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Saga-Edition Talents Expanded Saga Edition Class Features

TALENTS Jedi Noble Scoundrel Scout Soldier Force PRESTIGE C LASSES Ace Pilot Bounty Hunter Jedi Knight Jedi Master Sith Apprentice Sith Lord FORC E POWERS Powers FEATS Feats

Expanded Jedi Class Features This includes the options for creating a Jedi character from all official sources, and their location in the original product they appear in.

Jedi Consular Talent Tree

Jedi that follow the path of the consular are skilled negotiators and talented ambassadors. Adept As a standard action, you can weaken the resolve of one enemy with your Saga Pg Negotiator: words The target must have an intelligence of 3 or higher, and it must be 39-40 able to see, hear, and understand you. Make a Persuasion check; if the result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, it moves -1 step along the condition track The target gets a +5 bonus to its Will Defense if it is higher level than you. If the target reaches the end of the track, it does not fall unconcious; instead, it cannot attack you or your allies for the remainder of the encounter unless you or one of your allies attacks it or one of its allies first. This is a mind-affecting effect. Advesary Lore: As a standard action, you can peer into the Force and search for weaknesses in the defenses of your enemies. Make a Use the Force check against the Will Defense of a target creature within 12 quares of you and within line of sight. If the skill check equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, that target takes a -2 penalty to Reflex Defense against you and all allies who can hear and understand you until the end of your next turn. Jedi Academy Pg 14

Aggressive Whenever you damage an opponent with a lightsaber attack, you may take Negotiator: 10 on any Persuasion checks you make before the end of your next turn, even if you normally would not be able to do so. Cleanse Mind:

Legacy Pg 26

Prerequisites: Adept Negotiator Once per turn as a swift action, you can remove one ongoing mind-affecting Force effect (such as the effects of Demand Surrender or Weaken Resolve talents, Unleashed or the effect of being moved to the end of the condition track by the Adept Pg 24 Negotiator talent, or the ongoing effects of the mind trick Force Power) from a single allied target within line of sight. Developed by Krynda Draay, this talent is used by Jedi C ovenant WatchC ircles to sharpen their visions through the Force. When you use farseeing or a Force power or talent that has farseeing as a prerequisite, other Force-users with farseeing in their Force power suite can aid another (pg 151 of Saga Edition) on your Use the Force checks as a reaction if they are within 6 squares of you. Prerequisites: farseeing KOTORC G Pg 24

Collective Visions:

Consular's Vitality: Consular's Wisdom: Once per encounter as a swift action, you can choose one ally within your line of sight that can hear and understand you. Until the end of the encounter, that ally adds your Wisdom bonus to its Will Defense against mind-affecting effects. Prerequisites: Adept Negotiator Entreat Aid:

C lone Wars Pg 22 Legacy Pg 26

Force Unleashed Pg 24 You gain a +2 insight bonus to WIll Defense. Also, as a swift action, you can Force spend a Force Point to give all allies within 6 squares of you a +2 insight Unleashed bonus to Will Defense that lasts for the remainder of the encounter. The Pg 24 bonus does not extend to allies outside the range of the effect, even if they move within 6 squares of you later on. Allies who benefit from this talent must remain within 6 squares of you to retain the insight bonus, and they lose it if you are knocked unconcious or killed. THis is a mind-affecting effect.

Force of Will:

Force You can use your Use The Force check modifier instead of your Persuasion Saga Pg Persuasion: check modifier when making Persuasion checks. You are considered trained 40 in the Persuasion skill for purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Persuasion check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). Prerequisites: Adept Negotiator Improved Consular's Vitality: C lone Wars Pg 22

Know Whenever you use the Advesary Lore talent on a target sucessfully, that Jedi Weakness: target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage from any successful attack Academy made against it by you or an ally who can hear and understand you until the Pg 14 end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Advesary Lore. Master If you successfully use the Adept Negotiator talent (see above), your target Saga Pg Negotiator: moves an additional -1 step along the condition track (-2 steps total). This is 40



Saga-Edition Talents Negotiator: moves an additional -1 step along the condition track (-2 steps total). This is 40 a mind-afecting effect. Renew Vision: Skilled Advisor: Prerequisites: Adept Negotiator Once per encounter, you can regain all expended uses of the farseeing power as a swift action. KOTORC G Pg 25

