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D100 List: Fantasy Town Names August 24th, 2009 | Author: TheDungeoneer I gave you music for them,

now Im giving you a list of what to call them when you get there.

Use the list to populate maps, stories, riddles, or more.

Aerilon Aquarin Aramoor Azmar Beggers Hole Black Hollow Blue Field Briar Glen Brickelwhyte Broken Shield Boatwright Bullmar Carran City of Fire Coalfell Cullfield Darkwell Deathfall Doonatel

Dry Gulch Easthaven Ecrin Erast Far Water Firebend Fools March Frostford Goldcrest Goldenleaf Greenflower Garens Well Haran Hillfar Hogsfeet Hollyhead Hull Hwen Icemeet Ironforge Irragin Jarrens Outpost Jongvale Karas Vale Knifes Edge Lakeshore

Leeside Lullin Marrens Eve Millstone Moonbright Mountmend Nearon New Cresthill Northpass Nuxvar Oakheart Oars Rest Old Ashton Orrinshire Ozryn Pavv Pellas Wish Pinnella Pass Pran Quan Ma Queenstown Ramshorn Red Hawk Rivermouth Saker Keep Seameet

Ships Haven Silverkeep South Warren Snakes Canyon Snowmelt Squalls End Swordbreak Tarrin Three Streams Trudid Ubbin Falls Ularee Veritas Violls Garden Wavemeet Whiteridge Willowdale Windrip Wintervale Wellspring Westwend Wolfden Xans Bequest Xynnar Yarrin Yellowseed

Zao Ying Zeffari Zumka

Fantasy Names. Do you have a hard time coming up with good sounding names for D&D or just about any Role Playing Game? Well here is the answer to your prayers. Plenty of male, female, and city names with plenty more on the way. Need help coming up with other RPG fantasy related names? Here are some links to some other pages. Fantasy Cities Fantasy Characters Fantasy Outfits Fantasy Treasure Fantasy Rooms Fantasy Names Aefabi Aenean Aeracina Anui Aucalli Aunous Brulis Darirnon Dieled Dwibir Eacina Eralden Fenaya Ganissan Gernis Hanildor Arvle Dren Dagoth Segunivus Matendius Olquar Aldaril Hingor Attenlivu Arnand Percius Barabdras Erginir Tralan Orrent Movis

Nieleid Ollei Siga Sodana Tretina Usim Vorran Wocen Yejan Airina Airou Anonnis Arorina Aundira Brosou Chricen Eadedo Eindira Enifer Eracalla Faiwyn Ialira Iossan Jocaen Lei Loreol Ousel

Silas Anaren Thadar Dular Allding Tee-Lan Dor'Thassar Tulus Lenas Folvys Methal Sadryn Skeetul Shashev Codus Daynes Bevene Darvam Dather Bralas Helwen Hoki Goren Lassour Ethes Bolyn Miner

Pemeli Rhyvynne Trynura Tsaco Tymae Urodiana Vonandira Adava Aibro Amed Brelnar Cleowil Edannan Eilyar Eit Eleit Faef Faruel Ierullo Igyil Iofli Iracalli Jolaedra Lereat Livy Nianeve Nikala

Vonden Nevam Dranas Landras Balyn Wayn Hasphat Venurum Marayn Aranthor Phane Thane Selvil Syloria Raesa Imsin Dulian Aryni Allaria Aria Ioun Tanar Edwinna Tremona Erranil Estoril Narile

Ourit Stellerni Uitien Vecel Viano Aemeli Aerala Aisedda Criojen Cullea Denad Ecuro Ennastelle Erameri Gassan Glondira Icaro Inna Iomari Iozi Jemir Kaigwi Lia Oalni Oniad Oulyn Ryces

Lirielle Gindrala Ureso Sarandes Danoso Boderi Fathusa Dandera Lilyana Morrigan Volene Slayni Vindyne Lavane Gandosa Neminda Galsa Heddvild Dralosa Fasile Eydis Flaenia Ranis Galbedir Estirdalln Sharn Masalinie

