Pre Season Letter Caldy CC

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Caldy Cricket Club Paton Field, Telegraph Road, Caldy, CH48 1NX President: Mr M.

Ruddock Dear Member, Granted that weve only just had Christmas 2012, but for planning purposes, the 2013 season is fast approaching, the Club will begin Indoor Nets on January 9th and the matches start in April. As the Club Treasurer, it is now my task to write and remind you all of your commitment to the Club by paying your Annual subscription in full and on time. The Committee have agreed to keep the Subs at the same level again for this year, 120 for Seniors & 60 for Juniors and concessions. The method of paying the Junior Section subscriptions will be the subject of a separate correspondence. Senior Players subs must be paid in full by the end of June 2013, and if a player has not paid anything by 1st June 2013 then that player will no longer be eligible for selection. In addition, a 10 fine will be added to all outstanding balances at 1st July 2013. The exception to that is if you have agreed with the Treasurer a more prolonged payments structure. Those players who have still not paid up their 2012 sub will not be allowed to play any games for the club, nor will they be permitted to net during the winter without prior discussions with either myself or the chairman Dave Brown as to the circumstances behind the non payment. It may be that participation in training is sanctioned, while the debt is repaid, but this will be considered on an individual basis. To streamline the process, and to make this process more transparent, the Captains will no longer be allowed to take Subscription payments directly from the players; all subscription money must go through either myself or Paul Kearney. The payment of subs by Cash is also discouraged. You will be able to pay your subs by either Cheque, Standing Order, or Direct Bank Transfer, but however you choose to pay, the form below must be completed and returned to me at the address below. Small clubs like ours rely on the prompt payment of all money due to survive, we have a finite cash flow, and this must be maximised for the benefit of the club and its members. I look forward to be inundated with forms and money. Yours sincerely,

Stewart Pilley Club Treasurer 8 Truro Close, Great Sutton, Cheshire, CH66 2EY

Stewart Pilley Treasurer, Caldy Cricket Club 8 Truro Close Great Sutton Cheshire CH66 2EY

Caldy Cricket Club - Season 2013

The Caldy Cricket Club rules are that subscriptions are to be received by the Treasurer at the above address by 30th June 2013at the latest. Subscriptions for Season 2013are as follows: Full Senior Members 120 Students/Unemployed/U19 60 (evidence required)

This payment can be made a single cheque made out to Caldy Cricket Club, via Bank Transfer to the details below, or via a Standing Order (form attached) The Standing Order takes the form of FOUR monthly payments of 30/15 per month. These 4 payments should be payable from March through to June 2013 My 2013subscription is 120 / 60 (delete as appropriate) and I am paying it by (please tick) Single Cheque (enclosed) Direct Bank Transfer (sent from my bank on) 4 Regular Standing Order Payments (form below completed) Signed.. Date.


If you are paying by Standing Order, this Form must be returned to me at the above address by Monday 18h March 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CALDY CRICKET CLUB Subscriptions Standing Order Form

To: Address . .. .. Bank plc Your Bank Details

Please pay: Sort Code:

Caldy Cricket Club at HSBC - Hoylake and West Kirby Branch 40-25-08 Account No 61328816

Amount ................... (Amount payable) Reference ...................................... (Surname : Initial) Number of Payments: Frequency: Beginning : From my Account: Name: Sort Code: A/C No . .. .. .. Your Account Details 4 (FOUR) Last Working Day of the Month 30th March 2013

Signed: .. Date: ..

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