that cause stammering and thus reduce bottlenecks of fast reading. For this exercise, take a text and read it fast without laying emphasis on the quality of speech. Speedy reading will help a subconscious identification of each word. Prefer the speed to the quality of speech. Let the words be wrongly spoken and do not stop on any particular word or syllable. This exercise, if continued for 2-3 months is very effective in relaxing muscular tension and correcting all obstructions of the speech. Stammering Exercise #5 Singing is a very effective exercise for stammering. Singing helps the sufferer learn to better control breath and the phonatory muscles. Another very effective treatment for stammering involves participation in theatrical activities. Theatre helps shed down several inhibitions and is very effective remedy for stammering.

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Stammering

Fighting inferiority complex: Developing confidence in ones own ability to speak correctly is probably the only real solution to cure stammering. However building self-confidence when one makes nervous mistakes in every sentence is not easy. Inferiority complex is natural in people who stammer. Dealing with this complex is the most paramount task in overcoming stammering. Talking openly when the person approaches with the subject is vital in handling this complex. Maintaining a relaxed environment at home gives the child an opportunity to speak without stress. Watch out your breath: As a general thumb rule, one should breathe from the belly and not from the chest. Breathing from the belly naturally calms down and relaxes nervous and muscular tension and is a helpful habit in curing stammering and related disorders. Family support: Family support is of vital importance in treatment of stammering. Family members should use all possible means to deliver the person of his state of anxiety which is the only cause of stammering in a large number of cases. Family members must:

Not punish or react harshly on a person who is stammering Listen carefully, when such a person speaks Adapt to speak slowly and not interrupt when a person stammers Be patient and wait for the person to complete words Not complete sentences or words when such a person is trying to

speak. Consulting a speech therapist: Speech therapy has been used to cure or reduce the intensity of stammering. Speech therapist try to diagnose the causes of stammering and accordingly prescribe exercises, medications and/or scalpel intervention in certain cases.

In case of physiological defects, speech therapy is compulsory to treat stammering. While speech therapist mainly concentrate on speech corrections, they may also adopt psychotherapies like hypnosis, impoco, role plays or cognitive behavioral therapy, if diagnosis suggests a psychological cause for stammering. Many therapist also use acupuncture, yoga spa treatment and other relaxation techniques to assist in treatment of stammering. Many cities have specialized speech therapy centers which offer intensive cures and therapies for stammering.

Hearing aid: There are also some hearing aids that help to reduce or eliminate stammering. The electronic device records the users voice using a microphone and sends it back to his ears after a delay of about split seconds or at a slightly different frequency. Simultaneous speaking and the ability to listen to how it is heard by others is very effective in helping one who stammers correct his errors. Though familiarization with the device may take up to a few months, they often succeed in breaking the psychological barrier that prevents normal speech. Once the barrier is broken and the practitioner gains confidence, he/she can start speaking normally without using the device.

Food for those who stammer

While there are no particular foods that can be used to cure stammering, some food are known to be beneficial for speech organs. For instance, chewing Indian gooseberry, Almonds, Black pepper, Cinnamon and dried dates are known to clear speech congestions. Thus they can be taken internally in moderate quantities to address symptoms of stammering. Other recommendations for Treating Stammering

Stammering is known to be aggravated by fatigue, anxiety or nervousness. A positive environment at home and at workplace is of paramount importance in helping a person who stammers cure his disorder. Above all, stammering can not be cured overnight. It takes time and patience but the rewards at the end of it all are really worth the time. Stammering Trivia Whats common amongst Aristotle, Churchill, Darwin, Moses and Rousseau ?Ans:They all stammered! Stammering: Free Downloads Stammering can be cured to a large extent using simple home remedies, natural cures and exercises in most of the cases. You can download two of the most published books on self treatment of stammering below. Self Therapy for the Stammering Stammer No More Tags and related search terms: Natural Home Remedies and natural home cures for the treatment of stammering. Exercises for stammering, Relaxation and deep breathing exercises to treat stammering. Video resources: Curing Stuttering/ Stammering

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Speak with caution. Abstain from talking until you are completely aware of all of the words you intend to use. Think before you speak. The quicker you try to talk, the less control you will have over what comes out of your mouth. Opt for being quiet and slow to respond rather than stammering.

Talk gently. Speak with a slow and gentle cadence. Concentrate on the slow motion of both your tongue and your lips. Never rush when talking. Remember, it is not a contest, and your main goal is to speak in a clear and understandable manner.
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Picture your words. Take a second to put together a mental picture of the sentence you wish to say. Envision all of the words that compose the sentence, as well as all of the individual letters. Focus on all of the letters one at a time instead of tackling the word all at once. Sound out every letter from the first to the last.

Warm up your voice. Before you plan to go into a situation where you need to speak to a lot of people, be proactive instead of nervous. Take warm-up vocal exercises. For example, repeat the sounds of your extended vowels slowly for roughly a minute. Examples of long vowel sounds include vowels situated at a syllable's end and the presence of silent Es. Repeat words such as "prevent" and "whole" over and over. Concentrate on listening to how you sound, and chances are your speaking style will seem more comfortable, smooth and fluid.

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Engage in volume extremes. When attempting to eliminate stammering, either whisper softly or talk in a very loud way. Both of these styles can make stammering not as apparent as normal speech.

Visit a doctor. If you have a particularly serious case of stammering, speak with a doctor about your solutions. Contact a doctor about the possible use of electronic devices that utilize delayed auditory feedback to force slower speech. If a person using this device attempts to speak rapidly, the tool will cause words to come across as distorted. Another option is speech therapy known as controlled fluency. This therapy focuses heavily on self-

monitoring when stammering. These techniques can also be used to treat stuttering, which is a similar speech condition that involves excessive repetition of sounds and words.

