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Value Proposition:
In a world too often divided by race and culture, The Lakewood YMCA has been reborn to ll the void left by its absence. It stands as a living monument to the possibilities of community cooperation. Its a place where Im on common ground with everyone here. Where my interactions and friendships give me a sense of belonging. Where my smallest achievements serve as a positive reminder of what is possible. Where just walking through the door is sometimes the highlight of my day. And leaving energizes me for whats to come. The Lakewood Y, Where I Thrive


Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood Generate Inquiries/Visits for Lakewood


Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood Generate Inquiries/Visits for Lakewood

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 1: Were Coming Back to Where it All Began

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 1: Were Coming Back to Where it All Began Elements: Press Release
Heritage Story (teaser)

Social Media
Facebook Twitter

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 2: Past Meets Present at the YMCA

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 2: Past Meets Present at the YMCA Elements: Video Testimonials
Stories Connecting Old to New

Old Lakewood Artifacts

Social Media
Vimeo/YouTube Flickr Facebook Twitter

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 3: Grand Opening - Where It All Began - 1970s Theme

Strategy: Deliver Good News Stories for Durham Community

Story 3: Grand Opening - Where It All Began - 1970s Theme Elements: Throwback Logo Wear Invitation/Mailer Media Kit Social Media
Facebook Twitter Flickr Vimeo/YouTube

Objective: Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood

Strategy: Cross-Promote

Strategy: Cross-Promote
Story 4: Spreading the Good News - Lakewoods Return

Strategy: Cross-Promote
Story 4: Spreading the Good News - Lakewoods Return Elements: Promotional Materials
Posters Flyers T-shirts

Newsletter/Email (Y-staff)

Objective: Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood

Strategy: Community Outreach

Strategy: Community Outreach

Elements: Direct Communication with Key Groups
Lakewood 400 Community Organizations Neighborhood Groups Draft Email Handouts Speakers Bureau Talking Points

Objective: Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood

Strategy: Construct Location Sign

Strategy: Construct Location Sign

Elements: Carry Lakewood Theme Message Provide Call to Action


Raise Awareness/Interest for Lakewood Generate Inquiries/Visits for Lakewood

Objective: Generate Inquiries/Visits for Lakewood

Strategy: Provide Easy Access to Lakewood Specic Information

Strategy: Provide Easy Access to Lakewood Specic Information

Elements: Landing Page
Informative and Educational Social Media Portal

Strategy: Provide Easy Access to Lakewood Specic Information

Elements: Social Media
Facebook Twitter Vimeo/YouTube Flickr

Strategy: Provide Easy Access to Lakewood Specic Information

Elements: Promotional Offer

Objective: Generate Inquiries/Visits for Lakewood

Strategy: Use Grand Opening to Generate Media Attention

Strategy: Use Grand Opening to Generate Media Attention

Elements: Development/Programming for Event
Entertainment Catering Equipment Rentals Onsite Photography

Identify/Create Materials for Day of Event Public Relations

Access to Facility and Speakers Generate Pre- and Post-Event Coverage Repost and Push Event Coverage


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