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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives After given several exercises, the Pupils are expected to do the following with at least 80% accuracy. a. identify preposition words; b. tell when to use preposition; and c. write sentences using preposition. Content and Materials A. Topic: Preposition B. Reference: English for Global Communication Pages 276-290 C. Materials: Visual Aids, Chalk and chalkboard Procedure a. Preparation Teachers Activity 1. Motivation Good morning Children Good morning Ms. Jaromay Pupils Activity



Okay class, tell whether the following Yes, Maam phrases describe places or things. Clap once if it described a place and clap twice if the phrases describe things. 1. inside the room 2. under the table 3. on the piano 4. above the cabinet 5. inside a rug doll Class, what are the words before the things or noun? What do you call those words? B. Presentation 1. Discussion Children, this morning were going to discuss about preposition. Do you know what is Preposition class? No, Maam

(teacher post visual aid on the board and let the pupils read).

Preposition_ are function words that are used to link nouns, pronouns and other words in the sentences. They are used before nouns to indicate their position or location. Words that show relation direction and connection of a noun or pronoun to all the other words in the sentences.

Okay, Very good! Class Here are some examples of Preposition. (Everybody read)

at- use for complete address or for no particular location in a certain place. in- use for an object or person that is inside or within an area. With- use for anything that is closely associated or close together by-Use for an object or person beside or near a location, or as a means to introduce how an act was done. Under-use to show a position lower but within a given level below-use to show position lower than a given place. Above-use to show position higher than a given place.

Very good, thank you. what prepositions that shows position? Thats right!

Maam under below and Above

Class, Here are some other prepositions. of for to over beside within behind along between inside

Now class select one preposition and us it in a sentence. Yes, Mark Thats correct! Who else? Yes, Ruben Thats right! Another! How about you Paul?

Maam. Maam Maam under The ball is under the table Maam, Maam inside, Maam The dog is inside the barn Yes, Maam at, I Live at Rizal Avenue Manila

Very good! Lets clap our hands for those who answered. C.Comparison and Contrast Okay Class, what is preposition? Maam preposition are function words that are used to link noun, pronouns and other words in the sentences. They are used before nouns to indicate their position or location.

Correct! When can we use the preposition, in ? Gail! Thats right! How about the preposition, above Yes, Isabela Maam use to show position higher than a given place. Use for an object or person that is inside or within an area.

Very good!

D.Generalization Okay class, what have we discussed this morning? Very good! What are the preposition words? Very good, Correct! E.Application Direction: Complete each sentences using the preposition, on, above, in, under, with, by, to, below

about preposition Maam

on, in, at, with, under, below inside and etc.

1. The pizza is _________ the box. 2. It is good to exercise ____the early morning sun. 3.Ram passed in Reading test. His grade is______ the passing grade 75% 4.Sebastian placed the box____his clap 5. He played ______the cellphone for an our.

IV.Evaluation Direction: Select the appropriate Preposition in the box to complete the sentence and write it in the blank. 1. Ruben, Jon and his friends are ________a Yacht. 2. The students chat _______ a lot of friends and relatives on line. 3. Liza sat ________ his bed. 4. I was looking for my slippers. I found them _________the chair. 5. The farmers eat their lunch _______the big trees.

in under to

with above for

below on by

V.Assignment Direction: Name (10) ten things and write sentences using the preposition.

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