Digestive System Choice Board #1 Jan 2-4, 2012

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Mente- Digestive System Mrs.


Name_____________________________________________________________ CHOICE BOARD #1 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM January 02, 2013

1. Base your answer on the information below, on the accompanying diagram, and on your knowledge of biology. An enzyme and soluble starch were added to a test tube of water and kept at room temperature for 24 hours. Then, 10 drops of glucose indicator solution were added to the test tube, and the test tube was heated in a hot water bath for 2 minutes. The test was performed in order to

1. measure the quantity of fat that is converted to starch 2. determine if digestion took place

3. evaporate the water from the test tube 4. cause the enzyme to bond to the water

2. The graph (see image) represents data obtained from an experiment on starch digestion. Which statement best describes point A and point B on the graph?

1. The concentration of sugars is greater at point Athan it is at point B. 2. The concentration of sugars is greater at point Bthan it is at point A.

3. The starch concentration is the same at point A as it is at point B. 4. The starch concentration is greater at point B than it is at point A.

3. Base your answer on the accompanying diagram, which represents stages in the digestion of a starch, and on your knowledge of biology. The products would most likely contain

1. simple sugars 2. fats

3. amino acids 4. minerals

4. The diagram (see image) represents a beaker containing a solution of various molecules involved in digestion. Which structures represent products of digestion?

1. A and D 2. B and C

3. B and E 4. D and E

5. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. A student completed a series of experiments and found that a protein-digesting enzyme (intestinal protease) functions best when the pH is 8.0 and the temperature is 37C. During an experiment, the student used some of the procedures listed below. Procedures (A) Adding more protease (B) Adding more protein (C) Decreasing the pH to 6.0 (D) Increasing the temperature to 45oC (E) Decreasing the amount of light Which two procedures would most likely cause a decrease in the rate of protein digestion? 1. A and D 3. C and D 2. B and C 4. A and E

6. Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of biology. A student completed a series of experiments and found that a protein-digesting enzyme (intestinal protease) functions best when the pH is 8.0 and the temperature is 37C. During an experiment, the student used some of the procedures listed below. Procedures (A) Adding more protease (B) Adding more protein (C) Decreasing the pH to 6.0 (D) Increasing the temperature to 45C (E) Decreasing the amount of light Which procedure would have the least effect on the rate of protein digestion? 1. A 3. C 2. E 4. D

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