Prerequisites: farseeing. You can spend a full-round action advising an ally, thereby granting her a Saga Pg +5 bonus on her next skill check. If you spend a Force Point, the bonus 40 increases to +10. The target must be able (and willing) to hear and understand your advice. You cannot advise yourself. This is a mind-affecting effect. As a reaction, you can make a Use the Force check after you or an ally KOTORC G within 12 squares misses with a melee or ranged attack, removing one use Pg 25 of the farseeing Force power from your active suite (as though you activated the power). If your check equals or exceeds the WIll Defense of the target of that missed attak, the attacker can reroll the missed attack roll. This counts as using the farseeing power against that target, but this talent replaces the normal rules and effect of that power. Any attack can only be affected by this talent once. You take a cumulative -5 penalty on Use the Force checks until the beginning of your next turn when you use this talent. As a reaction, you can make a Use the Force check after you or an ally within 12 squares is the target of a melee or ranged attack (but before the results of the attack roll are known), removing one use of the farseeing power from your active suite (as though you had just activated the power). If your check result exceeds the Will Defense of the attacker, you grant the target of that attack a +5 force bonus to Reflex Defense against that attack. This counts as using the farseeing power against the attacker, but this talent KOTORC G Pg 25 replaces the normal rules and effect of that power. Any attack can only be affected by this power once (thus, multiple characters cannot use this talent on the same attack to allow multiple rerolls). You take a cumulative -5 penalty to Use the Force checks until the beginning of your next turn when you use this talent.

Visionary Attack:

Visionary Defense:

Prerquisites: farseeing, WatchCircle Initiate. WatchCircle As a reaction, you can make a Use the Force check (DC 15) and remove Initiate: one use of the farseeing power from your active suite (as though you had activated the power). You subtract 1 from your Force Point total (this cannot be subtracted from temporary Force Points, and does not count as spending KOTORC G a Force Point) and add 1 to the Force Point total of an ally within line of Pg 25 sight. This counts as using the farseeing power against that target, but this talent replaces the normal rules and effect of that power. Prerequisite: farseeing.

Jedi Guardian Talent Tree

Jedi that follow the path of the consular are more combat oriented than other Jedi. Acrobatic Recovery: If an effect causes you to fall prone, you can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to remain on your feet. SERB Pg 40

Battle The Jedi technique known as battle meditation allows you and your allies to SERB Pg Meditation: work together seamlessly and with a level of precision that can only come 40 from the Force. As a full-round action, you can spend a Force point to give you and your allies within 6 squares of you a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls that lasts until the end of the encounter. This bonus does not extend to allies outside of the range of the effect, even if they move within 6 squares of you later on. Allies who benefit from the Battle Meditation must remain within 6 squares of you to retain the bonus, and if they lose it if you are knoocked unconcious or killed. This is a mind-affecting effect. Defensive Acuity: When you take the fight defensively action, you deal +1 die of damage with lightsaber attacks and gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Use the Force checks made to negate an attack with the Block or Deflect talents. These benefits last until the end of your next turn. When fighting an opponent or multiple opponents in melee, other opponents attempting to target you with ranged attacks take a -5 penalty. This penalty is in addition to the normal -5 penalty got firing into melee. When you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, you can spend a Force Point to make that target flat-footed until the end of your next turn. LC G Pg 27

Elusive Target: Exposing Strike: Force Intuition:

SERB Pg 40 C WC G Pg 22

You can use your Use The Force check modifier instead of your Intitiative SERB Pg check modifier when making Initiative checks. You are considered trained in 40 the Initiative skill for purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to an Initiative check reroll, you may reroll your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). When you score a critical hit with a lightsaber, you gain a temporary Force Point. If it is not used before the end of the encounter it is lost. FUC G Pg 24

Forceful Warrior:

Grenade You can us the Move Light Object application of the Use the Force skill to cast Jedi Defense: aside grenades that are thrown at you. As a reaction when you are attacked Academy


11/30/12 Defense:

Saga-Edition Talents aside grenades that are thrown at you. As a reaction when you are attacked Academy by a grenade of any kind, you can make a Use the Force check with a DC Pg 14 equal to the attack roll of the incoming grenade to a location where it explodes harmlessly, negating the attack. Whether or not you are successful, you take a -5 penalty on Use the Force checks until the start of your next turn. Whenever you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target, that target takes C WC G Pg a -2 penalty to attack rolls against any target other than you until the 22 beginning of your next turn. When you make a successful attack of opportunity against a target leaving your threatened area, you stop the target's movement, ending it's action. Jedi Academy Pg 14