Syavona Uirnon Yinali Aedrannan Amolden Baivyn Bryndor Cawenna Cellotlina Cenarnys Cierou Easu Ennafabi Eoritta Erine Fybrea Gavai Geite Heliattas Iesaer Isarnis Jesou Lysur Massan Naneve Paros Tsacalla

Sottilde Nightbloom Axar Hira Ahkara Vishala Kallipssa Sharial Piana Cerwyn Treesong

Uradevi Aedradella Aeritlina Arissa Aupai Benio Boasha Criornys Darirnis Devandri Dwovir Earni Echelle Eornys Eotenna Eteve Ittassa Jaro Jisero Mitlina Osarn Ranaun Sriki Ussa Winuro Wulae Aetynne

Aicil Anorran Aucaro Aunasso Caliet Cararnan Cleondor Disey Eaqui Eolnor Essesynne Estourn Evettas Fiattas Ianorani Iarann Illitani Leracia Lisus Mele Quondora Stellennis Svadin Ulili Aevann Afeo Bruma

Danes Ealedda Eijoc Eosim Evandar Filed Finandri Hendira Illicaro Iomira Iose Issassan Kaerielle Maisil Ocello Oulua Rasean Riafal Steliun Trovu Urondri Virasso Adratiano Akala Aucal Avi Cotaur

Dradar Dynav Eadua Eilea Gafu Ilys Inokyri Laseas Lorian Naindira Ornui Osafabi Riaty Rinarnon Romissa Taicol Teo Uadari Udal Ului Aedarnon Aetina Aeveo Carissan Conae Crianel Devattas

Eddarris Fefila Friyu Janendri Lilirnis Ocalla Ottandir Rhiren Risaya Selel Siodos Uagani Veheli Wytynne Yalou Yasani Yila Yirodra

250 Random Fantasy Names (Fundamentally silly) This is a work in progress, really. But the ultimate goal is merely to suggest names adequate for a typical D&D game, say. Maybe some of the names will also add an odd element of humor or fantastic characterization. *Shrug*. Do you have any comments? There are other (more interestingly exotic) name generators on the Name Generation Page. This page is updated and refreshed every fifteen minutes. Updated: Wed Apr 18 17:15:01 CDT 2012

Thorhall the Arrow Urtats of the Western Tower Raviv Sharifu Faran Axewielder Hrypa Staffthrower Prasutagus the Physician Ormod Clubthruster Thorarin Wildcattrainer Snorri the Spear Modig Aldhelmson Kiliz the Lightning Wizard Yuri the Snake Thorgrim Swordwielder Lothair Smooththoughts Manu of the Blue Tongue Enetz of the Invisible Moors Gaderian Moonlash Rheged Eldergold Fyren Wyrmfoot Alrik Coolman Lukyan of Mtsensk Melchior of the Swarming Winds Hare Galanson Mustafa Mahmood Igon the Placid Wizard

Grigori the Raven Paien Readithoughts Thorfinn Spearbreaker Alberik Darkstoke Ara of the Six Eyes Helgi Whitehelm Kenric Aldergrove Urtsua of the Undying Hand Gurutz of the Shadow Woods Otsando the White Sorceror Vasilii the Pig Nerian the Swordsman Skapti the Wyrm Thorgest Vermundsson Bear Modigsson Halfdan Swordthrower Erauso of the White Body Ingi the Cow Pyotr of Poznan Nouel Ghosttouch Vestein the Cow Deniska the Possum Leopard Cynricsson Ranon Raashid Eskil Stillskin Shurik the True