Utilize music therapy to eliminate stammering. Music therapy can be beneficial for speech fluency in stammerers. Some stammering is caused by stress and anxiety, and music has the capability to relax and calm people down. Tomatis Listening Therapy uses classical music to heal a variety of conditions, from stammering to autism.
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Tips & Warnings

One way that a parent of a stammering child can help is by going out of her way to speak slowly as well, to encourage the child to do the same. When a child speaks in a smooth and fluent manner, a parent can reinforce the action by enthusiastic praise and encouragement. If you stammer, try to slightly "sing" your words as you speak them. Singing requires deep breathing, which can increase control and support of a voice and reduce incidences of pausing and hesitation.

Read more: How to Get Rid of Stammering |

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Stuttering occurs in approximately 5% of children and 1% of adults worldwide. It is a disorder where

the sufferer repeats sounds, syllables or words, disrupting the normal flow of speech, so that he/she can not be well understood. The disorder often starts when children begin to talk. Most children lose the stutter when their brains

grow, but for some of them the problem remains. The current treatments include psychotherapy (to reduce anxiety), speech therapy, breathing exercises and electronic devices. This disorder has always been a medical mystery that has been attributed to various causes, mainly psychological and emotional problems that create nervousness and stress to the patient. Now U.S. researchers claim that there is a biological cause behind this problem (at least for some people), and have discovered for the first time genetic mutations in three genes that are responsible for stuttering in humans. Due to the fact that the brain regions involved with speech require highly efficient metabolic systems, even the slightest mistake in protein production (due to a genetic mutation) may result in stuttering, according to research. The discovery links stuttering to disorders in the body's metabolism and can lead to new drug therapies. However it is estimated that only 9% of the cases are actually caused by gene mutations, which means that most people can actually treat this condition effectively without using drugs. Thousands of people out there have managed to overcome this problem and you would not even know that they used to suffer from this condition. So, what can you do to get rid of this problem?

Reduce nervousness and anxiety: Don't think too much before you speak, because this will only make you more nervous and more likely to stutter. Anxiety is a major contributing factor to stammering. Children and adults with speech disabilities are much more likely to develop an anxiety disorder compared to people who do not stutter. It's very important to learn how to control physical anxiety and tension by using certain relaxation techniques. All stutterers actually have the ability to talk fluently. In a relaxed, low-stress state you can pronounce any word fluently. I'm sure that even If you're stutterer, there have been some situations where you felt completely relaxed and the problem simply went away.

Don't try to speak too quickly: The funny thing about stutterers is that that they are often smarter than average. Their minds tend to work too fast and their tongue simply can't catch up! This means that every time they make an attempt to speak they can't find the appropriate words to express their thoughts. Slowing down the rhythm of your speech can enable you to verbalize each word more effectively.

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Putting thoughts into words and then organizing speech so that the words flow well is a very complex task for the human brain. It is amazing that we do not all stammer. No one understands why stammering occurs, but a lot of research is being done to find out.
Putting thoughts into words and then organizing speech so that the words flow well is a very complex task for the human brain. It is amazing that we do not all stammer. No one understands why stammering occurs, but a lot of research is being done to find out. Stammering seldom occurs when a single word is being spoken or read, but it usually occurs at the beginning of a sentence or idea. Different parts of the brain deal with language processing and the formation of speech, and scientists are looking at the coordination between these processes. One study suggests that, in stammering people, speech formation jumps the gun before the language processing has been completed. Other researchers are looking at the roles of chemicals in the brain that transmit messages between brain cells. Whatever may be the cause most of the stammering people feel very awkward when talking in public. This gives them an inferiority complex of lacking something. They grow into introverts Here are 5 ways to help you and get rid of stammering: 1. UNDERSTAND YOUR STAMMERING HABITS The very first step to get rid of stammering is by knowing what exactly makes you stammer. Do you repeat sounds (s...s...s...supper) or syllables ( Or do you prolong sounds (sssssssupper)?or Do you get blocked in speech so that you are unable to make any sound (s...upper)? You also need to consider what you feel about your stammer. Do you think it is severe or quite mild? Is it better in some situations and with some people? How do you feel when you are stammering: embarrassed? Annoyed? Frustrated? 2. TACKLE YOUR STAMMERING Having analyzed your stammering habit, tackle it one element at a time, starting with something you feel you might be able to change. For example, you might take one sentence of your speech two or three times a day and make a special effort to say that sentence slowly and calmly. Do not allow yourself to rush or panic when speaking more slowly, most people do less of stammering. 3. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TALK IN PUBLIC You have probably adopted some avoidance behaviors to hide or avoid your stammer. The problem is that the more you avoid, the more you need to go on avoiding. . Your stammering does not improve or go away because you hide it. 4. KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN Watch and listen carefully when people are speaking on buses, on radio phone-ins, at home and in shops. Is everyone as fluent, concise and articulate as you imagined? You may discover that many apparently fluent speakers are, in fact, quite hesitant when speaking, and that there is not such a clear division between speaking fluently and stammering. You may then begin to accept that you do not have to be fluent all the time. 5. PRACTICE: Practice is the key to get rid of stammering. Take your time to speak rather than rushing. Speak a bit more slowly. Be patient with yourself and say what you want to say, pause for a momentbefore you start to speak. Do not force the words it just makes them harder to say. Always remember, only you can help yourself! These tricks to avoid stammering are often hard work, and when you do not work, they do not help. ArticleSource:

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