Guardian Strike: Hold the Line:

Improved You may activate your Battle Meditation talent as a swift action instead of as KOTORC G Battle a full-round action. The range of the Battle Meditation extends out to 12 Pg 25 Meditation: squares. Enemies within the radius of your Battle Meditation suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls. Battle Meditation. Mobile When you end your movement adjacent to an opponent, you can spend a FUC G Pg Combatant: swift action to activate this talent. If the designated opponent moves or 24 withdraws before the beginning of your next turn, you can choose to move with your opponent, up to a total distance equal to your current speed. Unless the opponent uses the withdraw action or makes an Acrobatics check to avoid attacks of opportunity, its movement provokes an attack of opportunity from you for the first square moved as normal (but not subsequent squares in the same movement). If your target moves further than your speed, you must still end this movement closer to the target than you began. Resilience: You can spend a Force Point as a swift action to move +2 steps along the condition track. SERB Pg 40

Jedi Sentinel Talent Tree

Jedi that follow the path of the sentinel are true enemies of the dark side. Clear Mind: You reroll any opposed Use the Force check made to avoid being detected by other Force-users. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. When you interact with another sentient creature, you can use a swift action to reduce the impression you leave on it. When you have finished interacting with the creature, you make a Use the Force check, and if the check result exceeds the targets Will Defense, it does not remember interacting with you once you are gone. A target that is higher level than you gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense to resist this ability. This is a mind-affecting effect. SERB Pg 40 Force Unleashed Pg 24

Dampen Presence:

Dark Retaliation:

Once per encounter, you can spend a Force Point to activate a Force power KOTORC G as a reaction to being targeted by a power with the [dark side] descriptor. Pg 25 Prerequisites: Sentinel Strike

Dark Side Bane:

When you use a damage dealing Force power against a creature with a Dark Side score of 1 or higher, you deal extra damage on a it equal to your C harisma bonus (minimum +1). Prerequisites: Dark Side Sense

LC G Pg 27

Dark Side Sense:

Jedi following the path of the sentinel become exeptionally talented at LC G Pg rooting out evil. You may reroll any Use the Force check made to sense the 26 presence and relative location of characters with a Dark Side score of 1 or higher. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. Against creatures with a Dark Side score of 1 or higher, you deal extra damage on melee attacks equal to your charisma bonus (minimum 1). Prerequisites: Dark Side Sense SERB Pg 40

Dark Side Scourge:

Force Haze: You can spend a Force Point as a standard action to create a "haze" that SERB Pg hides you and your allies from the perceptions of others. You can hide a 40-41 number of creatures in line of sight equal to your class level. Make a Use the Force check and compare the result to the Will Defense of any opponent that moves into line of sight of any creature hidden by your Force Haze. If your check result beats the opponent's Will Defense, all hidden creatures ar treated as if they had total concealment against that opponent. The Force haze lasts up to 1 minute but is dismissed instantly if anyone hidden by the Force haze makes an attack. Prerequisites: Clear Mind Master of the Great Hunt: Persitent Haze: You gain a +1 Force bonus to attack rolls and deal +1 die of damage on lightsaber attacks made against a beast with a Dark Side score of 1 or higher. Jedi Academy Pg 14 SVC G Pg 13 3/5

Whenever anyone concealed by your use of the Force Haze talent attacks, you maintain total concealment wihtout having to make another Use the Force check. Only those who do not attack remain concealed; the attacker


Saga-Edition Talents Force check. Only those who do not attack remain concealed; the attacker no longer has total concealment, even when using this talent. Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze Resist the Dark Side: You gain a +5 Force bonus to all Defense scores against Force powers with SERB Pg the [dark side] descriptor and Force powers originating from any dark 41 Force-user (that is, any Force-user whose Dark Side score equals his Wisdom score. Prerequisites: Dark Side Sense Sentinel's Gambit: Once per encounter, as a swift action, you can designate an adjacent enemy with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher as the target of this talent. The designate enemy loses its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against your attacks until the end of your next turn. KOTORC G Pg 25

Sentinel's If you have concealment against a target, you gain a +2 circumstance Observation: bonus on attack rolls against that target. Sentinel Strike:

C WC G Pg 22

Any time you attack a flat-footed opponent (or one who is denied its KOTORC G Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against you) with a damage-dealing Pg 25 Force power or attack with a lightsaber, you deal an extra 1d6 damage with that attack. This talent does not affect Force powers with the [dark side] descriptor. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you select it, your Sentinel Strike damage increases 1d6 (maximum +5d6).