Pyotr Yashaov Fridgeir Crocskinner Vasilii of Kurba Egil Tinspear Altzibar of the Evening Mind Aldhelm Lancebreaker Edik Leonideski Rheged Redman Lukyan the Nomad Ottar Daggerwielder Fisk Firespot Warian Swordthruster Gavril the Shark Hedin Geirssen Dog Hrypasson Aloin Phantomflight Finn Skullshield Arian Oakleaf Fredek of Liubno Motya the Bear Steinthor the Staff Altzibar the Traveling Wizard Synn Bronzesword Slean Aldersilver Meir Miksa Halig Dogchaser

Snorri Sigtryggson Ivar Lancewielder Urtungo of the Bright Soul Illugi Staffthrower Ljot the Pike Alfred Whitering Edlin Beechhome Slean the Limner Adolphus Blackstoke Fridgeir the Lance Glum the Boar Uni Graymace Bardi Strongmark Orm Pighunter Yrre Spearthrower Isen Mongooseslayer Ragnar Ozurssen Donostia of the Bright Hand Thorbrand the Bird Yurik Adrikovich Gorka of the Purple Mind Olezka the Bastard Vladik of Iurichev Erian Elmson Fridgeir Copperblade Julian Quickhands

Selwyn Elderson Michel Foxtouch Gaueko of the Dark Tower Geirstein the Mace Zahur Omar Cerdic Tinlance Munio the Dawn Sorceror Nishaat Jauhar Warian Darkling Finn the Dagger Kjell Greenfish Baraxil of the Unspeakable Body Gizur the Shark Ara of the Four Eyes Torr Cougarslayer Grimbold Stoneshield Harek Staffthrasher Synn Oakwood Liron Adil Possum Kenricsson Beaver Penrithsson Athelstan Jadesword Samir Nabeeh Geirstein Greenhammer Sabir Shamir Arshavir of the Myriad Fires

Kauldi the Lightning Wizard Thord Sharktrapper Aethelred Beechbranch Odon Deercatcher Godric Yellowbird Ruisko of the Icy Palace Dimitri of Iama Nechtan Alderheart Thorgest Daggerthruster Satordi Smoothcuts Errando of the Lightning City Banning Prasutagussson Glum Ragnarson Ozur Halfdanssen Gavril Man-killer Pruet Foxhands Rheged Pikethrower Cheslav the Tall Satordi Slickthoughts Darius of the Eight Fingers Scur Beechbranch Svein the Axe Aart Sunlance Vanechka the Wyrm Daren Najee Jarah Jalaal

Slean Oaksaber Sigtrygg the Sword Stefan the Pig Frog Gremiansson Strang Moonclub Remir of the Bloody Soul Hogni the Dino Lodin Diamondmark Kiril the Snake Kenric Govannonsson Snake Larsson Kirkor of the Four Devices Nerian Torrsson Yurik of Tripol Kiril the Demon Tamar Diamondarrow Indartsu the Fastidious Sorceror Magar of the Swarming Devices Yervant of the Myriad Powers Hroald Bodvarssen Bellinus the Priest Halldor the Dino Deogol Clubthrower Strang Hardfish Ekain the Life Wizard Erian Knifethruster

Zorion of the Sacred City Maccus the Torturer Aki the Possum Lothair Silkfingers Feliks of Andreev Thrand Weaseltooth Galan Beavertooth Halig Awierganson Sefu Dabir Alvar Littlerod Tariq Jamaal Athelstan Coonslayer Tolenka the Hermit Amadi Ranie Maccus Swordthrower Erian Alderleaf Acennan Aldergrove Oleg Jashaski Kiril of Muravin Masson Slighthands Athelstan the Laborer Shaeen Orin Gerhard Hardlash Gavril the Possum Gizur the Lance Synn Dogtrapper

