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Cosplay Competition Rules e-mail for concerns.

COSPLAY INTRODUCTION AND ETIQUETTE **note: please read and follow all rules and guidelines CosPlay (), short for costume roleplay, is a type of performance art in which participants don wears and accessories to represent a specific character or idea, even going as far as assuming and emulating said characters personality traits. CosPlayers often interact to create a subculture centred on and around role play. Moreover, any entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. A broader use of the term applies to any costume role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context. CosPlay is open to everyone, young and old! You are not obligated to enter the competition, but if you wish to share with us your creative talents, then sign on up! REGISTRATION: All levels of amateur cosplayers will be allowed to enter. Amateur here means one is neither a paid model nor an actor (and the like). If by chance you made your work for business profit, you are only allowed to advertise such AFTER the event. Organizers and their affiliates (sponsors and sponsors employees) up to the second degree of consanguinity are strictly not allowed to join.

Online Registration
Fill-out an online copy of our registration form from a link on our fanpage o (the form: o (the fan page: Submit the form together with a clear picture of the character you are portraying, details about the character, and preferred background music during your skit (must NOT exceed 2 minutes please~) o This means post-processing of the preferred background music in question should be undertaken by the contestant.

T.A.C. Culture Convention

(Toys, Anim, Comics) Kevin Jeffrey Pingul Chief Organizer | Project T.A.C. +63-926-710-8384 | approved for pre-release document drop

Cosplay Competition Rules e-mail for concerns.

Sadly, no group skits (e.g. two or three or more contestants doing one big skit). BUT, you are allowed to have helpers (e.g. heavyarmored; large mecha) to move up and down the stage, or just other people as props for your skit. This is a first-come-first-serve registration. If, say, you are the 10th registrant, you are the 10th person that must perform. Period of registration is from December 01, 2012 to December 20, 2012. After sending the said details, the organizers will contact the participant via phone, email, and/or private messaging as confirmation of registration. You will then be competing live with the others on December 30, 2012 (Sunday) at the SM Clark Event Center.

Upon arrival at the event

ALL participants are required to bring their IDs and shall give it to the table of organizers at the event. o Be in costume when you hand-over the printed-out copy of the registration form you sent and reference pictures of your character. (The organizers will email your reg form back at you bro) Your helpers (if any) must be in theirs as well. o It is preferred and suggested that the participants perform the skit that was described in the registration form. o A non-refundable Registration fee of PhP 50.00 will be requested of the participant. o Failure to complete these requirements will result in noneligibility to join the competition. Cosplay competition in-event registration and assembly time starts at 10:45am 2:30pm. Those who fail to confirm their pre-registration will have their slot(s) forfeited. o It is highly advised that participants never stray away from SM Clarks North and South Wings once they have completed registration. When facing the Grand Carousels control panel, notice there is a design on the floor designating which direction is the wing for the four cardinal directions.

T.A.C. Culture Convention

(Toys, Anim, Comics) Kevin Jeffrey Pingul Chief Organizer | Project T.A.C. +63-926-710-8384 | approved for pre-release document drop

Cosplay Competition Rules e-mail for concerns.

SM Clark North Wing: Event Center and Food Court SM Clark South Wing: Entrance One aka Main Entrance o It is imperative that their numeric tags stay attached on their person at all times until the competition has been finally concluded. Cosplayers under thirteen (13) years of age as of the cosplay event date must have their parent/s or legal guardian/s with them before, during and after the event. Disqualified contestants will not have to pay the registration fee. The competition starts at 3:00pm and aims to end at around 6-7pmthe time limit for each participants skit must be no longer than 2 minutes in length.

WALK-IN Registration
In the rare event that walk-in registration is necessary, their eligibility claim will be subject to the discretion of the PROJECT T.A.C. organizers due to lack of proper time for proper screening.

COSTUME TECHNICALITIES: 1. Keep your costumes within the PG-13 range. We must remind everyone that the event is being held in a very public place. PROJECT T.A.C. organizers or the proper authorities reserve the right to tell you to leave and change out of your costume and/or accessories when it is deemed inappropriate (e.g. too revealing [private parts are exposed and/or emphasized too much], gory, etc). Mall rules of appropriate attire are still in effect. 2. All costume accessories must be handled with utmost care. The organizers will not be responsible for any mishap that may happen to said prop/s. 3. Any kind of sharp and/or bladed objects that could cut and/or render damage to anything and anyone at the event area are strictly prohibited. 4. Any kind of pyrotechnical equipment/s, flash powder, electrical flashes or smoke machines are prohibited.

T.A.C. Culture Convention

(Toys, Anim, Comics) Kevin Jeffrey Pingul Chief Organizer | Project T.A.C. +63-926-710-8384 | approved for pre-release document drop

Cosplay Competition Rules e-mail for concerns.

PERFORMANCE TECHNICALITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clothing must remain on. Tossing a jacket or hat is acceptable, but when shirts and pants come off, you are disqualified. When heavy equipment flies, you are disqualified. The safety of the audience members, staff and other mall patrons must be prioritized. Do not leave anything onstage that cannot be quickly removed/ picked up by the stage hands. Contestants must remain on stage during their respective performances. Jumping off intentionally is not allowed. No rough-housing. Contestants must not intentionally cause damage to any nearby equipment or audience members while performing.

JUDGING CRITERIA: Characterization Performance Craftsmanship Accuracy Audience Impact --------------------TOTAL PRIZES: ** PRIZES WILL BE UPDATED SOON! ** 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 100%

T.A.C. Culture Convention

(Toys, Anim, Comics) Kevin Jeffrey Pingul Chief Organizer | Project T.A.C. +63-926-710-8384 | approved for pre-release document drop

Cosplay Competition Rules e-mail for concerns.

OTHER RULES: 1. Once a contestant has signed up, neither backing out nor is a change in character portrayal is allowed. Changes affecting background music on the day of the contest is discouraged. BUT, in the case the participant needs to drop out of the competition, the person must contact the organizers as soon as possible, so that his/her slot can be filled-in quickly. If the participant never checked in, he/she is automatically disqualified and their slot is filled by a waiting entry.

2. PROJECT T.A.C. organizers hold the right to disqualify any contestant for any fallacies or poor behavior displayed by any one contestant or that go against any of the rules states. 3. PROJECT T.A.C. organizers hold the right to overthrow any judges sheets if any wrong doing is found or suspected. (Even sabotage) 4. PROJECT T.A.C. organizers obtain the right to keep any individual from performing. 5. If there are unclear items within this document, PROJECT T.A.C. organizers hold what amounts to be the final say to any irregularities.

T.A.C. Culture Convention

(Toys, Anim, Comics) Kevin Jeffrey Pingul Chief Organizer | Project T.A.C. +63-926-710-8384 | approved for pre-release document drop

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