Steel Resolve:

When you use a standard action to make a melee attack, you can take a penalty of -1 to -5 on your attack roll and add twice the value (+2 to +10) as an insight bonus to your Will Defense. This bonus may not exceed your base attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and Will Defense last until the start of your next turn.

FUC G Pg 24

Unseen Eyes:

Whenever you use the Force Haze talent, allies hidden by the haze gain +2 C WC G Pg on all damage rolls against foes that are unaware of them. 22 Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze

Lightsaber Combat Talent Tree

The chosen weapon weapon of the Jedi. The following talents allow you to improve you prowess with a lightsaber Block: As a reaction, you may negate a melee attack by making a successful SERB Pg Use the Force check. The DC of skill check is equal to the result of of the 41 attack roll you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on your USe the Force check for every time you have used Block or Deflect since your last turn. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. As a reaction, you may negate a ranged attack by making a successful Use the Force check. The DC of skill check is equal to the result of of the attack roll you wish to negate, and you take a cumulative -5 penalty on your USe the Force check for every time you have used Block or Deflect since your last turn.You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. You can use this talent to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired from a ranged weapon set on autofire. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the autofire attack hits, and no damage if the autofire attack misses. This talent has no edffect on other area attacks (such as grenades, missles and flamethrowers. This talent cannot be used to negate attacks made by C olossal (frigate) or larger sized vehichles unless the attack is made with a point defense weapon. Cortosis Guantlet Block: You have received additional training in the use of C ortosis Guantlets (see LegC G Pg LegC G 183). You can use the Block talent, even when not armed with a 27 lightsaber, provided you are wearing a cortosis guantlet. If you successfully block an attack with a lightsaber while wearing a cortosis guantlet, the attacking lightsaber is deactivated. Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (light, medium) Lightsaber Defense: As a swift action, you can use your lightsaber to parry your opponents SERB Pg attacks, gaining a +1 deflection bonus to your Reflex defense until the 41 start of your next turn. You must have a lightsaber drawn and ignited to use this talent, and you don't gain the deflection bonus if you are flatfooted or otherwise unaware of the incoming attack. You can take this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, the deflection bonus increases +1 (maximum +3). You can hurl a lightsaber as a standard action, treating it as a thrown SERB Pg weapon. You are considered proficient with the thrown lightsaber, and you 41 apply the normal range penalties to the attack roll (see Table 8-5: Range Penalties). The thrown lightsaber deals normal weapon damage if it hits. 4/5 SERB Pg 41


Lightsaber Throw:

If your target is no more than 6 squares away, you can pull your


Saga-Edition Talents If your target is no more than 6 squares away, you can pull your lightsaber back to your hand as a swift action by making a DC 20 Use the Force check. Precision: As a standard action, you can make a melee attack with a lightsaber LegC G Pg against an adjacent opponent. If the attack hits, it deals normal damage 27 and also reduces the target's speed to 2 squars until the end of your next turn.

Redirect Shot: This talent allows you to redirect a deflected blaster bolt along a specific SERB Pg tracejectory so that it damages another creature or object in its path. 41 Once per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you can make an immediate range attack against another target with which you have line of sight. Apply the normal range penalties to the attack roll, not counting the distance the bolt traveled to reach you. If the attack succeeds, it deals normal weapon damage to the target. Only single blaster bolts can be redirected in this manner. Barrages from autofire weapons and other types of projectiles can't be redirected. Prerequisites: Deflect, base attack bonus +5 Riposte: As a reaction once per encounter, make a lightsaber attack angainst a KOTORC G being whose attack you negate using the Block lightsaber combat talent. Pg 25 Only non-area melee attacks can be riposted in this matter; you cannot use this talent when negating the damage from melee area attacks (such as those made wiht the Whirlwind Attack feat). Shoto Focus: Prerequisites: Block, base attack bonus +5 Whenever you wield both a one-handed lightsaber and shot (or guard shoto), you gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with the shoto. Jedi Academy Pg 14 SERB Pg 41

Weapon You gain a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls with lightsabers. Specialization (Lightsabers): Prerequisites: Weapon Focus(lightsabers) feat.


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