Baiona the Ninth Wizard Sumarlidi Bulltrainer Grigori Olezkaovich Lucan Derianson Cyrus of the Eight Faces Ljotolf Axethrower Glum the Badger Jermija the Wildcat Warian Eldertree Galan Goattooth Odon Cougarmaster Cheslav of Iskorosten Vladik Vanechkaov Gildas Copperpike Yrre the Money Lender Ludvik Demonwood Aethelred Tellansson Vladik the Tall Olvir Dragontrainer Gildas the Clothmaker Denis Wryflight Cynric Wolfchaser Solvi Copperaxe Brand Karison Rat Rhegedsson Orm Lodinssen

Egor of Zhidichin Boris the Lame Osric Fireberry Gerazan the Storm Wizard Illugi the Wolf Galan the Shipwright Kenric Bluehelm Vasilii of Krevo Dragon Prasutagussson Besyrwan the Millwright Gabirel of the Flowery Sands Prasutagus Oakleaf Fadeyka the Cow Tolenka the Wise Prasutagus Whitebody Ortle the Shadow Wizard Oxa the Baker

Fantasy City Names Here is a decent list of the names of cities, countries, continents, and all the places that might be in your role playing adventure. Here are the links to some similar pages. Fantasy Names Fantasy City Names Fantasy Characters Fantasy Outfits Fantasy Treasure Fantasy Rooms Belcoast Bluebeach Downs Brookmoor Butterice Appleville Zurgonipal Khuul Ashalmawia

Courtmarsh Crystalshadow Crystalwyn Island Deepmoor Barrens Edgegate Eribank Estercoast Fairburn Point Freywall Highdale Highmeadow Ironville Crossing Jancastle Janlyn Landpond Linland Linmeadow Lochhurst Lorbeach Mageland Mallowcoast Maplebarrow Mapleport Marbleton Marblewolf Shore Meadowlake

Velothi Kohgoruhn Urshilaku Valenvelvar Dagonfel Mora Sandrith Assarinibib Erabenimsun Holamayn Branora Telasero Ebonheart Ald Sotha Vivec Seyda Odar Uvirith Falensarano Zaina Nuchuleft Moonmoth Balmora Hlormaren Gnarr Khartag

Newlake Island Newviolet Pond Prymarsh Riverlake Roseglass Rosewall Shadowmoor Downs Silverbutter Shore Southfalcon Starryoak Barrow Stoneby Strongby Swynborough Westertown Wildebush Winterbarrow Wintercliff Wolfkeed Aldmead Barrowwald Bayfield Clifflake Coldshadow Deepcrest Deephall Point Deepspell Lake

Andrasreth Ginisis Berandes Koal Bul Isra Marr Gan Vemynal Tureynulal Volmoria Suron Suran Odrosal Caldera Ald Ruhn Buckmoth



Dellgate Dorhaven Dragonmarsh Fallash Bridge Fallville Fayfair Glasscliff Glasscliff Greendell Barrens Greymarsh Icebarrow Lintown Mallowbrook Hedge Maplehurst Merribourne Norbank Northhollow Oldcastle Oldton Island Orness Orwald Prywyn Redcliff Riverton Seamarsh Shadowdale

Shadowpond Point Summermarsh Valacre Valwick Vertmount Downs Watercoast Wellbeach Field Westbay Westervale Wheatland Whiteedge Whitehollow Whitepine Wildefort Winterfall Mill Aldmaple Ashbush Bluebeach Butterborough Point Clearham Downs Clifffield Coldrose Coldshore Easthaven Fairmeadow Falconlake Aelwynne

Fallhedge Faycastle Goldlyn Greendell Greywater Edge Icefay Lochfort Marbledragon Marblemoor Marblepond Marbleport Morcrest Oakborough Oldshade Raypond Riveredge Riverhaven Rosesage Bush Seafort Silverpond Crags Snowland Springfield Starrycastle Starrycastle Stonecliff Forest Strongwheat Cliff

Summerby Summergrass Swynfield Vertloch Bridge Westercoast Westiron Coast Whitewell Land Winterland Wintermead Winterness Witchlyn Woodbush Crossing

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