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SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

1. Purchase Requisitions................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Creating a purchase requisition manually (Directly)...................................................................................................................2 1.2 Creating a Purchase Requisition from a Copy ..........................................................................................................................6 1.3 Select and modify Purchase Requisitions .................................................................................................................................8 1.4 Visualising Purchase Requisitions ..........................................................................................................................................10 1.5 MRP - Visualising Purchase Requisitions ...............................................................................................................................11 1.6 Listing and Finding Purchase Requisitions..............................................................................................................................14 1.7 Assigning and Processing Purchase Requisitions...................................................................................................................16

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

1. Purchase Requisitions
The Purchase Requisition is an internal document which translates the purchase necessity of materials or services for a defined moment, this necessity can be generated in production, sales or in other more specific processes like stationary, maintenance and others. The Purchase Requisition is an internal object of Cotesi, it does not exist a centralized entity of processing, being therefore possible of elaboration by all personnel. The Purchase Requisitions can be created directly or indirectly. Directly when someone creates a Purchase Requisition manually into the system and indirectly when the Purchase Requisition is generated by a SAP component, selected via MRP.

Directly MRP ProcessCMP - 020 Data Master Material Master

Identification of the needs of Purchasing Purchase Requisition OTHER DEPARTMENTS Indirectly Purchase Department
Item 1 Item 2

Process CMP - 020 Data Master

Material Master


Purchase Order

Register Info RegistosInfo

Master of Suppliers

1.1 Creating a purchase requisition manually (Directly)

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

To create a purchase requisition, its necessary to go to transaction ME51N, available on:

Via menus Transaction Code Logistics Procurement and Stocks Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Requisition ME51N

Select de option Create Purchase Requisition, select the type of document to create and specify the items (products/services) in accordance with its nature.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

List the requested items depending on the nature of the purchase. Detail data of each

requested item.

Relevant fields to fill in when one is to request:

Material (Code)

Plant Company where the PR is being issued.

Its possible to add more information for each item on the Item detail data. To enter that extra information its necessary to open the item detail by clicking on The following tabs will be available: .

Hereunder we show an example of the Texts Tab, where its possible to add extra information to the item. This
Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

information will be transferred to the purchase order when this Purchase Requisition becomes a Purchase Order.

Another example is the delivery address tab. Here we can specify a different location where the supplier should deliver the goods. This address is filled automatically depending on which company the purchase requisition is being issued.

To save the Purchase Requisition press or go to the menu Purchase Requisition Save. After saving the number of the created purchase requisition will be displayed on the bottom.

After saving, in the case the Purchase Requisition has some mistakes or missing information, the following message is showed. Enter the missing information and press again save.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

1.2 Creating a Purchase Requisition from a Copy

Its possible to create Purchase Requisitions from other purchase documents that already exist on the systems. This simplifies a lot the process and saves time. This procedure used the same transaction used to create a Purchase requisition without copy ME51N:
Via menus Transaction Code Logistics Procurement and Stocks Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Requisition ME51N

To start the process of copy, press documents to process.

on the top of the screen and then

to view the

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Select the type of document you would like to copy and use the following search screen to find your document.

Pick now from the list the document or item you want to copy and press 7/19


Author: Cmelero Revised by:

122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Press save after complete the Purchase Requisition.

1.3 Select and modify Purchase Requisitions

If its necessary to change the Purchase Requisition, transaction ME52N should be used. This procedure is available on:
Via menus Transaction Code Logistics Procurement and Stocks Purchase Requisition Change Purchase Requisition ME52N

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Select the transaction and by default it will appear the last processed requisition. To modify the selection proceed as following: Go to the menu and pick Purchase Requisition or just press the button.

Select the Purchase Requisition using the possible criteria.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Proceed by changing the required fields and save.

1.4 Visualising Purchase Requisitions

Whenever is needed, its possible to visualise any created Purchase Requisition by accessing transaction ME53N.
Via menus Transaction Code Logistics Procurement and Stocks Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Requisition ME53N

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

1.5 MRP - Visualising Purchase Requisitions

Whenever a Purchase Requisition is created, it will appear on MRP (Materials Requirement Planning). On transaction MD04 its possible to visualise all Purchase Requisition and convert them to Purchase Orders. This process of conversion is specified on Intercompany Sales Manual.
Via menus Logistics Logistics Reports Display Stock / Requirement Situation

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Transaction Code MD04 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Material code and Plant is necessary to proceed, then press

to move forward

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing


magnifying glass to see Additional Data for MRP Element

Despite of being possible to convert the Purchase Requisition from this last report, well learn how to do it though a different transaction.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

1.6 Listing and Finding Purchase Requisitions

The following transaction is necessary to list all Purchase Requisitions that have been created, either manually or automatic by the system.
Via menus Transaction Code Logistics Logistics Reports Assign and Process Requisitions ME57

Lets pick the following example: The list of General Requisitions.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Pick from the available list the corresponding Purchase Group to search.

Enter the Purchasing Group to search and carry out the report by pressing the execute button

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

The creation code of the requisition shows if the requisition was created directly (R) or indirectly (B). This code is being shown in the analysis of requisitions and in the statistical data of the requisition item.

1.7 Assigning and Processing Purchase Requisitions

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

It is possible to search Purchase Requisitions and simultaneously continue with the process create a Purchase Order. For the process please understand that the assigning of an additional source in the Purchase Requisition also changes the format of the Purchase Order. Start by listing the open Purchase Requisitions, with transaction ME57, but make sure that on field Scope List the ALV vision and tick the Assigned purchase requisitions.

The sort indicator field can be used to change the order of how the information is presented. By pressing the execute button, well enter on the following screen. On the example below its possible to see that it is split in three areas, Assignments, Item Overview and Item Detail.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

Opening Item Overview

Assigned Supply Source

- Edit / Display items. - Undo changes - Refresh button Will remove assigned item from the screen. - Assign supply source. It is still possible to see the details of each item on the Requisitions by opening Item Details and modify it using the
Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

SAP Logistics Manual

Macro Process: CMP- Purchase and Management Inventories Sub process: CMP-030-060 Purchasing Requisitions Status: Approved by: Last Revision Date: 30-04-2009 Process: CMP-030 Purchasing

edit button.

After changing or assigning the purchase requisition, press save.

Author: Cmelero Revised by:


122464105.doc Date: 27-04-2009

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